CSI NY - Blood Is Thicker Than Water - II

Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella raised an eyebrow. She had always wanted kids, all her life. Ever since that one case, she knew she was destined to be a mother. She wanted to adopt actually. She wanted to go to the orphanage and adopt them all. She knew she would have to start out with just one, but she wanted to save all the little kids in the world from having to go through that. "Mac, about kids......I don't know if I want to have them myself, I would much rather adopt one...." she trailed off. She wondered if she understood her reasons for it.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"I think I can understand that, knowing your background" he said thoughtfully. "I just want you to know that no matter if they're natural or adopted, I'll love them just the same. And maybe later on if we decide, we could still have one of our own...but I'll be just as happy if we don't." A smile spread accross his face. "Besides...if you did get pregnant, I don't know what the hormones would do to you" He laughed. "You might try to kill me...kidding, kidding..."
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella laughed at what he had said. "I do plan on having kids of our own, so that we could continue with our family, but, I just want to save a little girl like me from what I had to go through. I know I turned out just fine, but i just wish I didn't have to go through all of it." Stella felt tears stiging her eyes as she recollected what happened all the time when she was a little girl.

Stella gathered around the new visitors like all the other orphan kids did. There were about thirteen of them, three of them girls. Stella tried to look cute, act polite, and always be gentle when a couple would come in, but it was always the same.

"What about that one John?" a blonde haired woman asked her husband.

"No no no, look at her hair, it's untamable! And she's Greek, I bet you she can barely speak English."

"But sir..." Stella protested.

"Look, she interrupted me, we'll just have to pick another one honey."

Stella felt her eyes well up with tears. It had been the same thing every time. Diffrent reasons though, 'she's too tall', or 'she's too skinny' or 'I bet you she's not that smart'. They had whispered their words a lot of the times, but little Stella could still hear them. Every time, her favorite nanny would run up to her and cuddle her in her arms, that was about the only time she had ever gotten any attention that she actually needed.

"It was horrible Mac, it was like the world just didn't want me. I was being judged like a little puppy in a dog show. I felt like I was being treated like an animal, not a real person. As I got older, I got in a lot of fights with the boys, many of them would beat me up, and then throw me in a corner or something. Then after that, I just learned to bite my toungue, I never said anything to anyone. I gave up on being in a real family, with a real mother and a real father. I never had it Mac, I don't want another little girl like me to go through that, it's just not fair." she said with a shakey voice.

(Whew, that was a long one!)
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Flack sighed. "Dan and I can, but you can't for obvious reasons," he said to Cassie with an appologetic smile. There's a few units out canvasing the streets, but who knows how long that'll be."
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

He hugged her, kissing her cheek as he saw her start to cry. "I understand" he said gently. "And I'm willing to go for it with you." He reached up a hand, gently caressing her cheek. "And one thing I can say is that now that you're got me, you'll never be alone again" he said softly.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella cuddled into him as best she could. She started to softly cry. "I love you." she whispered.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"Ok I understand. Where are we going to stay in the mean time?" Cassie askes looking at her sleeping daughter on the couch.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"I love you" he replied, "More than words can ever say." He rocked a little, one hand gently rubbing her back. "It's okay, let it out if you have to" he said gently.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella nodded, crying into him as hard as she felt she needed to. "God Mac, it was so hard, it was so hard just to grow up and become a woman." she said to him.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Mac had a hard time knowing what to say, he just felt so bad for her, "The one thing I know is that you're become a wonderful one" he said softly. "And like I said, you'll never be alone or unloved ever again, no matter what."
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella's body tingled at the sound of his voice. She knew that he would always be there for her and would want no one else to be the man to do it. Her crying slowed, and it was not down to just a few tears and multiple sniffles. She just relaxed in his arms.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Mac felt her relax, reaching up with a hand to gently wipe away some of the tears on her cheeks. "You mean everything to me" he said. He gazed at her, his eyes showing the love he felt. "And I'm more happy than I can say to have found you, to be spending my life with you."
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella looked up at him and gave him a genuine smile. She was so lucky to have him, and soon, she was going to get married to him. "I'm so lucky to have you Mac, I don't knwo what I did to deserve you."
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

"I don't know what I did to deserve you, either, but I know I'm definately lucky." he said.
Re: Blood Is Thicker Than Water

Stella nodded. She then wondered how he was doing with his cold. "So how are you feeling Mac?" she asked, sounding concerned.