CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

When the alarm went off, Claire headed into the boys room to wake them. Finding their beds empty and made, she headed into Julia's room.

"Julia... Julia... wake up honey. Time for school."

"Okay mom. I'm up."

Watching her daughter fall back into sleep, she laughed. Out of all the kids, she was the hardest to get up.

"Julia... now please. You are going to be late."

"Okaaaaaay... geesh... I'm up already."

Finally climbing out of bed, Claire directed her daughter towards the washroom. Then heading into the nursery, she changed and dressed Graham.

"Ready for another day, sweetheart? Lots of shopping to do. Now let's go start breakfast."

When Claire walked into the kitchen. She found a note from her boys.

"Hi mom, by the time you read this, we will have left for school. Jimmy and I had early football practice this morning. We've started you a fresh pot of coffee, and made Julia's lunch for you. Hope you and Graham have a good day. Love and hugs, J&J."

Feeling a pair of arms wrap around her, she leaned back and allowed her husband to caress her.

"Morning baby."

"Mmorning. The boys made coffee."

"Smells great. Where's our Julia?"

"Most likely crawled back into bed. I honestly don't know what we are going to do with her. She likes to sleep."

"I'll go wake her. Right after I have my kiss from you."

Turning in his arms, Claire leaned up on her tiptoes and passionate kissed him.

"Mm... thanks Indiana."

Sighing deep, Tony slapped her butt again.

"I swear you do it on purpose, baby. Just to get spanked."

"Mm... you know it my Indiana." she laughed.

Ignoring her pet name. He ran upstairs into his daughters room. Looking at her fully dressed and sleeping, he sat down on her bed.

"Hey little baby girl, wake up. Come on you, time for school."

"Mm... I'm up daddy."

"No... you're sleeping. Now you have five seconds to get out of that bed. Or I'll tickle you senseless."

Still sleeping away. Tony took his fingertips and gently jabbed her sides. Watching as she jumped, he laughed.

"It's like little electrical shock treatments, isn't it Julia?"

"You're mean daddy. Go away."

"Go away!! Go away!! I don't think so."

Picking her up, he carried her upside down over his shoulder to the kitchen. Then flopping her down into the chair, she finally woke.

"Oh come on. I"m so tired. This isn't fair."

Placing her breakfast in front of her. She looked at it, placed her hand under head, and fell back to sleep sitting up.

"How does she do that? Fall asleep at the drop of a hat?"

Tony laughed. If Claire only realized he was like that as a boy too. Always sleeping throughout the morning. Taking a piece of bacon, he placed it into her opened mouth.

"Blaaaaaaaah... daaaaaaaaaad... come on."

Laughing at her daughters face, Claire sat down with her coffee.
Later that day, Claire headed over to her moms to see little Bryan.

Opening the door, she was jumped on by two small pups.

"Well hello there. What are your names?"

Tilting their little heads to the side, they barked.

"Mooooooom... where are you?"

"In the kitchen giving the kids breakfast."

Walking in , Claire seen them all home.

"Didn't you guys go too school today?"

"I kept them home Claire. We were all up late last night. There was no way I could send them."

"Oh... where's Bryan?"

"He's napping in the room, if you like you put Graham down with him."

"Sure... then I want you to sit mom."

Walking into her mothers room, she placed Graham in beside his nephew who was sound asleep. Looking him over, Claire felt a pang of pain. She knew her brother must be very upset with what's been happening down here.

Taking once last look, she walked back out.

"You look really tired. You need to rest with daddy coming home this afternoon. How are you going to handle all this?"

"We'll be fine Claire. Stop worrying. I have Alan, Jessie and Gary Jr to help. We already have a schedule planned out. Besides that, your father has his therapists that will be coming in and out through the day. So he'll be fine."

"Hm... do lists really work, mom? Sit down, I'll finish that."

Forcing her mother to sit down. Claire finished her dishes, then sat down to coffee.


After morning football practice, Jimmy and James walked Vivian and Nancy to class. Both were cheerleaders, who were very quiet, shy and down to the earth. Except when they cheered.

When that happened, they were two totally different girls. So alive and vibrant. But as soon as practice was over. They became quiet and shy again.

"Jimmy, are we still on for the movies tonight?"

"Yeah. James and I will pick you both up at seven. Leaning down towards her lips, he kissed her tenderly. We'll see you at lunch. Come on James, we're going to be late."

Passionately kissing Vivian, he rushed to catch up with his brother.

"Damn Jimmy, slow down. The bell hasn't even gone yet."

Hearing the bell, James said...

"It has now. Let's boot it to the fifth floor."

Running into class, the teacher shook his head at them.

"Have a seat boys. Let me guess... football practice?"

"Yes sir. Excuse our lateness."

Nodding yes, the teacher started his lesson.
Back at Donna's, Jason had to leave for work. Gently waking Donna, he whispered...

"Donna... I need to leave for work. I'll see you tonight. Okay?"

Donna was freaking. She didn't want to be alone. Even with talking about Gary, it didn't stop her nightmares. Never would. Getting up, she walked him to the door. As he bent to kiss her goodbye on the cheek. She gave him a passionate kiss, a kiss that said this is goodbye.

With the apartment now quiet. Donna headed into her bedroom and packed her bags. She had made her decision the night Gary died. She no longer want the responsibility of her children. She just wanted the hell out of New York. Out of New York, and away from all the pain it carried.

Once she had everything packed. She went to the bank, and transferred all the kids money into their own deperate accounts. Then taking out enough for herself to start a new life, she transferred the rest of her and Gary's funds into Stella and Mac's.

Heading back to her car, she pulled up in front of the Taylor home, and dropped the envelope with the letter in the mailbox. Then without looking back, she left New York, forever.


Claire had her hands full inside. Her mother had left for the Hospital to pick up her dad. Leaving her with the kids. As she made a quick snack for them all, she put Graham and Bryan in the playpen to gurgle at each other.

"Okay guys... let's get this place in order for grandma and grandpa, okay?"

While the kids helped clean, Claire did the lunch dishes and then the laundry that was piling up. Once she had everything done, Julia, Jimmy and James came through the door.

"Great... you got the message to come here after school."

"Yeah... the secretary told us. So is grandpa home yet?"

"Not yet. Can you do me a favour and grab the mail from the box?"

"Sure mom." Heading out James pulled out the mail, then tossed on the table in the living room.

"I put it on the table mom."

"Thanks honey. If you guys have homework, can you start it before you go out tonight?"

"We don't have any. But would it be alright if James and I head home to change? We have dates tonight."

"Yeah, that's fine. Love you, guys."

"Love you too, mom."

Once the boys left, Claire finally had a few minutes to sit down to coffee. Forgetting all about the mail, and the letter from Donna.

"Mom... I'm bored here, when can we go home?"

"How can you be bored Julia? All your cousins are here."

"Jessie is to old, so is Gary and the baby's are to little. How long before papa comes home?"

"How about the puppies? Play with them."

"I don't want to play with them. It's boring here, there is nothing to play with."

Just as Claire was about to tell Julia, her mom and dad walked in. Watcging their grandpa with his scooter, the kids got excited.

"Whoa... that's so cool papa, you can take us for rides," said Gary.

Mac smiled. he couldn't believe it. What a way to come home. Most of his grandchildren were in one room, his beautiful daughter was there smiling at him.

"Here dad, let me help you into your chair."

Lifting her dad under the arms, she helped him walk over to his chair.

"There we go dad. Now 'll take a kiss."

Kissing his daughter smack dab on the lips, he said... "I missed you all."

"We missed you too, papa. Nana brought us here to live with you, cause mommy didn't want us, anymore."

Mac looked at Gary with tears, he had been told about the situation that had developed while he was recovering. He knew his grandchildren were going to need alot of love and understanding.

"I love you all too. You can stay with nana and papa forever if you like."

Snuggling into his arms, Gary loved that idea. For he knew he would be loved in his grandparents hearts.

Looking up at Stella, Mac knew this was going to be a positive or negative week, until they seen where Donna's attitude would lead.

"Papa... here's the mail," said Jessie.

Taking the mail, he seen the letter from Donna. Giving a quizical expression to Stella, she peeked over and seen it.

"Okay guys... how about you all help set the table for dinner tonight. Then if you like, you can all some cookies I made."

Once all the kids were out of sight. Stella, Mac and Claire read the letter.