CSI NY - Blood Is Thicker Than Water - II

Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Mac snuggled next to her, hoping his body wouldn't start feeling worse again. He coughed a little, then decided to make a quick run to take some medicine. He came back and snuggled with Stella again, grimacing slightly at the nasty medicine aftertaste in his mouth as he too closed his eyes to try and sleep.
(lol interesting visual of him walking around when you consider he still had no clothes on...*pantpantpant*)
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella cracked her eyes open a bit and yawned while he got up and got some medicine. She had woken up slightly, but as soon as Mac came back and snuggled next to her again, she fell back to sleep.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

(lol) Mac had a certain amount of coughing, but not as much as the last night, which he would be happy for when he woke up. For the moment, he was dreaming happily for a change, about his future with Stella.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella woke up every time he had a coughing fit. She didn't make it look like she was awake so that Mac would think he wasn't inturrupting her, but she was really losing sleep because of it. But she just stayed perfectly still, occasionally turning to him and snuggling into him.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

(my thought is the poor boy needs to enjoy the cuddling considering the angst he's about to get put through...LOL)

Mac didn't usually totally wake up but sometimes he noticed when she snuggled closer to him. It felt espeically good when he started feeling a bit of a chill again. Despite the flu effects, though, had he been awake, he would have noticed that the nightmares came less often tonight. When he did wake up a little, he thought it felt good to be sleaping relatively happily, everything considered, for once.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

(Which angst? The angst with Danny and Cassie?)
Stella woke up the next morning, still tiered. She sighed when the clock told her it was seven thirty. She rolled over and then snuggled into Mac again, she just wanted to sleep. She was so exhausted.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

(nah the proposal I PM'd you, with Mac. He'll get rescued all right but what's angst but some phyiscal and mental pain along the way lol I don't know that I'll do it this RP day or not but sometime really soon.)

Mac opened his eyes when she did it but her reaction told him it must still be early. For a moment, he lay awake gazing at her and then closed his eyes again.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

(*headdesk* oh yeah)
"You awake Mac?" Stella whispered. Now that she was awake, her body wouldn't let her fall back asleep.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

(lol Jess)
"Maybe, I'm not sure yet" he replied. "I think so partly but am still trying to get all the way there." He still felt a bit groggy.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella decided to play with him a bit. She pushed him over, causing him to flop onto his back. She then hovered over him and gave him a deep, passionate kiss to wake him up.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Mac was about to protest but the kiss got rid of that idea. "That's a lovely wake up call" he said with a grin.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella giggled a bit against his lips. "I know, right?" she said with a grin as she laid down again and draped an arm over him.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"right" he replied, draping an arm over her. "You know I think maybe I'm marginally improved today...think I slept a little better..."
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella smiled. At least he got some sleep tonight. "That's good honey." she said with a smile.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"I also think this arrangement is good for keeping the nightmares away" he said with a smile. "What about you? You sleep okay?" he asked. "