CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

High blood pressure doesn't mix with flying does it?

I'd love to visit there too hehe.

But don't they need a boat too?
With Mac's stress level so high, and the high altitudes. It's best for him not to fly. At least in my story. Your explanation on where, when how, will be in the next chappie

While waiting in the office, Alan became worried that this finally incident may just be enough to put his father back in the Hospital.

"What's the matter Al? You look upset."

"I am Donnie. This incident may just place my father back in the Hospital. Mom said he's been heading for another stroke. Due to my stress of course."

"Aww... come on Al, your father is strong. He'll be fine. Besides, maybe your mom won't tell him."

"I guess. But that's highly unlikely."

Looking towards the entrance, Donald seen his mom walk in with his aunt.

"Here we go. They're here."

Tunring to face his mother. Alan could see the anger in her face. The pain, and shame, that he had lied to her. Without a spoken word, Alan got up and walked out with her. Nearing the car, Alan said...

"Mom... please say something? Anything?"

"When we get home you pack your bag. You pack enough for two weeks.

You are going to be staying with your sister and brother in law."

"WHAT!! Come on mom. I wasn't that bad. Please don't make me stay with them. Tony is mean."

"Tony's not mean. He's strict, there is a difference."

"I don't care if there is a difference. Do you want me to become eggheads like Jimmy and James? Or come back and find me deaf, from Julia's vocal entertainment? She's a spoiled brat. Come on mom, don't do this."

"Your nephews are not eggheads. They are young gentlemen with manners and respect. Notice the difference. Your father and I, are going away for two weeks to Scotland."

"Why can't I come. This isn't fair."

"I'll tell you what's not fair. You causing your father needless worry. That's what is not fair. You can't even keep your promise Alan, and now you and Donald are suspended for a week."

"I know mom. I don't know what gets into me. I can't help it. Please... just don't send me to my sister."

"I'm sorry son. I love you, alot. You are your fathers and my world. But your father needs this trip. He needs to be away from all this stress, that's deteriorating his health."

Not saying another word, they pulled into the driveway. Running into the house, Alan slammed his door.

"Sweetheart... what's Alan doing home so early?"

"He wasn't feeling well Mac. Don't worry, everything is fine. I love you."

"I love you too, Stella. But maybe I should check on him."

"He's fine Mac. We don't want you to get sick. Then our wonderful vacation would have to wait, she smiled with tears. I'm going to start an early dinner."


When Donald got in the door with his mom. His father was waiting. One look at his expression, said it all.

"I'm sorry dad. I know it was wrong."

"You're right it was. Now I want to know who's idea it was to throw food in that girls hair?"

"Technically, it was a wet cupcake."

"I don't care what it was. Who's idea was it?"

"It was mine, dad. I told Alan to do it, and he did. We just can't help it dad. It's funny. Especially when the girls start screaming."

Don shook his head. He just didn't get it. They had raised Donald on the same values and lessons as Donna. Just where the hell, did they go wrong?"

"I want you in your room. For the next week you will be at your mothers becon call. If she asks you to do something, you'll do it. I've already taken out your game system, television, dvd, and computer. Those items you will have to earn back. Understood?"

"Yes, dad. Can I go to my room now?"

"You can, and Donald?"

"Yeah dad?"

"I love you, son."

"I know, dad. I love you too."
Melly, I just brought them back from Disneyland. They're not ready for another family trip yet:lol:

Friday morning.

With everything packed, Mac, Stella and Alan headed over to Claire's.

"Son... are you going to be okay? You look sad."

"I'm fine dad. Just going to miss you and mom. That's all. But you guys deserve this. You both need it."

Pulling into the driveway, Stella parked the car. As they got out and neared the door, they heard Julia screaming.

"Great... not even here a minute, and the little vocal princess is at it again."

"Stop that Alan. Please try and behave."

Opening the door, they walked in.

"Naaaaaaaana... paaaaaaaaaaaaaaappa.." she yelled.

"Hi sweetheart. Look how big you've gotten. Was that you I heard screaming?"

"It was nana. Know why? Jimmy wouldn't give me some paper to color with, cause he says it's for school. He's mean. Hi Alan, you are staying with us. Wanna play dolls?"

"No thanks. I don't like dolls. But thanks."

"But I want to play dolls. You have too."

"No I don't. I said I don't want to, thank you."

Just as she was about to let out a scream, Tony came up behind her, and whispered something in her ear. Watching her face drop into a pout, she ran and sat on the couch.

"Why don't you head upstairs Alan, and put your things in James room."

Walking up the stairs, Alan wondered what Tony had said to Julia, to cause that pout.

"How you feeling dad? All ready for two weeks of nothing but beautiful scenery and water?"

"I am, son. We really want to thank you for this."

"No thanks needed dad. It's important to all of us, to keep you around with us forever. So when you two get there, you'll ask for Shannon Cannon. She'll take you across by boat to the little cottage we rented for you, away from the main attractions. It's in Western Isles, Scotland. No one around, just you, dad, and the miles of land and sea.

"Mm... sounds wonderful, and I already have my warrior."

Mac grinned.

"Alright, the kids are already in the van. Shall we get going?"

When they pulled into the station, they parked the van, and got out. Walking into the terminal they seen the huge train pull in. Turning to face their children and grandchildren, they hugged as they cried.

"We'll see you in two weeks mom, I love you."

"I love you too, Claire bear. Take care of Alan bear, okay?"

"I will mom. I promise. You and dad just have a wonderful time."

Taking Alan aside. Mac embraced his son in his arms.

"I love you son. I'm going to miss you so much. You be good for your brother and sister, okay?"

"I will dad, he cried. Just hurry home, okay. I love you."

After giving his love to his mom, they boarded the train. Watching from the platform as the train pulled out, they blew kisses all around.

Wrapping her arm around her brother, she whispered...

"Don't worry Alan. Mom and dad will be back before you know it."

Heading back to his sisters, he couldn't help but continue to cry. Knowing in his heart, that things for the next two weeks, were going to be difficult with the Staton's.
Back at the house. Alan walked up to James room, and flopped down on the bed. He could care less what his sister and her family were doing. He hated it here, and that was all that mattered.

"Tony... did you see where Alan went?"

"Hm... no. Jimmy where is your uncle?"

"I'm not sure dad. I think he went upstairs."

"I'll be back, Tony. I'm just going to check on him. He was pretty upset when mom and dad left."

Walking upstairs she heard her brother on James phone.

"Hey Donald, how did your week of grounding go?"

"It was alright. I still have a few things to earn back. But I'm getting there. So how's life at your sisters?"

"I don't like it. I don't want to be here. I love my sister, but Julia screams all time, Jimmy and James don't talk to me. Tony is really scary, do you think I can stay with you?"

Claire was shocked. She had no idea her brother felt this way. For the most part he was right. But as for Tony being mean? That she didn't see, ever. Strict maybe with rules, but never mean. As for the boys, it had alot to do with the fact that Alan was their uncle. Making them feel just as uncomfortable. Knowing it wasn't polite to listen, she headed back downstairs.

"Baby... whats the matter? Are you having contractions?"

"No. I'm fine Tony. Just a little tired. I think I'll rest on the couch. Alan is laying down, he's fine. But I think I'll talk with Gary tomorrow, and see if he would like to have Alan stay with him. They live right across from Don and Jess. He'd be able to play with Donald."

"Okay, baby, if that's what you'd like to do. We can do that. If you need anything, let me know."

"I will." Laying down on the couch, Claire turned over, so Tony wouldn't see her tears of hurt.

"So can I, Donald?"

"I doubt it, Alan. Mom is still peeved, and dad is really cranky too. I'm sorry, I wish you could."

"That's okay, man. I'll talk to you monday, at school."

Hanging up the phone, Alan wasn't sure what he was going to do. All he did know, was the first time Tony yelled at him, he'd be out of there.


Judy was getting dinner ready with Jennifer Rose, when her daddy walked in.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaddy... I missed you today. I love you, did you catch bad guys?"

"I did my beautiful rose. Three of them. Lined them up against the wall, and cuffed them."

Jennifer giggled. Her daddy was silly.

"No you didn't daddy. You are being silly."

"I'm being silly? Hmm... I think that calls for the tickle monster, to come out and get you."

"Noooooooo... running down the hall, Danny chased his little rose finally capturing her in the living room. Lifting her up in his arms, he blew kisses on her belly.

"Auuuuuuugh... daaaaaaaaaaaaddy..."she giggled with love.

Turning her right side up, he kissed her pretty head.

"I love you, my little rose."

"I love you too, daddy. Lots and lots."

Walking back into the kitchen, Danny kissed his wife, sat down, and talked to her about his day.

Mac and Stella were on the train, enjoying the scenery.

"Mac... did you take your blood pressure?"

"I did love. It was a little high, but not as bad as it was before the new medication. Don't worry love, I'm going to be fine."

"I know you are Mac." Laying back, Stella closed her eyes and thought about Alan. Thought about how upset he was to be staying with Claire and Tony. She knew that they lived out of the area, away from all Alan's friends, and Donald.


"Mhm, love?"

"Do you think we should have left Alan with Gary instead? I mean he lives closer to the school, and to Alan's friends. There is no way Alan can travel from where Claire and Tony live. He's going to be awful lonely."

"I'm sure he'll be fine, love. We'll be pulling into the next stop soon. You can call him, and see how's he doing."

Back at the Staton house, Claire woke and called Gary.


"Hey Donna. how are you doing?"

"Good, though I feel like I'm ready to pop." she giggled.

"I hear ya. But you can't pop before me. We do it together, remember?"

"I do. No worries. What did you need?"

"I was hoping to talk with Gary, is he about?"

"Yup... he's reading Jessie a story, I'll get him."

When Donna placed down the phone, Jessie picked it up.

"Hi auntie. Are you ready to have your baby? Mommy says she is, did you know nana and papa went far away to Cotland?"

Claire was laughing inside. Jessie sure liked to talk.

"I love you auntie, here's daddy."

"I love you too, Jessie."

"Hey sis, what's up?"

"Listen Gary. I was wondering if you and Donna ,would be able to take Alan for the next two weeks. There isn't much for him to do here. All his friends are in your area, he's lonely."

Listen from the stairs, he couldn't believe his sister didn't want him.

Already she was trying to pawn him off. He had just got there, and hadn't even done anything wrong. Running back up the stairs, he ran into Julia.

"Where you going, Alan? You wanna play?"

"No Julia, I don't want to play." Packing his duffle bag, Julia watched him open the window, and slid down the drain pipe, with Alan's last thought being... "if no one wants me, I'll run away to find mom and dad."

"Ooo... that's not good. I tell mommy."

Running downstairs, Julia tried to interrupt her mommy.

"Mommy? Mommy..mommy answer me."

"Not now Julia, I'm on the phone."

"But mommy, please."

"I said no, Julia. Now go sit down."

"Sure sis. We can take him. Are you sure he wants to come though? He's been having some really tough issues, the last thing you need, is him thinking you don't want him. He has a tendency to take things the wrong way."

"I know. Actually... it was me that overheard him talking with Donald. he's under the impression that Tony is mean. Julia screams to much, his nephews ignore him, but he loves me."

"Aww... I really wish I knew why our brother has all these feelings, and problems."

"Me too, bro. I'll talk to him tonight, and drop him off tomorrow."

Hanging up the phone, Claire looked down at Julia, and as she was about to ask her what she wanted the phone rang.


"Hi sweetheart, how's everything going? We just made a quick stop, and I was hoping to say goodnight to Alan."

"Sure mom, I'll be right back. Tony, it's mom. I need go get Alan. Here, talk to her."

"Hey mom, how's the trip so far?"

While Tony continued to talk, Julia followed her mommy upstairs.

"Mommy... listen to me please."

"Just a minute Julia." Opening the door, Claire noticed Alan wasn't there."

"Where's Alan?"

"That's what I been trying to tell you, mommy. He went out the window."

"What do you mean, he went out the window?"

"I don't know. He was listening to you talk on the phone, then he ran upstairs, grabbed his bag, and slid out the window."

"Oh my God."

Heading back downstairs, she flagged Tony. Placing down the phone, he walked over to his wife, while Julia talked to grandma.

"Alan ran away."

"What? What do you mean he ran away? Why?"

"It's a long story, but you need to make an excuse to mom and dad. Then we need to find him. If anything happens to him, I'll never forgive myself."

"Okay baby, calm down. Julia, give daddy the phone, please. Hi mom, can you call at your next stop? He's in the shower."

"Oh... okay son. I'll talk to you soon. Bye."

"You fib daddy. You always tell me, fibbing is bad. But you fibbed to nana."

Ignoring his daughter for the moment, he said... "from the begining, Claire. I want the full story before I call Gary."

Sitting down, Claire began...