CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

The Funeral

He knew he had missed his first target. He couldn't believe it. He had planned this for months. That little child wasn't suppose to come running out of the house. Why the hell did she have to get in the way? Sure he wanted revenge. On the team, not on the innocence of a child.

Shaking off his shame, he watched the funeral from across the street.

Taking out the bullet marked Angell, he waited for his shot. he knew he would have to be more careful this time. Especially with more children running the grounds.

Watching as they brought out the little coffin, he had a tear in his eye.

Wiping it away, he continued to focus on Angell. Finding a clear shot near her right chest he fired. Seeing her go down, he knew he had hit his target.

Hearing the screams, he tossed his gun back into his briefcase and took off. Not waiting around to see if he had done the job right, this time.

"Angell... answer me Angell."

"Christ that hurts. My chest is on fire, get this damn thing off me."

Helping her off with her vest, Don looked her over.

"You're okay Angell. Just a red welt, it will go away."

Passing the jacket to Mac, he put on a pair of gloves, before pulling out the bullet. Call it gut instinct, but he had a feeling another hit would go down today. Making him glad, they had worn vests as a precaution.

Looking at it, he seen her name.

"It's one of the bullets. There's her name. Angell. This is personal. We've confirmed it now. Someone is targeting my old team. Stella... take Angell and the kids home to our place, Adam... take this to the lab, see if he can anything from the bullet."

Gary watched his father in action. Something he had missed, but couldn't allow.

"Dad... dad... you need to stop this. Dad... you're not in charge anymore. You need to stop doing my job."

Mac looked at his son. Realizing he was right, he apologized and headed home with his wife, and Angell.

"Dad... come on dad. Please don't be angry."

Watching them walk away, he said to Adam.

"Get this bullet back to the lab Adam. See if you can get any trace off it. Don... you and I will check across the street."

Heading back to the lab, he took extreme care. Watching for any signs of a tail.

When they got home, Stella watched Mac walk into his room and shut the door.

"Is he going to be okay, Stella? He seems really upset."

"He'll be fine Angell, don't worry."


When Claire, Tony and kids got home. Claire put Graham down for his nap. It had been one hell of a morning. Just the frightening thought, of not being able to bury your child in peace. How horrific it must be for her uncle Danno.

She knew he was hurting badly. But she also knew that Judy would help him through this. Walking from the nursery, Claire headed back downstairs.

"Mommy... why did someone fire guns at Rose's funeral?"

Sitting her daughter on her lap, she snuggled her close.

"I don't know, baby. sometimes it's hard to explain the action of bad people."

"Mommy... can I take this off now?"

Looking at the little vail covering her daughters dress, she slipped it off her.

"Why don't you go play with the dolls, and I'll get lunch ready, okay?"

"Okay mom, I love you."

"I love you too, Julia Mae."

Walking into the kitchen, Claire still couldn't get her mind off her uncles pain.
Still in his room, Mac headed to the closet, and pulled out his gun. Filling it with bullets, he walked out.

"Stel... I have to go out for a while. I'll be back when I've cooled down."

"Okay Mac. Try and relax. Did you do your blood pressure first?"

Avoiding her question he said... "don't worry, everything is fine Stella."

Kissing her on the lips, he left. Turning on the engine, he headed down to the lab. As he arrived, he found Adam heading out.

"Adam... did you get anything on that bullet? Gary asked me to check. He and Don are still busy checking the area."

"Um.. err... hm... yeah. Actually the fingerprint on the bullet belongs too, District Attorny Gordon Wilson."

"Wilson... Gordon... Jesus christ. Give me the address, Adam. Now."

"Um... err... shouldn't you be calling Gary, about now?"

"Just give me the damn address, Adam."

After giving Mac the address, Adam called Gary, to inform him what his father was about to do.

When Mac arrived outside Gordon's home. He withdrew his weapon, and slowly descended the stairs. Checking to see if the door was unlocked, he turned the knob. As it opened, he could hear what sounded like a drill.

Cautiously making his way to the garage, he seen Gordon making new bullets. Not wanting to startle him, Mac silently walked up behind him, and as Gordon went to engrave the bullet, Mac aimed his weapon, at his head.

"Don't move, Gordon. Hands where I can see them."

Raising his hands, he knew damn well Mac didn't have cuff's. turning quickly, he knocked the gun out of Mac's hand, sending it flying across the garage. Wrestling now, Mac knew he would have to weaken Gordon before he'd be able to take him down with his moves.

Hearing the sirens, Gordon turned, and within that second of breaking concentration, Mac had him on the ground in a choke hold. Tightening his lock, Mac wouldn't release, even after he Gordon was out cold.

Running into the garage, Gary noticed Wilson was completely blue.

"Release dad. Dad... I said release him."

Still not listening, Danny and Don had to pull Mac off him. Leaving Gary, no choice but to revive him. Otherwise, his father would be arrested for murder.

"Get my father out of here. Now."

Finally coming around, Gordon seen what looked like Mac sitting beside him.

"You... you'll.. pay for this, Mac. I'll... he coughed. I'll... make sure they know... cough... you tried to kill me."

"I don't know what you're talking about Gordon. My name is Gary, I'm Mac's son. There is no one else here, except for Danny and Don. So if I was you, I'd shut my mouth. For I'm sure he'd like nothing more then to kill you in cold blood, right now. For killing his little girl."

Dragging him up by his shirt, Gary walked him to the car. Shoving him inside, they took him back to the station. After having him booked, they placed him in holding.

"Are you going to be okay now, Danny? Or did you want to take some time off?"

"Nah man... I'm fine. I'll just go home and see my wife. I'm sure she's needing me about now. Plus she is due any day. I'll see ya, Gary."

Turning back to Gordon, he asked...

"Why Gordon? Why attack the old team?"

"Cause your father rejected me. He chose you, over me. That should have been my job. Instead I get sent to the DA's office, for a crumbing desk job. So yeah... yeah I wanted revenge on the old team. I've planned four years for this. And now... now it was all for nothing."

"Yeah... it was for nothing. Now... you have to live with the regret, of killing an innocent child. For that... for that I hope you get the chair."

Walking out of the holding area, Gary didn't look back.

When Don walked in with Mac, Stella noticed he was bleeding.

"Maaaaac... what happened Don?"

"Mac decided to play hero. He fought with our sniper, almost killing him.
You really need to keep a better eye on him."

"Did he get him? Did you capture him, Mac? by yourself?

Shaking his head yes, he sat down. Grabbing his pills, he took two, followed by his blood pressure. Peeking over, Stella noticed it was slightly elevated.

"160/90 Mac. That's not good. What the hell would possess you, to take on a sniper by yourself?"

"I did it for all of us Stella. I wasn't about to see another member of our family, die. Now... now little Jennifer rose can rest peacefully."

"We're going to get going, Stella. We'll talk to you tomorrow."

Once everyone was gone. Stella looked at her husband with sensual hunger. Feeling her soul begin to burn, she sat herself on her husbands lap, and showed him just how much his heroics, excited her, and as he had her on the edge, he heard her whisper...

"Always my G.I. Mac. I love you."
When Danny and Judy arrived at home, he helped her into bed. Making sure she was comfortable, he kissed her, and left the room. Walking into his beauty's room, he laid down in her bed, and cried.

Listening from the other room, Judy could hear his heart wretching cries, as she tried to sleep. Pulling herself up from the bed, she waddled down the hall, and walked in. Laying down beside him, she took him into her arms.

Stroking his hair as he laid his chest upon her, and felt his child move.

With wide rippling waves, as he tried to reach his father to help stop his pain. Touching his hand to his son, he gently dug his fingers against him, trying with desperation to allow his son to comfort him. So much pain, and loss Danny had in his heart.

All he could do was think back to all the losses he had suffered over the years. Why is it every time he tried for a little happiness, someone found a way to take it away. What had he done so wrong, to bring such pain into his soul.

Could it be he wasn't meant to find happiness, or a comforting peace? He had heard of men who were not allowed happiness. Men that were destined to be alone for their remaining life. Maybe that was what he had in his future, and hadn't realized it till now. How long would it be, before he lost his wife, or his new child about to be born?

Looking up into Judy's eyes, he softly kissed her. Then climbing from the bed, he took his bag from his room, packed up some clothes and left a note. Then jumping on his bike he took off.

Getting herself up out of bed, she walked into the kitchen. Seeing the note on the fridge she read it...

"Judy, I know this is the wrong time to be telling you that I'm leaving. I need you to understand, this is for the best. You deserve to have happiness in your life. Not pain, or dispare that you've been given. I know you will be okay. You have the Taylor's to watch over you, and our new child. I just feel I've lost every reason for protecting what is in my life. I'm hoping with this trip, I can find what I've lost inside me. For if I can't, I feel I will never be good enough for anyone to love, including my child you hold within.

I'll contact you from time to time, just to see how you are doing. I love you Judy, as much you are thinking I don't right now. I do, and always will.

Love danny."

Putting down the paper, Judy realized Danny was hurting more then what he let on. But he was also being selfish thinking only of himself. Afterall he wasn't the only one in pain. Picking up the phone, she called Claire.


"Claire... it's Judy."

"Judy... what's the matter, you sound upset."

"Danny left me, Claire. He thinks he is unable to protect us. To bring us happiness."

"How long ago did he leave?"

"Just about twenty minutes ago, why?"

"I have an idea where he would go, before leaving town. You hold tight Judy. I'll find him and bring him home, I promise."

Hanging up the phone, Claire informed Tony what was going on. Then leaving him with Graham, she went to the one place where Danny felt he had failed. The place where Rubin was found, after being shot.