CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

Mac &Stella,

I know by the time you read this, I'll be long out of the city of New York. You see, I've never been meant to be a mother or a wife, or even a daughter. Sometimes I often wonder why I was even born. I know I've spent the thirty years running from what my life threw at me. But that's me, that's who I am. The children will be well taken care of. I've left you their bankbooks with their saving accounts for college. I've also turned over all of Gary's assets, and money to you for Gary's children.

Everything is in your name, including our house. Please market it, and what ever amount you recieve for it, give it to the children, or use it for items and clothes they will need. Inside the envelope, you will also find your bank book with a sufficient amount of cash. Use it as you see fit. I'll send papers to the court letting them know that Gary's children are to be left in your and Stella's care. There is no use asking my mom and dad, for he made it quite clear, that he wouldn't look after them.

Anyway, I need to go. Please tell the children I love them. Let them know this is why I let them go. For they are better off without the likes of me. I won't contact you with where I am, just let my parents know that their life remains the same, loving and perfect, without me to ruin it.

Take care, love to the kids,

"Oh Mac. She didn't. What are we going to do?"

"I don't know, love. I honestly don't know. When do Don, Jess and Donald get back?"

"Is that all you can say dad? How the hell are you and mom supposed to watch two kids and a baby? You can't to it. What the hell is wrong with that bitch. These are her God damn kids, how the hell can she abandoned her own flesh and blood? My brother is rolling twice over in his urn by now. How the hell can he find peace when his children are going to be full of insecurities?"

"Stop this now, Claire. I don't need my grandchildren hearing about this, this way. As for your father and I, we are more then capable of taking care them. Jessica and Gary Jr are old enough to help. They are in school full time. The only one we have to look after is Bryan."

"I'm sorry mom. I just don't understand how any mother can leave her children behind. I don't care how depressed, angry, or scared she is. It's selfish of her, always it's been about her. Nothing ever changes with Donna. Always the need to be the center of attention, whether it's good or bad. She needs a good beating for hurting her children like this."

"Shh... here comes Jessie."

"Grandma... did you need us to do anything else?"

"No sweetheart. Why don't you tell your brother to come in here. We need to talk."

Once the kids were seated on the sofa, Stella said...

"I recieved a letter from your mother. It see...."

"She left again, didn't she grandma?"

"How did you know that , love?"

"It's what she does grandma. It's what she's always done. Think we didn't notice she didn't love us? We did. We've always known. She showed it in her actions, her words, and gesters. Dad was the one keeping her grounded. Think we didn't hear their fights at night? We did. We remember them clearly. Mom wanted out, and dad said no, not until the children have grown, and can understand why you don't want them."

Claire was crying. How hard it must have been for her brother and his children to put up with the pain of knowing they weren't loved. Knowing that as soon they reached an understanding age, she'd be gone. How cruel and insensitive to make a child feel unloved.

"Sweetheart... I'm so sorry. I had no idea that they had so many problems."

"That's okay grandma. They didn't know we knew either. Gary and I would always snuggle up at night with Bryan. We knew if it ever came down to it, we could look after each other. We could survive without her. So where are we going to live?"

"With us, Jessie. Your grandmother and I are going to keep you."

"Honest grandpa? you promise," said Gary with tears."

"We promise son. You will stay with us."

Running into his grandfathers arms, Gary cried on his chest.

"Thank you grandpa. Thank you for loving us."

"You never have to thank me for that. Ever. You are my flesh and blood. All I expect in return, is for you children to be happy. That's all I ask."

Jessie sat on the couch, without emotion. Feeling her need to be strong, Claire sat down beside her. She knew she had to get her to break. Else she would become as cold hearted as her mother. Something, Claire didn't want to see.

Stella looked at her daughter, she knew she was going to say some terrible things to make Jessie break.

"How bout we go get some supper now, Gary? Jessie, Claire and grandpa will come in a bit."

Taking his grandmothers hand, he walked with her into the kitchen.
Aww... poor Jessie and Gary Jr. having to hear their mother say all of those things and then keeping it to themselves all this time. I hope Claire can get Jessie to show her emotions. Loved Mac/Gary Jr. so sweet.
This is available on ff.net in full chapter

"Hey Jessie, I know this must be really hard on you. But you know what? Your mom isn't worth it. Know why? Cause she's selfish. Very selfish, rude, uncaring and most of all unloving. You should be glad she's gone. She's not worth your love, or your respect. She's a coward. A selfish coward. She thinks of no one but herself, and..."

"No she don't. Stop it auntie."

"Stop what? The truth. The truth that she's worthless, and selfish to those who love her? Or because she doesn't know how to love? I'm glad she's gone, she never deserved your dad. He was to good for her. Always so selfish, and uncaring."

"Noooooooo... stop it. I love my mom, I love her, she's not selfish, she's not uncaring. I don't understand? Why doesn't she love us? Why auntie. Why doesn't she care enough to love us. It's not right, it's not right that daddy is gone. While she leaves us alone with our fears and pain. She should have thought of us. We loved her, we always loved her. I don't understand why she didn't love us back."

Hearing her heart break brought tears to Mac's eyes. His granddaughter was blaming herself, thinking that she was unworthy of being loved. How wrong was that? How utterly dispicable and mean, to make a child feel unloved.

Opening his arms, Jessie ran into them, and cried. Wrapping her up tight, Mac let her soak his shirt, he let her pour out her years of pain, from feeling unloved.

"Why grandpa" Why does she hate us so much?"

"She doesn't hate you, love. Don't ever think she hates you. She just can't cope with what life shoves at her. So she runs. This is her way of escape. Yes it was selfish of her to leave you, and your two brothers behind. It was cruel and uncaring. But you can't let that rule you, Jessie. Do you understand? You can't allow your heart to become cold and distant. You need to take on your fathers loving spirit. That is the spirit he embedded into you. Use that strength and love to survive each day. You are loved Jessie. Billions by your grandmother, myself, your nana and papa, Claire and everyone else in our family. You don't need a mother to nurture you. It's what we all do together as a family. Just trust in our love sweetheart. We will never leave you."

"I know grandfather. I just miss daddy. He should have never died."

"You're right about that love. But there is nothing we can do about it. We have to move on. All you need to focus on, is you and your brothers. It's up to the three of you, to make your father proud. To show him that he raised you right, with love and understanding too others. You need to remember that Jessie. You were loved, always loved."

Listening to her cries become quiet, he knew in his heart that his grandchildren were going to need every ounce of love and warmth they had to give. In order to survive their life that now lay ahead, they would need strength, and guidence.

"How about we get something to eat.? I'd really love to taste your cooking."

"Okay, I'll be right there, grandfather. I'd like to talk with auntie first."
Walking over to her aunt she sat down.

"Auntie... I know you didn't mean all those things you said about my mom. Some of them, yes. As I agree on them too. But the others? Those I know you only said to help me release my pain."

"I'm glad Jessie. I want you to know that if you need to talk about anything, including woman problems, and don't feel comfortable talking to grandma. You just let me know. Okay?"

"I promise auntie. I love you. Thank you."

Hugging her aunt tight, she whispered... "I love you too, kiddo. Now let's head to the kitchen to eat."

Later that night, Tony showed up to take Claire and the kids home.

"Mom... I'll give you a call tomorrow. Night daddy." as she kissed him.

"Night love. Drive careful."

Heading out to the car, Tony asked....

"Baby, where's Donna?"

"She took off, left the kids with mom. I'm telling you, if I ever see her again, I'll sock her one."

"How the hell can anyone abandoned their children. How can she not feel any guilt?"

"Who knows. To be honest I don't care. Let's just get home. Graham needs to be bathed."

Once Graham was bathed and in bed. Claire gave her boys kisses goodnight.

"Hey mom?"

"Yeah Jimmy?"

"I love you, alot. I just thought you should know that."

"Yeah... me too, mom. Lots and lots."

Leaning over her sons, she ruffled their hair and whispered back...

"I love you two, too, Jimmy. Alot, forever and ever. I thought you should know that, too. Night."

Snuggling him down, she turned off the light and headed into Julia's room.

"Hey my Julia, you ready to be tucked in?"

"I am mommy. I love you."

"I love you too, my angel. Sleep well, angels to protect and comfort you."

Kissing her , she snuggled her down, and left the room.

Walking back downstairs, she found Tony laying on the couch watching the news. Nearing his side, she laid herself between his legs with her head resting on his chest.

"Are the kids all tucked in, baby?"

"Yeah. So how was your day?"

"It was okay. Alot of exams to grade. But they can be done tomorrow. For now... he said clicking off the television. It's time to love my wife."

"You know what Indiana? I think you're right."

Taking her into his arms, he caressed her beautiful skin. Leaving her to sighs and purrs, as his hands roamed across her sinful body. Lowering his head, he traced his tongue over her lips, before sensually kissing her into the darkened night. So lost as their fever meshed and burned.

Looking into each others eyes, both more then ready to soar with their souls. He whispered out...

"I love you, Claire, love you forever."

Those were the last words spoken, as the only sounds that now filled the Staton bedroom were their purrs and passionate sighs.Shortly after their passionate storm, Tony carefully lay Claire's pliant body under the covers with his. Pulling her in close, he whispered...

"Sleep well, baby. I love you."

"I love you too, my Indiana."

Sighing at his pet name, he closed his eyes and fell into sleep.
I'm glad Jessie released her pain. Claire did good with that. Loved Mac/Jessie.

Why do I get tickled every time Tony sighs when Claire calls him "Indiana"? :lol:
When Jason finished his shift, he headed back to Donna's to see how she was doing. Using her key, he found the place dark and quiet. Turning on a light, he headed into the bedroom to see if she was sleeping. Finding it empty, he started to panic.

Picking up the phone he called Mac and Stella.


"Hi Stella. It's Jason. I was wondering if Donna was over there visiting her children?"

"She's not Jason. I think you should come over. We need to talk."

"Okay... I'll be there in five."

Hanging up the phone, he locked her door and headed over to the Taylor's. When he arrived Stella invited him in.

"Would you like a coffee?"

"Sure, thanks. Hello Mac, how are you feeling, now you're home?"

"Bbetter ththanks."

Jason realized he still had problems with speech, due to his stroke.

"Here you go Jason. We are sorry we had to have you come here. But it seems Donna took off. She left us this note."

Passing the note to Jason, he read it.

"What the hell gets into her head? God... I thought I had gotten through to her last night. Do you have any idea where she would go?"

"No. We can only wait till she calls. Then hopefully we can talk her into coming home, or at least telling us where she is."

Jason wasn't willing to wait. He knew, he was going to have to take time from work to hunt her down. Whether she liked it or not, he'd drag her home.

"What are you thinking Jason?"

"I'm thinking of finding her, smacking her ass good, and dragging her home. If she wants to act like a child, then I'll treat her like one."

"Well... that's up to you Jason. But I'll tell you right now. She will not get my granndchildren back, ever. She abandoned them. I plan on going to the courts tomorrow and getting custody papers drawn up. So if you do bring her home, and she decides to take my grandchildren, she'll have to do it in court."

"I can't see that being a problem Stella. She said she'd be sending you the papers. Giving you all custodial rights."

"You don't get it, do you Jason. In order for her to do that, she would still have to be in New york. Donna is well known for her spur of the moment decisions, and I'll be damned if my grandchildren will be placed in the center of her games."

Jason nodded. He really did understand. It just floored him that this family was close, so loving and tightly bonded to each other. Which was another reason Donna confused him. Why leave a family that has so much love and understanding to give?

"That's fine Stella. You do that. It will hopefully help her realize that her behaviour had consequences, not only to her, but her children as well. In the meantime, I'm going to book time off work. Then I'm going to start my search for her. She needs to come to terms with everything that has happened, before it destroy's her for good."

"Jjason... aare you in llove with Ddonna?"

Jason knew he could lie to this family. He knew he could say nothing. But he felt they had a right to know the truth.

"Yes Mac, yes... I'm in love with her."

Walking out the door, Jason didn't look back.

The following morning...

When Stella arrived at the courthouse, she filled out the nessesary papers and handed them to her friend. Putting a rush on it for her, Stella waited. Not more then two hours later the temporary papers were signed. Along with a summons for Donna to appear in court on Friday, April 24th.

Whether she showed or not, Stella could care a less. Donna had proven to many times where her priorities laid, and it was never with her children. Heading back to the car, Stella hoped that this putting a barrier between the Flack's, for they had no idea what they were coming home too.

Pulling into the driveway, she seen Don. Realizing they must have come home early, she got out and smiled.

"Hi Don, how was the trip?"

"It was good. How's Mac doing?"

"He's inside, come on in. Have you heard the news on Donna yet?"

"We did. Jason informed us this morning. I understand you filled papers for legal custody of our grandchildren."

"I did. These children need a stable, loving enviroment. Are you for this, or against it?"

"Stella we've been family for years. Of course I'm for it. I just wish Jess and I could have gotten through to her. We still can't believe she took off again."

"Yeah, we all feel the same way. Come on in."

When Don walked in, he seen Mac talking to his grandson. Rocking and whispering his love to little Bryan.

"Ddon... how are yyou? How wwas the trip?"

"It was good Mac. It's wonderful to have you home. I guess it must have been quite a shock to come home to your grandchildren."

"Nnot really. Wwe love having ththem wwith us. Ddon't wwe love?"

"We do, Mac. Have a seat Don, I'll make you some coffee."

"Ddid Jjess not ccome wwith you?"

"No. She had to take Donald to school, then she has to check in with NYPD. Which is what I should be doing too. But I couldn't help but want to see the grandchildren first."

Taking Bryan in his arms, Mac offered him to Don. Holding him close, Don whispered...

"Hey little Bry, this has been quite an ordeal for you, hasn't it. So confusing for someone so young. But you know what? You'll have lots of love here, and at our home. How does that sound Bry?"

Looking at his grandfather, he gurgled out a sound, and flailed his hands.

"He's grown so much, Mac. I just can't understand how she could..."
Mac could see Don's eyes fill with tears.

"I just don't get where we went wrong, Mac. What did we do, to make Donna feel so incapable?"

"It's nothing you, or Jess did Don. Don't ever think that. You're not responsible for her once she reaches he age of adulthood. That's when we have to let go. We have to allow them to choose their own paths."

As much as Don knew Mac was right. It still hurt to know his little girl felt like she had failed at life.