CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines


During Donna's shift, she was having trouble pouring drinks. She had already ruined three Long Island Iced Teas, and spilled three shots. She wasn't sure what else she could do. all she knew was that she was on edge, and had no one to cover her shift.

"Ken... I need a break please. I need to take five."

"Sure... go ahead. I can handle it. We won't get busy till around ten, anyway."

Heading downstairs, Donna went into her locker and reached for a relaxer. The girls always kept them in their lockers, and had given her a few. As she popped the vile open, Jason came up behind her, and covered her hand with his.

"You don't need those, Donna. Trust me. They will only make you worse. Sit down."

Taking the pills, Jason dumped them down the sink. He had seen to many dancers and waitresses go down that route. It would be a cold day in hell, before he'd let Donna go there. She was a damn good bar tender, her hijinx with Ken, was one of the reasons customers kept coming back.

Walking back out, he told her to take off her shirt.

"Excuse me... she laughed. You want my shirt off?"

"Now don't be shy, Donna. Do as you're told."

Lifting her shirt over her head, he told her to lay across the bench on her tummy. Once she was settled, he got out some oil, and poured it down her back. Then taking his hands, he massaged her. Deeply at first, kneading. Then lighter and softer, with care.

Coming downstairs Candy seen them.

"Lucky girl, Donna. Jason gives awesome massages. He's very talented. Yet he never gives us girls what we really want, from him," she winked.

"That's because I know where to draw the line. All good bouncers do. You girls are like my sisters, so I'll always take good care of you dancers."

Donna had noticed he said the dancers were like his sisters, but yet... he hadn't mentioned her. Finishing up his massage, Donna could barely move.

"I can't get up. What have you done? I feel so jelloish."

"Jelloish??? That's a word I've never heard before," he laughed.

Helping her up, he slipped her shirt over her head.

"Hold out your hands now."

Holding out her hands, Donna noticed the shaking had stopped. The nervousness was gone.

"Now get upstairs and show those customers how amazing you and Ken are, behind that bar."

Bending up to kiss his cheek, he turned his head, catching her lips. Feeling the warmth shiver down to her soul, she deepened it. God he was so strong, so powerful and gentle. Breaking the kiss, she rested her head on his chest.

"I'm sorry, Jason. That shouldn't have happened."

"It's okay Donna. It's allowed. You are only human. I only hope your husband realizes how lucky he is, to have you."

Smiling, they headed back upstairs.

Gary was getting worried, Donna had said she would call him on her break. Dialing the number for the bar, he waited for an answer.

"The Beatrice Inn, how can I help you?"

"Hey there, it's Gary calling. Is Donna around?"

"Yeah... hold on Gary. Dooooooooooonna... it's Gary."

Racing over, she took the phone.

"Hey Gar... what's the matter? Is it the kids?"

"No. You were suppose to call me on your break."

"Oh God... I'm sorry honey. You know how crazy it gets here, espcially when the celeb's start arriving."

"I know... but you have called. Especially with Lawrence out there."

"I'm sorry, Gar. Can we talk about it when I get home. I'm swamped."

"Sure. Call me when you're leaving."

"I will. I love you Gar."

"I love you too, Donna. Stay safe."

Hanging up the phone, Gary couldn't understand what brought on, the 180 degree turn she just made. Shrugging it off, he made a fresh pot of coffee.


Claire went into Julia's room to check on her. Finding her cool to touch, she sighed with relief. Covering her up, she walked back out and geard wretching. Opening Jimmy's room, she noticed he was now sick.

"Jimmy... are you okay, son?"

"No mom. I think I have what Julia had. My stomach hurts really bad, and I can't stop vomiting."

"Okay, I'll get you some ginger ale, and a couple Tylenol."

Heading downstairs, Tony stopped her.

"What's going on, baby?"

"Jimmy's sick. If you could help him change into clean pajama's, I'd be forever grateful."

Once they had Jimmy settled, the phone rang.

"I'll get it, Tony. You stay with Jimmy. Hello."

"Hey sis, are you busy?"

"A little. Julia just got over the flu, and now Jimmy has it. Why? What did you need?"

"Too talk. Can we make some time for lunch tomorrow?"

"Of course. Stop by anytime during the day. I'll be home. But are you sure you're okay, now?"

"Yeah... I'm fine sis. I'll see tomorrow, tell Jimmy to get better."

"I will bro, night."

Hanging up the phone, Claire headed back up to her son.


Outside the club, he had found her car. How dare she kick his ass from the bar two nights ago. He had done nothing wrong. All he did was tease her a little. Crawling under the car, he played with the breakline. Once he had it partially clipped, he took off back down the street.

Inside the bar, they were just getting ready for shift change. Heading downstairs to get her coat, Jason was waiting. Helping her on with her coat, they left.

"My truck is over here Donna. I'll have to help you in. It's a big leap."

Unlocking his door, he lifted her around the waist, and sat her inside. Then coming around to the drivers side, they headed out.

"So your husband won't mind picking up the car in the morning, will he?"

"No... he has to go into work. He won't mind stopping by here to get the car. Thanks again for the ride home, and for your undivided protection tonight." she laughed.

"You're welcome. Goodnight Donna. See you tomorrow."

Making sure she was in safe, he headed home.
When Donna unlocked the door, Gary was waiting for her.

"Nice to know you got home safe. Thanks for calling, I mean... I wasn't worried at all. Why would I be? I'm just the husband, right?"

"I'm sorry Gar. One of the bouncers drove me home. I told them what was going on, I was well protected tonight. Though... if you could pick up my car in the morning, I'd appreciate it."

"Why not... anyway... I'm going to bed, goodnight."

"Come on Gar. Don't be like that."

"Like what... concerned, upset, worried about my wife. I think I have every right to be, don't you?"

"You do... I'm sorry Gar. But why are you being such a bear?"

"Oh... I don't know. Maybe it's cause our son was screaming up a storm tonight, or it took me hours to get him settled. Or maybe the fact, that my wife could care a less, that she's being stalked."

Hearing the arguement, Jessie woke.

"Come on you two. I have school in the morning. Please make up and go to bed."

Gary took a deep breath, then throwing on his coat he headed out.

"Where are you going?"

"To get your damn car. Why wait till morning, when I can do it now."

Slamming the door, he didn't look back. Hearing the cries of their son, Donna headed into the nursery.

"Hey there... shh... mommy's home. It's okay. Shh..."

Pacing the floor, Donna wondered why Gary was upset. She knew it had to be more then her not calling home. Sitting in the rocker, she laid her son over her knees, and lulled him back into sleep.


When Gary arrived at the bar, he seen his wife's car. Pulling the keys from his pocket, they fell underneath. Ducking under the car, he noticed the breakline was cut.

"Son of bitch, what the hell is going on."

Getting up on his knees, he felt the world go black.

Coming too, he looked around. From what he could see he was in a padded room. Then he seen the instruments.

"What the fu...."

Watching as the guy stuffed a gag into his mouth. He realized it was Lawrence.

"Welcome Gary... how are you doing? Do you know why you're here?"

Not saying anything, Gary looked at his arms and ankles. Finding them strapped on the table, he tried not to panic.

"You know Gary... it's best not to fight. You're going to need all your strength once the torture starts. So save it. I promise not to hurt you... Yet."

Heading towards the door, he said...

"I'll be back soon. Try not to miss me, like I miss my ex and daughter."

Slamming the door, he left Gary in the dark.