CSI:NY - Danvale #2... Continuing the bloodlines

Later that night, Stella found Mac sound asleep in bed. Climbing on his back, she brought her hands up and massaged his shoulders. Hearing his soft sighs, she knew he was awake. Leaning down towards his ear, she whispered...

"So hot Mac. So hot, and so damn sexy."

Kissing his neck, shoulder, and ear, he turned over and positioned her on his thighs. While his hands, held on each side of her head, where he could look into her passion filled eyes. Seeing them tear up, Mac became concerened...

"Stel... what is it love? Talk to me, please."

In the barest of whispers, she said...

"I'm terrified Mac. Terrified of you leaving Alan and I behind. Leaving us to try and move on without you. Something I know isn't possible. I love you so much, you are my other half that makes our world, our love complete. I don't want you to leave us Mac. I'm sorry if it sounds selfish. Maybe that's because it is. Every night, I'm scared to sleep, in fear that I'll wake, without you beside me."

Feeling her teardrops fall onto his chest, he teared up with her. How could he not, when all her fears completed his. How many nights had he been afraid to sleep? Afraid that he would never wake to see his wife and children again.

"I've had the same fears love. For the last few weeks. Each night, I see myself leaving those I love behind. Always it's so warm, like a peace of purity, and warmth. Then always I hear you and the children calling me back. Not allowing the dream to take me away. I'm not sure what it means love, it could just be my conscience playing a cruel game with me. I guess all we can do, is wait for the results from the scan. Worrying about it now, isn't going to help the situation any. Right?"

Nodding yes. Mac pulled her down till she was a whisper away from his lips. Then tenderly caressing his tongue across hers, they deepened the kiss. Leaving all their pain, and fears behind for another day.

Over at the Staton's, Claire had finally read Julia to sleep. Leaving her room, she headed towards her own. Dropping her clothes, she stood in front of the mirror, and talked to her baby.

"Hi there little one. How are you feeling tonight? Are you getting ready to meet your family in a couple months? I'm sure you already know your sister. She's the one that screams all the time. But that is daddy and mommy's fault. Know why? Cause we spoiled her. Yes we did." she laughed.

Turning to face the door, she seen Tony standing there admiring her beautiful rounded tummy.

"Hi baby. Sorry I'm late. I had to grade reports."

Walking towards his wife, he bent down and kissed the baby. Then caressing his way up, he reached his wife's heated lips. Tasting, plunging, suckling her tongue, in fevered passion. Breaking the kiss, he held her in front of the mirror. Watching as her head rested on his shoulder, as his hands wrapped protectively around the baby.

"Are you hungry, Tony? I left you dinner?"

"Mm... I'm starving." Helping Claire into her robe, he took her by the hand and walked her downstairs.

"How was Julia today?"

"Loud as ever. She annoyed her brother who had piles of homework. Screamed her way into cookies and milk before dinner. Then had me read her the complete story of Lady and the Tramp."

Tony sighed...

"What are we going to do with our little Princess of horror?"

Claire laughed...

"I'm sure she'll settle down once the baby comes. It may help her mature a little. Sometimes knowing you are no longer the youngest, and are now a big brother or sister, changes your outlook."

"I hope you are right, baby. Now let's eat, so I can get you to bed and love you."

Smiling at his words, Claire removed his dinner from the oven, and sat down with him.

"You hungry, baby? we can share."

"No... I ate again before you got home."

"Are you okay, Claire. You've been really quiet?"

"It's just dad. I heard from mom today. She thinks daddy may be heading for another stroke. She's scared, and upset."

"Aww... baby. I thought things had settled down?"

"So did I. But according to mom, Alan has been getting into all kinds of trouble. Which is piling the stress on dad."

"Listen baby. Has mom and dad thought any more about that vacation, I offered them?"

"Yeah. Mom don't think he'll be able to fly.

"How about by train then. They can see all the beautiful scenery. We can look after Alan. Maybe being around his nephews will help change his outlook."

"I guess. I'll talk to mom again in the morning. See what she's says."

Getting up, Tony placed his plate in the dishwasher, took his wife by the hand, and lead her to bed.
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Oh boy... Julia and Alan in the same household. I wonder how that would go. :lol:

good chapter. :)

Loved the part about Stella's tears falling onto Mac's chest and that causing him to tear up. Love the emotion there. :)
The following day at school, Jessie was standing with her friends on the west side. Watching her from across the way, he smiled when she smiled.

"For christ sakes, stop ogling the girl, and go talk to her again."

"Holy crap, she's a beauty. Where did you find her?"

"By complete accident. I was talking with her younger brother Gary yesterday, and...."

"Gary Taylor?"

"Yeah. What about it? You act like you know him."

"I do. His father is head of CSI's, at the NYPD crime lab. Along with their uncles, who are detectives too."

"You act like that's a bad thing? So what if she comes from a family of detectives, or from a poor family. Makes no difference. It's the person that matters, not where they come from."

"That's beautiful Vince. Truly beautiful. You are so poetic."

Punching his friend in the arm, he owwed.

"If you boys will excuse me. I'm off to see my goddess."

The others boys laughed.

"The only goddess he is going to get. Is Det.Taylor's nine mil up his ass."

Walking over to Jessie, he said...

"Morning my goddess, how was your evening?"

Jessie's friends giggled. Jessie looked floored.

"I thought I told you not to call me, that?"

"Why not. You look like a goddess, an egyptian goddess to be exact. I really can't help that I'm falling for you. Can I walk you to class, Jessie?"

Okay... Jessie had to give him prop's for his romantic skills. Plus... he had used her name.

"I guess that would be alright. But you need to understand, I'm to young to date, and I have no interest in trying it. I'm a kid, and that's the way I want to stay."

"That's perfectly fine with me, Jessie. I can chill with that."

"Bye guys, I'll see you at lunch."

Walking into the school, Jessie had to admit, she was falling for her poetic prince too.


Jimmy was removing his books from his locker, when he seen Paulina. She was a very quiet girl, with gorgeous hazel eyes, dark rich, almost jet black hair, and a passionate smile. But what drew Jimmy to her, was her shyness. Always he would see her little looks his way. But when he smiled back, she'd shy away.

Shutting his locker, he walked over to her.

"Hi Paulina, can I walk you to class?"

Looking up at Jimmy shyly, she nodded her head yes. Helping her close her locker, he took her books, and walked her to class.

"My, my... looks like you've lost this one, Savana. I'll see you."

Looking at her friend, she said to herself...

"If I can't have Jimmy, then I'll have to take your James."

Her friend knew what she was thinking.

"Forget it Savana, James is mine. You had your chance with Jimmy."

"I don't see a ring on your finger, or his hand in yours. That makes him fair play."

"You're a bitch Savana. A real bitch. But you're on. May the best girl win, which is me by the way."

Walking away, Eva knew she would have to work twice as hard, to get James to notice her.

After dropping Julia off at school, Claire headed over to her mom and dads. Parking the car, she got out and seen her dad coming out the door.

"Hey dad. Where are you going?"

"To get my morning paper. The paperboy, has a tendency to drop it half way down the walk."

"I'll grab it dad. Let's go inside."

Placing the paper on her dads table, she looked in the kitchen for her mom.

"Dad... where's mom?"

"She had to run to the neighbours. She'll be back. So how are feeling, Claire bear?"

"I'm good daddy. Did you get the results from your scan?"

"I did. There's no clot. The doctor said if I can avoid stress, I'll be fine."

"Listen dad. That's great. But Tony and I were talking last night. We'd still like to send you and mom away for two weeks. You could go by Nation Express Train. They are beautiful trains, full food service, sleeping space, and they will take you right into Scotland. Please say you and mom will go."

Mac thought about it. Scotland. Could the children have picked a more beautiful place, for them to visit. Hearing the door, Claire seen her mother walk in.

"Hi sweetheart, how are you feeling? Look at you."

"Hi mom. come have a seat. I was just talking to daddy about you two going to Scotland for two weeks."

"Scotland? Oh my... what a beautiful place. But your father can't fly honey."

"I know that mom. Which is why Tony and I, are sending you by National Express Trains."

"Oh honey. That's way to much money. We can't let you two do that."

"You can, and you will. Please mom, allow Tony, Julia, the boys and I to give this to you and dad. We will take Alan for the two weeks. Please don't say no, mom."

"I don't know love. Alan is alot to handle. I'm afraid in your condition, and Julia's tempers, it would just be to much on you."

"Don't you worry about me, mom. I have Tony to help. If anyone can help change Alan, he can. Besides, once Alan is with Jimmy and James, he'll mellow out."

Looking at Mac, he shrugged his shoulders. Looking back to her daughter, she said...

"Okay honey, you and Tony win. Your father and I will go."

"Good. Tony, the kids and I, will drive you and dad to the Station on Friday. So be ready."

Giving her mother and father a kiss, she headed out to give Tony the good news.


Alan and Donald were sitting outside today for lunch. Picking a spot near several other students, Donald said...

"Hey Al, there's Beatrice. Throw your Hostess Cupcake at her."

Now Alan had promised his mom, no more antics. But they were outside, not inside. So that didn't count. Taking out his cupcake, he soaked it in juice, then tossed it over and into Beatrice's hair.

Ducking so they wouldn't be seen. Everyone started laughing. Crawling on their hands and knees, they stopped cold when they seen two pair of feet. Looking up, they seen the Principal, and vice principal standing with their hands on their hips.

"Both of you. My office, now."

Alan knew he was going to be in big trouble. For both he and Donnie had been told. One more incident, and they were both suspended.