CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

"Alan... I want you to listen too me. Please, I'm not going to yell at you, or hurt you. Okay? I won't even come in, we will just talk through the door."

Tony heard the screaming stop. Listening carefully, he could hear Alan's quiet sobs.

"Alan... I know what the boys told you, but they didn't mean to scare you. What they did was wrong, they realize that now. But now you need to realize, that I would never hurt you. I love you Alan, alot. I want you to remember back, and name one moment, you ever seen me yell, or lose my temper with Jimmy, James, or Julia."

Alan was leaning with his head against the door. He was feeling so confused. Could he trust Tony? Or was this just a trick to make him come out?

"I know you are thinking I'm trying to trick you, into coming out. But I'm not. I promise you Alan, never, never would I ever hurt you. I love you, love you so much. You're my brother Alan. also Gary is still here. If you don't want to come out for me. Then come out for him. Okay?"

Sitting on the couch, Gary's phone went off. Seeing he had another crime scene, he knew he was going to have too leave.

"Alan... it's Gary. I want you to listen to me. I have a call out. While I'm gone, I want you to try and talk with Tony for me, okay? Just give him a chance, and I promise as soon as I am done at this crime scene, I'll come back and bring you home with me, okay? Answer me Alan."

"Okay...but hurry." he whispered.

"I will Alan. I promise."

Once Gary left, Tony tried again.

"Alan... do you know what I would like too know?"

Hearing the silence, Tony knew he still didn't have his trust.

"I would like to know... if you can name one time, I was ever mean to Julia, Jimmy or Alan. Just one time."

Thinking in his room, Alan couldn't come up with an answer. But then again he wasn't always there.

"I don't know... I'm not always there. So that's not a fair question." he said as his voice broke.

"Aww... please Alan. Think of mom and dad. Don't you think with your father and mother being detectives. That they would not have let me marry your sister, if I was mean? For that matter Alan, have you ever seen your niece or nephews with bruises. Or emotionally frightened at any time?"

"No... I guess not. But why do they have to be so mean to me? They always pick on me, and tell me bad things. I'm not a bad boy, or a brat. Always they are mean to me, but I'm not mean to them."

"I know you're not Alan. They told me, they were only trying to tease you. They sometimes forget about your feelings, but that doesn't mean they don't love you. Cause they do." I just really wish you hadn't of ran away. That's not what your sister wanted."

"But she wanted rid of me. She called Gary to take me. Everyone always wants rid of me."

"She did, yes. But only after she heard you talking to Donald, about not liking it here. She also mentioned that you told Donald I was mean. This really upset your sister too. But she didn't run away. She did what she thought was best, without having to make you feel bad, for what you said. And not everyone wants rid you. I don't, your mom and dad don't or your family... I love having you with us."

Alan thought about it. Could he really trust Tony? Or should he wait for his brother to come back. Hearing the door cautiously open, Tony didn't dare move. He knew if he did, Alan would close him off again. Seeing his face peek through, he said...
"Hey lil bro."

Seeing the tears still on Alan's lids, broke Tony's heart. Leaving him to want too hug him, reassure him everything was alright. But he also knew, Alan would have to come too him. Stepping out, Alan carefully walked around Tony, making sure he couldn't reach him. Then sitting on the couch, he wrapped his arms around his knees.

Staring at Tony, Tony realized it was going to work one of two ways. Either he would sit there till Gary got back, or he would finally realize that the boys had lied, and give Tony a chance. Watching as his eyes welded up with tears again, Tony didn't say a word. Instead he opened his arms, as Alan came running into them.

Wrapping him up tight, Tony kissed his head, as they cried together. Letting the other know, that words or apologizies were not needed. The only thing needed in that moment, was their comfort and understanding, for the painful hurt, they had both felt.
Once Alan had calmed, Tony was able to talk again.

"Alan... I'm really sorry you got your feelings hurt. But I'm very happy you feel you can trust in me enough, to know I was telling you the truth."

"I'm really sorry to Tony, I was just really scared. I know I'm bad, I know I hurt daddy and mommy alot. But I don't mean too. I love them so much, just like I didn't mean to make my sister cry. She doesn't hate me, does she Tony?"

"No Alan, no one hates you. I also don't think your parents think you are bad. Have they ever called you bad?"

"No... not that I can think of. They say I'm just full of mischief."

Tony smiled. This was the first time he was actually getting to know Alan, on a one on one level.

"Sometimes being mischievous can be fun. Though don't tell mom and dad I said that, okay? That's our secret, just yours and mine."

"Honest Tony? That's so cool. I've never shared a secret with a grown up. So can we keep all kinds of secrets, like can I tell you things, that you won't tell mom and dad?"

"You can. But you need to understand. If the secret is really bad, or can get you hurt, or someone you love hurt, then we need to tell, together. You understand that, right?"

"I do, and I promise we will, together. Thank you Tony, I'm glad to have someone I can talk to when I'm confused. Which happens alot. Like at school. I always throw food at Beatrice. Donnie thinks it's funny, and I do it cause I don't like her. But secretly I like her alot, maybe even love her."

Tony smiled again. So that's why Alan acted up in school. To try and impress Beatrice.

"You know bro, there are other ways to get Beatrice's attention, without tossing food at her, and getting into trouble. Also... why do you care if Donnie knows you like her, there is nothing wrong with that. You never know, maybe if you stopped tossing food at her, and gave her a cupcake, or apple, she'd like you better, right?"

"Maybe, or she would toss at me. Which would be alright, cause I threw enough at her."

"Yeah... yeah I guess it would be," Tony laughed. So what would you like to do? Go home and get your stuff, so I can take you to Gary's. Or just take you home to our place?"

"I think your place, if that's still okay. I really want to say sorry to my sister. Cause I didn't mean to hurt her."

"Okay, sounds good to me too. Let's go home."

When Tony walked through the door with Alan, Claire ran into her brothers arms.

"Oh Alan... you had us so worried."

"I'm sorry Claire, so sorry. I didn't mean to run away. I was just so confused, and scared. I didn't mean to hurt you, or make you cry when I said Tony scared me, honest I didn't."

"I know bro. I love you, even if you scared the hell out of me. I only wanted to make you happy, that's why I was going to send you to Gary. This way you were close to your friends, and would have someone to play with."

"We're sorry to Alan. We didn't think you would take us seriously. Honest we didn't. Please forgive us for being so mean. We love you Alan. We really do."

"I know. I'm sorry I didn't talk to any of you sooner, about how felt. Cause I love you all too, alot."

Hearing the knock on the door, Tony answered it.

"Hey Uncle Gary, what are you doing here?" as the boys hugged him.

"I came to see what Alan decided to do. So what's it going to be bro? Here? or with me?"

"Can I stay here for this week? Then stay with you next week?"

"Of course you can. We'd love to have you. As long as you are happy, and I no longer have to worry about you leaving any of us, ever again."

Giving his brother a hug, he left. Turning to face his sister, she said...

"Let's get you two fed. You both must be starved."

Walking into the kitchen, Claire now felt a peace fill their home. A home that for the next week, would be filled with laughter and love.

He was sitting in his home, making the last target bullet. Shinning it up, he placed it with the others. Looking them over, he had to admit engraving their names into the bullets, had its advantages.

Pulling out the paper, he once again made sure the spelling was correct on each one.

"Let's see... Don, Danny, Adam, Sheldon, Mac, Stella, Angell." he whipsered to himself.

Placing them carefully into the gun, he placed it into his briefcase, and headed out. He knew being a well respected member of NYPD, he'd be able to target his opponents without being suspected of doing so.

Western Isles, Scotland

When Mac and Stella were settled in their little cottage, Stella called home. After talking to Alan, and being reassured everything was fine, she knew her and Mac could now start their vacation.

"Well love. Is our son alright?"

"He is Mac. Claire said they are having a great time. At the end of the week, he's going to stay with Gary, and Donna."

"Sound like fun. Now how about, you and I take a walk along the beautiful shore that belongs to us, for the next two weeks."

"Or we could stay inside for a while, and make love."

"Now why is it. That your idea sounds more attractive then mine?"

"That is the easy part my husband. I crave for your touch, always."

"T'a gr'a agam dhuit, Stella."

"Irish-Gaelic... you devil Mac, where did you learn that?"

"Shh... I'm concentrating on loving you, with all the love, passion, and tenderness inside me."

"Mm... well... there goes one week of our va...ca....tion..."

Not being able to say another word. Stella allowed Mac to burn her,with his flamming love.Meanwhile...

Alan woke early monday morning. Running down the stairs, he found it quiet, all except for Tony.

"Tony...psst... Tony. I need your help before school."

Tony smiled. He could tell it was another secret. Cause everytime Alan wanted to tell him something, he'd whisper. Leaving Tony's mind full of an eight year olds secrets.

"What is it, bro. You should be getting ready for school."

"I know. But I need you to help me write a love note to Beatrice. Please. I can't ask my sister, cause she's a girl."

"Okay... what did you want her to know?"

"Sappy stuff, you know. Like you use on my sister."

Now that made Tony laugh out loud. He could just imagine Beatrice's face when Alan handed him a note, full of naughty verses and words.

"Shh... quiet Tony. You trying to wake everyone else."

"Sorry. Okay, what color are her eyes?"

"Umm... I think they are green, but kinda blue. She also has long red hair, and freckles across her nose."

"Whoa... you sure are observent, bro. You must really like her. Okay... how about we do her a little poem, and if I'm not mistaken, we have one package of Hostess cupcakes left."

"Cool... sound good to me. Let's do it."

Once they had the poem complete, Alan ran back upstairs to get dressed. Leaving Tony, in tears of quiet laughter.
After the kids left the house for school, and Tony went to work. Claire wasn't sure what to do for her day. Picking up the phone, she called Donna.


"Hey Donna, what are you up too today? I thought we could do some shopping."

"Sounds good to me. Just let me get ready. Are you picking me up? Or me, you?"

"I'll pick you up. See you in about five."

Hanging up the phone, Claire grabbed her keys, and left for Donna's.


When Alan got to school, he ran into Donald.

"Hey man, did you get things settled with your sister?"

"Yeah, everything is good. Listen I need to find Beatrice, you see her?"

"Not this morning, why? You need to throw something at her?"

"No... I like her. I want to give her something."

"What? You like her, why?"

"Come on Donald, she's pretty. So I'm going to go look for her, and see you at lunch."

Donald gave Alan an expression of... "I just lost my best bud."

Alan found Beatrice on the playground, alone. Walking over, he sat down beside her, and passed her the cupcakes and poem."

"What do you want Alan? What is this?"

"These are for you, from me. I'm sorry I toss my desserts at you. I don't mean to do it. It's just I like you so much. So... I'm sorry, okay?"
Getting up, he tried to walk away.

"Alan... please sit down. Let me at least read your note, before you leave."

Sitting back down, he watched as she opened the envelope and began to read...

"Beatrice you are my cupcake,
I think about you night and day.
I can only hope very soon,
you come to like me the same way."
from your Alan.

"You wrote this Alan?"

"I did. Do you like it? Like I like you?"

Smiling shyly, she nodded her head yes as she kissed his cheek. Hearing the ring of the bell. Alan helped her up, and walked her to class.


James was heading to first period, when Savana trapped him in the hall.

"Hi James... where are you going?" she said with seduction.

"Too class, Savana. Now move please."

"Oh... come on James, you know how sexy I think you are. Don't you want to kiss me? Or touch me?"

"No. I already know you only want me, cause you can't have Jimmy. So just to let you know, it's not going to happen."

Walking away, Savana was pissed. Her wrath? Eva, for she knew she had told James about their competition. Seeing her walk into the girls washroom, she followed her.

"You little bitch. You back stabbing little bitch."

"Oh shut up Savana. If I can't have him, either can you."

"Oh so that's it. He rejected you, leaving you to tell him about our bet. Kind of selfish don't you think?"

"No Savana... I don't think it is. Concidering you were trying to steal him."

Savana became angry again, running up, she pushed Eva against the bathroom door. Losing her balance, Eva fell back and smacked her head on the toilet.

"Eva? Eva? Answer me Eva. I'm sorry, it was an accident. I didn't mean too hurt you."

Seeing the blood seep around the floor, she realized she had killed her. Quickly checking the door to make sure no one was there, she headed to class.