CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

When I was in France with Lawrence and Jessie. I told him that Jessie wasn't his daughter. That I had lied to him, cause I needed to get away from you. I didn't want to destroy your wedding day."

"I know all that. Just get to the part, that has to do with you and my daughter being in danger."

"He was the one who filed for the divorce the following morning. He told me I had to leave. That I was to go, where ever I felt safe. Then he said when he got back from his trip or where ever he went for six years, that he would hunt Jess and I like dogs, and torture us for my lies."

"Christ Donna. You didn't think this was important to tell me or your parents. What the hell is wrong with you? All this time you put our daughter and yourself in danger. He could have been lurking anywhere."

"I know Gar... I'm sorry. But as the years passed by. I kinda forgot all about it. Till tonight."

"Why tonight, Donna?"

"I think... I may have seen him. When I was pulling into the garage, I seen a shadow. Then a face. Lawrences face. But when I looked back, he was gone."

"Damn you, Donna. Just how crazy is he? How well did you know him?"

"Well enough. But he wasn't psycho when we were together. At least I don't think he was. I know he was never home, always away. But he always had eyes on me and Jess, almost like he was protecting us, or making sure we didn't go anywhere. It was after I told him about Jessie not being his, he went crazy."

"So you knew nothing, about what he did for a living?"

"No... like I said he was away alot. He had this room, that Jess, nor I, were allowed to go near. He always kept it locked. So one day I asked him why we couldn't go in there, he said... because it was where he tortured his enemies. But I figured he was teasing me. You don't think he's some kind of hunter, do you?"

"I don't know what to think Donna. The only thing I do know, is that you should have been honest with all of us from the begining. We could have been better prepared. Do you even know if Lawrence is his real name?"

"I don't know Gar. I'm sorry. I have the certificate of marriage and divorce. He kept copies of all that. But his name is the same on all of them."

"Give them to me Donna, I'll run a check on him. But it's highly unlikely he used his real name. How about a picture? Do you have a picture of the three of you together. Any kind of wedding photo?"

"No... we never took any pictures together. He has lots of Jessie and I. But we never had any done together, ever."

"This is great. Why doesn't a father or husband want pictures of his family? Where did you live in France, Donna?"

"I don't know.. come to think of it, we could never venture out. I mean... I was only there one year.

"Gar... I'm really sorry. God what a mess I've made of our lives."

"It's not a mess Donna. It's just one more road block to battle. Try and rest."

Wrapping his wife in his arms, he held her till she stopped shivering. Then when she was alseep, he slipped from the bed, grabbed his gun, and sat up for the rest of the night, on the couch.
Crash and Speed were sleeping in Julia's room. Waking up to the sounds of giggling, they figured it was playtime. Jumping down off Julia's bed, they followed the sound to their maters bedroom.

Pushing open the door with their nose. They seen Tony and Claire rolling under sheets laughing. Running towards the bed, they jumped up, right in between them. Startling Claire into a scream.

"Aaaah.... God Tony."

"Crash... get down. Let's go Speed, down, now."

Sitting their butts on the bed, they tilted their heads as Tony comtinued to talk.

"I said get down, come on, let's go."

"I don't think they understand Tony. But they are damn cute. I love the way their heads tilt."

"There's nothing cute about it. They need to learn Claire."

"Aww... is daddy mad, cause he no get his playtime?" she laughed.
Slapping her butt, the dogs barked, then growled.

"Aww... look how protective they are. They are telling you not to hurt me."

"Alright... that's it."

Getting out of the bed was Tony's first mistake. His second... was thinking those pups were going to listen to him. Turning around and round, they got comfortable and flopped down on Tony's space, with their heads on her lap. Letting out a huge yawn, they fell into sleep.

Claire was in fits of laughter as she said...

"Oh... boy... looks... like daddy... gets the doggy beds... tonight."

"This isn't funny Claire. Speed... Crash... come."

I don't think they hear you anymore, Tony. They are ignoring you. Shh... you're going to wake them."

"Listen baby, if you keep laughing I'm going to pick you up and put you over my knee."

"Mm... promise my Indiana." she said with the deepest seduction.

Tony could feel himself respond. He could tell his wife was having fun at his expense.

Quietly moving towards the bed, so the pups wouldn't hear, he tried to pick up his beautiful wife. But as he lifted the pups growled again.

"Aww... come on, that's it. Get them down ,Claire."

Claire loved Tony's pout. He was like a little boy at Christmas, who didn't get what he wanted.

"Fine... but you should be proud of them. They are very protective."

"Yeah... to the women of the house."

Laughing, Claire lead the dogs back to Julia's room.

"Up... come on pups, up."

"Mommy... what's the matter?" she said in a sleepy voice.

"Nothing sweetheart. Go back to sleep. I love you."

"I love you too, mommy."

Jumping up by Julia, they turned, yawned and fell back into sleep.

Heading back into her room. She seen Tony sprawled out on the bed seductively.

"Oh... you are so naughty, Tony. Look at you all pumped and ready to go."

"Come here baby. I have something to show you."

Claire's eyes went dark. She knew exactly, what her Indiana had for her. Shaking her head no, he stalked from the bed towards her. Laughing as he prowled on his hands and knees, she ran to the bed, and jumped up on it.

"Bad mistake, baby. Closer I come... step by step, inch by inch as I climb upon our bed."

Claire desperately tried not to scream, but Tony looked to hungry with his eyes. As her heart raced, and she felt the fever begin, he was up above her. He could see she was shivering. He could see the affects, his seductive mood had on her senses.

"Tooooony..." she purred out.

"Shh... I know baby, I love you."

Those were the last words spoken between them. For both were so lost in their passion, that their seductive game was forgotten.
LOL at Tony and the pups. Loved them being protective of Claire.

And they are cute when they tilt their heads, aren't they? That always makes me say awww when a dog does that. :adore:
The following morning, Don was up with the dawn. Starting breakfast for the family, he heard the knock at the door.

"Hey daddy. We know it's early, but we need to talk to you."

Still waking up, he said... "come on in. Everyone is still sleeping. Have you guys eaten yet?"

"The kids have dad. We haven't."

"Papa... are you making your pancakes?"

"I am Gary, would you like some with suryp?"

"Please papa." "Me too grandfather, and some sausage."

Don laughed. Heading into the kitchen everyone followed, waking Jess. Putting on her housecoat, she walked out and seen her children and grandchildren.

"Morning nana, we came to visit."

"Well good morning back to you. Are you okay Donna? You look tired."

"I didn't sleep well. Old ghosts."

Don turned to his daughter...

"What kind of ghost, Donna?"

"Just ghosts from my past with Lawrence. Which is why we are really here. I think Jessie and I are in danger."

Don dropped the spatula. As Jessie picked it up, she started to flip the pancakes.

"You have to flip them grandfather, or they will burn."

"In the other room, let's go. You kids stay here. Jessie don't forget to add the chocolate chips."

Sitting down in the living room, Don said...

"Is this another lie you've kept hidden, Donna? Or is this something, new?"

"It's something I've truly forgotten about. It honestly slipped my mind till I seen him last night."

"Seen who?"

"Lawrence. Or someone that looks like him."

"Start at the begining, sweetheart," said her mom.

"When Lawrence found out that Jessie wasn't his, he became very angry. He told me he was filing for divorce that morning, and that Jessie and I had to go too wherever we felt safe. Then he said when he got back from his trip after six years that he was going to hunt us down like dogs and torture us."

"Donna..."cried her mom. How could you forget something like that?"

"I don't know mom. I just didn't take him seriously. I figured he was just angry."

As Jess looked over at Don, she noticed he broke out into a sweat, and his eyes held that haunted look again.

"Donnie... Donnie, answer me."

"Donna... what does Lawrence look like?"

"Why daddy? Does it really matter? As Gar said... that's most likely not even his real name."

"I said... what does he look like?"

"He's tanned, has a goatee, brown eyes, almost black, brown curly hair. He's about 6ft1in, lean and I guess handsom."

Thinking to the guy in his dream, everything matched but the hair and goatee. The man Don had seen had dark black, short hair, and was clean shaven.

"Does he have any scars, Donna?"

"No... none that I was aware of. Why all the questions daddy?"

Don didn't want to alarm his daughter, or his wife.

"Have you checked into any of this yet, Gary?"

"No. I was just heading to the station. I didn't want Donna or the kids left alone. That's why I brought them here."

"Are you upset with me, daddy?"

"What do you think, Donna. You should have told us as soon as you arrived. All these lies you've come home with, I just don't understand where we went wrong with you."

"You didn't go wrong daddy. Don't ever think that. I honestly didn't think he was serious. I just figured he was upset, and said things he didn't mean."

"There's more dad. Donna informed me that he kept some kind of torture chamber, in his home. He would never allow Donna or Jessie near it. He told her it was for his enemies."

Jess was finally catching on. Could it be Don was tuned into Lawrence some how. Could they be sharing some kind of connection. Or was Don just so close to his daughter, that he felt the danger Lawrence was planning?

"Daddy... daddy... please say something?"

Getting up, Don walked over to the window saying nothing. For his only thought at that moment... was how to protect his family.
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Derek was screaming up a storm. He didn't like being ignored when he was wet. Hearing his cries, Danny walked in and picked him up.

"Hey... hey there my boy. What's the problem? Are you wet?"

Laying him on the change table, Danny changed his diaper and sleepers.

Carrying him into Judy, he watched as Derek latched on to his mommy's breast. Suckling away, Danny caressed his cheek, tenderly.

"He's getting so handsom Judy. Look at his gorgeous blue eyes."

"I know... and he has his daddy's smile, too."

Smiling, Danny asked...

"Is our boy coming home for the week-end? Or is he staying at the dorms?"

"He said he'd be home. He's looking forward to seeing how big his brother is now. He's missed him. He also mentioned he'd like to visit his sisters grave."

"We can do that, said Danny with sadness. Then maybe this week-end we can go out one night. Just you and I, it's been a while since I took my beautiful wife dancing. I'm sure Keith would love to sit for his brother."

"I'd like that. Maybe the Taylor's and Flacks would like to come with us"

"Hm... we shall see. Maybe I want my lovely wife, all to myself."

Smiling, Judy took Derek back to his room. As she turned, Danny was standing behind her, with fire in his eyes. She could tell he wanted her. Always wanted her, it was like a burning flame that never cooled.

Trying to catch her breath wasn't possible. Danny could read her hunger, he could see it show through her gorgeous body, that had never lost its shape.


Stalking towards her, he said not a word, as none were needed. Lifting her into his arms, he carried her from the nursery into theirs. Then laying her upon the sheets, he used fingertip caresses to bring her up and over the edge.

Watching as her eyes softly closed to half mast, he tenderly bit into her ear, her neck, till he reached her lips.

"I can feel you losing control, I can feel you pant against my soul. God Judy, you make it so easy for me to love you. To love you, and never want to stop. It's an ache that never dies, or fades."

Judy softly cried. Such words from Danny, words that were now embedded into her heart.

"Shh... hey... come on now, Judy. I don't mean to make you cry. The words I give you, are the way you make me feel. The way you have made my life, and our childrens life complete."

"I'm sorry, Danny. I love you so much too. I never thought love like this was possible. I just get so deeply lost within you. Each time you love me, is like a new begining. A begining that just continues to grow stronger, and purer each moment."

"That's the way it will always be, Judy. Never will the fire or passion we share die. I love you, too."

With no more words between them, Danny took Judy back into his arms, showing Judy that every word he spoke to her heart, was forever the truth.