CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

When Don got to the Inn, he knocked before walking in.

"Teresa... Teresa, where are you?"

"In the bedroom Don, I need your help."

Heading into the bedroom, he seen her struggling to hang back up the curtain.

"What did you do Teresa?"

"I tried to jump out the window to my death, she laughed. What the hell do you think happened. The curtain fell, and I'm to short to reach the rod."

"Move out the way, I'll get it."

"I would Don, but I'm stuck here, I need you to lift me."

As Don neard her, Teresa could feel her pulse race, she could smell his heated cologne, embed in her nostrils. God he was so sexy, so powerful. Feeling his large hands, as they wrapped around her tiny waist. She sighed.

Placing her on the ground, she pretended to fall back. Letting out a small cry, Don caught her in time, and held her against him.

"You're awful clutsy tonight, Teresa. Have you been drinking?"

"No...she whispered as she teared up. I'm so scared Don. I hate it here. I feel so alone and isolated."

Looking up into Don's eyes, he could see her tears. He could understand her fear of being stalked. Placing his fingers under her chin, he got ready to whisper....

"Don... Don, where the hell are ya?" Danny interrupted.

Walking into the bedroom, Danny seen him with his fingers under her chin.

"Don... let's go, right now. Jess hasn't seen you all day, she's been calling, wondering why you're late."

"Okay... I'll see you Teresa, try and rest."

Walking out, he left Teresa alone to deal with Danny.

"Did you need anything while I'm here? Cause no one will be able to run out for you later. Don's going to be busy with his son and wife."

Giving Danny an evil look, she hissed..." No... I don't need anything."

"Good. Have a good night Teresa."

Closing the door behind him, he heard a glass shatter against the wall.

"Damn... she's one dangerous woman."

When Don got home, he seen Jess sound asleep on the couch with Donald in her arms. Carefully removing him, he snuggled him under his neck.

"Hey there daddy's boy, how was your day with mommy?"

Sitting down with his son, he talked to him all about his day, while Jess watched their bonding, with a smile on her face. She was so happy, her and Don had another child. This was what they both needed to fill their small home with noise.

"Hey Donnie... I missed you. How was your day?"

"It was good Jess. Though I missed you two."

Getting up from the couch, Jess walked over and kissed her husbands lips.

Taking the kiss deeper, Don wrapped his hand in her hair, and pulled her closer. God, she was so giving today. So hot, and ready to be loved, letting him know he was missed throughout her day.

"I'll get supper ready."

Watching her walk towards the kitchen, he smiled.

Mac was having fun trying to get Alan settled down. He was determined to stay awake for a few more hours. Laying him in his crib, he screamed through the bars, looking at his daddy with his tears, making him feel guilty for putting him down.

Turning to leave the room, Mac couldn't do it. Leave it to Stella, to go out and leave him with Alan, on a night he was cutting more teeth. Lifting him back out, he carried him to his room.

"You know what I think Alan? I think you're spoiled. Yes I do. I think daddy's spoiled you."

Giggling in his daddy's arms, he bounced up and down.

"Alright little man. Sleepy time with daddy."

Covering his son and himself up, Alan still refused to sleep, as he rolled over onto his tummy and pulled at his daddy's nose.

"Alan, come on son, go to sleep for daddy."


Looking at his son, he grinned widely with his two front teeth. "Daaaada."

"Well, well... I can see who rules the home when I'm gone." laughed Stella.
As if on cue, Alan said "dada."

"No my baby boy, mama. Mama rules the home." As she tickled him into fits of laughter.

"That's great love, get him more excited, and he'll never sleep."

"Oh stop grumpy bear. I see you're wearing your Grumpy t shirt from Disneyland. I knew you secretly liked it."

Leaning over the bed, she kissed him smartly on the mouth. "Miss me?"

"Always Stell. You shouldn't even have to ask that."

Laying her son between them, she wrapped them up together and hummed, till they were both sound asleep.

Over at the Staton's, they finally got the boys into bed. Sitting down on the couch, Anthony called Claire over.

"Come here baby. I want to hold you."

"Aww... me too, but I have dishes to do."

"I don't want you doing so much work Claire, you need to take it easy. I'll do the dishes."

"Tony... pregnant women have been doing normal work while pregnant for years. You need to stop worrying."

"Never Claire... I'll never stop worrying. I don't want you doing anything with this pregnancy, that gives you stress." He said with worry.

"Aww... that's a shame Tony. I guess that leaves out sex. Shame really, I was hoping to ravish you tonight."

Walking into the kitchen, Tony jumped off the couch.

"Wait baby. I didn't mean... Claire... come on baby. I want you to ravish me. Please... you can do what ever you want, stress or no stress."

Claire was laughing as she filled the sink with suds. Turning off the taps, she felt the heat of Tony's hand, slide up her velour outfit.

"That's cheating Tony," she purred out.

Leaning down to her ear, he whispered.... "So sexy, so soft, so damn beautiful. And all mine."

Sweeping her up in his arms, he carried her upstairs to their room. Their room that was now full of love, of warmth, of their passionate sighs, and purrs.

He had found his way into the Inn. Sneaking through the back as a waiter was dumping the garbage. Heading into the locker area, he put on a security suit, and headed towards the elevator. Seeing the Officers, he knew it was going to be next to impossible, to get up to the room.

Heading back through the kitchen, he seen the waiter heading up the service elevator. Excuse me, your manager asked me to have you deliver a letter to room 714."

"Hm... alright. Thanks."

Once the waiter was on the service elevator, he took off out of the Inn. Knowing that tonight, he'd knock out the waiter, steal his uniform, use the service elevator, and kill his mother and brother.

As the waiter knocked on the door, he got no response. Sliding it under the door, he headed back down the service elevator. Leaving the Officer's none the wiser, as they were busy gabbing and smoking in the stairwell.

Inside the room, Teresa was really lonely. Trying to sleep she kept seeing Don's long beautiful hands, caressing her skin, dancing in the spots that had long been ignored. Waking up in a cold sweat, she headed to the bathroom and splashed water on her face.

Not being able to go back too sleep, she walked out to the little living room, and turned on the tv. Looking towards the door, she seen the note. Thinking it was from room service, she picked it up and read...

"Hello mother, just a little note to say I'm coming to get you and Ben. Love your Jerry"

Throwing down the letter, she screamed for one of the Officers.

"What is it Teresa?"

"Get Don... call him, now."

"We've been left strict instructions to only contact Danny."

"I said get me Don, now. Or you are going to be responsible for my death."

"Fine...we'll call him, just relax."

Closing the door again, the Officers said...

"Now what? Messer warned us not to disturb Flack at home."

"Then we call Danny."

When Neven's called Danny, he got no answer.

"I"m not getting anything. Now what?"

"Look, I"m not listening to that bitch whine all night. I don't know what the hell, Trudder seen in her. Just call Flack."

Dialing Flack's home, Jess answered in a sleepy voice.


"Jess? Sorry to wake you, can I speak with Don?"

"Yeah... just a minute. Don, Don wake up. It's Nevens."

"Nevens? What's the matter?"

"You need to get over here. Teresa got some note or something from Jerry. She wants to see you, now." As she put it."

"I"m on my way."

Hanging up the phone, Don pulled on his pants, and a t shirt.

"What's going on Don?"

"Trouble with Teresa again. She got some letter or something. It upset her."

Jess was getting suspicious. First Don telling her, that Danny said she called. The Don told her, that Danny said Jess wanted him home. Which was all lies, as Jess knows a detectives life is hectic. Piecing it all together, she finally figured it out. Teresa wanted her husband.

"Listen Donnie. If she's upset, I should go. She may need a womans understanding."

"Are you sure Jess? I really don't like you driving this time of the morning."

"I don't mind Donnie. I'll go. This way I can talk to her, explain some things to her. You know? she smirked with hidden anger.

"Okay then. Here's the keys. I'll see you when you get home."

"You will. Love you Donnie."

"Love you too, Jess."

Heading out the door, she couldn't wait to get her hands on Ms. Wannabe Homewrecker.
*Thanks to GNRF, for the wannabehomewrecker:)*
ROTFL! I think you and I are on the same wavelength. Reading the previous two chapters I kept thinking "I hope Jess finds out what Teresa is up to and gives her a piece of her mind" and at the end of this chapter you have her going to talk to Teresa. Danny said Teresa was more dangerous than Jerry, well I happen to think that a pissed off Jess is more dangerous to Teresa than Jerry. :lol:

Loved the Claire/Tony scene by the way. It made me giggle when she said she guessed they couldn't have sex and he jumped up after her. :lol: Good stuff! :D

I also love that Don is so clueless to Teresa's game and so naive. Usually its female characters who are the naive ones. It's refreshing when it's a man instead. :D
My mom always says... great minds think alike. :)

When Gary and Donna got home, he helped her into bed.

"Are you comfortable Donna?"

Looking at her husband like he was insane, she said... "do I look comfortable to you. You try carrying all this weight around, along with the swollen ankles, and cramps."

"Ouch... sorry Honey. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

Sighing... "you didn't. I'm just cranky. I'm sorry Gar... I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart. I'm just going to check on Jessie, then I'll be back."

Walking into his daughters room, he found her sound asleep. bending down he kissed her, and whispered his love.

"Sleep tight Jessie. I love you."

Walking from her room, he left her door slightly ajar.


Once Danny had Judy settled in his room, and her son in the spare room. Danny took his pillow to the couch, and slept. hearing the sound of soft crying, he looked at the clock. Seeing it was three in the morning, he thought it best to check on Judy as she may be in pain.

Walking into his room, he found her curled up.

"Judy... what's the matter? You in pain?"

"Just a little Danny. I tried to reach the painkillers, but I dropped them."
Picking them up off the ground, he gave her one with a glass of water.

"Lay back Judy, let me check your dressing on your neck."

"As she laid back on the pillows, she continued to cry.

"Judy, is something else wrong?"

"I know I'm safe here Danny, but I'm still scared."

Taking his hand, Danny caressed her cheek.

"I want you to listen to me Judy. Nothing or no one will ever hurt you, or your son again. I promise to protect you both. Try and sleep."

"Will you stay with me?"

"Sure. Climbing in beside her, he stayed above the sheets, and held her. Try and sleep."



"If I asked you to love me, would you?"

"I don't know Judy. I've never really thought about it. Though now... you've given me something to think about." He laughed.

"What's so funny about it?"

"Years ago, with a proposition like that, I would have accepted it in a second. I guess I'm getting old."

"Well... if you're getting old, then I must be ancient. For I've never been turned down." She said smartly.

Laughing together, Danny curled her back under his neck, and told her to sleep.

When Jess arrived at the Inn, she could hear Teresa yelling for Don.

Stepping off the elevator, the Officers knew right away, that Jess knew about Teresa's fixation.

"Thank God Jess... she won't shut the hell up. The manager is just about ready to kick us out of here."

Not saying a word to them, she unlocked the door, walked in, and clicked the lock.

"Shit... fifty bucks on Jess, that we don't hear a peep from Teresa when she leaves."

"Deal... though we better check on her after. Just in case Jess gets carried away."

Leaning their ear against the door, they waited for the firworks to begin.
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