CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

Arriving at the Hospital, they took Claire in right away, and called her OBGYN.

"Start an I.V drip of saline solution, draw some blood, and get it to the lab STAT."

"Yes doctor."

"Claire... can you tell me if you're having any pain?"

"No... I can't stop throwing up. And my head is going to bust."

Claire was in tears, as were Tony and the boys. Their only thought being... they were all going to lose the baby.

Gary came running downstairs, as soon as he heard.

"Sis... sis, are you okay?"

Looking at her brother, she leaned over the basin and threw up again.

"Please make it stop. I'm so sick. Please."

Gary took his sister into his arms, and rocked her, while Tony held the boys.


Don and Jess showed up with Donald to see their new grandchild.

"Donna... what's the matter honey? Why are you crying?"

"Claire was brought in with severe vomiting and headaches. They don't know what's wrong with her and the baby."

"Oh my... did anyone call Mac and Stella yet?"

"No... Gary rushed downstairs, he hasn't had a chance, I've been busy with Jessie and Gary Jr."

"I'll call them Jess, you stay with our daughter."

When Mac and Stella recieved the call, they dressed Alan and headed out.

Back in Claire's room, the doctor came in with news.

"Claire... your blood work came back. It seems you have very high levels of hormones beta-hCG and estrogen. Leading me to think you may be suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum. So what we are going to do. Is keep you in for a few days, keep you on intravenous fluids, and medications to reduce vomiting, this will help reduce the severity and frequency of symptoms."

"Will they go away?" asked Tony.

"They will, usually around the 16th week. We'll also be starting her on liquid nutrition, change of diet, and lots of bed rest."

"Won't this harm the baby?"

"No Tony. In almost all the cases, the baby's have no ill side effects. Though if I'm right, and medical reports hold true. Your wife may very well be carrying twins again, or even triplets. Like I said her hormone level, and estrogen was very high. So I'm going to admit her, and get her settled in a room. Then if you like we can talk more."

When the OBGYN left the room, Stella, Mac and Alan came in.

"Oh Claire bear. What is going on with you now? Do you have any idea how much you scared us."

Claire was in tears. They had no idea how much she scared herself.

"Do they know what she has yet Tony?"

Looking over at Tony, they noticed he was in shock.

"Tony? Tony? You okay?"

Gary laughed. Claire most likely has hyperemesis gravidarum. So Tony hasn't come to terms with it yet.

"Oh my God... you're having twins?"

"Never mind the twins , the doctor said it could even be triplets." Laughed Gary.

Mac walked over and slapped Tony on the back.

"Good job son. Get it done in threes."

As everyone laughed, Claire threw up again.

"Oh... oh honey. It's going to be okay."

"I know mom. But being pregnant again, it really sucks the second time around."

Wrapping her daughter tighter. Stella couldn't agree more.
oooh interesting hehe

I never heard of hyperemesis (the actual spelling) gravidarum, I had to google it. It says it means severe morning sickness.
Yup, and morning sickness is caused by very high levels of hormones beta-hCG and estrogen. In some cases it means the mother is carrying more then one child. Next chapter follows explanation

This should help:)
What is Hyperemesis Gravidarum?
Hyperemesis gravidarum is a rare disease that occurs during pregnancy. Characterized by severe nausea and persistent vomiting, hyperemesis gravidarum is much worse than typical pregnancy morning sickness. Unlike regular morning sickness, hyperemesis gravidarum can cause severe weight loss, nutritional problems, and dehydration. Hyperemesis gravidarum affects approximately 50,000 women in the United States every year.
What is Hyperemesis Gravidarum?
Hyperemesis gravidarum is a rare disease that occurs during pregnancy. Characterized by severe nausea and persistent vomiting, hyperemesis gravidarum is much worse than typical pregnancy morning sickness. Unlike regular morning sickness, hyperemesis gravidarum can cause severe weight loss, nutritional problems, and dehydration. Hyperemesis gravidarum affects approximately 50,000 women in the United States every year.
What Causes Hyperemesis Gravidarum?
Unfortunately, researchers are still unsure exactly what causes hyperemesis gravidarum. It was once believed that this disease was purely psychological, however, this is now known not to be the case. The disease does appear to be biological in origin, but the exact cause remains a mystery. Possible causes of the hyperemesis gravidarum disease include:
high levels of the pregnancy hormone, hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
high levels of estrogen during pregnancy the Helibacter Pylori infection (which causes stomach ulcers) thyroid imbalances Vitamin B deficiency , acid reflux disease
Researchers are continuing to study hyperemesis gravidarum in the hopes of finding the exact cause of the disease.
Who Gets Hyperemesis Gravidarum?
Hyperemesis gravidarum is a relatively rare illness during pregnancy, occurring in approximately 1% of pregnant women. Though any woman can potentially develop the disease, there do appear to be certain factors that can increase your risk of getting hyperemesis gravidarum. These risk factors include:
carrying twins
having previous hyperemesis gravidarum
being of young maternal age
How it's treated

  • Immediate hydration through IV access
  • Sea Bands (Acupressure bands) & Acupuncture
  • Medication
  • Total Parental Nutrition (TPN)
When medications are discussed there are several that can be used. Sometimes simple antihistamines are used. Vitamin B6 has also shown great benefit to women suffering from hyperemesis. There are also herbal and other preparations that have been tried with varying success, like powdered ginger. The decision to use medication can be a difficult one, and it is not a decision that should be made lightly. However, when the potential benefits of the medication outweigh the potential risks of the medication to the mother or the baby, as in some cases of hyperemesis that haven't responded to other treatments, medication may be the only answer

Once they had Claire settled in her private room, she asked...

"Where did Tony and the boys go mom?"

"I'm not sure. He took them out for something. They shouldn't be too long."

Stella wasn't about to tell Claire, that Tony and the boys were out getting her roses, stuffed teddy bears, and a huge pillow heart for Valentines day.

"Oh... here they are now."

When they walked into the room, the first thing Claire noticed was this giant heart shaped pillow with a cupid on it. Then the beautiful baby red roses.

"Aww... those are gorgeous my boys. I love them."

"We knew you weren't going to be home for Valentines Day mommy. So we decided to bring Valentines day to you."

Taking the giant heart, Alan noticed how bright red it was, and started flailing his arms for it. Sitting her brother on her knee, she gave it to him, to hold. Watching as they awwed, Alan laid down on it, and closed his eyes.

"Excuse me, Claire? I have another bag of saline solution for you, along with your bag of medication to stop your nausea. How are you feeling now?"

"A little better thank you."

"Good. I"ll be back a little later to check on you. If you need anything, let me know."

When the nurse left, Don and Jess came up with Donna, Jessie, Gary, and their new baby.

"We got permission from the nurse to bring your new nephew to see you."

Passing the baby into Claire's arms, she held him close.

"Oh...oh... he's so beautiful. Look at your new cousin boys, isn't he handsome?"

"Aww... I can't wait till we have ours mom." "Either can I, said James."

After talking and getting aquainted with their new addition. Everyone headed out. Leaving Claire with Tony and their boys.

"Are you going to be okay tonight, baby? I know how much you dislike Hospital's."

"I'll be fine Tony. You need to take the boys home. They have school tomorrow."

Tony could tell she was upset. He could see her eyes mist up. Sitting beside her, while the boys climbed onto her lap, they all held her close.

"It will be okay mommy. We promise. If you need us, you call and we will come right back."

Giving her boys more kisses, they left. Laying her head down on her pillows, she softly cried herself to sleep. A short time later, she felt someone caress her hair. Slowly waking up, she seen Delilah.

"Hello child. I came to see how you're doing."

Claire thought she was dreaming at first. Then she felt the warmth fill her soul.

"Delilah...I want to go home."

"I know child. I know you do. But this is the best place for you right now. You don't want to lose those babes in you now, do you child? How about if I stay with you this night. Then when Tony comes in the morning, he can stay with you."

Shaking her head yes, Claire scooted over allowing Delilah to wrap her in her arms. Feeling at peace again, she closed her eyes and slept through till morning.

The next day...

"Daddy... can we go see mommy after school?"

"Of course we can. Have you got your books and lunch?"

"We do. Do you have to work today dad?"

"Mhm... but just a half day. Then I'll be off to see mommy."

"Do you think she's okay. I mean... do you think mommy made it through the night alone?"

"I'm sure she did Jimmy. I asked God to send a very special angel to watch over her."

Heading out the door, Tony hoped his prayer was answered.
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Yay! Delilah's back! I just love how thorough you are in your fics with the explanations of the disorders and whatnot. Great job!
Of course they can. But they need to rebuild her fluid intake first through I.V. Once they get the nausea under control, she can go home.:)

Thanks for the reviews:)

When Claire woke, she found herself alone. As she sat up, she felt the nausea hit her again. But this time it was different. She no longer felt the urge to gag, the headache was also just a slight pounding now.

"Good morning Claire. How are you feeling?"

"A little better. The nausea is tolerable, as is the headache."

"That's good news. It means the anti nausea medication is working, along with the vitamin B6. If we can keep it under control for the next two days, we'll be able to release you. I'm also going to send you for an unltrasound before you're released. I think it's a good idea to see how many Staton's you're carrying."

"That's funny. I take it that's more of your bedside humor?"

"It is little Claire bear. So don't you sass me now. Remember I was the one who spanked you into this world." she winked. Now... would you like a liquid suppliment this morning?"

"I'd rather have a coffee, and a bagel smothered with cream cheese."

"Yeah... and I'd like my patients to listen to me word for word. So... chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla?"

"Strawberry. Can I at least have some jello or something later?"

"Of course you can. If you can keep down the suppliment drink, we can move you up too jello, and maybe even sherbert. But it's important to continue the suppliment drinks on a regular basis, even when you are

"And she will listen too, else I will spank her."

Turning Claire's doctor seen Tony standing there.

"Well hello daddy. Are you feeling better now you know your babies are going to be fine?"

Tony's face fell again.

"It's okay Tony. You'll get use to it quick enough. I'm going to head out.

I'll check on you later Claire. Tony... make sure she drinks that suppliment."

Sitting on his wife's bed, he asked...

"How did your night go, baby?"

"It was good. I had a visitor."

Claire teared up. Tony knew right away who it was.

"Come on baby, don't cry. Her visit should have made you happy, not sad."

"It did Tony. But now I miss her all over again."

Pulling her into his arms, he laid back and held her close.

"How are the boys Tony?"

"They were good this morning. They even made my lunch, even though I didn't need one."

"Oh... did you bring it?" she said with excitment."

No... now why don't you be a good wife, drink this down, then try and sleep a little more. I'll be here when you wake."

Finishing the suppliment, she nestled in closer.


"Yeah baby?"

"I'm really worried about our babies. What if we don't deliver them healthy? I'm so scared Tony. I really don't want lose them."

"You won't baby. We will follow everything the doctor tells us. We'll make every appointment, and make sure you do nothing but rest for your remaining months. You'll be pampered, waited on, hand and foot."

Tony could feel her tears warm his shirt. As much as he wanted to keep her positive, he wasn't sure himself. All they could do was hope that they did.

"Try and sleep baby."

Caressing her hair, and her back, he swallowed back his own fears. For his wife needed him to stay positive throughout the next six and a half months.
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With Donna and Gary Jr, still in the Hospital, Gary had his hands full with his daughter. She was into everything. Almost on the verge of losing his temper, he sat her down on the carpet with her coloring book and crayons. Afterall... what kind of trouble could she get into with those.

Leaving her to color, he started dinner. He had promised Donna that he would bring her his fabulous peppered steak, with, cooked onions, mushrooms, green peppers, smothered in a rich creamy tasty dressing. Placing them into the oven, he headed back in to check on his daughter.

"Hi daddy. Sees what I's make mommy."

Looking at her picture he smiled. She had made for odd shaped balls, with little rounded feet, and hair. Oh yeah... this was definetly one for her baby book memories.

"Wow... that's beautiful sweetheart. Who are those people?"

"Us daddy. Dose are us. See, dis one is mommy. Dis one is you, dis one is me, and dis one is ours new baby."

"Now I see. You know what I think Jessie?"

"Whats daddy?"

"I think we should take some of that construction paper, and make a picture frame for your picture."

"K daddy. You elp me cut."

Sitting down with his daughter between his legs. They made a read picture frame, with little white hearts.

"Oooo... is nice daddy. We go see mommy now. Pease?"

"Sure you grab your coat, and I'll grab mommy's dinner."

Heading out the door, Jessie couldn't wait to show her mommy, her picture.

Over at Danny's, Judy was preparing dinner when she heard the doorbell ring. Looking out the window, she couldn't see anyone.

"Who is it?"

Nothing, not so much as a response. Feeling her pulse quicken, she wondered if it may be Jerry. Picking up the phone, she dialed Danny's number, as the window smashed. Dropping the phone at her feet, she ran into the kitchen, grabbed a butcher knife, ran into the bedroom, and hid behind the door.

"Oh Judy... come out, come out, where ever you are. I have something for you."

Hearing the footsteps, Judy raised the knife in the air, and as Jerry came through the door, she stabbed him in the chest, over and over while screaming. Getting out of the car, Danny heard Judy's screams, running up the stairs, he seen Judy over Jerry with the knife.

"Judy? Judy, it's okay. Judy, give me the knife."

Taking the knife from her hand, Danny held her against him, while he called it in. Once Flack, and Sheldon arrived, Danny finally had Judy settled enough to find out what happened. While Don wrote the report, the haulers removed the body from Danny's home.

"I'm going to let Teresa and her son know. I'll see you later Danny. try and get some rest Judy."

"Thanks Don. Do you think they'll be a case?"

"No. He was already wanted on two counts of murder, and two counts of assault. So they will most likely not bother."

When Don left, Danny helped Judy into his arms. Sitting her beside him on the bed, he rubbed her arms, while wrapping her in a blanket.

"You look like you're in a bit of shock Judy. How about I run the shower for you?"

"I don't think I could stand up, I'm to shaky."

Danny know he had a choice. He could either leave her covered in blood, or help her shower. Knowing she'd feel better with the blood off her, he helped her to the bathroom. Turning on the taps, he then undressed her. Not showing any shyness, Judy allowed Danny to pick her up and stand her in.

Reaching for the soap, Danny washed down her body, till all the blood was washed off her. Lifting her out, he dried her, carrying her back to the bed. As he laid her down under the thick comforter, she whispered....

"Stay with me Danny. Please, stay with me."

Climbing in beside her, he turned her into his arms, as she looked up at him trustingly. He knew in that moment that their relationship was about to change. Caressing his hand across her cheek, he pulled her in and softly, tenderly kissed her. No longer wanting to wait, no longer caring about the consequences, they loved each other. Loved each other beyond anything , either of them could have ever imagined.
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