CSI:Miami Season 5 *Spoiler Lab* Proceed With Caution!!

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yeah I think he gets shot at the end b/c from the spoilers I read Man Down opens with him being shot or being rushed to hospital...something to that effect.

I didn't realize Alexx gets kidnapped...yet again. That wasn't in any of the spoilers I read. Now I really can't wait for these two eps to air!!
wow clavo cruz once again. been wondering when he'd show up again. you think they're starting to put some closure to past episodes now? hmmmm maybe we'll see susie & madison again ya think?
Dear Futon Critic: Please look up the definition of "fatally." Thank you.

As for Alexx, the way they worded it is kind of confusing, but I believe it translates to "Alexx is in the courthouse. A missile is fired at the courthouse, blowing part of it open (say, a wall), allowing Cruz to escape." Alexx might be mildly injured, but I doubt it'll be anything big.
Oh I know right? If you are going to use the word 'fatal' at least use it in the right context.

Although all those little blurbs the shows put out to sites like TV Guide and Futon Critic are meant to create drama and get people curious enough to watch. For some reason people love to watch an episode of a show, and it may not be one the always watch, where one of the main characters gets hurt or killed.
Well, I guess if you have two shows you like on at the same time, knowing one of the main characters is going to get hurt might influence your decision, cuz it's a big deal, y'know.
The context might be if they are so injured that their heart stops at one point and restarts, or they are given a certain survival percentage, ect. While that might also considered critical.

ADJECTIVE: 1. Causing or capable of causing death. 2. Causing ruin or destruction; disastrous. 3. Of decisive importance; fateful: came through at the fatal moment. 4. Concerning or determining one's fate: the fatal thread of life. 5. Obsolete Having been destined; fated.

SYNONYMS: fatal, deadly, mortal, lethal These adjectives apply to what causes or is likely to cause death. Fatal describes conditions, circumstances, or events that have caused or are destined to cause death or dire consequences: a fatal illness. Deadly means capable of killing: a deadly poison. Mortal describes a condition or action that produces death: a mortal wound. Lethal refers to a sure agent of death that may have been created solely for the purpose of killing.

*Shrug* Could really be given either way.
o.o AHHH.. i can't wait for jan 22nd AND for feb5th and 12th.. a DOUBLE ep? .. it's going to be a huge moment and then its going to say TO BE CONTINUED...
and then ill cry.. >.< ... oi... cant wait! .. squeeing alrede.. LOL
*sigh* Poor Eric... although it'll be really interesting to see how the rest of the team react to his shooting... maybe it'll finally bring the team together again caus' they seem to be drifting apart...
I hope so, at least with Horatio, Calleigh, Alexx and to a certain extent Tripp, because they have been there from the start. I don't know about Ryan and Natalia. Ryan and Eric have never really gotten past their differences, and while I'm sure he doesn't want Eric dead, I would hope the writers don't make his reaction stronger than one of Eric's long-time friends. When Ryan was injured in 'Nailed' it did help him and Eric become closer, but it's kind of deteriorated since then. Maybe the same will happen here, but I still don't think they're anywhere near friends. Natalia, it's hard to say. We know she's a bit of a drama queen, and she did have a brief fling with Eric, so of course there will be some emotion there. Horatio and Calleigh have to be the most affected by this, and if they're not, I'll scream and throw stuff at random passers-by on the street. :lol:

I really hope we get to see the Delko family too!
Yes, that is weird, like when Marisol died and her parents didn't show .
I was like huh?
Eric sure has had a bad year..........
I said down in the Eric thread that while he's hurt, I bet plenty of us would be willing to take turns taking care of him and giving him rubdowns and sponge baths and helping him rehab...:devil: *giggle*
Eric's bad year seems to be becoming Eric's bad years! Poor guy. Although I am really interested to see how the writers handle this. This is a great opportunity for them to bring the team back together. It's been splintered since Speed died and I think, while this will be hard to watch, could bring them back to being the tight knit team they once were. I liked it better when they all joked and shared things with eachother.

Does any of that make sense? :lol:
I agree with need humor on CSI Miami and I'm noty talking about plots so bad that they're laughable.

Otherwise I'm happy to see about Clavo Cruiz, he was a good nemises for Horatio. I think they retired the charatcter too quickly, which is why I'm happy to see him back.
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