CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

When Claire neared the alley, she could see her uncles bike. Walking towards him. Sitting down between his legs, she took his arms, and wrapped them around her.

"Hi uncle Danno. Judy tells me you are running away. Wanna tell me why?"
Pulling her in closer, he leaned his chin on her head. Inhaling her hair, he felt his tears build again.

"Cause I'm a failure kiddo. I've failed to protect those around me. I'm not meant to feel love, Claire bear. I'm meant to be alone. Everything I love, is stolen from me. So much pain I cause those I love... to feel."

"Come on uncle Danno. You're being way to hard on yourself. Where would I be right now, if not for your love and support after what I went through with Jimmy's death. Who was the one who slammed me against the wall, told me that whether I liked it or not, I was loved, and would always be loved. It was you uncle. Always you, and uncle Donnie who saved me.

Then after my rape. Who was the one who chased me down, and helped me face my fear of entering my home again? Of proving to me that the only way for the fear to end, was to face it head on? You uncle Danno. Always you. You've always been my hero, and that's never going to change.

But now it's my turn to give back. How do you think Judy is feeling right at this minute, knowing you are leaving her in all her pain. Knowing that you are being selfish, by not sharing or helping her cope. She's your wife uncle. She loves you like crazy, and what do you do? You get up and leave her with your child, that's about to be born. All because you've decided you're a failure at life.

Well welcome to the real world uncle. A world full of people who fail everday. Fail everday... but move past it. No matter how hard it is to overcome, they never give into the pain, the hurt, the anger. Do you know why? Cause they know that life will move forward, whether they want it too or not. So they accept the failure, and move on.

Just like you need to move on, uncle. Not only for you, but for your child that's about to be born. Put the past pain to rest. Let the future unfold into a whole new light of love and comfort. Allow Judy and your unborn child, to bring you endless happiness.

You need to keep the living in your heart, your soul. Let your daughter move on, uncle. Cause until you let go... she can't. She can't rest, knowing her father is still hurting. Knowing her father isn't willing to move on, past the pain."

Wrapping his arms tighter around his little Claire, he whispered...

"How'd you get so smart, kiddo?"

"By listening to my uncle's and their speeches. By taking each phrase, each word they gave me to heart. Love is love, uncle. It comes in many forms, or words. But it all has the same meaning. Now give me a lift home, cause I'm too tired to walk."

Getting up, Claire jumped onto his back, as he piggy backed her to his bike. Dropping her off, she kissed him smack dab on the lips.

"I love you, uncle. Don't ever forget that."

"I won't kiddo. I promise."

Kick starting his bike, he headed home to his wife and child.
Walking into her home, Claire heard Graham crying.

"Thank God, Claire. He's starving, and unfortunetly... I don't have the big breasts to feed him."

Slapping her husband, she laughed. "You are awful, get out of here."

"Love you, baby?"

"Uhuh... if you love me, you'll make us lunch."

Bending down to kiss her beautiful lips, he left the room.
baring her breast, she helped Graham latch on.

"When you are older little Gray, I will tell you all about your daddy, and how silly he is."

Making little grunting noises, he kneading his mommy's breast.

"Are you talking to mommy, already? Are you trying to tell me, that you already know daddy is silly?"

Tony was listening at the door, with the lunch tray in his hands. Placing it down, he sat beside his wife and son.

"This is nice, isn't it love? I have a week off, the kids are in school.

Leaving you and I to have playtime of our own."

"Huh... you can forget about playtime. My little friend decided to get there ahead of you."

"Damn baby. This is my week off. How long?"

"A couple days. Aww... don't pout honey. Just let all that sexual frustration build up. Then when my friend disappears again, it will just be... you, me and the sheets."

Placing Graham in his cradle, Claire pushed Tony back against the bed. Then climbing on him, she rested on his chest.

"Now this... this is nice. Just me, Graham, and you... my human teddy bear."

Kissing her with heated passion, he flipped her under him.

"I may not be able to love you, but I can sure sensually torture you, baby."

Keeping true to his word. He built his lovely wife's passion, up and over, each and every edge for the next several hours.

When Danny walked in, he had a giant teddy bear, and a huge box of chocolate. Walking into the room, he sat down his bed, and gently woke his wife.

"Sweetheart... just wanted to let you know I'm home. I'm home, baby. Please forgive me for being so selfish. I never meant to hurt you, or our son. Sometimes... I just don't think about other feelings. I don't mean to do it, it's just my mind and hurt is so full of worry. That everything I love, is going to disappear, till I'm left with nothing."

Knowing she was really tired, cause she hadn't waken. He left the bear beside her, with the chocolates on the table. Opening her eyes, Judy seen the bear and chocolates. Cuddling the bear in her arms, she could smell Danny's scent all over it.

She understood his fright, just as she understood his need to run with fear after their daughters death. All she could think to herself, was "thank God for his Claire bear."

Leaving the room, he walked into his daughters, and started packing up her things for Goodwill. When he was done, he headed into the kitchen to start a special lunch for his beautiful wife and child. Placing it on a tray, he walked into the room, where he found her holding the big bear.

"Hi honey. I'm sorry for leaving you, baby. Please forgive me... for being scared, hurt, and most of all... stupid."

Sitting down beside her with the tray. He picked up a strawberry, dipped it in whip cream and placed it too her already sweet lips. Opening her mouth, she bit down on it, as Danny licked the remaining whip cream from her mouth.

Reaching for another one, he placed it down around her throat, to her neck. Then taking his tongue, he traced the path the strawberry had taken, leaving her to moan out in pleasure from his warmth.

Placing the tray aside, Danny leaned back against the headboard. Then pulling his wife into his arms, he held her, while caressing their child, whispering words full of I'm sorry, and I love you, through the rest of the afternoon.

Filling Judy's heart with love, and reborn trust. She knew they would finally be able to move on, and live for their child, their future, their world they had built together.
Beautiful chapter. :lol: at Claire talking about her "friend". It took me a second to realize what she meant. I just woke up not too long ago. :lol:
Later that evening, during dinner. Judy went into labor.

"Ouch... Danny... Danny, I think it's time."

"Huh!! Are you sure?"

"Danny... what kind of question is that? Of course I'm sure. Now grab my bag, and let's go. Junior wants to born."

"Junior... I like that, Judy."

Taking her by the hand, he helped her into the car. Strapping her in, he then shut her door, and got in the drivers side.

"Are you sure, now? You're not going to change your mind, are you?"

Laughing Judy took Danny's hand.

"No honey. I'm not going to change my mind. Can we go please?"

Starting the car, Danny pulled out onto the street. While they were on route to the Hospital, Danny started singing... "here we go again on our own."

Judy laughed... "I think the song is... Here I go again on my own, by Whitesnake."

"Who cares, baby. We, I, again. It's all the same, right? You, me and baby makes three."

Judy couldn't believe how calm and relaxed, Danny was. Little did he know, he was being more a comfort then he thought. Pulling into the Hospital parking, Danny grabbed a wheelchair, and helped his wife into it.

Then wheeling her in, he shouted...

"We're here to have our baby. Nurse... your best room for two, please."

The nurse smiled. "Someone is very proud at becoming a daddy."

"Yes I am. Now here is my lovely wife. Take good care of her, and my child. While I call the family."

Kissing his wife on the lips, he allowed the nurse to wheel her into the birthing room.

Once he called the family, he headed in to see his wife.

"Did you get in touch with them all?"

"Yup... they are all on their way. Claire said to remember to breathe."

Feeling the contraction hit, she squeezed her husbands hand.

"Whoa... that was a strong one. It's not going to be long, daddy. Are you excited?"

"You know it. Though we need to think of a name. We can't go around calling him, no-name, can we?"

Laughing Judy felt the big one hit.

"Okay Judy.,.. I see your sons head. Ready? Give me a big push. That's it, again Judy. Perfect, here he comes."

Hearing the cries of their son, Danny seen how tiny he was. With tears floating in his eyes, the doctor asked him to cut the cord. As his hands shook, the doctor reassured him he was doing great. Snipping it near the belly button, they then wrapped him in a blanket and handed him to his daddy.

"Here you go, daddy. Say hello to your new son."

Holding his son, brought memories flooding back of Jennifer Rose.

"Danny... don't do this please. Don't compare."

Sniffing back his tears, he whispered...

"I know, Judy. Im sorry."

"I'll leave you three alone to get aquainted."

Climbing into bed with his son and wife. He sandwich them between them.

"Welcome to the world little guy. I guess we should give you a name."

Running into the room, Claire and family awwed.

"Oh... oh look at him. Let me see him daddy." smiled Claire with excitement.

Taking Danny's son into her arms. She held him close.

"Hello little guy. Has daddy and mommy given you a name yet? No... well they should, huh."

Tony tried to take the baby from Claire. Holding him tighter, the baby was getting agitated. Throwing himself back like a bow, he screamed. Passing him back to his daddy, he stopped.

"Aww... there we go, we have a daddy's boy. He's beautiful you guys. You really need to give him a name." said Claire.

Looking at his son, then at his wife. He said...

"Derek Daniel Messer. How's that for a name son?"

Opening his eyes for the briefest of moments, he gave what looked like a smile. Then curling himself in closer to his daddy, he fell back into sleep.
The boys were walking home from school when they heard Tommy and Vince call them.

"Jimmy... James... hold up. We need to talk to you."

"What? We have to get home, eat, and get ready for our swim meet tonight."

"That's what we wanted to talk to you about. After the meet, some of us are heading out to the hangout joint for some burgers and fries. Did you two want to come?"

"We'll let you know tonight. We've got to go. See ya."

Turning the corner, they picked up their sister Julia.

"Let's go Julia, we have our swim meet tonight."

"I don't want to walk. Why do I have too walk. I can take the bus. You are both mean. Wait till I tell mommy."

"Listen you little screamer. Mom and dad are at the Hospital. Aunt Judy had her baby. So there would have been no one home for you. Understand?"

"So what. I'm a big girl, I can look after myself."

"Not big enough, Julia. Now start walking faster, and quit complaining for ten minutes."

When they got home, Jimmy put down his books and started the pork chops, while James made the salad.

"Come on Julia, get the table set."

"No. Do it yourself. I'm to tired from you both making me walk."

"God Julia, you are such a brat. When will you ever grow up?"

Feeling her anger build, she picked up a plate and tossed it at her brother.

Missing him by a inch, as her parents walked in.

"Julia Mae Staton. What are you doing?"

"I hate my brothers. I hate this family. I want a new one."

Jumping down from her chair, she screamed, stormed up the stairs and slammed her door.

"What's going on, boys?"

"The little princess is mad because we made her walk home. She wanted to take the bus, with her friends. James and I both explained to her, that she was still to young to come home alone. That's when she started throwing her temper around."

Sighing deep, Tony headed upstairs to see his little princess of darkness.

Knocking on her door, he got no response.

"Julia... it's daddy. Can I come in?"

"No... go away. I don't want to see any of you. Just leave me alone."

Tony knew when she got upset like this it was best to leave her till she cooled off. Always she had this wicked temper when it came to something she didn't like, or was told to do. Even the doctor had said..." she'll grow out of it, give her time."

Time was the last thing Julia needed. She needed to start accepting who was in charge. For it certainly wasn't her.

"Listen Julia... you have five minutes to get downstairs and apologize to your brother, or you are grounded this week-end. Which means no going to Sarah's birthday party."

"I don't care, daddy. Go ahead and ground me. At least that way, I can stay in my room away from you all."

"Okay Julia. You're grounded for the whole week and week-end. If you change your mind and wish to apologize to your brother, you can come down and do so."

Walking back downstairs, he heard what sounded like her hairbrush hit the door. Shaking his head, Tony whispered to himself...

"Just one more dent in her room to fix. Maybe it's time I make her room padded."

"What did you say, honey?"

"Nothing baby. I love you."

"I love you too, is Julia coming down for supper?"

"No. I told her to come down only when she is ready to apologize."

"Ouch... you know that's going to be a cold day in ...."

"I know, baby. Don't say it. I already know."

Sitting down to dinner, Claire knew that once Tony left with the boys, she would have to take Julia up some supper.