~CSI: Miami's Ultimate Episode!~

Thanks alot Swan. :D

So, the winners are:

#121 Spring Break
#321 Recoil

#122 Tinder Box
#322 Vengeance

For the final round of voting, we'll combine Season 4's 2 final episodes, otherwise, we'll have an uneven number. :)
I went with 'Freaks and Tweaks' 'MIA/NYC Non-Stop' 'Innocent' and '10-7'
what can I say, I just really really liked those episodes...and I LOVED 10-7 :D though I think that may have something to do with the fact that Dean Winters was in it ;)
The winners of the final round of this stage are:

#123 Freaks And Tweaks
#323 Whacked

#124 Body Count
#224 Innocent

Now things get really tough! ;) We have 48 episode winners and we'll now pit 3 episodes against each other in a series of polls to whittle it down to the last 16.

Here are the first 4 polls:
agrrr what a shame my mouse mark Hell Night epi but i want to vote for Hurricane Anthony :mad: i hate optical PC mouse they change theirs position arbitrarily from time to time...
Not to worry Pusher. When Thumpy or I do the results, we'll bear that in mind. :)
thanks a lot Lucy. :D

from CSI M Season finals episodes voting for me start to be more and more difficulty to choose my fave one, coz i love all S 1-3 epis :p
No worries. ;) Voting is now very difficult, I agree. Such great episodes to choose from.
It tickled me that Season 4 got so few votes and not a single episode made it through. The fans evidently have good taste on this forum! ;)
Now it is pretty tough, have to say that 'Blood Brothers' was the only one in that poll I didn't debate over, I really love that eppy, I could watch restaurant scene between H and Y all day and never be bored ;)
Footyliz said:
Now it is pretty tough, have to say that 'Blood Brothers' was the only one in that poll I didn't debate over, I really love that eppy, I could watch restaurant scene between H and Y all day and never be bored ;)
Me too Liz. ;)

I was surprised 'Nailed' didn't make it through to the final stages of voting bulletgirl. I agree, it was an excellent episode. I didn't like Season 4 very much at all, but that one stood out for me as the one exception. It just goes to show how good the first 3 seasons were if Nailed didn't make it in our polls. At least, that's according to those fans who have been voting in this thread!
Btw, welcome to Talk CSI bulletgirl. :)

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We ask people not to double post for example, but as you are new, you weren't to know. Hope you have fun here. :D