CSI:Miami Season 5 *Spoiler Lab* Proceed With Caution!!

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carlz31 said:
RICK! YAY!...it's about time he came back...YAY!

Glad to see that they are actually bringing him back. I thought there for a while that his character got lost or something.:lol:

I do have to say that I am glad that Yelina is returning. But... WHY must they kill Ray for real? What purpose is that going to serve? Oh wait... are they going to kill him and then bring him back again? Oy, I think I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. :(
Calleigh does get a love interest....it's someone she used to work for and used to hate....now hes back and hes hot and calleiggh's hot..andd....thats all the article I read it in says
I am glad they are bring Rick back. I love the exchange between him and Horatio. Ummm..in a way he is kinda hot too. Damn but its RICK!! *cries* You got Horatio red hair and blue eyes then Rick's dark hair and eyes. I like seeing them together in scenes. I get to scream at the TV. GET 'EM HORATIO!" *does the happy dance* I get the urge to grab Rick's shoulders shake him and say "Dude, you are never gonna top Horatio, get a clue"

Rebecca_V said:
I am glad they are bring Rick back. I love the exchange between him and Horatio. Ummm..in a way he is kinda hot too. Damn but its RICK!! *cries* You got Horatio red hair and blue eyes then Rick's dark hair and eyes. I like seeing them together in scenes. I get to scream at the TV. GET 'EM HORATIO!" *does the happy dance* I get the urge to grab Rick's shoulders shake him and say "Dude, you are never gonna top Horatio, get a clue"


I agree, Rick is hot... but he's not Horatio. ;)
I'm also very thrilled to know that Stetler will be returning, my hopes for S5 have just been raised another small nothc. :D

I'm also curious to see Johnny Whitworth too, I loved him as AJ in 'Empire Records'. :)
I think I almost passed out when I saw his name there. :eek:

I was secretly thinking to myself: "No no NO! Don't put AJ on the show, put LUCAS on the show!" ...And then I realized I had actually yelled that outloud, and then I started to cry. :( :lol:

But yes, the fact that Stetler is back, makes me oh so much happier to see this season. He's the guy we love to hate. ;) (Actually I just plain love him now. :p )
ThumpyG42 said:
I'm also very thrilled to know that Stetler will be returning, my hopes for S5 have just been raised another small nothc. :D

My hopes have been raised as well. Just hope this season is ALOT better then last season. (of which I stopped watching completely halfway through the season)
Just hope this season is ALOT better than last season.
Shouldn't be too difficult to achieve! ;)

So far, I have been encouraged by most of the spoilers, eg. Yelina, Ray Jnr, Rick, and Calleigh's Dad back, plus what looks like a decent storyline for Calleigh which she didn't get last season.
Lucy said:
Just hope this season is ALOT better than last season.
Shouldn't be too difficult to achieve! ;)

So far, I have been encouraged by most of the spoilers, eg. Yelina, Ray Jnr, Rick, and Calleigh's Dad back, plus what looks like a decent storyline for Calleigh which she didn't get last season.

Oh, I know. It shouldn't be too hard. :D
Sigh. I didn't think so much of the first episode. I don't think they used the Rio sites to very good advantage. I also noticed that their sound equipment didn't pick up all that well either. What was the point of shooting at the base of the statue if it had nothing to do with the story?

Everyone also seems to be using age as an excuse for H's weight gain and, I'm sorry, but the amount he has packed on is not excusable at any age. Last season he was puffy besides, perhaps ill, but this year I didn't see any puffiness. Is he trying to self-destruct? He is the star of the most watched show on the planet and he doesn't care enough to hire a trainer and look the part? Pul-eez!

However, I have noticed that CSI, in general, seems to stumble on the first episode of the new season so I'm more than willing to overlook this little problem. I'm still hoping for a decent wardrobe, and, who knows, maybe someone will get him a stationary bike.

Natalia is sure not a very likeable character, is she. Do we really need her on the team? I'm all for Wolfe giving her grief, too. Irritate her some more, guy! :-*

Yay for Calleigh advancing to Lieutenant! Hey, props! What the matter? Couldn't find an extra gold badge to give her?

I don't think I am asking too much for the show that brags about how hard they work to look wonderful!
Neteret said
Yay for Calleigh advancing to Lieutenant!

I hate to bust the bubble, but I'm not sure she was actually promoted to 'Lieutenant'. I think Wolfe just called her that in a teasing/playful sort of manner. I'm pretty sure she's still just a Detective.
Everyone also seems to be using age as an excuse for H's weight gain and, I'm sorry, but the amount he has packed on is not excusable at any age. Last season he was puffy besides, perhaps ill, but this year I didn't see any puffiness. Is he trying to self-destruct? He is the star of the most watched show on the planet and he doesn't care enough to hire a trainer and look the part? Pul-eez!

Maybe it's not excuseable as people seem to think but, I'm sorry some of us at that age are no longer thin as people think we should be. :) I'm sure he has his reasons which to me is none of our business. :D Maybe he use to smoke & quit. :) You do gain weight from that. :) Could be other reasons for it. Who knows. :lol: As far as I'm concerned he looked better in Rio than I saw him looked the last few mos. of S4. :lol: Hmmm yes, he is the star of a most watched show. So what? :lol: If the man wants to look as he does(which to me he sure doesn't look that bad) that's his business. :D :rolleyes: I think it's kind of insulting to make the comment about getting a trainer and looking the part. :mad: I didn't realize he was suppose to live his life according to our standards. :confused: :rolleyes: HMMMM. Okay enough drama for now.
katpin31791 said:
Everyone also seems to be using age as an excuse for H's weight gain and, I'm sorry, but the amount he has packed on is not excusable at any age. Last season he was puffy besides, perhaps ill, but this year I didn't see any puffiness. Is he trying to self-destruct? He is the star of the most watched show on the planet and he doesn't care enough to hire a trainer and look the part? Pul-eez!

Maybe it's not excuseable as people seem to think but, I'm sorry some of us at that age are no longer thin as people think we should be. :) I'm sure he has his reasons which to me is none of our business. :D Maybe he use to smoke & quit. :) You do gain weight from that. :) Could be other reasons for it. Who knows. :lol: As far as I'm concerned he looked better in Rio than I saw him looked the last few mos. of S4. :lol: Hmmm yes, he is the star of a most watched show. So what? :lol: If the man wants to look as he does(which to me he sure doesn't look that bad) that's his business. :D :rolleyes: I think it's kind of insulting to make the comment about getting a trainer and looking the part. :mad: I didn't realize he was suppose to live his life according to our standards. :confused: :rolleyes: HMMMM. Okay enough drama for now.


I totally agree with you on this. I personally didn't even notice that he'd put on a few pounds.
Just a general comment, but please respect the actors and each others' opinions. Thanks. :)
Just to change the subject, but how did you think Ray Junior is gonna turn out in hte next few episodes, doyou think we're gonna see more of him?
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