CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

Thanks for the reviews:)


Once the Staton's were home, they unloaded the car, and brought everything into the house.

"Mom... can we start the Nursery now? The faster we get it done, the faster we can hang up the pictures we bought Julia."

"Sure take the paint into the Nursery, your dad and I will be there shortly."

Carrying the stuff upstairs, the boys knew exactly what mom and dad had in mind.

"What are you up too baby? You have that look about you."

"What look is that Tony, baby? The look that says I want to eat you whole? Or the one that says I want to seduce you?"

Anthony swallowed hard, it had been several weeks since he seen his wife this playful. Leaving him to know, that she was indeed feeling better knowing about their baby being healthy.

"What's the matter Tony. Pussycat got your tongue?" Stalking her way towards him, he couldn't help but admire her beautiful round shaped tummy.

"God you are beautiful Claire. Sometimes I feel I don't deserve you."

Claire teared up. If anyone was undeserving it was her.

"Aww, baby I didn't mean to make you cry."

"It's just hormones Tony. I'm sorry I can't be more seductive for you. But everytime I try, you say something beautiful about us, that makes me cry with happiness."

Embracing her in his arms, he held her tightly.

"Please don't cry, baby. Don't cry because of the love, and happiness we've brought to our lives, and our childrens live. Please Claire, calm down."

Showering her face in kisses, as her tears fell from her eyes, he passionately kissed her. Knowing that for the next few hours, the Nursery was going to have too wait. Sweeping her up in his arms, he carried her to their room. Sitting down with her, he didn't want to release her, as he held her against him.

"Tony..." she whispered.

"I know baby. Just give me a minute to breathe. For if I touch you right now, I won't be able to go slow. Do you understand, baby? I need to take it slow. I need to love you with endless, sensual passion."

Turning to face the bed, he carefully placed her in the center. Admiring her beautiful body, he seductively removed each button with fingertip caresses, leaving her skin to dance with each stroke. Opening her shirt, he removed it with tenderness and care, leaving it to pool on the floor.

Watching as her eyes glazed over, Tony danced his fingers across each side with precise, tender, care, leaving Claire to raise her body from the bed, as her head tossed and caressed against the pillows. God each stroke was like passion blessed from the highest above. So much, as she felt her soul seperate and release through her whispered cries.

"Please Tony... please help me feel your soul dance withing mine. I need to feel you come to life inside me," she cried out.

Giving his wife, what they both needed, he carefully pulled her up onto his knees. Turning her so her back was facing him, he rested her head against his chest. Leaning his head down to her ear, he pulled her hair back and whispered... "let me love you."

Feeling the passion burn again, she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, and as his soul met hers, they felt the rapture take them, take them far beyond what they could have hoped for, what they could have wished for. Leaving them both lost in their moment of sensual showers and love.

In the Nursery, Jimmy and James had started painting the walls, and oh God what a mess. They had poured the paint into the paint tray, without stirring it first. They had streaked the walls with more oil base, then paint.

"Hey Jimmy, something don't look right? It's not pink, it's more pale, I don't think this is the color mom and dad wanted. Maybe we should stop."

"Nah bro, it looks fine. I'm sure the color will come when it dries."

"I hope so Jimmy, cause it sure does look funny."

Shrugging their shoulders, they continued to paint.
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When Kennith got home, he found his next order of Luminol waiting for him. Looking at the package he read... Crime Scene Co. 3440 N,16th St,Ste #4, Phoenix,Az.

Open the box he smiled. God what luck, they finally sent him the Bluestar Proffesional Luminol. $98.00 a pop before taxes, but what the hell, it was the best. Taking it into the kitchen, he made a fresh supply. Then taking down his Forensic books, he continued reading where he left off.

He really had to thank the Security company. If not for placing him at that Forensic school, he would not have been able to get his hands on all that forensic information he needed. God he couldn't believe it, he had been planning this for years, and he could hardly believe he was getting away with it. Four women, four women he had killed, and only one he didn't time to bury.

Laying back now, he thought about who his next kill would be.

Back at the Staton's ,Claire and Tony dressed after their few hours of fun.

"I think we should check on the boys, I've been smelling paint for the last hour."

"Claire laughed... "Aww... I'm sure they've done a wonderful job."

Walking into the room, Claire really tried not to laugh. But she couldn't help it. The boys had forgotten to put down the plastic to protect the hardwood floor. The walls looked like streaked pale pink with globs of oil. Not to mention themselves. They were completely covered.

"Did you boys not stir the paint? Or put down the plastic?"

"Huh? Why would we stir it mom? It's already stirred at the store. And what plastic? We didn't see any plastic."

Tony sighed. All that paint, gone. Turning to leave the room Claire laughed as she said...

"Where are you going honey?"

"To get some more paint, and some light pastel pink carpeting for the hardwood floors. I'll be back. Try not to continue without me."

"Did we do something wrong, mom?"

"No my boys. It looks perfect. I'm sure your sister will love it."

"Then why is dad getting more paint?"

"We need to go over it. It needs at least two coats, so it will be nice and glossy."

"Oh... okay. So when do we get to put the boarder up, and the pictures?"

"Not for a while honey. The paint needs to dry first. It usually takes 24 to 48 hours for glossy. So some time tomorrow at this time you'll be able to hang the pictures and boarder."

"Cool. We're going to get cleaned up mom, after that can we have dinner?"

"Of course we can James. I'll place the order now. Any special dish you boys would like?"

"Umm... anything mom, just don't forget the eggrolls, thanks."

"How bout you Jimmy?"

"Anything is good mom. I'm not picky."

Watching her boys leave, she took one last look at the nursery, before closing the door.

Meanwhile... Nadel & Associates Law Offices

Gina was becoming worried about Betty. It was now 9pm, and she had been trying to contact her for the last hour. Getting into her car, she headed over to Betty's home. When she arrived, she noticed the door was secure, and the house was dark.

Knowing she may be sleeping, didn't matter to Gina. For she had promised Betty she would check on her. Ringing the doorbell, she got no answer. Now she was worried. Picking up the phone she called Det. Gary Taylor. Afterall he owed her a favour, so he could just come check in the home for her.

When Gary arrived with Don, they used a locksmith to unlock the door.

"I'm telling you Gina. I may have owed you for that favour. But this huge. So you now owe me again."

"Anything for you Gary. Now open the door..."
Yeesh this guy is too smart. But Gary is smarter, right? :D

Lol at Tony, Claire and the boys.

Smart of Gina to call Gary.
When they opened the door, the first thing they noticed was the smell of bleach.

"You smell that Don?"

"I do... smells like bleach."

Checking the upstairs, they found it empty.

"Could she have skipped town? Maybe her husband came by, scared her. So she left."

"No way Gary. She wouldn't take off. We are in our final stage of putting the bastard in jail."

"Hey Gary, look at this."

Walking over to the corner, Gary noticed what looked like a piece of skin. Putting on his gloves he opened his kit, and grabbed his tweezers. Picking it up he noticed it was human flesh.

"Oh my God. Is that what I think it is?"

"It is Gina. I'm going to ask you to wait outside. Don... call Danny and Sheldon."

When Danny and Sheldon arrived, Sheldon noticed the distinct smell.

"Who bleached the home?"

What are you talking about?"

"bleach... I can smell it all through the room here." Continuing to walk, Sheldon could smell even more in the kitchen.

"I'm telling you Gary, someone has done a cleanup."

Taking out his light, Sheldon shinned it around the back door. Seeing the traces of dirt, he opened the door and followed it outside. Flashing the light around, he couldn't see much of anything."

"What did ya find Hawkes?"

"Nothing Danny. Everything looks in order. It's just I found some dirt leading to the back door, so I thought I'd check it out."

"Well if we're out here now, we may as well check the whole yard."

As they checked the yard, Danny tripped over something, sending him flying on his face.

"Christ sakes. What the hell?"

Shinning his light, he noticed the freshly laid grass, had been disturbed.


"What is it Danny?"

"I'm not sure, help me pull back the grass."

Pulling back the grass, they noticed the earth had been recently dug up.

"Go get Gary, Hawkes. And some shovels."

Running into the house, Sheldon yelled... "Gary, we've found something. Grab some shovels..."


When Tony reached the paint store, they were just about ready to close. Walking up to the counter, he found the young girl that had served them earlier.

"Excuse me. I need three more cans of your pinky pink paint."

"Of course. You used it all already?"

"No... we had a small accident with it at home. So I need more please."

"Okay, give me a few minutes to mix it."

Looking around the store, as she mixed the paint. Tony wished she would hurry. It was already 6pm and he was starving.

When he returned home with more paint, and the carpeting. He took it upstairs, with a deep breath, he opened the door again. Shaking his head, he sighed deep as he whispered to himself...

"Thank God I bought three cans."

"Hi dad. Mom has dinner ready downstairs. Did you buy more paint?"

"I did son, let's go eat. Then we will see what we can do about re-applying the paint."

When they got back downstairs, Claire could see the stress on her husbands face. Walking over she kissed him smartly on the lips.

"I love you, Tony."

"Yeah dad. We love you too, so much."

"I know my boys, I know baby. I love you all too."
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