CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

*Snort* Ya think:lol::lol:

When Teresa heard the door open, she turned and ran right into Jess's arms.

"Get the hell off me, you God damn drama queen."

Opening her eyes, she seen she was holding Jess.

"Oh... umm... where's Don?"

"You can dry those fake tears. You're dealing with me, and they won't work. As for my husband, he's off limits to you. He belongs to me, the faster you understand that, the better. Else you'll feel my wrath, and it's not pretty. I protect what's mine. Where's the note?"

Tossing Jess the note, she gave her the nastiest look.

"One more thing... if you're going to go after someones man. Make sure it's not with someone who's in the same profession. Or has friends on the inside who care. Get my drift. Now... keep your mouth shut and go to sleep, cause if you get kicked out of here, you'll be on your own. Are we clear?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"No... I"m simply stating the facts. My man is mine. Keep your hands off, and we'll all be fine."

Opening the door Teresa said... "but what about the note. What if he comes back?"

"Don't worry Teresa, you're safe here. It's obvious he couldn't get by Security, if he had to send the note with the waiter. So we'll beef up the Offficers outside your door, the kitchen, hall and exits. Now goodnight."

As Jess left out the door, Teresa sat and sighed... "now where am I going to get me another man?"

When Jess got home, her only thought was to make love too her husband. Christ getting pissed with Teresa sent her hormones into overdrive.

Grabbing her cuff's from the table, she cuffed Don's hands to the post.

Slowly waking up, the only thing he seen was his gorgeous wife, standing above him on their bed. Roaming his eyes, from her face, to her tummy, to her waist, the only sound that could be heard was... "Chriiiiiist..."

"You've been a very desired boy Donnie. Very desired. So it's time I show you just how much you're desired at home."

Don had no clue what she was talking about. But he sure as hell wasn't going to complain either. He only wished he could touch her. Sitting down on him, Jess took her figertips and clawed down his chest with greed, leaving Don to hiss in excitment.


"What? What does my desired husband want? she purred.

Don could tell she was getting lost in her own game, he could see she was losing her grasp, as her eyes became dark with sensual fire.

"I want you to uncuff me Jess. I want you to let my hands free."

Smiling wickedly, she whispered... why? So you can turn the tables on me? So you can try and show me, who desires who more?"

Watching in amazement as he popped his muscles against the cuff's, Jess laughed seductively.

"Mm... that's it Donnie, use your strength to show me who's boss."

Don had just about enough. Not wanting to mark his wrists, she loosened the cuffs. Problem was, she didn't realize she loosened them too much. As she continued to play her seductive little game, Don slipped out of the cuff's, flipped her, and showed her for the rest of the morning, who desired who more.
:lol: Loved Jess calling Teresa a drama queen and then Teresa saying "where can I get me another man" just cracked me up. :lol:

Don and Jess were hot. :D
After round five, Don heard the faint sound of the phone.

"Auuugh... you have got to be kidding me. I can't move."

Jess laughed as she crawled from the bed.

"Here, I need to get Donald."


"Don... it's Danny. We analyzed the note Jess picked up last night. It was from Jerry. Prints match."

"Have you added extra security?"

"Yeah... Jess handled that last night. Even Teresa is being cooperative

"Hm... I guess Jess was right. Teresa needed a womens understanding."
Danny laughed. Don was so clueless.

"Alright, I'll meet you at the station Don, don't be late."

Hanging up the phone Don managed to make his way to the shower.

Stepping in, he felt the burn from the water, splash against his scratches.

Turning off the water, he dried and dressed. Walking out into the kitchen Jess passed him his son, and a cup of coffee.

"Hey there DJ. How's daddy's boy?"

Gurggling out a sound, he grabbed at his daddy's tie, placing it into his mouth.

"Yuk... yukkie... no eat that , yuk."

Gurggling more sound at his daddy, he continued to gum away. Sitting down to breakfast, Don gave his son some toast to gum on. Admirng his wife, he was wondering how she was able to move after the naughty way they attacked each other early this morning.

Looking closer, he noticed it, and that's when he smirked. Oh yeah... she was hurting, as he watched her try and sit.

"What's the matter Jess? You okay?" he smirked even more.

"Haha... funny. How are your wrists."

Don looked at his wrists, and noticed the slight scrapes and bruises.

"Thanks alot Jess."

Leaning over she smartly kissed him. "Just wear your watch, and your wrist band, no one will notice." She grinned.

"Right." Placing his cup and plate in the sink, he kissed his son, wife, and left to meet Danny.


Claire woke to her boys screaming at each other. Getting out of bed, she had a splitting headache.

"Stop that screaming Jimmy and James."

"Sorry mom, we didn't mean to wake you."

God Claire hated week-ends. The boys were forever at each others throats. Always about the damn Wii. Throwing on her housecoat, she headed downstairs.

"Jimmy where's dad?"

"He said he had to go too the University. One of the students needed help with an essay."

"On a saturday? Alright. I take it you both have eaten?"

"We have mom, don't worry about us."

Laying down on the couch, Claire wished to hell she could take an asprin.

The University...

When Anthony arrived, the young female student was waiting for him.

"Hello Prof.Staton. I"m so happy you could make it."

Now Anthony wasn't stupid. He knew damn well what Sheila was up too.

He also knew it was time for him to inform her , it wouldn't work.

"What is it you need help with?"

Taking her fingers, she slid them down his cheek, chin, to his chest. Gripping her fingers Anthony said...

"Listen Sheila, I'm not interested in your little crush, or your game. So if you are looking to score a good grade, you have to earn it. Choice is yours."

Letting go of her hand, he walked away.

"I"m sorry Prof.Staton. It's the only way I've ever gotten good grades, through my two years here."

"Are you telling me, you sleep with other Professor's at this University?"

"Just the ones I like. Or are hot like you."

"Okay... I think this ends our session for today. You're going to have too find yourself a tutor, else you'll fail my class."

Sheila gave him a fierce glare. No Professor had ever turned her down.
Ever. Why should he be any different?

"Then I guess I drop your class, how's that?"

Storming out of the room, she didn't look back.

Grabbing his briefcase, he walked out. Thinking two things. "One...what a way to waste the morning. And two... he was going to do some investigating on these Professors.
the student thinks he'd be upset if she left his class? :lol: Good chapter. Love Tony's thinking about what a waste of time that was. :lol:
Thanks for the reviews. GNRF, my mom reads what I write, and she thinks I made poor Tony to perfect:lol:

When Anthony got home, he found Claire sound asleep on the couch, while the boys were making themselves lunch.

"Hey boys."

"Hi dad, you're home. Mom's sleeping, she said she had a really bad headache that wouldn't go away."

Anthony panicked. Running into the living room, he woke her.

"Baby... baby, wake up. Wake up baby."

"Mm... what is it Tony?"

"How are you feeling? The boys said you had a headache."

"I'm fine. It's slowly going away. I had them with Jimmy and James too, so don't worry honey, I'm fine."

Taking her into his arms, he laid her head on his lap. Then caressing her tempo's he put into sleep mode. Seeing her eyes shut, he knew it was working. He also knew once he had her sleeping peacefully, he was calling mom and dad, to see just what other symptoms she had with their boys.


Jessie was running around the house when her mommy went into labor. Seeing her mommy crunched over and crying, she asked...

"Mama... mama is ou okay?"

Trying to reach for the phone, she couldn't get her hand far enough. Looking at what her mommy was reaching for, she grabbed it for her.

"Huff, huff, thank you baby."

"Welcome mama."

When she dialed Gary's cell, and it rang, she was hit by a huge contraction. Dropping the phone Jessie picked it up.

"Hello... hello..."

Hearing the voice through the phone Jessie said... "hi daddy."

"Jessie... how did you know daddy's number?"

"I not know daddy. Mommy is crying, she says... huff,huff, puff, puff, like a twain."

"Crap... is mommy in labor? Oh never mind, how would you know, right?

Daddy's on his way home Jessie. Stay with mommy, okay?"

"K, daddy... ou hurry."

Hanging up the phone Jessie sat beside her mommy and stroked her hair.

"Is gonna be okay mama. Daddy is coming. I here with ou, I love ou mama."

Watching her mommy huff, she seen the puddle of water by her side.

"Ohoh mama, I gets a towel."

Getting up Jessie ran to the bathroom and pulled down a towel. Bringing it back to her mom, she dried the floor around her, making more mess, then anything else. Poor Donna couldn't help but laugh. Here was her thirty-four month old little girl., trying to help, yet had no clue, with what was really happening.

"Jessie... Donna... where are you?"

"In here dada. We's in here."

"Oh Donna... how you feeling honey?"

"Bad... I don't think we're going to make it to the Hospital, I can feel the head Gar. I need to push."

"Okay... I called the EMT's on my way here. They should arrive shortly. Jessie... run into the bathroom for daddy, and grab the other towels."

"K daddy, I get em."

Running down the hall, Jessie grabbed the towels and brought them back.

Then sitting back down beside her mommy, she stroked her hair. Watching as her daddy opened mommy's legs, she peeked over and seen the head.

"Eww... what dat daddy?"

Gary laughed, Jessie was way to young for this.

"Listen sweetheart. How about you keep stroking mommy's hair okay.
That's a good girl."

While Jessie continued to stroke her moms hair, Gary helped push on her tummy. Not more then a few minutes later, they heard the screams of their baby, as the EMT's came in the door.

"Oooooh... is dat my baby daddy?"

"Yes sweetheart, come meet your brother."

"Broder... I no want him. I want a girl baby."

Donna and Gary laughed. "How about you pick the name for your brother?"

"Noo... I's still want a girl baby."

"Next time sweetheart, okay?"

The EMT's laughed as they loaded Donna and the baby onto the stretcher.

"Are you coming with her sir?"

"No. My daughter and I will follow behind you."

Once they were on their way, Gary called his parents, then Donna's, giving them the news on their new grandson.
Thank you Catu, and welcome.:)

When they got to the Hospital, Gary was having trouble getting in touch with his mom and dad. Trying his sisters line, he found it busy too.

"Daddy... we see mommy now pease?"

"Of course we can, let's go sweetheart."

Walking into the room, Gary seen Donna feeding their son.

"Hi mommy... hows you feeling?"

"I'm feeling wonderful love, come see your new brother now he's all clean."

Sitting her beside her mom, Jessie took her brothers little hand and kissed it.

"He's so tiny mommy, I's change my mind now, I love him."

Laughing, Gary tried his mom and dad again.


Tony was talking to his mother in law on the phone.

"Hi Tony, how's Claire feeling.

"She's not well mom. I'm a little concerned. Can you remember with her first pregnancy if she had any complications?"

"Why? What's going on Tony? How sick is she?"

"I don't think she's sick mom. It's more me, being over concerned. But I don't like the headaches. The boys also mentioned that Claire yelled at them to stop screaming. Now you and I both know Claire doesn't yell at the boys. She gets angry, yes. But she doesn't yell."

"I"m sure it's just first trimester problems Tony. I can't really tell you much about her pregnancy with the boys. We never got to see Claire while she was carrying. Jimmy cut all ties with us, we were never allowed near Claire. He always told her that we wanted it this way. Then he embedded it into her head that we hated her, after that we lost her."

Tony teared up. God this family had been through hell. It was a surprise to him, that Claire even gave him a chance, after what her and their boys had been through.

"Okay mom. I'll just keep an eye on her. Thanks."

"You're welcome son. Let me know if anything changes."

"I will, bye."

Hanging up the phone, Tony headed back in the den to check on his wife.
Back at the Taylor home, Mac asked...

"Who was that on the phone love?"

"Tony. He was worried about Claire. She's been having headaches, pretty bad ones. So he asked if I could remember anything from her first pregnancy."

Sitting down Stella heard the phone ring again.


"Hi mom. You and dad are grandparents again..."

"Hold on son, let me put the phone on speaker. Okay..."

"Donna, Jessie and I just gave birth to a boy. Gary Michael Taylor Jr. He weighed 7lbs/2oz."

"Oh...oh this is wonderful. Does Jess and Don know?"

"They do mom. They were excited. ?"

"I guess they would be. Have you called your sister?"

"Not yet. I'll do that now."

"Okay...I love you son, and love to the family, bye."

"So now we have our one granddaughter, and three grandsons. Let's just hope our daughter gives birth to a girl."

At the Staton's, Tony was making Claire some clear broth. Not only did she have a headache, but vomiting now too.


"Tony, it's Gary. Donna and I gave birth to a boy. 7lbs/2oz. Gary Michael Taylor Jr."

"Aww... that's wonderful news, I"ll let Claire know."

"Thanks Tony. I'll talk to you soon."

Hanging up the phone, Tony took Claire her soup.

"Dad... why won't mommy stop vomiting?"

"I'm not sure Jimmy. Claire, baby, I think we should get you to the
Hospital. I"m really worried. You've been sick since you got pregnant. Somethings not right."

Jimmy and James could tell their dad was terrified. They could see it in his eyes.

"Okay... okay, let's go. I can't fight you all."

Helping her up. They walked her out to the car.
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