CSI:Miami Season 5 *Spoiler Lab* Proceed With Caution!!

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Holy shit I see I missed a lot here.

Stetler needs to be on. I mean, some people need someone to hate and some people need someone to fan over. Some people need more conflict for story purposes even if he doesn't provide a lot of that anymore to some people.
Ok so this is off topic but I figured this would be the best place to ask this question....
I was just over at ebay and someone is selling an autographed CSI Miami script titled "The Flock" has anyone heard of this before? When I searched by the title a pdf file script came up but I have no idea if it is official. Obviously there has been no episode to air by this name and I have no idea if this episode will or did exist.

I am just curious b/c I emailed the seller and asked what ep the script was from and if it had aired or if the name had been changed etc...and the seller replied to me that they had no idea. Which I found a little odd. This increased my curiosity to say the least.

So has anyone heard of this title before?
the preview for next week is on innertube! in it you see Valera and she say she's responsible for Nick's death i assume. But everytime i try to watch a video on innertube i only have half of the screen so maybe i didnt see something. Its longer than the one they show yesterday. i dont like Jake's arrongance he's a ass in this preview.
I know totally watched it and Jake is in a suit...what the hell is that about? Totally excited for the episode.
i have no idea why he wear a suit maybe to impress Horatio!
I know that its Jake that arrest Natalia took me alittle bit of time cause at the beginning i thought it was Frank. but i cant seem to understand why its Jake who arrest her isnt he in the narcotic team? or did he change job again?

cant wait to see it either!!!
I wouldn't be surprised if he has been in IAB all the long after leaving his undercover position....don't they need someone else to spy on Horatio and the team this season?! :lol:

That is the only reason I can think of for him being in a suit...which he doesn't look very natural in btw!
Crap, I knew they were gonna drag Valera into this. They better not write her off the show, because seriously? Heads will roll.
I am soooo excited that we will get to see more of Valera in the ep. It is about time she got some quality screen time. I just hope they don't use it to axe her character! That would suck.

This ep looks like it might have a little bit of everyhing! and I hope Eric starting the fight with Nick is him just being chivalrous and the writers aren't getting him and Natalia back together.
My friend owes me big if they blame this on Valera. I totally called it when she first told me about the episode.

I am all for Valera/Boti getting more screen time, but if they get rid of her, I will be seriously pissed off.

And actually, it may be just me, but I didn't mind seeing Jake in a suit. I'm intrigued by his character and look forward to where tptb take him. I will say that I have a slight inkling that he might be next on the chopping block!
Who ever killed Nick can't be from the lab. Period!!!

As for Rick not being in the episode I've been thinking about this, Rick wouldn't have missed a chance at putting the screws to Horatio or anyone in the lab for that matter. So it got me to thinking about Rick traveling and spent a lot of time in New York. Makes me wonder where Rick is, Brazil? Back in New York?

He's out to get Horatio so he wouldn't have missed this for the world.
that preview for internal affairs.. jum.

I so hope they are not able to solve the crime and natalia goes to jail for it. wouldn't mind having her written off.. then jake :)lol: in a suit??) as a regular... I'm just wondering where Stetler is??? uhm the possibility that jake is IAB doesn't go in well here. I was hoping for him to become a homicide detective! together with yelina coming back to the job... velara needs to stay so badly! I really like her.
I'm gonna be so pissed if they pin this on Valera. I love Boti, and I'm really glad she's gonna get more screen time, but this doesn't look good! I'm really intrigued as to why Eric and Nick had a fight, because I can't believe Eric would purposely go out looking for this guy just to start something. I've got a feeling this is just going to be another one of those episodes where everyone bar Horatio comes off looking bad :rolleyes:.
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