CSI:Miami Season 5 *Spoiler Lab* Proceed With Caution!!

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delkolover said:
Yeah the next ep is Throwing Heat and it doesn't air until Monday the 22nd. There is a repeat of Death Pool 100 this coming Monday.

Hot Damn I'm home for both of these episodes! *does a very happy dance* No recording this Monday or next!! Yes.... :devil: :D
I can't believe Frank is going to step on frickin land mine! Talking about watching your step!
What split up?

And...I missed the end of the rerun tonight..Was there a preview for next weeks episode? And if there was, could someone tell me what was on it? :)

There was a preview and it showed an immigrant coming on the beach of Miami and being blown to bits because of land mines and Frank stepping on one.
delkolover said:
Yeah the next ep is Throwing Heat and it doesn't air until Monday the 22nd. There is a repeat of Death Pool 100 this coming Monday.

Hot Damn I'm home for both of these episodes! *does a very happy dance* No recording this Monday or next!! Yes.... :devil: :D

I can't believe Frank is going to step on frickin land mine! Talking about watching your step!

Sorry for the quote boo-boo I'm still trying to learn the ins and out of the board. :eek:

And a split up?? :eek: :eek:
OMG I just saw the promo for 'Throwing Heat'! What did TPTB think: "let's kill some more officers after Jessop?" :eek: They won't kill Frank, will they? I sure hope not! I think not. It looks very exciting. Can't wait. :D
Erm..why on earth they'd kill someone who they just made reg character and put to opening credits?
Well... totally unrelated, but they did that with a character on Buffy.
But um... no. Not allowed to kill Frank. Seriously.
There is no reason to kill Frank. Rex isn't going anywhere (see 100th eppy celebration on Innertube) and since there is no storyline... and they need a cop... nah. They just scare us ;)
No, I didn't really think they'd kill Frank. Of course they want to scare us, it gives them more veiwers :p
I'm still so empty inside because they killed my Jessop... they cannot take my Frank as well! *sobs*
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