CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

When I was upstairs earlier, I heard Alan talking to Donald on the phone. I know it wasn't polite to listen, and I wouldn't have. But when I heard your name, I changed my mind. It seems Alan is under the impression that you are mean. He's afraid to stay here, because of you. He also said Julia's screaming is annoying, and our boys ignore him.

He's feeling lost, and alone..."

"Wait a minute, why would he say I was mean? I've never done anything to give him that impression."

"I know honey. The answer to that question, is going to have to wait till we find him."

"Okay, but why run away? Why would he leave."

"I know daddy, I keep trying to tell mommy, but she keeps telling me to shh. Alan was hearing mommy on the phone, about mommy wanting to send him to uncle Gary's. Then he was crying and ran upstairs."

"Oh God... he must have thought I didn't want him here. Oh... what kind of sister am I, to do that?"

"It's not your fault, Claire. Though this wouldn't have happened, if you had let him know you overheard his conversation."

Picking up the phone, he called Gary.


"Donna... it's Tony. Is Gary around?"

"No. He had a call. It seems they found a young male victim murdered downtown. So he had to meet with the team. Gary said the officer that found him, told him the boy was only eight or nine at the most. Isn't that awful."

Tony's face went white as a sheet.

"Did he tell you where, downtown?"

"East 42nd, at the end of some alley, or something."

Less then four blocks from their home. Hanging up the phone, he turned to his wife with fear.

"Tony... what is it?"

"Gary was called to a crime scene. An eight year old boy was found murdered."

"No... no it can't be. Please say it's not. Please... this will kill daddy."

As much as Tony wanted to wrap his wife in his arms, he didn't have time.

Heading out the door, he took off to the crime scene.

With Gary and the team stuck in traffic. Due to a major accident with at least four fatalities. He had no choice but to leave his team behind, till help arrived. Taking off on foot with Danny they headed to the crime scene on 42nd st.


On the train, Stella had a shiver run through her. A shiver she hadn't felt since Mac's first stroke.

"Stel... what's the matter love? You're shivering."

"Hm... it's nothing Mac, just a little chilly."

Wrapping her closer in his arms, he felt her shivers increase. Some how in her heart, she knew something was wrong at home.

"Come on sweetheart. Talk to me."

"I think we need to find a way to call home. I have a feeling something is wrong. A bad feeling, Mac. It won't stop."

Mac knew they were to far from New York, to even get a signal on the train.

"Okay, love. We pull into the next station in thirty minutes. We'll call home then. Just try and relax for now."

Turning her into his chest, he softly kissed her, while caressing her back.Telling her to just breathe, that everything was most likely alright.
By the time Tony arrived at the crime scene, Gary and Danny were right behind.

"Tony... what are you doing here?" Gary said out of breath.

"I think the young boy may be your brother, Alan. He ran away earlier. I called your home to let you know. But Donna told me that you were on your way here. It's a long story. All I pray is that we are not about to see, Alan."

Danny could barely say a word. Then in the barest of whispers, he said...

"This will kill Mac. He will not survive that kind of heartache."

"Okay... let's not panic till we see." said Gary.

Walking up to the body, they seen it covered, and as Gary pulled back the sheet...


Claire was pacing the floors, in tears. Little Julia was following her, trying to comfort her.

"Don't cry mommy. Please don't cry. It will be alright, you will see. I will tell papa and nana if you want. You don't hafta."

Claire sat down, and took her daughter into her arms.

"Shh... please mommy. You are going to upset our baby," she cried as she stroked her moms face.

Hearing the door open, Jimmy and James came through it.

"Hey mom... you should see all the cops and ambulances on 42nd st. Not only was a boy murdered, but there was a four car pile up. Four people were killed."

"Jimmy, not now please. I don't want to hear it. Plus your sister is in the room."

Jimmy just noticed his mom was in tears.

"What's going on, mom? Why are you crying?"

"Alan ran away from us. Daddy went to the scene, cause he thinks Alan was the boy."

"What? Mom... is this true? Why would Alan run away?"

"Alot of reasons. None of those matter right now. Why won't your father, call?"

"I know why Alan ran away. Mommy said cause he heard that daddy was mean."

Jimmy looked at James, while James looked at Jimmy. Seeing her sons
faces, she realized they had something to do with it.

"What did you two, do?"

"We're sorry mom. We kind of teased Alan, before he came here. We told him that if he acted up here, dad would lock him in a closet, alone... for an hour. I swear mom, we were only teasing him. We didn't think he'd take us seriously. Please don't be mad mom."

"Mad... mad? I'm more then mad. I'm very disappointed in you both. You know your uncle has trouble enough in his life, that he didn't need more added to it. I can't believe you two would do that. Especially to family."

"We're sorry, mom. Really sorry. You can ground us, take our things away, whatever. For nothing is going to be punishment enough, if Alan is dead."
Sitting down beside their mom, they waited for the news on Alan.


Mac and Stella had pulled into their finally stop, before reaching Scotland.
Coming off the train, Stella headed to the phones. Placing in the phone card, she dialed Claire's number.

"Mom... what are we going to do? It's long distance, which means it's grandma."

Claire could feel her pulse race, she could feel her throat close up. Then in a choked whisper, she cried...

"Let... it ring, she'll... think we went... out... for a while."

"Oh mommy, now you told two fibs. Nana is gonna spank you good."

"Quiet Julia, mommy don't need to hear you right now."

"You be quiet Jimmy. You made Alan scared, not me. Is your fault."


Nothing but the ringing of the phone could be heard. As silence now filled the Staton home.
Back at the crime scene, Gary pulled back the sheet. The only sound heard, was an exhalation of breath.

"It's not him. It's not Alan."

"Thank God. I mean I'm sorry for the boy but..."

"It's okay Tony, I understand. Why don't you take Danny with you to find Alan. Sheldon, and Adam just arrived."

"Are you sure, Mac? You don't need my help to process?"

"No we're good. You go ahead Danny."

Leaving the scene, their first stop was the bus station.

"What makes ya think he'd take a bus, Tony?"

"I don't know. Call it a gut instinct. All I know, is if he was going to run anywhere, it'd be to a bus station, or Airport."


Alan managed to get his back window open. Throwing his bag inside, he closed and locked it again. Not wanting to get caught, he kept the lights off, and used his mini flashlight. Opening the fridge, he took out a can of pop, and some lunchmeat. After making himself something to eat, he watched television, till he fell into sleep.

Back at the bus station, Tony showed Alan's picture. But having no luck, they decided to check the Airport.

"How can one child, disappear that quickly?"

"I don't know, Danny. But we have to find him."

Once they arrived at the Airport, they headed right to Security. Spending the next hour searching the terminals, they came up empty.

"I'm sorry, sir. I wish we could have been more help."

"You've done plenty. Thank you for all your help."

"Now where, Tony. Maybe we should take a break. It might help clear your head."

"No... you go back and see Gary. Update him. I'm going to grab something to eat, and then check his home. Sometimes when kids are hurt, or in pain, they head home."

When he walked in the door, Claire jumped.

"Please tell me you found him? Please Tony."

"Sorry baby, no luck yet. I came in to grab something quick to eat. Then I'm heading back out. I think you should let mom and dad know, to come home."

"Dad... can we talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure Jimmy, what is it son?"

"It's our fault that Alan is afraid of you. We were teasing him before he came here. We told him that if he acted up, like he does in school. You would lock him in a dark closet, and leave him there for an hour."

"What? Why would you do that? Why Jimmy? You know Alan has problems with understanding truth from fiction. I can't believe you did that. No wonder he was terrified to come here. All the way home he cried. Yet neither of you said anything."

"We're sorry dad. We really didn't think he'd believe us."

Sighing deep, Tony skipped eating, and headed back out. His only thought being, how frightened and terrified his brother in law must feel.
Tony pulled up to his in-laws home. Checking the outside windows, and doors, he found them all locked and secure. As he walked towards the back, he noticed a muddy footprint, leading up to the window. Peeking inside he couldn't see anything but darkness.

With the mud still moist, and the foot print being small, he knew it was Alan's. Backing up he flipped his cell and called Claire.


"Hey baby, I found him. He's home. I'm going to have too get him to trust me. So just let Gary know I've found him, but not to come running down here. Tell him, when we've talked, that if Alan wants to go there, I'll drop him off, okay?"

"Okay, just get him to trust you, I love you."

"I love you too, baby. See you soon."

Hanging up the phone, she called Gary.


"Hey bro. Tony found Alan, he's at home."

"He's at home, alone?"

"Yeah. Tony's going to try and get him to either come back here, or to your place."

"Listen sis, exactly what happened tonight?"

"It seems Jimmy and James played a mean trick on their uncle. They told Alan if he was bad, that Tony would lock him in a dark closet for an hour. Leaving Alan terrified of Tony."

Gary's first thought was the gun his father still kept in the drawer of his room. The second thing he thought of was Tony trying to get into the house. The third thing was Alan's instinct that someone was breaking in, leaving him to shoot the suspect.

"Sis... this is a really bad idea. I'm heading over there."

"Why... don't you trust Tony?"

"Of course I trust him. But I don't trust Alan. If he thinks someone is breaking in, he's going to shoot off dads gun he keeps in his drawer."

"Gun!! What gun. I didn't know daddy had a gun in the home."

"He's a retired detective. Of course he has a weapon in his home. You should know that sis. I have one hidden in my own home, too."

"Does Alan know how to fire it?"

"What do you think, sis. Where did dad take us when we were kids?"

"This night is tunrning out to be the worst night ever. Poor mom and dad, when I have to tell them to come home."

Hanging up the phone, Claire not only had to worry about her brother. But her husband too.


Trying to loosen the lock on the back window, Alan woke to the sound. Not turning on his light, he peeked through the kitchen door, and seen a shadow trying to get in. Running into his dads room, he broke the lock, and took out his gun from the drawer. Cocking it back, he hid by the kitchen door, waiting for the suspect to enter.

Finally opening the lock, Tony cut his hand, and yelped. "Oww.."

Turning on the kitchen light, Alan yelled... "freeze, don't move or I'll shoot ya."

Looking up, he seen it was Tony, and as Alan's face went white as a sheet, he dropped the gun, ran into his room latching the door.

Tony knew he was going to have too tread carefully. Nearing the room, he heard Gary calling from the window.

"Tony... Tony, Alan, answer me."

"I'm fine Gary. Just go. Alan and I, have some things to work out."

Alan could hear his brother Gary, calling him.

"Gaaaaaaaary... help me Gary...don't leave me," he cried at the top of his lungs. Please Gary, pleeeeeeeeeeeease. Tony wants to hurt me..."

"I'm sorry Tony, he's way too upset. I'm going to wait. He's my brother."

"Fine. But don't interfere. The child is already terrified of me, enough."
Leaning against the door, Tony said...
Mel, he's afraid because Jimmy and James said if he was naughty Tony would lock him up, now hes scared wha Tony will do to him for running away....leaving us hanging again :lol: