Bleh okay, expounding on these spoilers for Infernal erm Internal Affair(s) I'm not scrolling back to see if the (s) belongs there or not.
Occassionally I get the bug and feel the need to post my opinion, usually this happens when I have not had nearly enough sleep over the seven days prior to my long winded post and have consumed enough coffee to keep the entire population of Michigan wired for forty-seven days.
Just so we're clear on that part...
I do not object to the Character of Natalia in concept and I adore Eva LaRue, however, the writers have written her in such a manner...well the only appropriate adjective I can come up with is simpering. Simpering is annoying on too many levels to list, therefore I have little to no sympathy for the character.
Seriously, I have kinder feelings toward Ryan The Hun. (Love Togo, hot man, but don't get the character of Ryan at all. I want to like him, I really do, but again the writers have kind of assassinated that character too. How can someone with such an apalling lack of common sense become a cop? Anyone? Bueller?)
Okay back on topic...
Nick bites the big one, goes on to the great trailer park in the sky, meets his maker and gets his karmic smackdown.
(The silence you are hearing is my profound lack of surprise.)
Taking a smoke break to collect my thoughts, I think I left some of them in the car. BRB
I'm back, still here? You're so awesome!
Horatio asks for help.
Lets think of the night shift as red shirts (3pts if you know what that means.)
We see them, they add interesting tidbits of information and then mysteriously dissappear while on an away mis- erm get the rest of the night off.
Horatio in response poses and looks thoughtful. Natalia looks distraught, but impeccibly dressed.
Calleigh, Ryan and Eric play Yahtzee.
Horatio and Johnny Whitworth (okay why? Where the hell is Frank???) go over the evidence. Johnny wears a blue shirt and does not get time off.
A lightbulb appears over Horatio's head as he examines a latex glove, a pearl earring and the most recent copy of Mad Magazine.
Natalia couldn't have killed her ex-husband, he proclaims while executing the confidence pose! She is allergic to latex!
Ah-ha! Say the viewers playing along at home!
Rick Stetler enters and twirls his mustache deviously, "What about Delko?" He sneers menacingly.
Delko, "Yahtzee!"
Valera overhears, as she is prone to do and clears her throat, "He was with me, we were watching educational videos all night, all morning, all afternoon, all night. I have DNA to prove it!"
Ryan looks like someone just stole his puppy and Hotwheels collection.
Natalia slaps Delko.
Horatio executes the fondness pose.
Calleigh throws her hands in the air, "Okay, look, the earring is mine, the glove belongs to Ryan and the Mad Magazine is Frank's. Something had to be done, Horatio and since you're so freakin busy saving every woman with nice legs and big tits AND every neglected child in FIVE counties, we took it upon ourselves to put an end to this miseralbe storyline! If that's a crime than arrest us now! If not, we have a game of Yahtzee to finish!"
Stetler spontaneously proposes to Calleigh.
Johnny looks like someone just stole his puppy and GI Joe doll.
Eric and Natalia reconcile, prompting another murder to be planned by an unknown person or persons.
And somehow, Horatio has managed to save the day again without really doing anything.
Next week: Where exactly is Frank anyway?
Can ya tell I am not holding out much hope?
The recycled plot version of the ep reads more like this.
1.) Nick is shot.
2.) The killer turns out to be someone we've never met. A convenient ex-lover. Natalia's long lost father, because she just NEEDS more drama, really the writers have been neglecting this poor woman!
3.) There is no killer, it was just a freakishly catastrophic household accident.
I think I should go now...before I say too much.