CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

When morning came to the Flack house, Jess almost fell out of the bed. She was right on the edge, while Flack Sr, and Flack Jr, had their legs and arms flailing all over the place. why she was lucky if she didn't have bruises by the afternoon.

Heading into the shower, she turned the spray on hot, climbed in and tried to get rid of the aches. Bending over, she felt the warmth of her husbands hands slide down her waist. Then she felt the kiss of his tongue, as it slithered along her back to her neck. Whispering...

"Morning beautiful... I missed you last night."

"How could you miss me, when I was across from you?" she giggled.

"That's just it Jeeeeeeeeess... he hissed out in passion. I missed everything about you." As he held her, she tossed back her head against his shoulder and sobbed. So unexpected, so quick, as he drowned her with his beautiful kiss.

God he loved her like this. Never did she know when he was going seduce, massage, drive her forward in throws of endless ecstacy. Turning her to face him, he gripped her hair, and tossed her neck to the side, and as he bit into her with tenderness, passion, and love, he lifted her, claiming her for his assault on her passionate soul.

Jess cried out. She couldn't hold back all the emotion. As she allowed her lover, her partner, her husband, to take her back, soaring high above their sensual cloud. Several hours later, Jess and Don imerged looking like wrinkled prunes.

"Mm... this was a wonderful way to spend part of your saturday off, wasn't it Donnie?"

Looking at her again, with hunger, he chased her around the bed, gripping her, holding her in place.

"You're a naughty girl leaving me in the shower so long. Look at my skin, you've crinkled it, baby."

Slapping her butt, he released her and dressed.

"Get that gorgeous body covered, so we can meet up with the Taylor's for lunch."


Stella was trying to dress. But each time she tried to put on her socks,
Mac would push her back on the bed, and pull them off. Laughing insanely, she said...

"Would you knock it off. We are going to be late."

Watching her husband as his teeth attacked her toes and feet again, she screamed out in laughter.

"What is it with you, and my feet. "Maaaaaaaaaac... stop... I... can't... breathe."

Mac had to admit, his wife's feet were sexy. She had beautifully shaped toes, and her ankle was so tender, and soft. As was her leg, as he nipped her like a shark, enjoying his meal.

"Maaaaaaaaaac... pleeeeeeeease..." she continued to laugh.

Finally crawling out of his clutches, she ran into the bathroom and pulled on her socks, followed by her shoes. Coming out, she seen him sprawled out on the bed, dressed in black. Looking like a sleek black panther.

"Forget it, Taylor. Let's go. The afternoon is disappearing."

Sulking out the door, Stella kissed his pouty lips as they walked to the car.
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When they met up with the Taylor's, they sat down and ordered lunch. While the girls went to the washroom, Don talked to Mac.

"Hey Mac."

"Yeah.. what is it, Don."

"Have you ever had a dream where you seen your children, or grandchildren killed before your eyes. Like so haunting a dream, so vivid and real, that you could smell the blood?"

"No... why? What's going on, Don? Are you having dreams?"

"Yeah Mac. The last two nights. At first I chalked it up to being overworked, but now... now I'm not so sure. This dream is so vivid that I can see the exact room it's happening in. I can see myself being forced to watch, as my children and grandchildren are tortured. Seeing them... he stopped, swallowed back his tears. Hearing them... scream in angonizing pain."

"I'm sorry, Don. I wish I knew how to help you. Or explain it. But I can't. Do you think it's some kind warning, maybe? Maybe someone giving you a sign to be careful, or watch your step at work. It doesn't have to mean what you are seeing, is what's going to happen."

"I know that Mac, it's just so vividly real, that I had Donald sleep with us last night."
Mac snickered. "You had your eight year old son, sandwiched between you and Jess?"

"Yeah... I don't see the humor in it. Even Donald laughed half the night."

"I guess he would. Imagine how he felt, God Don... you need to hope his friends don't find out."

"Oh shut up, Mac. Like you wouldn't do the same."

"I would Don, only I'd put my son in a sleeping bag, not in bed with his mother and I."

Walking back to the table, the girls wondered what Mac was laughing about.

"What's so funny, Mac?"

"It's nothing love. Just guy talk."

"If I'm not mistaken, they were talking about Don having Donald sleep with us last night. Needless to say... I have the bruises to prove it."

Stella laughed. "Please say you're joking? Oh... poor Donald, he must have been so embaressed."

"He was. He did more laughing then anything. Donnie's been having a bad dream the last couple nights. He's not sure what it means."

"What kind of dream, Don?"

"Seeing my children and grandchildren being tortured, while I'm forced to watch."

"Oh Don. I had no idea. Could it have some hidden meaning, or warning?"

"I don't know, Stella. All I know is it's very vivid, and very real."

"If that's the case Don. I'd just be really cautious over the next few days. But if the dream keeps up, maybe seek someone who analyzes dreams. At least they could help you, put it all into perspective."

"I guess you're right Stella, thanks."

"Always Don. Just next time you have this dream. Try and remember to have your son sleep on the floor. It's less embarassing this way, for all of you."

"Yeah... I will."

Laughing, they all enjoyed their lunch.

Jimmy and James were heading out, when their mom called them.

"J&J... don't forget to walk the pups with your sister, before you go out."

"Sure mom. Come on Julia, get the leads."

Once they had the pups ready, they headed out.

"Jimmy... can we take them into the park?"

"Not today Julia. How about tomorrow. Both James and I will be home all day tomorrow. We can do it then."


"I promise Julia. Now let's get them walked."

Once they had the pups back at home. Jimmy and James headed to the mall, while Julia played dress-up with Speed and Crash. taking her princess outfit, she tried to put it on Speed, who sat there flopping his head side to side, as she talked to him.

Crash on the other hand, thought Julia's wand looked good enough to eat. Picking it up he began chewing.

"No Crash. No.. no, stop that."

As Julia went to reach for her wand, Crash barked, then ran with it through the house. Seeing his brother having fun with Julia, he wanted in on it too. Running to snatch the wand from his brother, they growled over it, while Julia continued to tell them no.

Walking into the room, Tony tried not to laugh. Here was Speed dressed in a pink princess dress, pulling on a wand, that was in his brothers mouth. With Julia standing there pointing her finger, saying no."

"What's going on princess?"

"They won't let go of my wand daddy. Can you help me?"

"Of course, I can."

As Claire walked in , she tried not to laugh. Here was her husband with his butt in the air, trying to tug-a-war with the two pups, who were clearly winning. Sitting her daughter on her lap, she whispered...

"Let's watch the pups, show daddy who's boss."

"Let go Speed. Drop it. No Crash, let go, right now. How the hell can your jaws be so strong already? You're just pups."

Growling and pulling, they finally pulled Tony down onto the ground. Then dropping the wand, they headed for his clean socks, he was holding.

Tugging away, Claire and Julia were in fits of laughter.

Once the pups had the socks, they took off with them. Teasing, taunting Tony into chasing them.

"Very funny, my girls. Help me get those socks Claire. These pups are really naughty."

"Sorry honey, you're on your own. I think I hear Graham crying."

Getting up to leave, Claire heard the crash. Turning she seen the pups had knocked over her hand blown vase. She knew she should be angry, but she couldn't. Not when Tony was laying on the floor, with the pups over him, licking the water and flowers from his face.

"Oh God Tony. What I wouldn't give, for a VC right now."

"Look at dad mom, he looks like a flower girl. You're funny dad. Come on Crash... come on Speed."

Hearing their names being called, they tilted their heads, stuck out their tongues, and ran across the floor to Julia.

"Hey... who's going to help me clean up?"

"You're on your own daddy. Have fun. At least you got your socks."

Walking from the room, Tony sighed. He still couldn't figure it. How could two twelve week old pups, beat him at tug-a-war? Shaking his head, he grabbed the mop, and cleaned his mess.
LMAO! :guffaw:That was hysterical. I love when Claire wished for a VC cause I was thinking she should be filming it. :lol:

Over at Gary and Donna's, Jessie asked...

"Daddy... can I have a puppy?"

"No... no dogs. You know that. We live in an apartment."

"But the three J's got two pups, why can't we just have one?"

"I'm sorry Jessie. It's just not going to happen right now. Not while we live in an apartment."

"God dad, this is so unfair."

"No, it's not. It's common sense. I'm sure if you go over to your aunt and uncle, you can see them."

"That's not the same daddy. Why do we have to live in an apartment? It's so unfair."

Getting up, she stormed into her room.

"Don't give me that look, Donna. You know it's not possible in an apartment."

"Why not? The neighbours across from us, and two below us have dogs. Small dogs, but dogs all the same. I'm sure we could find a small one."

Gary sighed. He didn't want a dog. They were to much work. Plus he knew damn well his sister didn't want the dogs, it was Tony who surprised the kids with them, so she wouldn't have a chance to say no.

"I have to go work now, love. I'll see you tonight."

Kissing her sweetly, he left.

As he drove past the pound, he stopped.

"For God sakes Gary, should have known you'd give in." he whispered to himself.

Parking the car, he walked in and heard all the animals whining.

"Hello... how can I help you today?"

"I'm looking for a small apartment size dog. Something cute and fluffy, girly like."

"I take it this is for your daughter?"

"Yeah... how'd you know?"

"It's my job to know. Come on... we have a new litter of Jacks that just came in. Or if you prefer we have some cocker spaniels, and one chihuahua pup."

When Gary seen the pups, he couldn't help but fall for the two Jacks that looked so sad. But he realized in his heart that they needed alot of space.

"Can I see the cocker spaniel please?"

"Of course. This is the brother, he has dark brown fur, with bits of black. This other one is his sister, she's a little lighter then her brother."

Gary could have swore he told her only one. Watching the sister, as he held the boy, he could see her eyes sadden, as she laid back down.

"Christ... you're good at your job aren't you? Fine... give me both. Licences too, please."

Once Gary had the pups, he stopped at the pet store and bought two beds, two bowls for water and food, toys, leashes, and collars. As he
watched everything ring in, he almost passed out.

"That will be, three hundred and seventy-six dollars, please."

With everything bought and paid for, Gary headed home cursing all the way. Pulling up in front of the apartment, he parked underground. Calling his wife to meet him downstairs, she said..

"What's the big secret, Gary?"

"It's in the backseat."

"Mm... if you wanted to love me, you only had to ask. It's been ages since we danced in the back seat," she winked.

"Not now, baby. Later, you'll owe me big time for these."

Opening the back door, she seen the two spaniel pups.

"Aww... aww... look at the little miniture spaniels. Aww... she's going to love you for these, forever."

"I hope so. This little adventure, set us all back a total of sixteen hundred dollars."

"Ouch... that's quite a bite. Aww... but so worth it. Let's get them upstairs."

Walking into the apartment, Gary carefully, quietly opened his daughters door. Then letting the two pups run in, she turned and seen them.

"Aaaaaaaaaaah... puppies. Oh daddy. Thank you. Aww... look at them. Hi... hi little guys. Ooo... love you. Aww... such pretty puppies."

Hearing all the noise, Gary Jr ran into his sisters room.

"Whoa... are one of those mine, dad?"

"Mhm... you two can decide who gets the male, and who gets the female.

Then once you've decided that. There is a pink, and blue dog bed out there. You bring it in here, and get your pup use to sleeping on them."

"But can't they sleep with us, dad?"

"Not till they are a little bigger. If they try to jump off your bed, they could hurt themselves. So it's best to leave them on the floor."

Cuddling her puppy close, she hugged her dad tight.

"Thanks daddy. Thanks for everything. I love them, and you."

Leaving the kids to get aquainted with their pups, Gary whispered...

"I believe you owe me some lovin in the back seat," he winked.

"Mm... I'm all for that. Let's go..."
lol they got him good

I missed my dogs when we moved because the apt didn't allow them. Now if we get a place I'm so getting a kitty.