CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

Later that night, while the kids slept. Donna tried her best to stay awake. She had drank coffee, taken some stay awake pills. Just refusing to go too sleep. The nightmares were to much on her. She hated them. Even after her doctor gave her tranqs to help her sleep, she refused to take them.

Drinking more coffee, she heard the knock on the door. Answering it, she seen Jason standing there.

"Oh Jason, I'm glad you're hear. I'm so messed up right now. I can't function, or sleep. I keep seeing Gary haunting me."

Jason could tell she was on uppers. He could tell she hadn't slept in days. He also knew that if she kept going down this road, she would lose not only her kids, but those that loved her too.

"Donna... what are you on?"

"Nothing, just coffee. Alot of coffee and caffine pills, that's all. I'm fine."

"You're not fine. You aren't sleeping, you're shaking, you can't even look me in the eyes. You are high Donna. You have a baby in the room, and you are God damn high. Or do you expect Gary and Jessie to look after Bryan?"

"Go to hell. You're a self righteous bastard."

That hurt. Jason could feel the pain down into his soul. If Donna only realized how her words affected him. But in her condition, that wasn't possible. Picking up the phone, he called her mother. Not getting an answer, he called Stella.


"Hi... you must be Alan. Is your mom there?"

"Just a minute. Moooooooom... it's for you."


"Mrs. Taylor... it's Jason. I need your help. I need you to come pick up your grandchildren. I've tried calling Don and Jess, but I got no answer."

"They went away for the week with Donald. Why? What's the problem?"
Jason hated what he was about to say, but it needed to be done.

"Donna is high, and unable to watch her children. They need some place to go for the night."

"You bastard... you have no right..." yelled Donna.

Covering her mouth, so he could finish his conversation with Stella, she said...

"Okay... I'll be there as soon as I can. Can you make sure you pack enough things for the children, for a few days?"

"I will. See you soon."

Hanging up the phone, Stella was extremelly upset. She had a feeling Donna would head down this road. Even as a young girl, Donna had trouble accepting life when it became to tough.

"Alan... I need you to get dressed honey. We have to go pick up your neice and nephews."

Running into the bedroom to change, Alan wondered what was going on that they needed to have Jessie, Gary and Bryan come there.

"Are you ready son?"

"I am mom. But what's going on?"

"Just Donna having a few problems. She just needs a little break."

Pulling out of the driveway, Stella sighed deep. She not only had Mac coming home at the end of the week, but she also had her grandchildren now, too.
Melly, I don't think anything they give you to help you sleep can keep you from dreaming, unfortunately for Donna.

I'm glad Jason did the right thing calling someone to get the kids. And he was right to fuss at Donna about being on uppers with an infant in the house.
^^Thanks GNRF:) for the explanation to Melly.

Meanwhile back at Donna's, her yells at Jason woke the kids.

"What's going on, mom. Why are you yelling?"

"Get back to your God damn room now. Right now."

Jessie was scared, as was Gary. Running back to their rooms, they nestled together in their bed, with Bryan.

"Kids... get your bags packed. Your nana and Alan are coming to get you. Pack some stuff for your brother too, okay Jessie?"

"Okay.. Jason." she said with a shiver.

"Just who do you think you are, Jason. You have no right, to tell my kids what to do. Just get the hell out and mind your own buisness."

"You are my buisness Donna. You became my buisness, the day you told me about your problem. So you and I, are going to spend the next few days, getting to the root of your problems, your fears, and whatever else is eating at your soul."

Hearing the knock at the door. Jason opened it.

"Hi Stella, come on in."

Looking over at Donna, Stella could see she was right out of it. Showing her disappointment she said...

"Kids... it's nana, are you ready to go?"

Coming out of their rooms with their bags. Stella took Bryan from Jessie.

"Do you kids have all your school stuff?"

"We do nana. But what about our puppies?"

"You can bring them. Just grab their beds, food, and toys okay?"

"Noo... the pups stay here. You here me Jessie. Put down the pups now." she yelled.

Stella had no choice. Bringing up her hand, she slapped her face.

"You have the next five days to shape up. If you dont. Then I'll see you never get my grandchildren back." she hissed.

"Okay nana, all ready, cried Jessie. Can we go now please?"

"Alan take them to the car, I'll be right there."

"Okay, mom."

"You'll call me on and off during the week? Let me know how she is doing?"

"I will Stella. Take care of your grandchildren."

Nodding, she left out the door, leaving Jason with Donna's screams. Hoping in her heart, that Jason would be able to help her through her pain.


Tony had just about had it with those damn pups. He found their sauciness bordered beyond rude. They had no respect what so ever for shoes and slippers. But most of all... they had no damn respect for the master of the house.

Oh of course, Claire had no problem getting them to obey, or behave. They listened to her just fine. Cleaning up the last of the poop from the kitchen floor, sighed.

"Next time, let me know you need to go out."

Turning away from him, they bowed down, and stuck their bums in the air. Almost as if telling Tony, to kiss their butts. Then walking away, they ran upstairs and flopped down on Julia's bed.

Turning out the light, Tony headed back upstairs.

"Is everything okay, Tony?"

"Yeah... the dogs decided to gift the kitchen floor with their presents. I don't get it Claire. Why do they make those damn wee wee pads, if dogs don't even go on them?"

Claire laughed as she reached for her husband.

"I don't know Indiana... but what I do know. Is I want you to love me."

God he hated that name. Almost from the first day he heard it. Ignoring her giggle, he slapped her butt, before flipping her under him. Then getting down to the creative movement, and sensual arts of bodies in motion, he loved her sensually and passionately through the night.
oooh RamboStella.

I'm trying to remember what they were taking in The Stand, it was supposed to stop the dreams, but I don't know if it's that way in RL. People like to change things in books of course.
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When Stella got the kids home it was 2am. Deciding to leave them home from school for the one day. She got them all settled in bed with their pups. Then taking Bryan, she placed him on a blanket, on her bed. Shocked that he was soaked from top to bottom in his own urine.

Stella was just about at her wits end. She could just imagine her son watching right now, shaking his head with disappointment. Once she had him bathed and in clean sleepers, she fed him a bottle and rocked him to sleep. Placing him back in her bed, she proped up mounds of pillows, incase he decided to roll.

"I'll have to set up the crib for you tomorrow, Bryan. So you will have somewhere comfy to sleep. But for tonight, you can sleep with grandma."

Just as Stella settled down, Jessie came into her room.

"Nana... I can't sleep. Why is mommy so angry with us? Doesn't she love us now daddy's gone?"

Stella felt the pang of pain, realizing Donna hadn't even taken the time, to help the kids talk about their feeling.

"She loves you, sweetheart. Don't ever think otherwise, okay? She's just having a very hard time coping with your father dying. You have to remember she seen it happen. So it's going to take her a while to come to terms with the nightmares."

"Are you making excuses for her nana? Cause I'm old enough to understand. We talked about drugs in school, and mommy acted like she was on something. So was she?"

Stella knew Jessie was very bright. She also knew, that she was so much like her father, that she would keep digging, till she found her answers.

"Yes love. Jason said she had taken too many caffine pills. Which is another name for..."

"Stay awake pills. I know nana. I learned about them in school. Kids take them during exams, so they can study more effectively. But they don't really work. All they do is bring you down hard when they wear off."

"That's right sweetheart. Though I know the doctor gave your mother some pills to help her sleep, did she not take them?"

"No... she said everytime she closed her eyes, my dad was standing there in front of her. She said he's haunting her, cause of her lies."

"Aww... I'm sorry you had to hear that, sweetheart. I promise you your dad is resting peacefully. He's in no way after your mom."

Stella was shocked with what she was hearing. What mother in her right mind, or not. Tells their child, that their father is haunting her.

"I know that, nana. I just wish mom understood that."

"Sometimes when the guilt is so strong in the mind. It has trouble distinguishing reality with fiction. Hopefully Jason will be able to help her."

"What if he can't nana? Does that mean we have to put mommy away for a while?"

"I'll tell you what love. How bout we not think about it right now. Let's see how Jason does first, okay?"

Curling into her nana's side, she kissed her before falling into sleep
Back at Donna's, Jason was having a hell of a time getting her to settle down. She had thrown things against the walls, thrown things at him, but missed. Yet still... she wouldn't wind down. She was still hissing and yelling at him.

Heading into the kitchen, Jason crushed a pill and placed it in a glass of juice. Then walking back out, he leaned her carefully into the chair. Sitting beside her, he coaxed her to drink the orange juice. Waiting for a few minutes, she began to calm down.

"I want you to listen too me Donna. I'm not going to leave you. I'll be right here beside you, while you sleep. If you wake up screaming... I'll be here to hold you through it. So just lay back in my arms, and allow the tranq to lull you, okay?"

Jason knew he would have to wait till morning to work with her. She was to far gone to even understand what he was saying. God he felt so bad. Seeing little Jessie's face as her mother freaked on her, was very sad. Laying his own head back, he wondered what made Donna so afraid to face things.

I mean... she came from a loving home. She had both parents. So, why did she have no confidence in herself? Or her abilities, to raise her children on her own. So many unanswered questions. All Jason knew was that she had become a puzzle. A puzzle, that he was completely in love with.

During the very early morning light, Jason woke to the screams. Jolting himself up, he gently shook Donna awake.

"Donna... shhh... it's okay Donna. I'm right here, nothing can hurt you. Just focus on me Donna, see me. That's it, deep breathes. No one is going to hurt you."

Jason could see the terror in her eyes. Helping him understand that the horror she seen that day was brutal. Once she had calmed enough, he got up and grabbed a cold cloth, with a glass of water.

"Here Donna, drink this. It's just water."

While Donna drank it down, Jason wiped her face with the cloth.

"How you feeling now, Donna?"

"Like I've been ran through a meat grinder. My head is pounding, and I can't get my husband out of my head. God, why won't these dreams stop. If it truly wasn't my fault, then why am I always dreaming it was?"

"It's your subconscious, playing with your mind. You are just having a hard time distinguishing what is real, and what isn't."

"My children. Where are they?"

"You don't remember anything?"

"I remember someone yelling about puppies, the kids crying, I think?"

"Close. I called their grandmother to pick them up last night. You were so out of it, Donna. I had no choice. It was you, who yelled at your daughter when she tried to take the puppies. The only part you're not remembering, is your mother in law slapping you. Telling you... too shape up, or you will never get your children back."

"Did I hurt them? Please tell me I didn't hurt them?"

"No Donna, not physically. Maybe a little mentally."

"God... I'm such a terrible mother. Maybe I don't deserve them back."

"Stop that Donna. You are a wonderful mother. You've just a set back, that's all. Once you get by all this, your life and the childrens lives, will return to normal."

"I hope you're right, Jason. I really do."

"How about we have some breakfast. Then we will talk about that day, okay?"

Nodding yes, they headed to the kitchen.
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Stella woke a short time later to Bryan's cries. Heating a bottle, she changed him, then carried him to the rocker, where she fed him. Once he was done, she burped him. Laying him across her knees, she lulled him back into sleep.

She had a feeling it would be a long night. For even though Bryan was a baby. He realized his daddy was missing. All babies had very keen senses, and Bryan had been restless since Gary's death.

Tearing up, Stella wished she had gotten to say goodbye to her son. None of them had the chance that day. For when they got there, it was too late. Getting up, she placed Bryan back beside his sister. Then heading down the hall, she checked on her son and grandson. finding them both asleep, she headed to the kitchen or a coffee.

Looking at the calander, she realized she alot of things to cancel today. With her grandchildren now being in her care, plans would have to be changed. Sitting in a chair with her coffee, Alan came out.

"Mom... are you okay? You look sad."

"Just tired, honey. Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I don't know, I guess I'm not tired. Do you need a hug, or something?"

Stretching out her arms, she wrapped her son into them. Just holding him tight.

"You miss my brother, don't you mom? You wish, you could have said goodbye."

"I do Alan. It would have given us all some understanding, to this whole puzzle."

"I know mom. But I"m sure Gary knows we love him."

"Me too. Now back to bed with you. Love you."

"I love you too, mom. Night."

Placing her mug in the sink. She headed up to the attic for the crib. Looking around, she seen the kids baby books. Taking them out, she placed them down beside her.

"Mom... do you need any help?"

"I thought I told you to go back too bed, Alan."

"I know mom. But I can't sleep. So can I help?"

"Sure... if you can take the playpen, I'll bring the matress for the crib. Then we can come back up for the rest of it, okay?"

"This is all my old stuff, isn't mom? I remember it."

"Mhm... and before it was yours. It belonged to your sister and brother."

Once they had everything down from the attic. Alan seen the baby books. Picking up his, he giggled.

"What's so funny, Alan?"

"I'm bare mom. I'm on a rug bare."

Taking his brothers book he opened it and found the same thing. Followed by his sisters.

"We were all bare mom. Why?"

"It's called baby on a bear skin rug. Though I must admit, you all had the cutiest little tushies."

"Moooooooooom... I hope no one ever sees this. I'll never live it down."

Snuggling her son in her arms. They worked together setting up the crib.