CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

:lol: That was cute. Gary giving in. hehe. I thought he was gonna get the jacks for a minute there too. :lol:

Love the last line.
Later that night, Don had the dream again. Only this time, it was his wife he seen being tortured and killed. Watching them slice into her flesh, Don thrashed about trying to get out of the chair he was binded too.

Hearing his wife's screams, he twisted at the sheets. feeling her husbands arm hit up into her face, she woke.

"Don... Don... wake up Don."

Finally waking him, she seen his body covered in sweat, his hands were shaking, while his eyes held pure terror.

"It's okay Donnie. I'm right here. I got you, you're safe."

Seeing the blood on his wife's nose, he asked...

"Did I do that to you, Jess?"

"Yeah... but it's okay. Don't worry. You were dreaming."

"No... it's not okay, come here honey. I'm sorry."

Taking a kleenex, he wiped her nose gently. Then placing a kiss upon it, he wrapped her back in his arms.

"Donnie... I think it's time you see someone about your dreams. They've gone on long enough."

"I know Jess. But I'm scared. What if these dreams mark something bad that's going to happen in our lives."

"Come on Donnie. Try not to think about it. We're all safe in each others arms. Would feel better if I brought Donald back in?"

"No... it's okay. I'll be fine."

"Well... how about I detour your thoughts to something else. Like me." she winked.

Climbing upon her husbands body, she laid flat across him. Taking her fingertips, she softly caressed them across his skin. Hearing his moan escape, was driving Jess to take him deeper with her caress. Then looking into his gorgeous blue eyes, she crushed her lips to his, leaving behind the dream, the nightmare, the haunts that lived in his mind.


He was putting the padding in the basement. He knew once it was done, he would have to test it, make sure it was sound proof. After all... eight year old boys, tended to be loud when they screamed. Though he was sure Jess would do her fair amount of screaming too.

Then there was his wife Donna and his daughter. Along with two sons, from that idiot she married. If he remembered right, his daughter was now eleven, and the first boy seven, and the new born was a month now.

Though Donna was going to bring him the most pleasure. Afterall she brought this on herself. How dare she tell him, that Jessica wasn't his. Then come running back to New York, telling her parents he left her. Only to marry her high school sweetheart. Telling him, how sorry she was that she never told him, Jessica was his. God damn bitch deserved to die a slow torturous death.

Well forget it. He was having none of that. Not one of them deserved to live. It was just a matter of waiting till the husbands were at work. Then he could snatch them on their thursday outing. As for the kids, that would be the easy part, once he had Jess and his wife. He could use them to call the school, letting them know that the kids were being picked up by their uncle.

Continuing to hammer the padding. He thought his plan through again.
No, before she came back home. Her husband found out Jessie wasn't his. So he went crazy on her. Forcing her to run away with Jessie, to keep them safe.

Then when she came home, she told her parents that her husband left her because of it.

But as we will find out in coming chapters, he never left her, or her daughter, she ran away from him cause he's crazy obsessive:)

This will be brought forward in future chapters
No, before she came back home. Her husband found out Jessie wasn't his. So he went crazy on her. Forcing her to run away with Jessie, to keep them safe.

Then when she came home, she told her parents that her husband left her because of it.

But as we will find out in coming chapters, he never left her, or her daughter, she ran away from him cause he's crazy obsessive:)

This will be brought forward in future chapters

Ah, okay. Sorry my memory is so sucky. :lol:
He was waiting. He knew she finished her shift at 2am. He had known for a while now. Had he not followed and planned this since he hit New York a year ago? Now everything was in place, ready for the company he was about to recieve.

He had to admit Donna was still beautiful as ever. But she was manipulator, and all manipulators needed to be punished. Feeling himself become angry, he held his head, and talked himself back down. It had been over five years since he'd done a torture, and he could barely wait for this one.

When Donna got home from work it was 2am. Placing her card in the underground parking machine, she watched as the garage opened. Driving in, she stopped half way.

Looking back in her rear view mirror, she could have swore she seen Lawrence.

Stepping on the gas, she sped under as the door descended. Waiting, watching to make sure it closed behind her. God... this had to be a dream. She thought for sure she was rid of him. Her and Jessies had escaped, had they not while he was out of the country.

Thinking back in her mind to their conversation before she left.

"What do you mean she isn't my daugher. How could you do this too me. In the morning we will file for a divorce, then you leave me, go where ever you go, to feel safe. I give you head start. I am going away for six years, when I return, I will hunt you and your little girl down like dogs, I will torture you slowly, listening to your screams."

How many nights did Donna think that he was just angry. That his words weren't true. Could she have been wrong? Did he actual mean the words he had said in anger?
Counting back the years it had been seven. Seven years since she seen him, yet he hadn't changed. Had he been planning this for a year now? Did he already have a head start on her?

Panicking Donna realized she should have been honest with her father. She should have told him the truth. Instead she only told him part of it. For she felt she was safe, and he was just angry. Parking her car, she unlocked the door, pressed the elevator button and headed up to her apartment.

When she unlocked the door, the dogs were waiting with their tails wagging. God she was so terrified. What was she going to do? Running into the bedroom, she found her husband sound asleep. Waking him, she said...

"Gar... Gar... wake up Gar."

Gary could feel his wife's fear. He could see the fright in her eyes.

"What is it, Donna? Did something happen at work?"

"No... I think... I think... I think Jessie and I may be in danger."

Sitting up, he tried not to panic.

"What do you mean, danger? What kind of danger?"

"It's a long story, Gar. Really long. One mom and dad should hear too. I've lied to them enough."

Gary was worried. Just how many secrets did his wife have from her past? Just what could he, be expected to hear now?

"That's fine. We will talk to your mom and dad in the morning. But you'll tell me now."