CSI NY - Blood Is Thicker Than Water - II

Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

(OMG MEL! lol)
Stella's eyes widened when he said that. "Mac you are so dirty!" she said playfully. She then kissed him deeply, feeling what he was talking about. "Damn Mac, you weren't lying." she said with a smile.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

(LOL ok so I spend most of my time in the gutter...thank the rest of us at the Smacked thread ;) Sometimes I also don't really realize just how dirty things like that are until I re read 'em. Not that it's bad... )

"I guess I can't think about work all the time" He grinned. "Besides, this is so much more fun." He quited as they kissed again. "I told you" he replied with a giggle when she said that.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

At that point, Stella couldn't take it any longer. She quickly tore through his close, stripping him of everything quickly, losing her shirt and skirt in the process. She was hungry for him now. She kissed him deeply, showing him just how much she wanted him.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Mac did the same with her clothes, thinking of how much they were in the way now. He kissed her back, hoping he wouldn't wind up having to break for a cough at the wrong time.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella trailed her kisses from his lips, to his jaw, to his collarbone. "I love you so much Mac, I want a baby of our own." she told him.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Mac felt tingles as she did it. In return, he made little nibbles on her earlobe and blew into it. "So do I" he said.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"Then give me one Mac." she said, ready to go, but not going just yet, letting him reply first.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"Well, I'll do my best" he said, now the one kissing on her neck as he talked.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

*various love music in the air......*
A few hours later, Stella fell to his side, feeling on a high almost. She laid herself next to him and then wrapped an arm around him. "That was amazing Mac." she whispered.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

(lol) "Wow comes to mind" Mac said, nodding. "Or, maybe I should really say that words are failing me at the moment." He grinned. "I was really worried about coughing at the wrong time...nothing worse than the middle of a kiss" he said. "But I got lucky." A beat and he smiled big at her. "I got lucky these days in a lot of ways, actually."
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella nodded. "Yeah, me too, I have the sweetest man on the planet, I'm getting married to him, and tomorrow morning, I might find out that I'm having my very first child with him."
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"And I have the most wonderful woman on the planet" Mac replied with a smile. "Right now, I don't think I could get any happier. Well, unless...you know...We have started a family."
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella smiled and closed her eyes. "Well, we'll find out in the morning." she said.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Mac nodded. "Can't wait."
(I love TV stuff, it really takes longer in RL to find out but through the magic of TV it can speed up hehe)
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

(I know, that's what I love about rps, you can make anything possible.)
Stella nodded and then slowly drifted off to sleep. She would sleep good since she had a lack of it in the past few days. It was partially Mac's fault too, not that she was complaining though.