CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

Love the update, hope Jason can find her though I still believe is better for the kids to stay with Mac and Stella!
When Donna stepped off the bus, she grabbed her bags then tried to hail a cab. Problem was, this place was worse then New York. Such nightlife here, as she looked all around her. smiling, knowing that this was as good as any to start.

While she waited for a cab, the guy was watching. He knew that young girls, and women were forever coming here to escape their husbands, or homes. Walking up to her, he said...

"Excuse me, are looking for a ride?"

"Um... no thanks. I'll wait for a cab."

"That's fine. You're new here, might you be looking for work?

"If you're trying to pick me up as a prostitute, forget it. I'm not interested. Go find yourself a young girl, who might be."

"I'm not a pimp like that. I'm just trying to help you out. I own a dance club. You have a great body, and I thought you might dance nude for me."

Donna laughed. "I don't think so. Thanks for the offer, though. If you any one who needs an experienced bar tender, let me know. Here's my cab."

"Whoa.. wait a minute, how will I reach you? You can tend bar at my club instead."

"Give me the name of your club, and I'll come by."

Writting down the name of the club, Donna got in her cab and took off to the nearest, semi cheap Motel.

"It's like taking candy from a baby. Rake them into my club, drug them up and before they know it, they are hooked and dancing nude.


Jason had booked two weeks off work. Heading home to pack up, he knew Donna had almost two days head start on him. Closing up his bag, he heard the phone.

Letting the machine get it, he heard...

"Jason... I just wanted to let you know that I'm doing fine. Please don't come looking for me, okay. Take care, bye."

Running to the phone, Jason realized he was too late. He also knew her message wasn't long enough to leave a trace. But at least he knew she was okay. Picking up the phone, he called her parents.


"Hey Donald. Is your dad there?"

"Just a minute. Daaaaaaaad... it's Jason."

"Thanks son. Hello."

"Don... i just had a call from Donna. It was very short, needless to say the machine picked it up. She said she's fine, and not to come looking for her."

"Hm... that's not long enough for a trace. Did you get the time off work?"

"Yeah. Two weeks. I'm on my way out the door now. I'll stop by the bus station first. If I have no luck there. I'll head over to the train station."

"Okay, call me the minute you find her, please."

"I will. Try and relax Don. I'll bring her home."

Hanging up the phone, Don prayed that he would. For no matter where Donna went, trouble always followed her.

Over at the Messer's, Judy was feeding Danny jr when Danny came home. Walking into the kitchen, he kissed his sons head. Smiling, as he grunted.

"Sorry little man. Didn't mean to interrupt your dinner. Hi Judy, how was your day?"

"It was good. Did you talk to Don today?"

"Yeah. Poor guy. He's feeling as if it's his and Jess's fault. He feels they didn't raise her right."

"Aww... they shouldn't be made to feel that way. Why can't Donna grow up. I mean leaving your kids behind, so you can run away from your troubles. That's just not right. I hope Stella and Mac, never give their grandchildren back to her."

"I don't think she will, baby. So what's for supper?"

Passing Danny Jr to him. She got up and headed to the oven.

"Cataloni and garlic bread. With tossed salad."

"Mm... sounds great. You don't know what you're missing out on son."

Opening his eyes at his daddy, he threw up on his shirt.

"Thanks bud. I guess that's a no on dinner, huh?"

Grunting again, he blessed his daddy two gifts. As his face strained out his movement.
Judy laughed.

"I don't see anything funny, baby. Come on stinky poo, let's get you changed."

Laying him on the change table, he took off his diaper, placing a cloth over his private area, so he wouldn't pee on him. Then reaching for the wipes, he cleaned his bum.

"Alright, all clean. Now where did mommy put that powder, son?"

Ignoring his daddy, Danny Jr fell back into sleep.

"Oh sure, son. Just fall asleep on daddy, huh. Am I that borning?"

Judy was watching from the door. Walking in she grabbed the powder.

"Here you go, hon. I don't think he's listening to you. But I was. You are very loving, and sweet. I'm sure Danny Jr knows that."

"Good... Cause I like to think I'm a good father, to my boy."
With his son all ready for bed. Danny carried him to the crib, and layed him down.

"Night son. Angels to keep you safe."

Walking from the room with Judy. They headed to the kitchen to eat.


Jessie, Alan and Gary Jr were making cookies.

"Alan, grab the icing and sprinkles. The cookies are cool enough to decorate."

"Come on Jessie, why are you always the head baker?"

"Cause I'm wearing the apron, and I'm the woman of the house.
Gary laughed. "I think Alan wants to wear the apron and be the little woman."

"Yeah, that's right. Then you can be my little baby, Gary."

Jessie laughed with Alan. Watching them tease him, he picked up the icing bag and squirted it at them. Covering his sister and little uncle in icing.

"Gaaaary... stop. Gaaaaary."

Dropping the icing bag he ran into the living room, and flopped down beside his grandfather. Watching from the kitchen, Alan and Jessie knew he'd have to come back sometime. Especially if he wanted a cookie.

After cleaning Gary's mess. They decorated the cookies, and washed the dishes. Then heading into the living room, they watched television.

"Grandpa, can we go to our place tomorrow and get our clothes?"

"Your grandmother has already left. She's meeting the movers to put everything in storage, except for what you need."

"Oh... okay. I think I'm going to go read."

Leaving the room, Mac could tell his granddaughter was hurting. Getting up, he followed her to her room. Sitting on her bed, he said...

"Jessie... talk me sweetheart."

"It's nothing grandpa. I'm just missing daddy so much. We use to have so much fun when he came home from work. He would help us with our homework, or he'd take us out to the recreation center for some BBall. all of that is missing now. Everything is different and wrong. Daddy always held us all together, never did we feel lost, or alone."

"Do you feel lost here, Jessie?"

"No grandpa. I'm more then happy here. I love being with you and grandma. I just can't help but miss daddy."

Caressing his granddaughters hair, he left her to her thoughts.
42nd st, Bus Terminal

When Jason arrived, he asked the girls at the counter, if they had seen Donna.

"Excuse me, can you tell me if you remember this woman buying a ticket here?"

"Hm... no, I just came on. You can find the girls who were on earlier. They are in the Cafe. We go there everynight, before we head home."


Walking into the terminal cafe, he seen the group of girls giggling.

"Excuse me, could any of you tell me if you've served this woman tonight."

"Hm... let me see. Oh yeah... I remember her, she bought a ticket to Las Vegas."


Heading back to the counter, Jason bought his ticket and headed out.


Donna had found a Motel, thanks to the nice cab driver. After paying for three days, she unpacked her small bag, showered and changed. Looking at herself in the mirror, she could see how tired she was. Placing on some make-up, she headed down to the club that guy had given her.

Hailing a cab, she giggled, as the same cab driver pulled up. Giving him the address, he headed out. Sitting back, she thought about Gary. God, why did he haunt her so much? She just couldn't forget the horror.

"Can I give you some advice?"

"Hm... me? Oh sure. What might that be?"

"Watch yourself here. You will find trouble amost everywhere. I can tell you are a mother, and come from a good life. I won't ask you questions, why. Just promise me you'll take care."

Smiling at him, she passed him a twenty, got out and entered the club. As he watched her go into the club, he headed back to the station for his next trip.

Looking around she seen the guy that had offered her a job. Waving to him, he fingered her over. When she neared him, she noticed he had changed. He was damn sexy now. Hot to be exact. His hair and clothes were emmaculate, his cologne smelled heavenly. His face was clean shaven.

"I know... it's a shock isn't it? You caught me at the morning moment, earlier. This is actually what I look like." he smiled.

"Well then... I must say you are very handsom."

Laughing, he finally introduced himself.

"I'm Kevin O'Conner. Welcome to my dance club. Come on over here to my office, I'll buy you a drink, and we'll talk about that job."

Once they were seated, he ordered the waitress to bring over two O'Conner specials.

"Anything else Kevin?"

"No love. Thanks, see that we're not disturbed."

Smiling evily, she left them alone.

"So... I still haven't caught your name."

"Donna. Donna Taylor, I'm from New York."

"Do you have any family?"

"No... just my parents, that's it. I told them I needed to get away and once I was settled I'd call them. Anyway... what do you pay to tend bar here?"

Watching Donna swallow down her drink, he noticed her already responding to the small dose he had given her.

"Donna... why don't you come back to my place with me. We can talk more there."

"Um... Donna was trying to shake off the nasty feeling she was having. All she knew was that Gary would be coming soon. I don't want to go too sleep. Can we go out where the noise is please."

"Why don't you want to sleep, Donna?"

"I just don't. Can we go please."

"I have something that will keep you awake all night, would you like some?"

"Um... I think, I'm just going to go. So do I have the job or not?"

"Sure... you can start tomorrow, but you shouldn't go home like that. Let me take you."

"Okay. Um... sure."

He could tell she was right out of it. Which shocked him. It took most woman a few times before they got hooked. But he could tell something was haunting Donna. Which made it all the easier for him to keep her addicted and at his becon call.

Helping her to his car, he grabbed two more packets from his desk. Opening her door, he helped her in. Getting in the other side, he started to drive.

"Which way, Donna?"

"Um... hm... I..."

Oh yeah. The drug was working great. She was puddy in his hands.

"So tell me Donna. Why don't you sleep?"

"I seen my husband tortured, and now he haunts me at night."

Husband. He could have swore she told him she had no family.

"Do you have children, Donna?"

"Hm... um... yeah. Three, why? What did you do give me? I don't feel good. Where are you taking me? I want out. Help... someone help."

Christ, she wasn't going to work. To much baggage. With women like her, the families always searched till they found them. Checking her purse he found the address of her Motel. Then pulling in, he helped her into her room. He knew he was going to have to OD her. she was already calling for help.

Unlocking her door, he placed her on the bed, while he mixed the two packets into a glass of water. Bringing it to Donna on the bed, he sat her up.

"Here Donna, drink this. It's just water, you'll feel better."

"Noooooooooooo... she screamed. Get out, someone heeeeeeeeeeeelp."

Pulling her hair, he raised her and poured it down her throat. Watching, he knew it wouldn't be long before she convulsed and died.

Cleaning his prints off the glass, the door knob, and the light, he left her on the bed. Making sure no one had heard her screams. He got into his car and left.


When Jason arrived in Las Vegas, he hailed a cab. Stepping in, he showed the cab driver Donna's picture.

"Can you tell me if you picked this woman tonight? She would have been on a earlier bus."

"I did. Twice actually. I can take you to her Motel."

"Thank God, you must be an angel."

When they pulled into the Motel, Jason payed the cab driver.

"Thank you for everything."

Running up to the room, the cab driver hoped Jason wasn't to late.
There's a continued section with Don/Jess on ff.net.

When Jason got up to her room, he found the door slightly ajar. Running inside, he seen Donna convulsing on the bed. Making her bite down on his cell phone cover, he tried called 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Yes, I have a thirty two year old female, with a possible drug overdose. She's in convulsions. We are at..."

"That's fine sir, we have the address."

Hearing the sirens, the EMT's assessed Donna.

"Do you know what she took?"

"No... I have no idea. I just arrived here to meet her. I found her like this. We're both from New York."

"So you have no idea, what this white dried powder is around her mouth, or on her clothes?"

"No, I don't. Can we move her please, before she dies."

Once they were on their way, Jason sat in the back of the Ambulance, while the EMT continued to check her vitals. Pulling into the ER, the trauma team took over with her care. Leaving Jason time to call home.

New york..

Don was getting Donald to bed, when the phone rang.


"Don, it's Jason. I found her in Las Vegas. But it's not good. She's in the Hospital. It seems she OD on some drugs."

"Drugs? What kind of drugs?"

"I'm not sure yet. The Trauma team is still working on her. When I found her, she was already in convulsions."

"Alright, I'm on my way. I should be there before morning."

Jason wasn't sure that was a good idea. Donna was already hurting. To have her see her father look at her in shame, may be just one more set back.

"Listen Don... I th..."

"Excuse me, are you with the young lady that was brought in?"

"I am. How is she?"

"She's going to be fine. We pumped her stomach, and flushed her system. She seems to be coming around."

"Can you tell me what she had taken?"

"Sure, she a very large amount of... MDA 3,4-methylenedioxy-amphetamine. It's a hallucinating drug. Very powerful. It's good you got her hear when you did. Or she would have died."

"Can I see her, please."

"Of course, she's still sleeping. But I'm sure when she wakes, it will be nice for her to have a friendly face there."

"Listen Don. I'm talking to the nurse now. She said Donna will be fine. So don't worry about coming down, I'll bring Donna home, as soon as she is released."

"Promise me, Jason. I don't need you taking off with her somewhere."

"I swear to you, Don. I'll bring her home."

"Okay, make sure you call me later."

Hanging up, Jason headed down to Donna's room.

"Who was on the phone, Donnie?"

"It was Jason. He found Donna. She was in a Motel room, overdosed on MDA's. Enough to almost kill her."

"Oh God, how is she now?"

"Jason said that she'll be fine. He found her in time. He also asked me not to come down, that he'd bring Donna home."

"Do you believe him, Donnie?"

"Do I have a choice, Jess?"

Sitting on his lap, she wrapped her arms around him, and whispered...

"Psst... I want you to love me, Donnie. Come on baby, take me right here." she purred.

Pulling her closer, Don loved her with all the passion, pain, and hurt inside him.