CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

They are tired from their trip.:)

When Danny got home, his little beauty was waiting for him.

"Hi daddy, look what I made you. It is pretty, isn't it?"

Looking at the painting, Danny's only thought was it was either a fat red cat, or a squashed tomato. Thinking to himself, he hoped she didn't ask. For he didn't want to disappoint her.

"Well daddy. What is it?"

Watching his wife from the door, he could see her beautiful tummy all swollen with his child again. He knew she was due soon, and he couldn't wait. He wanted what all fathers wanted. A little Danny Messer. Then it clicked on him.

"I know what this is. This is mommy and our new baby, right?"

"Yay... you got it daddy. You's so smart."

Picking her up in his arms, he kissed her pretty cheeks, followed by her neck and sweet lips.

"Who's daddys beauty?"

"Me... I'm daddy's beauty."

"Yes you are. Giving her one last swing, he tossed her onto the couch, as she giggled. Walking into the kitchen, Danny grabbed his gorgeous wife around her waist, bent down and kissed her tummy.

"How is daddy's boy? Are you nice and warm in there? I love you, son."

Judy shook her head. Her only thought being... "he was going to be awful disappointed if a girl popped out."


Don and Jess finally had some alone time. Donald was sleeping over at a friends. Sitting down to a movie and popcorn, the phone rang.

"Don't answer it, Donnie. Let them think we went out."

"What if it's Mac and Stella, back from Scotland?"

"Fine... but if it's not them on the name display, you leave it."

Looking over he seen it was NYPD.

"It's work Jess, I have to take the call."

"No you don't. Let someone else deal with it. If it was that important, your pager would be vibrating up a storm."

"Mm... now there is a kinky word. V.I.B.R.A.T.E." he spelled out with seduction, as he reached for his wife.

Dragging her up onto his lap, he placed his hot hands on her butt, causing her to inhale deep. Then pulling her in closer, he squeezed again, as she purred into his mouth. Lifting her off the couch, without breaking their kiss, he carried her to their room.
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The following morning, Mac and Stella arrived at their daughters home. They had told the children to choose who's place they would be meeting at. They had chosen Claire and Tony's. Walking in, the kids attacked their grandparents again.

With hugs and kisses, Mac and Stella barely had time to put down their gifts.

"Alright you guys, give nana and papa time to sit."

"What did you bring us, nana and papa? Can we see them now?"

"Of course." Removing the boxes from the bags, they passed one to each grandchild, and child. As they opened them, they heard...

"Whooooa... little treasure chests. What's inside them?"

Opening them, they seen the stones.

"You got us stones? said Julia with disappointment.

"Not stones Julia, marbles. Very special marbles. They are Isle of Skye marbles. It's said Skye marble has been carried to bring calm and Good luck. Its soft, gentle colour of the marble makes for gentle healing of the heart. It also brings a nurturing instinct and can enhance good common sense, in matters of the home and heart. Most of all... It helps us to develop a strength of character and provide protection, both physical and emotional."

"Wow... they are beautiful, mom."

"They are, which is why we bought them for you all, including the children. They are beautiful keepsakes."

Julia still wasn't impressed.

"Nana... I don't understand. Didn't they have any Scotland dolls? I would have liked those."

Mac laughed at his grandaughter. Some things just never changed.

"Come here love. Yes... we have a very special couple of highland dolls for you."

Pulling them out the bag, Julia giggled.

"He's wearing a skirt, that's funny. Why is he wearing a skirt, papa?"

It's not a skirt Julia, said Jimmy. It's called a kilt. The men, women and children wore them to represent the color of their clan. Each clan has it's own unique color. This is how they were able to tell who belonged to who, especially the Lairds brides and children. For other clans, would try and steal them to gain their land and treasures."

Everyone stared.

"Okay... where did that come from, Jimmy?" asked his dad.

"My research paper. At school last week, we were told in history to pick a scottish warrior, do an essay on him, and his clan. I did mine onBuchanan Clan. It's from the 'Siol O'Cain' , along with the MacMillans, one of the ancient tribes of North Moray. The Historian, Buchanan of Auchmar says the name O' Cain came from the progenitor Ansela O'Cain or O'Kyan in the 11th century."

"That's wonderful son. It sounds like quite a project. You'll have to let us see it, when you get it back."

"I will papa. It was alot of fun. I only hope I get to see Scotland one day, like you and nana did."

Julia could care less. She was looking at her brother, like he had spiders crawling all over him.

Interupting she said...

"So can I play with them now, papa?"

Taking her dolls, Julia sat on the carpet playing with them. While Mac, Stella and their children, caught up on all that was missed.


Danny was leaving for work. Heading out the door, his beauty ran up to him.

"Kisses daddy. I want kisses before you leave."

Picking her up, he felt the sting against his arm. Then he seen the blood seeping from his daughters chest. Screaming for Judy, he told her to call 911.

"What happened Danny. Oh God... she's bleeding. No... this can't be happening. Please, not our Jennifer Rose."

Rushing her into the Ambulance, he told her to call the team. As he watched the EMT try to resesitate his daughter, he knew it was to late. His beauty was gone. Lowering his head, he cried onto her little chest, covering himself in her blood. Flooding back to memories of what Gary must have felt like, when he lost his whole family.

"EMT 247 to dispatch. Our patient is DOR. I repeat, our patient is DOR."

"10-4, 247."

With laughter heard through out the Staton home, the phone rang. Picking it up, Claire said...


"Claire... it's... Judy... Some...one... killed our... little girl." she cried.

As everyone watched, they could tell something was wrong. Taking the phone from his sister, Gary said...

"Who is this?"

"Gary... it's Judy... Someone killed... our little girl in daddy's arms... She's dead."

Hanging up the phone, Gary turned.

"That was Judy. Jennifer Rose is dead. Someone killed her in Danny's arms."

Nothing but silence filled the room. Without a sound, the family got up, dressed, and headed over to the Hospital. There only thought being... Danny.
I said you were evil lol

I love the other part. I would so have to do MacLeod lol. (I know there were two divisions) Unfortunately I couldn't pick the warrior I like becuase he isn't real. (although I would love to do a Highlander/CSINY crossover fic sometime...it could get confusing lol Mac and Mac.)
When they arrived, they found Danny soaked in his daughters blood.

"Danny... what happened?"

"How the hell should I know. One minute I was holding my beauty, the next minute she was gone. She was gone... she's gone. God Mac... who would shoot my little beauty?"

Grabbing him up in his arms, Mac held him tightly against him. Allowing his tears, and the blood of his daughter, to soak his shirt.

Coming down the hall, Gary seen the doctor.

"What did you find out?"

"Your Detective was the target. Not his daughter., We found this lodged in her chest. The bullet has his name on it. If you look closely, you can read it..." Danny.

"Thank you."

Walking back into the room, Danny looked at Gary.

"Is that the bullet that killed my beauty? Is it Gary?

"Danny... I need you to listen to me. The bullet wasn't meant for your daughter. It was meant for you. The bullet has your name on it."

Mac looked up. "His name is on the bullet?"

"It is dad, see."

Taking the bullet, Mac looked at it. He couldn't believe what he was looking at. The talent and time it must have taken, to engrave it so deep into the bullet without exploding it.

"This reminds me of that song... said Jimmy.

"What song, son."

"You know... A Bullet with a name on it. It's a song based on a band. I can't really understand all the words, but it has something to do with revenge. Engraved bullets, that have the targets name on them."

"So what you are saying, is someone is targeting Danny?"

"I don't know, papa. It's the song that's on my wrestling game. Like I said it's hard to understand what they are saying. But some of the lyrics go... See everybody watching and passing judgment, on every little move and decision I make. How can I be an individual with the weight of the world with 8 other planets to take?

Then the ending chorus is... Everything that they say about me. And everything that they make me need, are nothing when they're taking everything away from me.

Everyone trying to make it harder and everyone saying I would never be. You're nothing but a name on the bullet that I aim... I think it's suppose to be about him killing himself with the bullet. But to me, it sounds like more a revenge song. Like he's getting ready to target eight people to kill. I could be wrong, my imagination plays to many video games."

Mac thought. It was at times like this, he was thankful he still had his mind for puzzles.

"What is it dad? What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking my grandson could be right. Someone is playing a very dangerous game of revenge."

"Come on dad. Not the revenge thing again. who the hell would be targeting Danny?"

"Look son. It took precision and care to engrave a name into this bullet. I mean just by the slightest vibe it should have exploded. Whoever sent this message, has planned long and hard for his revenge. This is personal. Very personal. Question now is... is Danny the only target? Or is he targeting more then one member of your team?"

"My team? What makes you think it's not your team, dad. If Jimmy is right about that theory. Then he's targeting your team. So just who did you piss off?"

"Stop this. That's enough. We have Danny and Judy who just lost their daughter. You two arguing isn't helping. So sit down Mac, before you have another stroke." yelled Stella.

Sighing deep, Mac sat down beside his wife.

"I think the best thing we can all do, is wait. If this sniper has missed, he's going to try again. Which means it will be any one of us. Danny... you're safe for now. For it's going to take him time, to make another bullet with your name, said Stella. Did you get in touch with Keith yet, Danny?"

Not listening... Danny held his wife in his arms. Right now he could care less about anything. For his little beauty was gone from his life, forever.
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