CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

When Gary and Don picked up Savana at her home, she was already in tears.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill her. Or hurt her. It was an accident."

"You didn't report it, you left her there in that washroom, instead of coming forward."

"I was scared. Can't you understand that. Please... I was so scared."

"What's going to happen to my daughter?"

"That's up to district attorney and Eva's parents. If they decide to press charges, it will most likely go to court. For now, we need to take your daughter downtown and get her confession."

"Can I come with her?"

"You can follow us down there. You can't come with us."

"It's going to be okay sweetheart. I'll be right behind you. Then I'll call our lawyer."

"This female officer, will check you for weapons."

"Is that nessesary? She doesn't have any weapons."

"I'm sorry maam. But it is."

Once Savana was checked, Don and Gary walked her out to the car.


Donna and Claire had a room together.

"This is awesome. You ready, feeding time." Donna giggled as they were feeding the boys at the same time.

"Isn't this amazing? Just wait till mom and dad find out, they were born five minutes apart."

"Never mind that. I can hear dad now, when he finds out we had boys. This will be him...

"That's my girls... continuing that Taylor line, hahaha." Claire said in her fathers voice.

"That's good Claire. You have dad, down pat."

"I know. I wonder how Tony is doing, with all the kids." laughed Claire.

Back at home, Tony was trying to remember how to keep his patients in check. Which wasn't easy. Jimmy and James had gone out to the rec center with Alan, Jessie and Gary. Leaving Tony with Julia. Now things would have been fine. If not for Julia's screaming fit.

"Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh... I said play daddy. Now you take Ken, or I'll scream again."

"Julia Mae, stop that screaming, or you are going to bed. Six year olds don't scream like babies."

"I don't care daddy. I want to play."

"No. Listen... how about we play the Wii?"

"I don't want to play the Wii. I want to play Ken and Barbie."

"That's it Julia. Upstairs, now."

Stomping up the stairs she yelled, as she mimicked her daddy...

" That's it Julia... upstairs now. Only babies scream, Julia. Stop that, Julia. I hate everyone in this house. You are all mean. I want sisters to play with. Why do we have all boys. Boys suck!!!"

Hearing her door slam, Tony breathed a sigh, as he whispered...

"So much like her mother, when she can't get her own way."
Welcome home, mom and dad.

The family was waiting at the train station for their arrival. It had been a long two weeks, and they had been missed. Watching as the train pulled up, Julia screamed...

"There they are... see them. Hi papa, hi nana."

Waving back to her, the train came to a stop. As the doors opened, Julia ran up and hugged them.

"I missed you both, so much. Did you bring us presents? Did you?"

Mac and Stella laughed. Some things just never changed.

Seeing their son, Stella opened her arms for him. Running into them, they wrapped their arms around him, and held him close.

"I've missed you both so much. I love you."

"We love you too, son." cried Mac.

"Wow... you guys look great. Look at you dad, you look so healthy, almost young again." said Claire.

"Did the two of you, find the fountain of youth or something over there?" laughed Gary.

"No mister smarty pants. Now let's see our new grandbabies."

"Aww... look at them. They are absolutely gorgeous. Hard to believe they are five minutes apart. I think they are our first, born under the same sign. We will have to check into that, and see if there is any meaning behind it."

"Not even home five minutes mom, and you are already adding to the family history."

"Hush you. Every date, every minute, has a new meaning. One day I will have to teach you."

Rolling her eyes. They headed to the vans.


He had heard they returned. Finally... now he could put his plans into order and start them rolling. He knew in order to win this first round, he was going to have to go after the weakest link, first. Taking out the bullet marked, Danny. He shinned it, and placed it in the gun. Then snapping it shut, he headed out.

Thinking to himself as he walked, he wasn't sure when the hit would take place. All he knew was it had to be soon. For he had already fallen behind due to the Taylor's unplanned vacation. Walking into the Cafe, he seen two of friends from NYPD.

"Hey... how goes it, Kurt. How's the DA's office treating you. Miss us?"

"Of course I miss you. So what's been going on. Anything new?"

"Nah... same crap. Nothing ever changes. We miss you stopping by though."

"I was there yesterday, briefly. I had a meeting with Gary and his team. It seems we are going to be working together on a case."

"Ouch... poor you, man. I suppose Don will be there."

"When is he not. I mean there is only him, Angell, Danny, and Sheldon left of the original team. along with Stella once in a while. You ask me, it's time for a change. Time to get some new blood in there. Start fresh, you know? A whole new team, who don't follow every law by the book."

"I hear you... they are a stiff bunch. I honestly thought when Gary took over, things would be better, you know? Instead it's worse. He's so much like Mac, it's scary."

"Oh well... you know what they say... things will eventually change. It's just a matter of time. Anyway... I'll see you guys later."

"God... Kurt is a great guy. I'm actually surprised he doesn't harbour any resentment to Mac, or the team for choosing Mac's son, over him."

Paying for their coffee, they headed back to their beat.
When Mac and Stella got home, first thing they did was spend time with their son.

"Alan... can you tell us what happened, over the two weeks we were gone?"

"You mean... about me running away?"

"Mhm... we were very upset when Claire told us. How could you think, no one wanted you son? We all love you."

"I know mom. I'm really sorry. It was just...well...

Jimmy and James told me, that if I was bad for Claire, Tony would lock me in a closet. I panicked. So I called Donald to see if I could stay there, but he said no, cause uncle was still mad about the cupcake thing. Then I heard Claire talking to uncle Gary, about taking me with him. I thought she wanted me gone. So I ran away. I ran all the way home, and came through the window."

"Who found you son?"

"Tony. I remember hearing a noise. I thought someone was coming in, so I grabbed your gun. Then I seen it was Tony. I dropped it, ran into my room, and screamed."

"You know son. For one thing, you could have shot off your toe, or your leg, when you dropped it. Number two, you could have killed Tony by accident. You are lucky I don't keep it loaded."

"I know dad. I'm really sorry. Tony and I worked it all out. Now we are best buds. But I understand if I'm grounded. Cause I did do wrong."

Mac thought about it. He could ground him, but it seemed he had already punished himself enough. Opening his arms, his son fell into them.

"I love you daddy. I'm really sorry."

"I know, Alan. It's okay son. Just don't ever forget that we all love you, you are important to each of us. Next time something like that happens, tell us, or tell your aunt and uncle, okay?"

"I will. So did you and mom enjoy your trip?"

"We did son. It was an amazing experience. Everything was so breath taking. We even visited the little village and brought back some items for you kids. But you all have to wait till tomorrow."


Julia was having another temper. Her grandpa and grandma told her, she had to wait till tomorrow for her present, cause they were to tired to visit. Sitting on the bed, Claire was feeding Graham, trying desperately to ignore her daughters constant chatter.

"It's just not fair mommy. I should get my present today. I was a good girl. I haven't screamed once today. I even helped change and bath Graham. So don't you think, I should get my present, now?"

"Nana said tomorrow. You really need to learn Julia. That sometimes as we grow up, we have to have patients. Why don't you go find something to do. Then when I get Graham to sleep, you and I will bake cookies. How's that sound?"

"Okay mommy. I will go get everything ready."

Walking downstairs, Julia sometimes wished that her parents and grandparents could be kids again. This way, they would understand how she feels almost everyday."