CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ouch. Hey Cynthia...if it was Cynthia she pulled a blood moon. *winces* I feel sorry for guys....ok moments over. lol.

And WHAT THE! *Gasp* That Gas..man...landlord..per...son...ok sorry I studder when I get nervous/excited! What happend in the Apartment I wanna know! Tell me woman.
....ok I need to calm down. lol. Update like...whenever you want to. lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Noooooooooooo not a crossover again... You killing me with with that :p
Update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

oh you little brat am i gonna have to dust off the darn pitchfork again cause i thought i wouldn't have to bring it out again.....

Great updates lol i am glad that your csifiles started working for you again at least i got to read two updates so far before i have to go to the hell i call work.... friday nights suck ... period.

Anyway i love how i got to drive the hummerhome and how the salesperson is like prying into horatio about what is with it lol. Yay *gets all hyped* teehee i got to drive the hummerhome...*jumps around*

anyway almost split a rib when i her where you got the one line from lol *rolls off bed and busts a rib or two* anyway can't wait for more rib splitting fun lol
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

ehh i am crawling around again, but don't saying anything.. :p

i just can't...i should say it to you Geni !
you are doing so great job, updates are absolutely amazing, awsome to read :) you make me laugh, cry, you make shock in my face! :lol:
keep it up, and huge thanks to you! ;)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thank you for reading. :D ;)

And I hate to keep you guys on the proverbial edge of your seats so, here's the next chapter!

All I've Done, Nothing's Won, I Can Barely Look At You


Alexx: *opens kit*

Horatio: *takes off shades*

Delko: *walks in*

Calleigh: *places down kit*

Horatio: Cause of death Alexx.

Alexx: Throat was slit, left to right. Cause of death is exsanguination.

Horatio: She called 911.

Alexx: It probably took about three to four minutes for her to expire.

Delko: Any sign of forced entry?

Horatio: Not upon initial observation.

Speed: *walks over* There's no lanlord. He's been on vacation for three weeks in Cuba.

Delko: *picks up knife* He left the murder weapon behind.

Calleigh: Looks like a kitchen knife. Weapon of opportunity?

Delko: *nods*

Speed: *grabs camera, kneels* Shoe prints.

Alexx: *looks over* Yeah I saw those too when I walked in.

Speed: *snaps pictures*

Horatio: *watches*

Calleigh: Blood spatter over here on this wall. There's signs of a struggle.

Delko: Arterial spray on the ceiling.

Speed: *lifts skirt* No evidence of assault.

Alexx: *looks up* I'm sorry baby.

Speed: *stands* I'll collect blood samples.

Horatio: Okay.

Speed: *grabs kit*

Delko: Looks like she has a scratch.

Alexx: *lifts Katie's shirt* He probably tried to stab her first, and missed.

Calleigh: *picks up cell phone* 911 call was made, and went through. I'll get the tape.

Horatio: Okay folks, the rest of our cases go on the back burner.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OMG! I just smacked my hand across my mouth so hard I think I'm going to have a bruise. I was like "Is it me? Is it lori?" Like the whole time but then I figured it out. Awww i died and holy hell my heart is beatin like a gaggilion miles a minute. lol.

Awww poor Speedy. Poor me obviously. lol. *gasp* What happend to Lori? Is she ok? Dang it! There was never a land lord!

Atleast I wasn't raped, because if I was that would probably be ten times worse for Speedy. awwwww I can't stop saying that! lol.

Horatio: Okay folks, the rest of our cases go on the back burner.
Awww Heck yes they do! I mean...um...ok? lol.

Whoa, Geni you really suprised me here. I did not see this coming. I saw it more with the whole Coma thinger but this...did not see it coming at all.

I hope that Speed doesn't hold in his feelings because that wouldn't be good.

And the song I'm listening to right now is NOT helping me. UPdate soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OMG MY KATIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow.........Geni, you've successfully suprised me, just........wow......


Poor Speedy, and what is Lori gonna do? And what am I gonna do? And what is everyone gonna do? AHHH no! *puts on artificial SOJ's* CATCH HIM HORATIO! haha

Wow, Geni, all I can say is........update soon please! :p
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

wha- ? :eek: Katie is dead? well.. that is... something... shocky :p
i think i need to lie down..or i will fell off of my chair.. :eek:

i am speechless...it just..going to be wierd ..
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Well, hey at least I can stil surprise the best of us. ;)

And, well...We'll see what happens. :p

The Place Where You Used To Live

Apartment, hallway

Gurney is wheeled away, Alexx walks out with them

Delko: You okay man?

Speed: *takes off latex gloves* Hey Cal, where's Lori?

Calleigh: I left her with my neighbors. They're really good people.

Speed: Thanks.

Calleigh: Did you want me to take you there?

Speed: No.

Delko: We're really sorry.

Speed: *walks away*

Delko: *shrugs*

Calleigh: *sigh*

Autopsy room, one hour later

Horatio: Alright, what can you tell me about her.

Alexx: I found epithelials under her nails, and human tissue in her teeth.

Horatio: So there was a definite altercation.

Alexx: Mhm. Preliminary examination show multiple stab wounds, and defensive marks on her arms and hands.

Horatio: She put up one hell of a fight.

Alexx: *smiles* Yeah. *strokes Katie's head*

Horatio: You find anything else?

Alexx: I found multiple strands of hair in her hands, felicular tags still attached. I sent them off to the private lab.

Horatio: Excellent. *tilts head* Hey Alexx, what's that on the side of her head?

Alexx: *lifts hair* Looks like...A muzzle stamp.

Horatio: But she wasn't shot.

Alexx: Then someone dropped their gun.

Horatio: Okay. *looks up* Thank you Alexx. *leaves*

Observation deck

Speed: *looking down through glass*

Horatio: *walks in* You okay?

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: You want to take the day off?

Speed: *shakes head*

Horatio: You should be with your daughter.

Speed: *sigh*

Horatio: We'll find who did this.

Speed: I know.

Horatio: You know, technically I can't let you stay on the case.

Speed: *nods*

Horatio: But, Stetler's going to have to get through me first.

Speed: Thanks.

Horatio: Just don't let things get out of hand.

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: ...Tim.

Speed: *looks at Horatio*

Horatio: I'm sorry.

Speed: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *starts to cry*

Horatio: We'll get him, I promise.

PD, interrogation room

Delko: Welcome back Cynthia.

Cynthia: *rolls eyes* I have a lunch meeting to get to.

Delko: We found Clark dead.

Cynthia: What?

Delko: *smiles* Yeah. Him and Don were missing the same thing.

Cynthia: Yeah, and what's that?

Delko: *places down folder*

Cynthia: OH EW!

Delko: I bet lunch doesn't look so good right now.

Cynthia: *covers mouth*

Delko: I guess they both got what they deserved huh? They can't exactly cheat anymore.

Cynthia: Duh, they're dead.

Delko: Put your hands on the table, palms up.

Cynthia: Why?

Delko: Because I said so.

Cynthia: *sigh* I want a laywer.

Delko: I'd want one too. *closes folder*

Halls, police department

Alexx: Timmy! Timmy!

Speed: *turns around*

Alexx: *hugs Speed*

Speed: Oof.

Alexx: *squeezes* You poor, poor baby. *lets go* You need a place to stay?

Speed: No, Alexx it's fine.

Alexx: You will tell me if you need anything.

Speed: Yeah.

Alexx: Oh, that reminds me. *hands over evidence baggie*

Speed: *looks down* What's this?

Alexx: I thought you'd want it.

Speed: *takes out wedding ring* ...*looks up* Thanks.

Alexx: No problem sugar. I'll see you later.

Speed: Yeah.

Alexx: *leaves*

Calleigh: *walks over* Hey.

Speed: *places ring in pocket* Hey.

Calleigh: I thought you'd take the day off.

Speed: No.

Calleigh: You want to go catch some dinner?

Speed: Cal, you don't need to make sure I don't do anything stupid.

Calleigh: Would you?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Well still, you must be hungry or something.

Speed: I just want to be left alone.

Calleigh: *nods* Alright. Well, if you need anything you know where to find me.

Speed: Thanks.

Calleigh: *walks away*

Delko: *runs over* Hey.

Speed: You're not going to comfort me are you?

Delko: No. Cynthia Abbot just lawyered up.

Speed: You show her the pictures?

Delko: *laughs* Yeah. That's actually the reason she laywered up.

Speed: Well we need more evidence before we can present our case.

Delko: I'm halfway there. I've got a warrant for her house, and gym locker.

Speed: You hoping to find the murder weapon?

Delko: I'm hoping to find at least something.

Speed: Great, I'll meet you at her house.

Delko: Yeah, see you there. *walks away*

Speed: *frowns*

Interrogation room

Speed: *walks in*

Cynthia: Oh, you again. Don't bother asking questions, I already told the other detective that I wan-

Speed: Shut up.

Cynthia: *blank stare*

Speed: *opens folder* Take a good look at those pictures. You killed them out of revenge. What did Clark do to set you off? Sleep with your fianceé?

Cynthia: *starts to laugh*

Speed: Oh you think murder's funny. You think killing someone deserves a laugh.

Cynthia: No, b-

Speed: Let me tell you something. Those men may not have been perfect, but they didn't deserve to die. You on the other hand, should spend the next sixty-some years of your life rotting away in jail.

Cynthia: I'm not saying a word.

Speed: Good. Because I won't believe another word that comes out of your mouth anyway. Sit tight. *leaves*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ohhh *rubs hands together* I love angry Speedle! And gosh dang it Geni I was doing just FINE until this scene....

Horatio: ...Tim.

Speed: *looks at Horatio*

Horatio: I'm sorry.

Speed: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *starts to cry*

Horatio: We'll get him, I promise.

Awwww! Poor Timmy! I swear crying Speed is like candy to a baby to me! It just...its just awesome. lol.

But awww everyone's coming to make sure that Timmy's ok! And lori's ok! And and and and awww Alexx gave Timmy my wedding ring that scene was all kids of cuteness.

Horatio: So there was a definite altercation.

Alexx: Mhm. Preliminary examination show multiple stab wounds, and defensive marks on her arms and hands.

Horatio: She put up one hell of a fight.
*raises fist* Heck yes I did!

Alexx: *smiles* Yeah. *strokes Katie's head*

That part made me giggle and I'm not really sure why. I guess I just feel honored to be one of Alexx's victims. Which is weird but still lol.

Alexx: *lifts hair* Looks like...A muzzle stamp.

Horatio: But she wasn't shot.

Alexx: Then someone dropped their gun.

Hmm...this is getting really intresting. Why did this person drop the gun and reuslt in slitting my throat? Makes one wonder. lol. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Katie's dead!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
poor Speed just when he and Katie were getting along so well. I didn't see this one coming in the story but it's well written good job. :)

update soon Geni , I can't wait to see what other tricks you have up your sleeve. :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

WHA...? *stares in disbelief* KATIE! OH MY GOSH!...poor Katie *sniff* I miss you already...even though youre not really dead...*huggles Katie*

WHO DID IT?!...I mean, I'm calm...who killed her?...awww poor Speedy :(

please update soon

And on a sidenote, that whole thingy with the Hummer-submarine thing, I actually thought of something like that a while ago, it could be like a Hummerine or something :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Hummerine! Okay. *scribbles things down*

And KATIE DON'T LEAVE! *clings to Katie* Although she's assured me she's not going anywhere. - And she had no part in my twisted...Plotline. :p

Pour Down Like Rain


Speed: *strokes Katie's face*

Alexx: *walks over* You alright?

Speed: *clears throat* Yeah.

Alexx: She gave us a lot of evidence.

Speed: I know.

Alexx: You know, she'd probably want you to be happy.

Speed: What's that supposed to mean?

Alexx: You and Calleigh.

Speed: Wow at least give me some time. You're already marrying me off.

Alexx: *stares at Speed*

Speed: ...It was a joke.

Alexx: Oh. So are you and Calleigh still going down the adoption route?

Speed: Does everyone know about that?

Alexx: No.

Speed: Yeah, I think we're still doing that. It wouldn't be fair for him to grow up in this environment.

Alexx: Lori is.

Speed: I know, and I'm not exactly sure her life is going to be peaches and cream from now on.

Alexx: What do you think Katie would do if she found out about you and Calleigh?

Speed: I'd probably be one on that table.

Alexx: *laughs*

Speed: *smirks*

Horatio: *walks in* Hey.

Alexx: Hey.

Horatio: Speed, can I borrow you for a minute?

Speed: Sure.

Horatio: Let's go.

Outside autopsy

Horatio: Cynthia Abbot just confessed to two homicides.

Speed: Really.

Horatio: Eric didn't even serve the warrant for her house yet.

Speed: What made her change her mind?

Horatio: She said a crazed CSI yelled at her.

Speed: I didn't yell at her.

Horatio: I know. The DA wants to make a deal. Fifteen to twenty five years.

Speed: Well, at least she's doing the time.

Horatio: How are you holding up?

Speed: I'm fine.

Horatio: You sure?

Speed: Yeah. Listen, I have to go pick up Lori so I'll see you tomorrow.

Horatio: Where are you going to stay?

Speed: ...Calleigh's place.

Horatio: Does she know you're staying there?

Speed: She will.

Horatio: Alright, see you tomorrow.

Speed: Yeah. *leaves*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Are you kidding me? I'm not going anywhere! This thread is to addicting!

Speed: *strokes Katie's face*

Alexx: *walks over* You alright?

Speed: *clears throat* Yeah.
*yells* No your not don't lie! *clears throat* I'm ok I swear! lol.

Alexx: What do you think Katie would do if she found out about you and Calleigh?

Speed: I'd probably be one on that table.

Alexx: *laughs*

Speed: *smirks*
So funny! Yet so true. All though, I didn't hurt him the other times he cheated. Soo...but who knows what I would have done.

....You know its kinda creepy using myself in past tense. Little weird. lol.

*gasp* He's staying at Calleigh's place! I feel betrayed in a dead wife kind of way. But if this was real life which its not I'd want Speed to be happy anyways because he's to cute to be miserable...even though he seems miserable half the time anyway but you know what I mean! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: :lol:

Katie you crack me up.

Now, since I miss RT Katie, and I don't know what posessed me to kill her off, but I have good ideas for the future, so anyway, I'm going to post my all-time favorite chapters.

They're from the fourth RT. (This is my excuse for running out if ideas for the moment- Oh yeah I sound all confident that I have ideas for the future, but I forgot about the present)

So, a couple of my favorite chapters to pass the time....


[Hummerhome, 2 am]

Delko: *opens door* Speed..Hey Speed are you awake?

Katie: No, but his wife is so you might want to have a good reason for breaking and entering.

Delko: Oh good someone's up. Okay, I was sitting in the dinette drinking my warm glass of milk, and I heard something outside.

Katie: So? It's probably some birds.

Delko: How many birds do you know, make sounds like a big giant monster?

Katie: There are no monsters outside the Hummerhome.

Delko: The Wubba monster might be here.

Speed: *frowns, eyes closed*

Katie: Okay if Tim wakes up, you're a dead man.

Delko: We'll all be dead if we don't kill it.

Katie: There are no monsters outside the Hummerhome. Now take your milk and get back to your room.

Delko: Can't I just bunk here tonight?

Katie: It's 2 am.

Delko: Fine, this morning.

Katie: No.

Delko: But the monster will eat us.

Katie: There are no monsters.

[Big scary sound is heard outside Hummerhome]

Katie: AH! OH MY GOD! *shakes Speed* Get up! Get up!

Speed: *opens eyes* Oh come on. All I want is sleep. That's it. Just 8 to 10 hours of pure bliss.

Katie: There's a monster outside the Hummerhome.

Delko: It's true, there is.

Speed: Katie I can't believe you're falling for this. It's probably just a bear or a cougar.

Delko: *screams*

Speed: They can't get in here. The Hummerhome is bulletproof, waterproof, and bearproof.

Delko: What about cougarproof?

Speed: That too.

Delko: Wubbaproof?

Speed: If you run out in your underwear I'm not coming to find you this time.

Delko: HEY!...Hey you remembered.

Speed: Remembered what?

Delko: The Wubba monster and me running out in my underwear.

Speed: Eric, there are no monst-

[Big loud scary noise is heard]

Speed: -ers....Okay cut the lights, cut the lights.

Delko: *turns off light*

Katie: You're not...Scared are you?

Speed: Of course not.

Katie: Really? So why did we just cut the lights?

Speed: Because I said so.

Delko: *jumps in bed* Mommy.

Speed: *pushes Eric off bed* I'm not your mommy.

Delko: Ow, my head. *climbs into bed* Okay so what's our plan of attack?

Katie: I think we need shotguns, NO! Rifles, NO! Sniper rifles.

Delko: Loaded with silver bullets! One shot the heart and WHAMMO. Dead monster.

Speed: I can't believe I was woken up for this.

Katie: Do you have any silver bullets?

Speed: Yeah I have hundreds in my pocket at all times. Heaven forbid I'd want something shot in the heart at my leisure.

Katie: Okay Tim, smaller words.

Speed: *sigh* Me no have big dumb silver bullets. Me normal.

Katie: Well...You could use proper english.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: I CAN'T SEE!

Speed: That's because the light is off.

Delko: Okay, who here has a lighter? I'm going to go outside and take the gas out of the tank and douse it around the Hummerhome. The fumes will drive the monster away.

Speed: You want to go outside to get fuel from the tanks, carrying a lighter to see? You do realize fire and fuel don't mix right?

Delko: I thought they did.


[Hummerhome, 2:30 am]

[Big loud noise is heard]

Katie: *screams*

Speed: ...Wow that was my ear.

Katie: Sorry.

Speed: What are you screaming about this time?

Katie: The the the the the the monster and it it it it made a noise.

Speed: There is no monster.

[Big scary noise is heard]

Katie: *screams*

Speed: Alright, how about I go out and check to see what it is.

Katie: By yourself?

Speed: Did you want to come with me?

Katie: UH YEAH RIGHT. I don't want to be Wubba food.

Speed: *rolls eyes* I'll be back in a minute. *grabs flashlight*

Katie: What if you get shot?

Speed: Monsters probably don't have guns.

Katie: What if this one does?

Speed: Then let's hope he misses.

Katie: *frowns*

Speed: I'll be right back. *leaves*

Katie: AH! NO TIM! WAIT! *runs*

[Outside Hummerhome]

Katie: *runs into Speed* OW!

Speed: *turns around* Will you be quiet?

Katie: Sorry.

Speed: *clicks on flashlight*

Katie: Oh my God we're going to die. Please oh please God don't let us get eaten.

Speed: *walks*

Katie: Where are you going?

Speed: I'm going to find your stupid monster.

Katie: Great, you called it stupid. Don't anger it.

[Speed and Katie walk through bushes]

Katie: OH MY GOD!

Speed: What? What?

Katie: ...*sigh* It was a squirrel.

Speed: You got scared because you saw a squirrel?

Katie: It had big teeth.

Speed: *rolls eyes*


Speed: It's a leaf.

Katie: You know, this swamp isn't so pretty at night.

Speed: That's because you keep screaming at everything that moves.

[Big loud noise is heard]

Katie: *screams*

Speed: Shhh Shhh.

Katie: What? What?

Speed: Over there.

Katie: Is that the monster?

Speed: I can't tell.

Katie: Oh so where did your 'its not a monster' stuff go?

Speed: Just shut up and follow me.

Katie: Do you think we get hazard pay out of this?

Speed: *mumbles* I should get hazard pay just for being married to you.

Katie: What's that suppose to mean?

Speed: Hey it's moving.

Katie: Oh my God kill it.

Speed: I can't kill it. I don't know what it is.

Katie: It's the Wubba monster.

Speed: You don't even know what a Wubba monster looks like.

Katie: Do you?

Speed: It's coming this way.

Katie: It has a lighter.

Speed: How did it get a lighter?

Delko: DIE!! WUBBA!!! *runs into Speed*

Speed: AH! *falls down ravine*

Katie: *screams*

Delko: *screams*



Katie: We can't both be the monster!

Delko: Did we kill it?

Katie: I don't see anything.

Delko: I lost my lighter.

Katie: Oh my God, where's Tim?

Delko: I pushed him down the ravine. I thought he was the Wubba monster.

Katie: Oh my God! TIM ARE YOU OKAY?! *runs down ravine*

Delko: There's no way I'm going to be left alone up here with the Wubba monster. *runs down ravine*


Katie: *kneels down in mud* Are you okay? OH MY GOD HE'S DEAD!

Speed: Oh my God he's not!

Katie: Are you okay? Can you feel your legs? Did you slip a disk? Did you break anything?

Speed: And to think I actually wanted sleep tonight. But oh no, I had to go looking for an imaginary monster. *gets up, covered in mud* And then I get pushed down a ravine, end up in a pile of mud, and *slips and falls* OW! GOD DA-...And...I just wanted sleep.

Katie: But you're okay right?

Speed: DO I LOOK OKAY?! *wipes mud from face*

Delko: You sure flew.

Speed: Eric, I do not in any way look like a monster. Whatever posessed you to move your limbs into my personal space should be shot.

Delko: Do you need a towel? *smirks*

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *smirks*


Katie: *burts out laughing*

Delko: *starts laughing*

Speed: Fine, laugh it up. *gets up* See if I care. *falls down* OH COME ON!

Katie: Do you um...*giggles* Need any help?

Delko: You uh...*laughs* You look like bigfoot.

Speed: Shut up and help me out of the ravine.

[Ontop of ravine]

Katie: Are you okay to walk now?

Speed: *glares*

Katie: Wow he really does look like bigfoot.

[Big loud noise is heard]


Speed: It can probably smell stupidity. That's why it followed you so far.

Delko: Whatever you say...Bigfoot.

Speed: You know what you need? My big FOOT up your a-

Katie: Shh I think I hear it.

Delko: Where's it coming from?

Katie: Over here. *drags Speed*

Speed: Oh come on, you don't seriously think you're going to find it do you?


Katie: *screams*


Delko: Then what is it?

Speed: That's a caterpillar.

Delko: It looked big from a distance.

Katie: I hear the noise, it's this way near the Hummerhome.

Speed: Oh come on.

Delko: I'll take this large stick. You flush it out and I'll beat it.

Katie: What if you miss?

Delko: Then I'll use Speed as a human sheild.

Speed: I'm flattered.

Katie: Okay, one....Two...THREE! AHHHHHHHHHH! COME OUT WUBBA!!!!

Delko: *swings stick* DIE! *turns around, swings stick*

Speed: OW! *falls*

Delko: Whoa, are you okay?


Delko: *Swings stick, hits Hummerhome*

Katie: Did you get it?

Delko: I can't see anything.

Katie: Well what did you hit?

Delko: I didn't hit it.

[Big loud noise is heard]

Katie: *Screams*

Delko: *screams*

Katie: Wait! Wait hold on! ...*looks through window of Hummerhome* ...*frowns* Eric, your Wubba monster is right there.

[Horatio is seen in his bed, wearing his little night cap, holding his shades in his hands, snorning really loudly]

Delko: Oh.....Well then...Um...My bad.

[Profanities are heard]

Delko: Wow Horatio swears in his sleep?

Katie: That's not Horatio. *looks around* Oh Tim! *runs over* Are you okay?

Speed: Give....G-Give me my gun.

Katie: Why?

Speed: I'm going to k-kill Eric!

Katie: Eric did you whack him with the stick?

Delko: I thought he was the monster.

Speed: *sits up* Ugh Ow.

Katie: *kneels down* Are you okay?

Speed: I just got thrown down a ravine, covered in mud, and whacked with a stick.

Katie: Ouch.

Delko: Man I'm sorry.

Speed: Sorry means YOU WON'T DO IT AGAIN!

Horatio: *opens Hummerhome door, yawns* What is going on out here?

Delko: We were...Um...Taking a midnight stroll.

Horatio: At three in the morning? And what happened to Speed?

Speed: *lies down* Someone put me out of my misery.

Katie: Eric pushed him down a ravine and hit him with a stick.

Horatio: *looks at Delko* What did he ever to do you?

Delko: I thought he was the Wubba monster. It turns out, it was you.

Katie: It was your snoring.

Horatio: What? I don't snore.

Delko: Yes you do.

Speed: He beat me with a stick just to find out Horatio snores. Great.

Horatio: I couldn't hear me snoring.

Katie: We heard you.

Speed: I was pushed down a ravine because he couldn't hear his own snoring.

Delko: OH EW this stick has bugs on it.

Speed: I was hit with a giant stick carrying bugs.

Horatio: Well there's no monster so let's get b-...Did you hit my Hummerhome with the stick?

Delko: ...Maybe.

Speed: The mud is seeping into my eyes and it stings, but that's okay because I'm dying anyway. Here I come Wally.

Katie: Sorry about the paint job Horatio.

Horatio: It's okay, just get in here.

Speed: I would except I can't move.

Horatio: Eric, get him up and bring him inside. Get him showered up.

Speed: *lifts head* Wait, no he's not coming into the shower with me. No way. I don't think so.

Horatio: You can't move.

Speed: Yes I can. *moves legs* OW! OW! Okay..Ow, maybe not.

Horatio: Eric, get him cleaned up.

Speed: Why can't Katie do it?

Katie: I don't know how to wash a man.

Speed: It's the same as washing a woman. Just don't touch anything you don't have on your own body.

Horatio: Eric, grab him.

Delko: *salutes*

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