CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

Over at the Staton's, Julia had come down with the flu. Laying in bed crying, Claire brought her some flat ginger ale and Tylenol.

"Here sweetie, swallow this, it will help with your fever."

"I don't want to be sick, mommy. I ache so bad."

"I know sweetie. But you know what? It will all be over soon. Honest. Just drink your ginger ale, and get some sleep."

"Can I have Speed and crash with me?"

"Sure you can. Speeeeeeeed... Craaaaaaaaaash... come here boys."

Running into the room, Julia laughed. Crash had banged into the dresser.

Shaking himself, he jumped up on the bed with Julia, flopping down with his head on her chest. Smelling the vicks, he sneezed, then started rolling all over the bed. Causing Julia to giggle.

"Why is he doing that, mommy?"

"I think it's the vicks, sweetheart. Try and get some rest."

Kissing her daughters head, then Crash and Speed, she headed downstairs.

"How is she, baby?"

"She's still fevered. But at least the vomiting has stopped. Hopefully the boys or Graham don't get it."

"I don't think they will baby. They haven't been near Julia. I think the only one that may get it, is you."

Sitting herself down on her husbands knees, she said...

"Mm... well then my Indiana, you'll just have to rub me down till I'm all better." she said seductively.

"Baby... you know I hate that name. Why do you...."

Stopping his complaint she kissed him. Deeply, passionately, till he finally caught on that she wanted to be loved. Sitting her upright on his knees, he started his assault. Knowing soon, that she would be writhering in his arms.


"Donna, the kids and I, have to go home Don. I need to take the damn dogs out. I'll be fine. I'm a detective for christ sakes. I can protect my own."

"I don't care what you are, you are not going out alone. I'll come with you."

"If you come with me, who's going to be here with the Jess and Donald?"

"Then let me get Danny to go with you all. This way I know, you are all safe."

"No Don. I'm not going to let someone chase us from our home. Now get ready kids, we're going home."

Once they had left, Don wouldn't stop pacing.

"Come on Don. Gary is right. He knows what he's doing. You need to trust in him. He can take care of the kids and of Donna."

Don didn't want any of them to leave the house. Everything was to vivid, to real. He just knew in his heart that something was going to happen.

Seeing them with their coats on, he knew he had no choice but to let them leave. Giving his daughter and grandchildren a kiss, they left.

"Come on Don. It's going to be fine."

Wrapping his wife in close, he prayed she would be right.
hehe, my doggy does that after she sneezes, only she wipes herself on the fence since she's outside. :lol:

Stubborn Gary... hope he can protect Donna and the kids. Don's not exactly paranoid now that he knows Lawrence is after Donna and the kids.
He was finishing up the final touches. Everything was ready to go. He knew Donna had seen him last night. A mistake that wasn't allowed to happen again. It was to early for him to put his plan into effect. So now he would have to lull them all into a false sense of security. By making them think he had disappeared again.

Sitting down to his lunch, he thought back to when his little girl was born. He could remember how beautiful, and fragile she was. In his heart he knew she wasn't his. But it took Donna's words to help him face the truth. She had lied to him, to escape her high school lover in New York.

Placing his plate in the sink, he checked himself in the mirror. He had to admit he liked the new hair color, and his clean shaven look. But it was the green/blue contacts that set his texture and skin tone. So much change. Yet... for some reason he kept the scar above his right shoulder. Afterall, it was memory of the betrayal he suffered when he was younger, at the hands of his enemy.

Closing off his thoughts, he checked the phone book and found a number for call girls. After arranging for two, he set out the wine to breathe. Then pulling down some of his favorite torture toys, he waited for the ladies to arrive. He needed this, it had been weeks since he suffered a good torture. Most people found them repulsive, but for him... for him it was like an aphrodisiac. A sick craving that needed to be fed.


Gary, the kids and Donna entered their apartment and found the dogs sleeping. Searching the rooms, Gary found the little gifts they left on the floor in the bathroom.

"At least they were considerate, and did it in the washroom."

Donna laughed. "Alright Jessie and Gary, get them out for their walks. No alley, stay to the streets, understand?"

"We do mom, no worries."

Once they left, Gary started dinner, while Donna got their son settled into bed. Coming back out, she found her husband staring out to space.

"You okay, Gar?"

"Yeah... I'll be fine baby, don't worry."

Placing the steaks in the oven, followed by the baked potatoes, he turned and wrapped his wife in his arms.

"I love you Donna. When you head out to work later, I want you to call me when you arrive, and when you leave, okay?"

"I will Gar. I'll even call you on my breaks. Then I'll have the bouncer walk me to my car. I'll also call if I see Lawrence, okay? So try and relax Gar."

"Well... until we know for sure, you just keep in constant contact, and stay in lighted areas, or crowds."

"I will hon. Please try not to worry, Gar. Else I won't get through tonight."

Turning in her husbands arms, she passionately kissed him. Taking the kiss deeper, the kids walked back in with the dogs.

"Saved by the masters and their pooches," she laughed.
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Sorry, can't help it:lol:

When Donna arrived at work, she felt her heart race. She knew that would happen. Her father and husband had her nerves on high alert. So alert, that she was having panic attacks. breathing deep, she took off her coat and sat down.

"Hey Donna, you okay? You look like you're ready to pass out."

"Um... yeah. I'm fine. Listen... is Jason in tonight?"

"Mhm... he's here already. Did you want him?"

"Yeah... please. ASAP."

A few minutes later Jason appeared. Watching him strut towards her, Donna tried to remember how to breath again. He was absolutly gorgeous. His hair was dark, given to wave, his eyes were a sea blue, but it was his smile that melted Donna's heart. It was so boyish.

"Hey Donna, you wanted to see me?"

"Yeah, I was wondering if you could keep a good eye on me tonight."

"Of course. Why? Are you having problems with a customer?"

"Not really. Let's just say I have an old ghost, haunting my present. He could possibly be dangerous."

"Does your husband know?"

"He does, as does my father. I guess I got kind of frightened. I can't seem to get my nerves to settle. They've kind of freaked me out a little."

Jason could see Donna's eyes weld up with tears. He had admired her the first day he met her. Now... now three months later, he was more then in love with her. Oh he knew she was married. But he also knew of Gary, his flirtacious background and the affair, he had on his first wife.

Something he didn't approve of, for no woman deserved to be disrespected like that.

"Come here, Donna."

Donna could feel her pulse race. He was too sexy for her peace of mind. Walking into his arms, she allowed him to hold her. God... he smelled heavenly. Allowing herself a little comfort, she felt his warm breath upon her ear.

"You are shivering Donna. I can feel how terrified you are. Try and calm down."

He had to admit now he had her in his arms, he didn't want to let go. She was gorgeous, with her dark rich hair, gorgeous almost auburn eyes. Her form was just perfect, as was her height, which fit his arms perfectly.

"I promise you Donna. You'll be well protected. I won't let you out of my sight."

"I have to start my shift now, but I don't want to move."

Taking her chin within his fingers, he looked into her eyes.

"Trust me Donna. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Thumbing at her tears, he released her. Then taking her hand, he walked with her up the stairs into the club.

Back at home, Gary was trying to get Bryan settled. He had tried burping him, walking him, rocking him. Nothing was working, to help him settle down.

"Dad... dad?"

"What is it, Jessie?"

"Mom lays him across her knees, on his tummy. Then she rocks him back and forth."

"What for? What does that do?"

"I don't know dad. It just helps put him to sleep. It works everytime."

Laying his son across his knees. He rocked him back and forth. No more then ten minutes later, he was sound asleep.

"It worked. Thanks baby."

"You're welcome dad. Now maybe I can get my homework done.

Walking to her room. Jessie hoped that when she got married, her husband had more patients then her dad.