CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

Thanks for the reviews:)

A short time later Claire felt safe enough to head back to bed. Collapsing on the pillows she closed her eyes and smiled as she whispered...

"Thank you Magic Kingdom."

Oh yeah, she knew she was pregnant alright. There was not one day that she had forgotten to mark her calendar. Picking up the phone she called her mom.


"Hi daddy, where's mom?"

"She's at the drug store picking up my meds love, are you okay?"

"Yeah daddy, I'm great. I'll talk to you later. I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart."

Hanging up the phone Mac turned and seen his son pulling himself up, while holding onto the couch.

"That's it son, look at you go. Come to daddy."

Smiling at his daddy with his new front teeth, he cautiously walked along the couch to his daddy's waiting arms.

Rushing to dress. Claire grabbed her keys and headed out the door. Parking her car in the lot at the drug store, she seen her mom just heading in.

"Mom... mom... wait up."

"Hi sweetheart. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you mom, can we go for coffee when you're done."

"Sure Claire. Listen love, you look pale, are you okay?"

"I'm better then okay mom. I'm pregnant."

Stella stopped and turned. Feeling her eyes fill with tears, she whispered...

"Are you sure?"

Tearing up herself, Claire said..."I'm positive mom. I'm 100 per cent positive."

"Ohhh...ohh...I'm so happy for you and Tony. Have you told him yet?"

"Not yet mom. I didn't want to get him to excited, on his first day at the University."

"Good...once I'm done here, we'll go shopping and pick up two little teddy bears, one pink, one blue, and I'll show you a perfect way to tell him, and your boys, together."

Kissing her daughter with happiness, they walked into the drug store.


Jerry needed to find some money and soon. He had to ditch the car weeks ago. Especially with it being stolen. He also knew the cops would know it was him who killed the kid in the stairwell, as his prints were everywhere.

Coming out of the empty building, he pulled the hat down over his face, and stayed to the side streets. God he was hungry. Even going to the Mission would do no good. All those areas were sure to be covered.

Walking a little further, he noticed a restaurant cook tossing out food into the bin. Waiting till he went back in, Jerry headed over and took out peoples left over meals. Eating till he was full, he walked down West 25th street at 5th Avenue.

Nearing the Comfort Inn, he seen Detectives Don Flack, and Messer get out of their unit and head into the Inn with his mother and half brother.

Watching in the shadows, he wondered what would have brought her back to New York. All he knew in that moment, was all his hate had returned.
Clenching his fist, he pounded the cement wall, cutting his nuckles. He needed to do it, he needed to release that anger that was building again.

Heading back down the alley's, he entered the empty building he had found, and thought out the most strategic way to kill his family.
How old is Jerry supposed to be now? 15?

I'm happy for Claire. Can't wait to find out how Tony and the boys react to the good news.
You kno what, I checked back in the story and realized I didn't give them an age.:shifty: So let's put Jerry at seventeen, and Ben at nineteen, cause he was oldest.:)

This is the post from the first story.

During afternoon recess Jimmy and James were playing on the swings when Ben and Jerry walked over. "Well, well, if it isn't Jimmy and James. Where's your trampy mom at? Is she out getting it on with other Officers that she can get killed?"

Jimmy and James were only six, they didn't understand what the words meant. All they knew was that Ben and Jerry were Phillips sons, and they were angry. "Ben and Jerry.... what are you two doing on the junior side of the playground?" "Sorry Miss.Pream, we were just talking to Jimmy and James about their mom." "Well get back on the other side... now. You know you are not to be on this side."

they were seniors, on the Junior side of the school playground. So they would have been about 13 and 15 at the time
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I'm having trouble remembering the whole thing. Why is me hating them?
The main reason is he's confused, and messed up. Another reason is because of his converstation with his father before they took him away. His father told him that his mother was to blame for putting him away, cause she didn't care about him, like she did her other son . So he swore when he was released, he would get his revenge on them all. :) then when he found out about his father being murdered, he went fully insane.
"Okay Teresa, I have some rules. They must be followed to the letter."

"Fine Danny. Shouldn't Don be here."

"Don's busy arranging his men. You'll deal with me. Now sit down."

"Come on mom. Just listen. It's the least you can do, after dragging me from friends in Miami."

Sitting down, Teresa sighed.

"From this second on. you or your son, are not to leave this room. Everything will be brought to you, by myself, or by the Officers on duty. If there is something you need, you will ask one of the Officers to contact me...not Don, me. Is that understood?"

Danny could see she was being stubborn.

"Is it Teresa?"

"Yes, Danny. We understand."

"Good... now I'm going to do one last sweep, then I'll be back to check on you."

Once he left, Ben headed into the room, and flopped on the bed. He hated this. God.. he was ninteen now, his mom had no right to bring him back here. But how was he to tell her no? He understood how frightened she was to be alone.

Out in the other room, Teresa seen Don walk in.

"Teresa... are you okay?"

"Hm... I will be. I'm really sorry I brought you back into this. It wasn't my intention. Maybe we should just go back to Miami."

"Listen Teresa, I know you're frightened, you have every right to be. But you and Ben are safe here. Danny, and my men are no more then a footstep away from this room."

"I just don't think I can do it Don. Not without knowing you are near by."
Walking over, Don went to take her into his arms, when Danny walked through the door.

"Don... let's go. We got a call out."

Tunring to leave, he said to Teresa... don't worry, you'll be fine."

When they got to the car, Danny slammed his door.

"I'm gonna say this once more Don. Then I send her back to Miami myself.

Stay the hell away from her. She's more dangerous then her son."
Pulling out with his tires squealing, they headed to the crime scene.


Claire had gotten home after shopping with her mom. Setting the table in baby blue and pink napkins, plastic plates, and cups. She placed the pink and blue bear in the middle of the table. Then heading into the kitchen, she made the pizza, taking it out of the oven, she waited for it too cool. Then she took out the thick sauce she had made, placing it in an icing back, she wrote on the pizza.

"And Baby makes Four"

Laughing to herself, she placed it back in the now cooled oven, till the boys and Tony got home. Heading upstairs, she changed into her new hooded, velour, baby blue sweats, with a pink t shirt underneath the jacket. Laughing again, she could care less about anything. For the only thing that mattered at this moment, was the news, of their new baby, and Anthony's shocked expression when he found out.

Hearing the door open, she ran down and seen her boys pulling off their boots.

"Mom... we're home, where are you?"

Coming down the stairs, they seen her new outfit.

"Whoa... you look hot mom. You must be feeling better."

"I am, and how was school?"

"It was good. We took the school bus, cause daddy wasn't there when we got out."

Looking over at the table, the boys noticed the pink and blue setting.

"Aww... look at the teddy bears. Though I think we are a little old now, for a teddy bears picnic," laughed Jimmy.

It didn't take James long to catch on to the theme. Especially if his smile showed it.

"We're going to be big brothers. That's it, isn't it mom? You're pregnant."

Laughing through her tears, she said...

"Yeah we are baby. We are all going to be adding a new addition to our family.

Jumping around the house, they heard their father come in. Claire told them to shh.

"Claire, boys, I"m home."

Giggling like loons, Tony found them sitting together on the couch.

"Hi baby. Hi my boys, how was school?"

Looking at his beautiful wife, he noticed her glow, and her new outfit, that showed each and every curve on her gorgeous body.

"Daddy... stop looking at mommy like that. That's how Brandon looks at Susie, cause he likes her."

Tony laughed, as did their mom. "Out of the mouth of babes." Laughed their dad.

"I'm going to get dinner on the table. You all stay here, till I call you, okay?"

Kissing Tony smartly, he quickly became confused.

"Don't try and figure it out dad. Just wait, I promise you'll understand soon." Jimmy laughed.

"You can all come in now."

As they headed to the dining room, Tony still wondered what the hell was going on.
When Don, Danny, Sheldon, and Gary finished up at the crime scene. Danny asked Gary for a favour.

"Hey Gary... ya think before you head home, you could stop by and check on Teresa, I need to pick up Judy and her son from the Hospital. They'll be coming home with me, till we catch Jerry."

"Sure...I can do that. But then I need to get home, Donna's due any day now."

Taking off to pick up Judy and her boy. Danny forgot to let Gary know about Teresa and her fixation on Don. Hearing his cell ring, gary picked it up.


"Gar... I need your help. I think I'm in labor, hurry, please."

"Okay Donna, stay calm. I'm on my way. Don... I need you to run and check on Teresa, I have to get home, Donna thinks she's in labor."

"Yeah... no problem. Call us with the news."

"I will. See ya."

Getting into his car, Don drove over to the Comfort Inn.


Tony and the boys were headed into the dining room. As Tony looked at the table, he laughed.

"Oh my God... you've got to be kidding Claire. Aren't the boys to old for a teddy bear picnic?"

Sitting down in the chair, the boys followed still giggling.

"Dad's a little slow, isn't he mom?"

"Slow? Slow about what? Pass down the pizza."

Placing the pizza in front of Tony, he took the knife. As he neared the crust to cut a piece, he seen the writing. Not saying a word, Silence filled the Staton home.

Then looking up at his wife, he seen her tears. It all made sense now. The pink and blue, symbolized a boy or girl. Her outfit, blue and pink. Still not moving Claire could tell he was in shock.

"Daddy... daddy, say something to mommy?"

Pulling back his chair, he walked towards her, placed his fingers under her chin, and whispered with tears...

"Honest baby? Is it really true? We are having a baby?"

With her teardrops falling onto his thumb, she cried out... "yes Tony. Yes, we are going to have a baby."

Kissing with their tears between them, their boys said...

"Aww... how sweet. Now pass the Pizza Jimmy. I'll slice, and you can serve."

Ignoring their still kissing parents, the boys got down to munching on their dinner.

At the Hospital, Gary and Donna ran into Danny, Judy and her son.

"Gary? I thought you were checking on Teresa for me?"

"I was... then Donna had cramps, so we came to get her checked. Turns out it was false labor. Don't worry though, Don is with her."

"Hell... that's why I'm worried. I'll explain later. Take Judy, and her son to my place please. I need to go get Don.

Donna said..."what was that all about."

"I know... said Judy. Teresa has become fixated on Don. She sees him as her Knight. Danny noticed it earlier. He's done great so far keeping them apart, but now... now we have to hope he's not to late. Teresa has this way about her, she can play the victim perfectly. Leaving Don very unaware of her game."

"Christ... why didn't he tell me sooner?"

"It most likely slipped his mind."

"Well... let's get you to Danny's place. Then I'll go make sure, Don is safe from not only Teresa's sting, but Danny's bark."

Laughing, they all left the Hospital, together.
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