CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

When Donna woke, she couldn't remember what had happened. Looking up, she seen Jason standing over her. Turning her head, she said...
"Get out. Go back to New York and leave me alone. You have no right to follow me here."

"I have every right Donna. I should smack your ass for causing so much worry to your parents. Do you have any idea how distraught they are? You need a babysitter, Donna. You're not old enough, or mature enough to be left alone. You almost OD in your Motel room. Without so much as a thought, to your children. It's not bad enough they lost their father, but you try to make headlines for them to read that they lost another parent. So selfish Donna. You're so right. I should leave you, I honestly don't even know why bother, except the fact that I love you. I love you so much, that I'm willing to take your screwed up life, and deal with it."

"Go to hell. I don't love you, and I'll never love you. I hate you, you make me sick. You're nothing but a self rightious bastard. Yeah... bastard, that's what you are."

Jason was getting pissed. Donna really had no idea how much he hated that word.

"You know what Donna? I may be a bastard. But you are a self rightious, self centered litte bitch and a terrible mother. You abandoned your own children, left them in New York, in pain, alone and crying from their fathers death."

People in the ER rooms were staring, they were listening as Jason degraded Donna. Even the nurses were shaking their head in shame. wondering... just the how the hell any mother, could abandon their children without so much as thought.

Donna seen everyone staring at her. She could see the looks of shame and disgust on their faces. Scrambling from the bed, Donna tried to hide herself from the onlookers. Walking towards the door, Jason slammed it. Giving her solitude.

"Are you proud of yourself? Did that make you feel good to degrade me infront of strangers? Fuck, I hate you. Get out... GET OUT... she yelled.

That was it. Grabbing her in his arms. Jason tossed her over his knee, exposing her bum. Then taking his hand he whooped her butt good. Ignoring her cries, her tears, as they fell onto his pants. Then lifting her to face him, he whispered...

"God damn you, Donna. I hate you for making me love you."

Crushing his lips to hers, he tasted her tears. Taking the kiss deeper, he felt Donna sigh into his mouth. Breaking the kiss just as quickly, he tossed her back on the bed.

"Get your ass dressed, it's time to go home to New York."

Walking out, he shut the door, and waited in the hall.

Back in New York, Julia was finally getting over her flu. She was still tired, and a little fevered. But she was now able to get out of bed. Coming downstairs, she seen her brother Graham sliding along the floor on his tummy. Getting down beside him, she said...

"Hi little Graham, what are you doing? Are you sliding on the floor?"

Raising his head, he looked up at his sister, drooling, with a huge smile. Sliding his way closer to her, she sat up and placed him in her lap. Looking up at his sister trustingly, he gurgled out another sound.

"Are you talking to me, Graham. Wanna see something funny? Watch my eyes, watch Graham."

As Julia crossed her eyes, and puffed her cheeks. Her brother let out a deep belly laugh. One that had Claire and Tony, coming from the kitchen. Watching Julia interact with Graham was very sweet. She really seemed to be enjoying time with her brother. She had even forgotten, that everything was about her.

Hearing another deep belly laugh. Claire noticed Tony's wide smile.

"Look at him Indiana, he's all Staton from the nose down."

"Claire... what did I tell you?"

"Oh stop being such a poop. I love you, and your pet name."

Kissing him smartly, they walked in and sat down.

"Look mommy. Watch Graham laugh."

As Claire made her face again, Graham giggled till he hiccupped, and hiccupped again, till he threw up his formula on Claire.

"Eww... gross. Yuck Graham. Here mommy, you take him now. He puked on me."

Laughing Claire took Graham into her arms.

"Come on little monkey, let's get you cleaned up."

Getting up off the ground, Julia walked over and climbed on her dads knee. Then resting her head on his shoulder, she played with buttons. Tony was surprised. This wasn't like their Julia. She was actually showing affection to others. Something that was a rarity for Julia, for it was always about her.

"Daddy... I love you. You love me, daddy?"

Snuggling her in closer, he kissed her dark chestnut curls.

"I love you too, Julia. You're always daddy's princess."

Reaching up Julia kissed her daddy's cheek, then layed back down on his chest. Closing her eyes, she fell back into sleep.

A short time later Claire came back downstairs, and found Tony with Julia wrapped protectively in his arms, both sound asleep. Taking a blanket from the back of the couch, she covered them up.

"Sleep sweet, my babies."

Walking back out. Claire headed to the kitchen to bake.

New York Airport.

He had arrived. It had been a long trip, but well worth it. Grabbing his luggage he looked up the address for his brother, Tony. It had been years of prison that kept him from his brother and sister. Fifteen to be exact. He knew damn well that his brother and sister wouldn't have told their significant other about him. For he was more then the blacksheep. He was an instigator and a theif. A theif that had assaulted and almost killed a guard in cold blood.

Hearing his sister had died, brought him great joy. For that meant Tony was left with the money from their parents. Or so he thought. He could hardly wait to see his face, when he showed up at their door.

He had also heard Tony was married. Married to a very sexy lady named Claire. He was told of her looks, her attitude and sarcastic ways. Something he admired in women. He had a feeling that he would be taking her too. Once she seen him, she would realize his good looks were twice as sexy, as his brothers.

His skin was dark, given to the endless tans from working out in the prison fields. He had the brightest blue eyes, with a hint of grey. His hair was given to a brushcut, that matched the chisled looks of an adonis. Smiling as the ladies admired him walking by, he winked and nodded to them.

Hailing a cab, he got in and headed to a Hotel. Leaving his visit with his brother for the evening.
While Jason was busy talking to the doctor down the hall about Donna's care, she quietly left her room. Heading down the elevator she hailed cab. As he pulled up, she got in.

"Where too, lady?"

"Drive me out of city, take me to the next bus terminal out of Las Vegas."

"Do you have the money for this? It's going to be expensive."

"Yes. Now drive. Let's go."

Showing him the money, he gladly took off.

Heading back into Donna's room. Jason noticed she was gone.

"For christ sakes. Damn it Donna."

Running from the Hospital, he hailed a cab.

"You again. Are you following me?"

"No. But I seen the cab that picked up that girl. If you hurry, we could catch them. She looked very ill."

"She should be, she's recovering from an overdose. If not for you recognizing her earlier, she'd be dead right now."

"Poor girl, she must going through something really tough."

Jason didn't say anything. He felt Donna's secrets were better left untouched.

Meanwhile, Dominic had found the address on his brother. Flagging a cab, he gave him the address. When they arrived, Dominic seen two boys on their bikes.

"Excuse me, can you tell me if Anthony Staton lives here?"

"He does. He's our father. Why? Who are you?"

As Dominic was about to answer, Tony came out. His first thought was... no way, it can't be. His second was, to keep him far away from his family.

"Boys, in the house, now."

Dropping their bikes, they ran into the house and shut the door.

"What do you want, Dominic?"

"Is that any way to say hello to your only brother. That's kind of rude, not introducing me to your family."

"For the second time, what do you want?"

"Come on, bro. I'm here to visit. I haven't seen you in fifteen year. Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"No. Go back to where ever you came from. You're not welcome here, ever. Now get off my property, before I have you arrested for trespassing."

"I'll go, but I won't leave New York. I kind of like it here. Be seeing you and your family soon, bro. You can count on it."

Tony watched him walk away. Turning to go back into the house. He knew he was going to have to tell Claire and the kids about Dominic.

Turning around, Dominic decided to sit on the sidewalk down the street and wait for a bit.

"Tony, who was at the door? The boys said he looked like your twin, but bigger."

"Sit down Claire. There is something I didn't share with you, before we married. Something I never told you, even your brother wouldn't have known. My sister and I were never to talk of him. He's my brother. He's been in prison for fifteen years. He assaulted and almost killed a security gaurd on a heist, he and a few of friends were doing."

"What? You have a brother? Christ Tony. So you're telling me, you haven't seen him in fifteen years. Then how did he know where to find you? That means he knows who we are, right? Are we in danger, here?"

"I don't think so Claire. At least not in that way. He's a mainpulator. He uses his charm to get what he needs and wants. I have a feeling he thinks I inhereted my parents money. But I didn't, neither did my sister. My parents left it all to charity. They embedded in us children that we would learn how to survive by working and making our own way. This was how they were taught. So they instilled it into us kids. Only with my brother, it went wrong. He was more then a blacksheep. He was fully rejected by my parents. They always called him the bad seed, the mistake of their lives. They said they knew from birth he was going to be trouble."

"So you think he's here for the money, dad? Or is he wanting to take us away from you, too?" asked Jimmy.

"I'm sure he'll do his best to try and persuade you and your mother. As I said, he can be very charming. He knows how to work and manipulate. Are you okay Claire? You look shocked."

"No, I'm fine Tony. I just wish you had of told me. Are you sure he's not dangerous? I really don't want a repeat of what happened to me eight years ago."

"Come here, sweetheart. I swear to you, nothing will happen to you, or our children. It's my job to protect you all. I'll get my brother to leave New York. Don't worry about it."

"I do worry about it, Tony. My brother is no longer here to help you out, if you get into trouble."

"Trust me Claire, I won't do anything stupid."

"It's not you, I'm worried about. God... can't we ever get any peace around here? Everytime we get back to some resemblence of normality, someone comes along and puts up another road block."

"It's going to be okay, Claire. I promise."

"Yeah mom. Don't worry. Jimmy and I can handle the situation with dad. We're old enough now, and we also have training behind us. We'll protect Julia too. Whether she likes it or not, we'll make sure she's never off alone."

"I still don't like this, Tony. I'm going to have uncle Danno check into his background. Just to be safe. I'm going to let the family know what's going on. This way if anything happens to any of us, they know where to start. Jimmy, put dinner on the table with your brother, while I go pick up Julia from down the street."

"Sure mom."

Heading out the door, Claire noticed Tony's brother right away. Not saying anything, she just walked by him.

"Hey... you must be Claire. My brothers wife, right? I"m sure he told you to ignore me and that's fine. But I'd just like you to know that I've never done anything to hurt anyone in my family. Sure I was a theif, sure I made my own bed. But I served my time, and would like to think I came out better for it. Just thought you should know that. Take care."

Walking away, Claire just stared. "Hm... either he's really good at his game, or he's being sincere. Either way it didn't matter. She was still having her uncle check him out.

Over at Mac and Stella's. Mac was laying on the floor with Bryan who was trying to crawl. Getting himself up on his knees, he rocked back and forth, trying to figure out why he wasn't moving.

"Aww... watch grandpa Bryan. You have to move your hands like this."

As bryan watched grandpa be silly, he giggled.

"What? Is grandpa funny? Can you do any better? You were the one not moving, right?"

Bryan looked at his grandpa and screamed.... "aaaaaaaaahhh."

"Really... you don't say. Are you being saucy?"

Laying on his back, Mac lifted his grandson above him in the air. Hearing his deep belly laughs, as he gurgled.

Coming out of the kitchen, Stella smiled. She knew having their grandchildren brought Mac endless happiness. Not only to their home, but to his health. It was his love for them, that kept him wanting to survive and fight his illiness he battled for years.

Sitting down beside them, Stella layed back beside Mac and eyed her grandson.

"What are you doing with grandpa? Is he swinging you? Is he Bryan?"

"Aaahhh..." he screamed out followed by a deep gurgle. Showing his first tooth popping through.

"Look at him Stel. They grow up so fast. Soon he'll be crawling around the house and pulling himself up on our furniture."

"I know... yes I do you little monkey. Grandpa loves you, he does."

"Aaahh... aaahhh..." he screamed as he flailed his arms and legs in the air.

Hearing the phone, Stella got up and answered it.


"Hi mom. Oh my... what's Bryan screaming about?"

"Your father is flying him like an airplane in his arms."

"Aww... too sweet. Listen mom, is it okay if Tony, the kids and I stop by tonight? We'd like to talk too you both about something."

"Of course, honey. You never have to ask. You know that."

"I know mom. But just incase you, dad and kids had plans or something."

"No, we don't love. How about seven, is that good?"

"Sure, see you soon mom. Give daddy my love."

"I will, Claire. See you all soon."

Hanging up the phone, the kids came through the door.

"We're home. What's for supper?" yelled Alan.

Shaking her head, Stella headed back into the kitchen, to serve the troops.
Why not just stay and face her issues instead of running????

I'm honestly not sure what I want to do with her character yet. I'm still deciding her fate. Once I do, I'll be able to end that storyline.:)
Donna gets on my nerves!
Loved Mac/Brian!
Hope Tony can handle his bro.
lol at Alan!!

Back in Las Vegas, Jason and the cab driver had lost Donna. They thought for sure they had taken the right road, but obviously they were mistaken. Driving back to the city, Jason seen the the rescue teams.

"Stop the cab. Stop."

Pulling to a stop, Jason got out and ran over.

"Hey... you can't go in there. It's our crime scene. Step back."

"Look, that may be someone I know in there. Please, just tell me what's going on."

"I'll handle this Nicky. My name is Catherine Willows, I understand you may know our vicitm?"

"Yes, is she a female approximately 30-35 years of age. Dark brown hair, brown eyes, about 5ft8?"

"Alright, come on through. Nick... take him to the body."

"Sure Cath. This way."

When they neared the body, Jason didn't need to go any further.

"That's her. Can you tell me what happened?"

"We recieved a call from the cab driver that a young lady had taken off out of his cab. she ran into oncoming traffic, where she was hit by a transport truck. She was dead on impact. I"m sorry. How well did you know her?"

"Her name is Donna Taylor. She was married to Det.Gary Taylor."

"Taylor... as in Mac Taylor's son? We helped him on a case a few months ago. He died too?"

"He was killed by her estranged ex husband. Donna took it really hard. She ran away leaving her three children behind. When I found her earlier, she had almost killed herself with a drug overdose. Luckly they were able to pump her full of charcoal in time. When I told her I was taking her home. She kind of freaked, and took off from the Hospital when I wasn't looking."

"Chirst man... poor kids. Now they have no parents. What kind of shame is that."

"Yeah... exactly. A shame. Anyway... did you need anymore information from me?"

"No man. If we need you, we can contact you in New York. Are you going to tell her family?"

"Yeah... please leave that to me. I'll also need to take the body back to New York."

"Sure. Too us it's being logged as a fatal accident. Please give the Taylor family my condolences."

"I will."

Leaving the scene Jason headed over to the morgue to pick up the body, and make arrangements to take her home.

New York... The Flack home.


"Hi, Jess? It's Jason, is Don around?"

"No, he's out on a call. How's Donna, Don said you were going to look after her."

God he felt bad. He had promised Don that he would protect and help her through this. He also said for him not to come down. He knew damn well, the Flack's were going to hate for this.

"I have some bad news Jess. Donna took off from the Hospital. As she ran across the highway, a transport truck hit her. I'm really sorry Jess. She's died instantly at the scene."

"No... no way... you were suppose to protect her. You swore to Don that you could handle her and bring her home. You lied. You lied..." she yelled waking Donald Jr.

Running from his room, he seen his mom on the floor, at the same time his dad came through the door.

"Jess... Jess... what is it sweetheart?"

"Donna's dead, Don. She's dead..." she cried.

"What? How, when?"

Taking the phone from her, he said... "Hello, Jason? What the hell happened?"

"I'm sorry, Don. She took off from the Hospital. She was killed by a transport truck."

Nothing but silence could be heard through the phone. His grandchildren. His innocent grandchildren without both parents. This wasn't right.

"You told me you could protect her. You promised me you would bring her home."

"I know Don. I'm sorry. I should have been watching her while she dressed. But I was busy at the nurses station getting instructions for her care. She ran when I wasn't looking. I'm so sorry."

"Where's her body?"

"The Las Vegas CSI's sent it to the morgue. I spoke with a Nick Stokes and Catherine Willows. I'm heading over to make arrangements for the flight home."

"No. You leave her with them. I'll call over to CSI: Willow myself. I want this investigated. There had to be a logical reason why Donna ran from that cab. So you just come home to New York. Get back to your life. I'll get things rolling with my daughters case."

Hanging up, Don watched his wife rocking on the floor with Donald in her arms. As much as he wanted to hold her, he knew it was going to have too wait. Dialing the phone, he called Mac.

Mac was watching the news. Looking closer, he couldn't believe the footage a bystander had caught on tape. Moving in closer, he recognized Donna right away.

"Stell.... Stel... get out here Stella." he hissed.

"What is it Mac, you're going to wake the kids."

Looking at the television, she seen Donna's face come up on the screen.

"No... oh... it can't be. I don't believe it Mac. Donna would not run from a cab into oncoming traffic. Something or someone, spooked her."

Hearing the phone, Stella answered it.


"Stella... it's Don. I have some bad news."

"I know Don. Mac and I both know. It's on the eleven o'clock news. I think it's best if you dress Donald and bring both him and Jess here to tell the kids together. I'll go wake them. I really hope you are having this investigated."

"We are Stella. I'm calling CSI Willow, before we head over. We will talk more when we get there."

Hanging up the phone, Stella collapsed in Mac's lap. With her only thoughts being with her grandchildren, and the help they were going to need, to get through this.

Woah! Didn't expect Cath and Nicky to show up. I guess I forgot that Donna and Jason were in Vegas. And I kind of had a feeling Donna wasn't long for the world. Poor Jason tried his best to save her. I wonder what she saw that spooked her enough to jump out of the cab like that.