CSI:Miami Season 5 *Spoiler Lab* Proceed With Caution!!

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I found a list of upcoming episodes on TV.com and I found an episode titled Shiftchange. I'm wondering by the name is Miami doing what LV did in season five and splitting up the team.
There are some things about CSI Miami in the new TV guide. My scanner is not working right now, but when I get it fixed I'll post the pages here. Its basically small spoilers for the upcoming episodes. Here is some of it:

There is a gambling group that bets on which celebrity will die next. Counterfeit 100$ bills are being used though. Calleigh is caught with a 100$ bill and claims its not hers. She is covering for another CSI who is gambling with it though...I wonder who that could be..... And for a halloween episode Ryan Wolfe will be put under a spell, and then he sees dead people everywhere. :)
I hope that hasn't already been posted.
needmorecsi said:
I found a list of upcoming episodes on TV.com and I found an episode titled Shiftchange. I'm wondering by the name is Miami doing what LV did in season five and splitting up the team.

^I don't think they have enough CSIs for that

Miami: H, Eric, Cal, Snake, Ryan
LV: Gris, Cath, Sofia, Sara, Greg, Warrick, Nick
Thanks for the info darx2mint4! :)

darx2mint4 said:
There is a gambling group that bets on which celebrity will die next. Counterfeit 100$ bills are being used though. Calleigh is caught with a 100$ bill and claims its not hers. She is covering for another CSI who is gambling with it though...I wonder who that could be.....

I wonder too. It could be anyone.
maybe the CSI in question is undercover.

And for a halloween episode Ryan Wolfe will be put under a spell, and then he sees dead people everywhere.

Please say that this is a joke.
sorry, but this is a little bit out of place for a CSI show.
maybe it will be funny, but it's more a storyline for Charmed and Buffy :rolleyes:
inge said:
darx2mint4 said:
There is a gambling group that bets on which celebrity will die next. Counterfeit 100$ bills are being used though. Calleigh is caught with a 100$ bill and claims its not hers. She is covering for another CSI who is gambling with it though...I wonder who that could be.....

I wonder too. It could be anyone.

There are a couple of promo pics showing Ryan burning some money, so maybe it's him. Obviously this is what I hope, but it could really be anyone. :rolleyes:
or else it's Eric ( going through some stage of mourning about Marisol) and Ryan helps out by burning it all??
I kinda can't picture Horatio suddenly turning to gambling with false money.
Ok well I read the article again and it said that Ryan is put under a "Santeria Hex"....

Anyway, here are the pages, like promised. If they are too small to read..then could someone tell me a better photo uplaoding site? :) thanks

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Thanks for the article, and they're easy to read so no worries. :)

I really loved the '10 Things You Don't Know About CSI:Miami' that was really fun to read. And that beach picture reminds me of season two. *sigh* I really hope they follow CSI's opening credits and put the entire team at the end of them. :p

But thanks again, it was really fun to read!
DaWacko said:
needmorecsi said:
I found a list of upcoming episodes on TV.com and I found an episode titled Shiftchange. I'm wondering by the name is Miami doing what LV did in season five and splitting up the team.

^I don't think they have enough CSIs for that

Miami: H, Eric, Cal, Snake, Ryan
LV: Gris, Cath, Sofia, Sara, Greg, Warrick, Nick

Miami has only one less CSI than LV did, if you remember Sofia was transfered from day shift to night shift. They might be trying to do the same thing and add other shift's CSIs.
And as far as we know, we haven't been introduced to any type of night shift in Miami, and the writers are treading on thin ice already with us fans. I don't think we could take any new characters. :rolleyes:

So if they do introduce a night shift...God help us all.
i have to admit i was wondering about the episode title before, but it could just be nothing, maybe it refers to something else. But on the off hand it doesn't i hope nothing too major happens, i hated the shift change in vegas
Those magazine scans were fun to read! Though I'm kind of disappointed with how they're planning out the Halloween episode. It just seems so farfetched. A nail in the eye, sure, it happens (not often, but hey). But casting a spell? Come on. Be a little more real.
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