CSI NY - Blood Is Thicker Than Water - II

Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella broke the kiss to put some conditioner in her hair. While she was in the shower, she actually had to shower. She had time to play later.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Mac started cleaning himself too, looking forward to play later but knowing he had to 'shower' in the shower now.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella was anxious. she wanted to know if she was pregnant or not. She started to quicken up her pace, wondering if she was expecting a baby or not. She hoped she was.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Mac was curious too, he didn't say anything about it yet but he had that "I wanna know" look in his eyes.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella turned around and opened her mouth to say something until she saw the look in his eyes. "I'm going to do that now." she said as she stepped out of the shower and took the test, soon after wrapping a towel around her.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"I can't wait" he replied with a grin. He was looking over her shoulder, waiting to see if it turned positive.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella took a deep breath. "I can't look at it Mac, you tell me." she said, handing it to him.
(Yes, I'm letting you decide lol)
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Mac nodded, barely able to do it himself. "Wow...I can't believe it happened on the first try" he said. "Or in other words, yes" He hugged her, reality still not quite hitting yet.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella just stood there, a little stunned. She hugged him back, but there were so many questions going through her head. Was it going to be a boy or a girl? What would the name be? Would it have Stella's eyes? Or would it have Mac's wisdom? She was just reacing with questions that she would be pondering for the next nine months. "Oh my God." she said in disbelief. "We're having a baby." she said, now excited.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"I can't believe it either" he said, still stunned. On one hand, he knew many couples tried for years without sucess, but OTOH, it was amzing how much his life was changing, and how happy he was about it.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"I love you Mac." she said as she kissed him deeply on the lips, then pulled away seconds later. "I can't wait to have our baby." She had a long way to go, but she was still excited.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"Sweety you know the bad guy that took you adn hurt mommy? Well he escaped and the good guys can't find him so you and mommy are going to stay either here or Det. Flacks apartment." Cassie explained to her daughter.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"I can't wait either" Mac replied, hugging her again. "I think you'll be a good mother...I can only hope i make a good father" he said.
(when will they find out about the escape?)