CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines


Gary was sitting in his office, when he got the call out to Hawthorne Valley Private School. A school where all their kids attended. The school housed JK-through 12. Grabbing the team, they arrived to the students sitting outside. Seeing his nephews, he asked them what was going on.

"A girl named Eva was found in the washroom, dead. So we've all been asked to sit out here, and wait."

Heading inside, they seen the young girl laying in a pool of her own blood.


"None Gary. A young girl found her. TOD was no more then thirty minutes ago. She's fresh. The back of her skull, hit the corner of the ceramic toilet, killing her instantly."

"Was it accidental, or intentional?"

"At first I thought it was accidental, maybe a seizure. But then... I found this."

Turning her over, Gary seen the mark on her back that resembled the shape of the doorhandle.

"So she was pushed. Question now is... why? Alright... let's get things moving. Don can you take Danny, and start questioning the students.

Someone had to have heard, or seen something. I'm going to talk with the Principal, and have the students dismissed after they are questioned."


When Jimmy, James, Alan, and Julia got home. They found the place quiet.

"Mom must have went out." said James.

"James... I'm hungry, can you make me something to eat?"

"Why don't you just eat your lunch, Julia?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot. Why did we get out early?"

James didn't want to scare his sister. "Well... some one was hurt, so they thought it best to send us home, while they figure things out."

"Oh... okay. so where's mommy?"

"Julia... I don't know. Why don't you just eat, okay."

While Julia ate, James, Jimmy and Alan played the Wii.

"So what do you think James? Think we should tell uncle Gary, about the game Savana and Eva had going on?"

"No. I don't think it has anything to do with that. Why would Savana kill her, it don't make sense."

"I don't know. Maybe it was an accident or something. Maybe I wasn't suppose to happen. Then maybe Savana got scared, cause she didn't realize she had killed her."

"I don't know, James. I just can't see Savana even putting her hands on Eva. Something else had to have happened."

"Well... either way. I'm letting uncle know. Just to be safe."
As Jimmy was about to say something else, their mother came through the door.

"Moooooommy, you're home. Someone got hurt at school, so we got to come home."

"I'm sorry? Jimmy, what's going on?"

Taking his mom into the kitchen so Julia couldn't hear, he said...

"Someone killed Eva at school this morning. Uncle was processing the scene. So everyone got to come home."

"Good God. What is going on in that school. We pay good money to send you all there, you're supposed to be kept some what safe."

"They think it may be student related. But James thinks we should tell uncle about the pool, Eva and Savana had going on."

"What pool?"

"It seems Savana and Eva were fighting over who would get a date with James. Well... when James turned Eva down, she told James that Savana and her had a bet going. I guess maybe Savana found out about it, and confronted Eva. But we're not sure. It's just what we think."

"Whether you thought it, or not. You should have told your uncle right away."

"I know mom. We'll do that right now."

While Jimmy called his uncle, Claire sat down ignoring her cramps.

"Don't you dare be born yet. We have to wait for your cousin."

Caressing her tummy, she closed her eyes and tried to rest.
That last part with Claire telling the baby to wait made me giggle. Babies sometimes seem to have the worst timing being born. :lol:

Donna was dealing with Gary Jr and Jessie. They had been doing nothing but arguing, ever since they got home. As she went to yell at them again, the cramps started.

"Oh no.. not now. You have to wait for your cousin."

Heading to the couch, she laid down and caressed her tummy. Picking up the phone, she called Claire.


Donna could hear the stress in Claire's voice.

"Claire... I don't think I can wait for you, I think I'm in labor."

"You're not the only one, my cramping just started. I was just getting ready to call Tony."

"Oh...good... I'll meet you at the hospital."

With the girls on their way to the Hospital with their husbands. Danny dropped Jessie and Gary off, with their cousins.

"Alright... if you guys need anything, call."

"We will uncle Danno. see ya."

Back at the Hospital, Claire and Donna were in the same delivery room, with a cloth drape seperating them.

"Can you believe this Claire, we did it. You and I actually timed our dates of conception perfectly. Imagine the birthdays we will be able to share. Our girls will be best friends, forever."

While the girls were chattering away like pro's at a game. Tony and Gary were running back and forth to the kitchen for ice chips.

"I'm telling you Tony. This is it. No more kids. I can't take this. Always they are so demanding. They get to lay there, and we get to do all the work."

"I don't know about that, Gary. I think I prefer running around, to having something the size of a watermellon coming out of me."

"Ouch... yeah... I see your point."

Back at the house, the phone rang.


"Jimmy? It's nana. How are you?"

"Nana... good. How is Scotland?"

"It's amazingly beautiful. Breath taking, and lovely. How is Alan?"

"He's great. Did you want to talk too him?"

"In a minute. I need your mom first."

"She's at the Hospital with Donna, Gary and dad. They both went into labor at the same time. So it's just the kids and I."

"Oh my... are you telling me, your grandfather and I, are coming home to two new additions?"

"Yup... now if you hold on, and don't get over excited. I'll get Alan."

Instead of placing down the phone before yelling. Jimmy screamed at the top of lungs...

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalan... your mom."

Hearing the echo through the phone, Mac laughed.

"I take it that's Jimmy?"

"What gave you the first clue," she laughed. By the way... our two daughters are in labor together. Looks like we will be going home to grandchildren."

"That's my girls. More Taylor men to add to the ever growing line."

"What makes you think, they are boys?"

"Call it instinct love. Just like I have an instinct to love you, right now."

Crawling on the ground towards his wife, he attacked her feet with little bites. Screaming in fits of laughter, Alan came to the phone. Hearing the sighs and moans, he called over the boys.

"Shh... listen to nana and papa. Phone sex... isn't it the coolest."

Hearing more sighs and giggles, followed by their grandfathers Rwwwwwr... they laughed.

"Oh shoot. Mac... stop. Stop Mac, Alan's on the phone."

Finally getting him to stop gnawing on her feet, he sat her on his lap, while they talked to their son and grandchildren.
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Back at the Hospital, the girls were in full labor. With their husbands standing by their sides, whispering they were doing great. With one final sigh, and push, Claire pushed through their little boy.

"It's a boy. A beautiful baby boy, Claire."

"What?? No... no that's not right. Check again. It has to be a girl. Girls share secrets. Not boys. Boys are naughty. A boy can't keep secrets with a little girl. This is all wrong. You did it wrong Tony. I told you to give me a girl, not a boy. This is all your fault."

While Claire continued to rant, he just ignored her as he cut the cord. Then laying their son in her arms, she shut up.

"Ohhhh... ooooooohhhhh... look at him. He's so handsome. Hello my little angel. Look at you."

Tony shook his head. First she was yelling and complaining. Now she was cooing, and awwing.

"Damn woman don't know what she's wants." Tony thought to himself.

A few minutes later, Donna gave birth to her child.

"Well... come on Donna, what is it? Please say it's a boy."

Pulling back the curtain, Claire seen Donna holding her child in a blue blanket.

"Oh... you too? Aww... we did it Donna. Even though they are boys. We did it, and just five minutes apart. This is so amazingly awesome."

"Alright, said the dcotors. How about some names for these boys."

"Graham Robert Staton, said Claire. You like it, Tony?"

"I love it, baby. It's perfect."

"Bryan Even Taylor," said Donna.

Bending down Gary picked up his son, as Tony picked up his. Together as if on cue, they said...

"Welcome to the family... Bryan Evan Taylor, and Graham Robert Staton."

When Tony and Gary arrived back at his home. They found the kids eating dinner.

"Mm... something smells great. Who's been cooking? And we have two new boys, to add to the family.

"Boys? Both? This really sucks dad. Mom said she wanted a girl." sighed Julia.

"Yeah... so did my mom. What happened daddy?"

Shrugging, Tony and Gary laughed.

"Jimmy... though I don't think you can call it food." said James.

"Yeah... it's yucky. Jimmy sucks at cooking."

"Let's see you do any better, Julia."

"Alright, enough. Go out to the car. Your uncle and I brought home pizza's."

Running out the car, James stayed behind.

"What's the matter, son?"

"I need to talk with uncle. I think I know what may have happened to Eva. But before I start, you need to know. It could have been an accident."

"Why don't you let me decide that, James. Start at the begining."

While James explained everything to his uncle. Tony helped get the kids settled with dinner.