CSI:Miami Season 5 *Spoiler Lab* Proceed With Caution!!

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Sounds plausible to me, although I do think they're pushing it. I did like the Clavo episodes, but that may just be me.

And LOL to the "personally I think Rick is in love with Horatio" comment.
I like the idea of bringing Clavo back, though I think he'd love to make Horatio pay for taking everything away from him.
Hopefully. He doesn't get killed. I'd say he probally won't. Him getting shot in the head, will (hopefully) only be a scrap. I don't know what will happen in between but I wonder who'll save the day in the end and then in the end of the epi the same person will probally be sitting in the Delkos room when he wakes up. Oh Saint Horatio.
we would have known by now if Adam was leaving, i do like what you said about Horatio saving the day unless Speedle come back has a ghost ;)!!!
If they were going to kill him, I doubt they'd let him make it to the hospital. I think they'd probably just have him die on the scene like Speed did, or in some other, more dramatic way, like a kidnapping or something. That's just my guess though. Never know what's going to happen with these crazy Miami writers :rolleyes:
Don't take away our Adam!
You know, I got a real kick out of the eps with Clavo and his brother. Not that death is funny...but...one of the girls killed is a Canadian model named "Michelle Cormier". They pronounce her last name "Core-me-aye" when it's "Corm-yay". Trust me lol. I live in Northern New Brunswick which borders Quebec. There's pages of Cormier in the phone book.

Season 5 is really shaping up. I was on pins and needles the ep where Calleigh gets shot. Boom, down she went like a sack of hammers. I was going to be ticked if they killed her off, since she's the main female character. Boa Vista hasn't been established enough to take over that role.

I hate when they change up main cast in a show. Don't fix what ain't broken.
here is what tv guide say about internal affair:"Nick is murdered in his condo and Natalia is arrested for the crime when evidence at the scene suggests she killed him, but Horatio tries to clear her name. The evidence also reveals that Delko and Nick fought earlier in the day. In another case, a wealthy single man is found dead in his mansion with a granite-topped bookshelf on top of him. The investigation reveals the victim was seeing a therapist who suddenly dropped him as a patient."
Dude, I called that one! Who owes me money?

God, so fucking obvious. Are the writers even trying anymore? So I guess this Valera stuff is going nowhere? What was the point of it, then?
Valera is gonna go in the field in internal affair. Maybe where gonna see Stetler that would make my day!
veggie said:
Valera is gonna go in the field in internal affair

Is this a spoiler? What's she doing in the field?

My guess is that when the producers hired Eva La Rue, as a bonus they got a bunch of old All My Children scripts and they've been borrowing some ideas. Because seriously, so far every. single. Natalia. storyline I've seen in a myriad of cheap soap operas. The pregnancy scare, the abusive ex-husband, screwing up and costing someone their life, the helpless family member in peril, and now being accused of her abusive ex-husband's murder. Oh, and have I mentioned that she's only been on this show for a year?

If they must follow that pattern, can they at least put her in a coma for the rest of the series? Thaaaanks.

Stupid Mary Sue.
Dude, you're right! God I hope they go with the coma storyline next. Of course with our luck, coma or not, she'd still get 40% of the screentime (the other 60% going, of course, to Caruso).
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