CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Calleigh: I don't know. Maybe he feels bloated too.
hahahahaha that's pretty funny. I think if Speed were bloated, I'd be a little worried lol.

OMG! Did Yelena tell Stetler about Horatio and JC? UGH! How ruude! Hmmmm maybe Yelena has a little crushy poo on Horatio.....hahaha okay.......I didn't even have sugar today and I'm hyper.......I'm SICK and I'm hyper.......anyway, great updates Geni, I love coming home to them! :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I'm glad you enjoyed the chapters Jess. :)

Normal For A Bit

Crime Scene

Anni: Okay so what now?

Carly: Well we're finished processing, so let's just take a look around.

Anni: You don't think they'll let the tigers back in here right?

Carly: I doubt it.

Anni: Why?

Carly: We're still in here.

Anni: So? That didn't stop the murderer before.

Carly: How do you even know the murderer works here?

Anni: I took a guess.

Carly: We don't guess in this line of work.

Anni: Yeah but if all we did was go on evidence, we wouldn't solve anything.

Carly: What are you talking about?

Anni: Ever hear of street smarts?

Carly: Yeah, have you?

Anni: Yeah that's why I mentioned it.

Carly: Well stop mentioning things.

Anni: Why?

Carly: You're never right.

Anni: Hey do I have a big sign on my head that reads 'Eric Delko'?

Carly: No but that would be scary.

Anni: I know. I can't imagine me being like Eric. *shivers*

Carly: Did you just shiver?

Anni: How come I don't get a gun, and you do?

Carly: I'm a cop.

Anni: So? What if I have to protect myself?

Carly: Beat the person up.

Anni: What if they're stronger?

Carly: Run away.

Anni: What if they're faster?

Carly: Is this superman? Come on girl, whack him in the nuts and run like hell.

Apartment, 5 pm

Delko: So this is your new place?

Calleigh: It's pretty.

Speed: Yeah well it's our home until we can buy a house.

Katie: Lori! Dinner!

Lori: *runs over* YAY! *climbs into chair*

Calleigh: Thanks for inviting us over for dinner.

Katie: Well I always make too much food. I'm kind of bad at cooking.

Delko: *eating food*

Speed: Eric likes it.

Katie: Eric would like pooh if I put it on a plate and said 'It's minty fresh'.

Speed: *tilts head*

Lori: *giggling* Eric eats like a baby!

Delko: *looks up*

Katie: *smirks*

Calleigh: *laughs*

Delko: Hey now Lori, respect your elders.

Lori: ...Where are they?

Everyone: *looks at Lori*

Katie: ...Was that sarcasm?

Speed: Yeah it was.

Katie: Aw she's getting so smart.

Lori: *eats*

Calleigh: *shoves food into mouth*

Katie: Wow you sure are hungry today.

Calleigh: Well, I am eating for t....Me.

Speed: *frowns*


Katie: You just realized what that was?

Delko: Yeah I wasn't even looking at it, I was just eating it.

Speed: Way to think with your stomach Eric.

Delko: Thank you. If I didn't have a stomach, I don't know where I'd be.

Lori: Dead.

Katie: Oooookay you've been hanging around your father way too long.

Speed: She's just burned Eric twice in five minutes. She deserves a medal.

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: *smirks*

Calleigh: *looks down at plate* So what are you guys doin' tonight?

Katie: Why?

Calleigh: Well I don't know, me and Eric were going to go see a movie.

Delko: We were?

Calleigh: *kicks Delko*

Delko: Yeah, sure.

Katie: Well, we've got nothing planned right?

Speed: Not that I know of. Unless you count cleaning the hair from the sink something planned.

Calleigh: Great! Which movie do we want to see?


Speed: Eric that already came out forever ago.

Delko: ...Oh yeah.

Katie: We should see a sad movie.

Delko: OR OH! An action movie!

Calleigh: How about a drama?

Speed: How about just pick one.

Lori: YEAH!

Speed: That's my girl.

Lori: *grins*

Delko: Okay fine, Calleigh pick one.

Calleigh: Hmm...I don't have the movie list.

Delko: So we'll find out when we get to the theatre.

Lori: Can I come?

Speed: No you get to stay with Uncle Horatio.

Lori: ....Why?

Speed: Because he's very responsible.

Lori: *frowns*

Speed: He has candy.


Speed: Good.

Delko: Are we going to bring everyone else with us too? Anni,(whom Geni didn't forget this time) and Carly, and Carole, and Jess, and Missy...

Katie: Sure but they can pay for themselves.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I think she's starting to hang out with me to much. lol.

Delko: Hey now Lori, respect your elders.

Lori: ...Where are they?
Lori: *giggling* Eric eats like a baby!
Teehee, Lori's forming sentences now and there sarcastic ones awwwww she's growing up so fast! Teehee.

.....And was it just me or was Calleigh getting really snippy with Anni? Just because your pregnant.....! *points finger*

Katie: Eric would like pooh if I put it on a plate and said 'It's minty fresh'.
hahaha oh man that was all kinds of funny. Minty fresh. lol.

....And how ironic is it that I had chicken for dinner. lol. Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

awww what a great update and H is gonna babysit lori how cute ..... haha and everyone is goin to a movie and teehee calliegh almost slipped up there lol
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awwww yay! the movies! Oh, Calleigh almost slipped! And Lori is SO CUTE!
And how ironic is it that I had chicken for dinner
OMG I'm having chicken for dinner too! Okay, wierd lol. Hahahaha H doesn't get to go to the movies, he has to stay with Lori, then again maybe JC will join him :devil:

Great update Geni! Your RT is the cure for the common cold! hmmmm maybe that could be a title?

CSI Miami RT #6, The Cure For The Common Cold!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: I love Lori. She cracks me up. And YAY JC and Horatio get to babysit her. :p

:lol: Jess that's a hilarious thread name. Perhaps it'll go on the list. ;)

Slow Down


Horatio: Anything else I should know?

Speed: She goes to bed at nine, no later, her window has to be closed, but leave the door open. Make sure she brushes her teeth and washes her face.

Lori: Daddy, he gets it.

Horatio: *smiles*

Speed: And don't give her any Cheez-its.

Horatio: *nods*

Katie, Delko, Calleigh leave

Speed: *looks around* Okay you can give her Cheez-its.

Horatio: *lifts brow*

Lori: Momma always says no.

Speed: *winks*

Lori: *smiles*

Horatio: I think we can take care of things here.

Speed: Okay. *kneels* Give daddy a kiss.

Lori: *kisses Speed*

Speed: See you later.

Lori: Bye.

Speed: *leaves*

Horatio: So, where are these Cheez-its your father speaks of?

Lori: In the top cupboard.

Horatio: Okay. *walks to kitchen*

JC: Wow Lori, you're getting to be so smart and grown up.

Lori: *smiles* Thank you.

JC: *looks at watch* You do know you only have about two hours left to stay up right?

Lori: Shh no one has to know.

JC: *laughs* Yeah right.

Horatio: *walks over* Here you go.

Lori: *digs in bag* Thankie.


Katie: *sits* I can't believe we're watching a remake of Jurassic Park.

Delko: It was the only one on the list.

Calleigh: I think it'll be fun.

Katie: Tim, get me popcorn.

Speed: You've already sat down.

Katie: Exactly why you should get me popcorn.

Speed: *sigh* Fine. *leaves*

Calleigh: Eric, get me some too.

Delko: No problem. *leaves*


Carly: Pipe down.

Anni: No one's here but us chickens.


Delko: So...How are things with you and Calleigh?

Speed: What are you talking about?

Delko: You two haven't discussed what's going to happen?

Speed: Yeah we did. Adoption.

Delko: Won't it be weird knowing your kid is out there somewhere?

Speed: No.

Delko: You don't even care?

Speed: Not the time Eric.

Delko: What if Katie finds out?

Speed: She won't.

Delko: And if she does?

Speed: She won't.

Delko: *nods*

Speed: Look, when it's appropriate, I'll tell Katie.

Delko: You sure about that?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: She'll murder you.

Speed: Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Delko: So this...Appropriate time, this wouldn't happen to be when you're 99 years old would it?

Speed: Just about.

Delko: *laughs*

Theatre, 15 minutes later

Calleigh: Shh it's starting.

Katie: Yeah we know. We could see the lights turning off.



JC: I'm hungry.

Horatio: So eat something.

JC: I would but I'm lazy.

Horatio: I'm not making you anything.

JC: You don't have to.

Lori: *sitting between JC and Horatio* I'm hungie.

Horatio: *sigh*

JC: *sticks tongue out*

Horatio: Fine, I'll make you lovely ladies something. *walks away*

JC: Good girl.

Lori: *smiles*

Lori and JC high five

Horatio: Did I hear high fiving over there?

JC: ....No.

Lori: *giggles*

An hour later, theatre

Katie: *screams* GET OUT OF THERE! *grabs Speed* TELL THEM TO STOP BEING STUPID!

Speed: Will you be quiet?

Calleigh: *hiding face* Tell me when it's over.

Anni: It's over.

Calleigh: *lifts head*

Guy in movie gets ripped apart by dinosaur

Calleigh: *screams*

Delko: Haha man I love this movie.

Carole: *hiding face*

Missy: *hiding under a seat* Tell me when the madness ends.

Jess: *eating popcorn* Cooool, that dinosaur just took a whiz on the jeep.

Katie: *hiding face in Speed's chest* Tell me when it's over!

Speed: *frowns* I can't breathe.

Katie: *lifts head* Oh, sorry.

Half hour later

Katie: *crying* That dinosaur just wanted someone to love him!

Calleigh: *crying* IT HAS A HEART! Granted it just got it ripped out by the hunter, but IT HAD A HEART!

Carly: *crying* I want a dinosaur.

Delko: *rolls eyes*

Speed: *sigh*

Katie: Tim, why can't you be more like the main guy?

Speed: Why?

Katie: He saved those kids.

Speed: So?

Katie: So be a hero.

Speed: Yes dear.


Horatio: Lori, it's past your bed time.

Lori: *shakes head*

Horatio: Yes it is.

Lori: *shakes head*

Horatio: *places hands on hips*

Lori: *places hands on hips*

Horatio: *narrows eyes*

Lori: *narrows eyes*

Horatio: Stop copying me.

Lori: Stop copying me.

Horatio: I mean it.

Lori: I mean it.

Horatio: I really mean it.

Lori: I really mean it.

Horatio: Now.

Lori: Now.

Horatio: *sigh* I give up. *walks away*

Lori: *giggles*

JC: Now Lori, would your mom let you stay up?

Lori: All the time.

JC: Yeah right. Would your dad?

Lori: Yup.

JC: Get in bed munchkin.

Lori: No.

JC: You're going to get tired anyway.

Lori: *shakes head*

JC: NOW little girl or I'll pummel you.

Lori: *frowns* Go for it.

JC: *gasp* Does your mother know about your mouth?

Lori: Yup.

JC: Well...She should wash it out with soap.

Lori: *runs away*


Horatio: *walks up* I guess you have to go find her.

JC: *screams* ...Don't do that.

Horatio: *wraps arms around JC* You like it.

JC: Pftt I don't think so.

Horatio: Okay let's find her.

JC: Fine but if I find her first, you have to kiss me.

Horatio: Done and done.

JC: Excellent. *runs off* LORI!

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Teehee. Oh man I HATE Jurassic Park! That movie scares the crapola out of me and I have no idea why. lol. I think it was the whole me seeing it when I was a little kid thinger...anyway...lol.

Delko: So this...Appropriate time, this wouldn't happen to be when you're 99 years old would it?

Speed: Just about.
Ahhhh, clever, clever, clever man. Teehee.

Horatio: Lori, it's past your bed time.

Lori: *shakes head*

Horatio: Yes it is.

Lori: *shakes head*

Horatio: *places hands on hips*

Lori: *places hands on hips*

Horatio: *narrows eyes*

Lori: *narrows eyes*

Horatio: Stop copying me.

Lori: Stop copying me.

Horatio: I mean it.

Lori: I mean it.

Horatio: I really mean it.

Lori: I really mean it.

Horatio: Now.

Lori: Now.

Horatio: *sigh* I give up. *walks away*
And that is why Horatio Caine does NOT have kids.....ok not really but still.

JC: Fine but if I find her first, you have to kiss me.

Horatio: Done and done.

JC: Excellent. *runs off* LORI!
Oh, and a little bet huh.....I wonder who will win. lol.

That whole "Give daddy a kiss" and the "Ok you can have the cheeze its thinger was so cute. Speed's so good with Lori. Update soon.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

You know, Calleigh and Katie and Carly and all you other CSI's see people ripped appart and guts all over the place yet you can't watch a gorey movie? hahahaha I found that funny teehee. And the whole thing with Lori copying Horatio hahaha SO CUTE! Oh man, but someone has to watch out for her snarkyness or it could get bad. Don't lose control of your child Mr. and Mrs. Speedle! lol.

Delko: Haha man I love this movie.
...........figures lol Eric is always such the maverick <---------- LOOK! I USED A VOCAB WORD!

*takes sip of totally sugarfilled milkshake* Great update Geni!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Yeah mr. and mrs. Speedle. Watch your child. :p

You Came Around When I Was Down

Apartment, 11 pm

Speed: *opens door* Were home!

Katie: *sigh* Oh now look at that.

Lori is seen on the couch, sleeping in between Horatio and JC

Katie: How precious.

Speed: Well, looks like they almost got her to go to bed.

Horatio: *lifts head* What? Who's there?

Speed: *walks over* It's just us.

Horatio: *yawns* Back so soon?

Speed: Was she good?

Horatio: She was a little angel. Except the part where she copied me, ran around the house, made us look for her, and then tripped me with a shoelace.

Speed: Here, I'll get her away from you guys. *picks up Lori*

Horatio: *stands*

Katie: JC looks tired.

Horatio: Yeah it's too bad she didn't find Lori. She was dissapointed about that. So how was the movie?

Katie: Good.

Horatio: That's good.

Lori's room

Speed: *puts Lori in the bed*

Lori: *opens eyes* I'm not tired.

Speed: *sits on bed* Yes you are.

Lori: *sigh* Okay.

Speed: *covers Lori* Did you have fun with Horatio and JC?

Lori: *nods*

Speed: Good. You try the shoelace thing I taught you?

Lori: *giggles* Horatio didn't see it.

Speed: Ah, that's my girl.

Lori: *smiles*

Speed: *picks up teddy bear* Where did you get this?

Lori: Eric.

Speed: He bought you this?

Lori: Mhm. His name is Sniffles.

Speed: *blank stare*

Lori: *giggles* What?

Speed: Did you name him?

Lori: *shakes head*

Speed: I hope you thanked Eric.

Lori: *nods*

Speed: *stands* Goodnight.

Lori: *grab Speed's hand* No.

Speed: *looks down* What now?

Lori: *points to closet* Eric said the Wubba monster was in there.

Speed: *rolls eyes* Eric's a little light in the head.

Lori: *covers head with blankets*

Speed: *sigh* When are you going to learn to not listen to anything Eric says?

Lori: Arrest the monster.

Speed: Alright. *walks to closet, opens it* I don't see anything here.

Lori: *throws flashlight*

Speed: ...Are you kidding me?

Lori: *shakes head*

Speed: *picks up flashlight*

Lori: *watches*

Speed: Well there's nothing in here. I'm pretty sure the flashlight scared him off.

Lori: Good.

Speed: *shuts closet* You going to sleep now?

Lori: No.

Speed: Ah dang, and I was so close.

Lori: *smiles, jumps out of bed*

Speed: Oh no you don't. *grabs Lori*

Lori: *giggles*

Speed: *swings Lori in the air* You have to get back in bed you little angel.

Lori: *giggling*

Speed: *sits Lori on the bed* Sleep. Now.

Lori: *sigh* Okay. *climbs under covers*

Speed: Goodnight.

Lori: *closes eyes*

Speed: *walks out*

Outside room

Speed: Hey is Horatio gone?

Katie: Yeah he took JC.

Speed: Well thank God he didn't leave her here.

Katie: *laughs* You get Lori to sleep?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Good.

Speed: Eric gave her a teddy bear named Sniffles.

Katie: Oh great, it starts.

Speed: I'm pretty sure hers won't rot in a septic tank.

Katie: Oh yeah, I remember that. I bought you a pink dress shirt.

Speed: No, you were ABOUT to. I got a black one.

Katie: *sigh* That's too bad. I wanted you to get those leather pants.

Speed: I don't think so.

Katie: What? They're hot.

Speed: Not on me.

Katie: How would you know?

Speed: I would know.

Katie: *strokes Speed's stubble* I'm sure.

Speed: *smirks* Stop it.

Katie: No.

Speed: I mean it.

Katie: So what are you gonna do about it?

Speed: *leans closer* I have my ways of torture.

Katie: Do you.

Speed: Mhm.

Katie: Does it involve Africa?

Speed: *lifts head* No.

Katie: I just killed the mood, didn't I?

Speed: What mood?

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: Okay that's not fair. You have the smirk as a weapon, and I have nothing.

Speed: What are you talking about? You're your own weapon.

Katie: I am?

Speed: *winks*

Katie: TEEHEE! Ahem...I mean....TEEHEE! I'm warning you, I might turn into the Teeheeing machine.

Speed: Good. *kisses Katie's cheek*

Katie: ....TEEHEE! Um...Um....Um...TEEHEE!

Speed: *whispers into Katie's ear*

Katie: 0_0

Speed: Goodnight. *walks away*

Katie: HEY NOW! You don't just do that and then..Walk away. *runs*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Teehee that put such a good vision in my head with me H and lori sleeping on the couch? was it? awww and was i still passed out when he took me? teehee teehee teehee teehee
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Teehee *sighs* God that man is such a tease. And yet again I don't think I want to know what he whispered in my ear. lol.

.....Great Eric started the whole Sniffles/Wubba Monster thing with Lori!

atie: Oh yeah, I remember that. I bought you a pink dress shirt.

Speed: No, you were ABOUT to. I got a black one.

Katie: *sigh* That's too bad. I wanted you to get those leather pants.
Teehee, I remember that! And he soooo should have gotten the leather pants. I could sooooo see him and Delko pulling a Friends. "The lotion and the powder have made a paste." Teehee.

Yeah mr. and mrs. Speedle. Watch your child

Teehee!....that just sounds....I don't know what that sounds like but it made me giggle. lol.

Speed: What are you talking about? You're your own weapon.

Katie: I am?

Speed: *winks*

Katie: TEEHEE! Ahem...I mean....TEEHEE! I'm warning you, I might turn into the Teeheeing machine.
Uhhh....I'm my own weapon....Teehee. Speedy boy sure knows how to compliment. And the TEEHEE machine returns! Heck yes! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I loved this chapter especially this part:

Lori's room

Speed: *puts Lori in the bed*

Lori: *opens eyes* I'm not tired.

Speed: *sits on bed* Yes you are.

Lori: *sigh* Okay.

Speed: *covers Lori* Did you have fun with Horatio and JC?

Lori: *nods*

Speed: Good. You try the shoelace thing I taught you?

Lori: *giggles* Horatio didn't see it.

Speed: Ah, that's my girl.

I can't imagine Speed doing anything this funny because he is always so serious, but I think it's adorable a typical father/daughter moment. :lol:

update soon Geni :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


As Long As We're Here...

Morning, Apartment

Speed: *walks over* Hey you.

Katie: *cooking breakfast* Hey.

Speed: *kisses Katie* I have to go to work.

Katie: Did you get Lori up?

Speed: Oh come on Katie, let her sleep in.

Katie: She needs to go to the dentist today.

Speed: Give her twenty more minutes. She'll thank us when she's a teenager.

Katie: I doubt it.

Speed: So you're going to take her there today?

Katie: Yeah. *turns around* HOLY SH-...Izzle.

Speed: What?

Katie: You're wearing a tie.

Speed: Yeah I do own those.

Katie: *frowns* YOU SHAVED!

Speed: I didn't shave. I just don't have as much stubble. I'm in charge today.

Katie: What? When?

Speed: Horatio and JC took the day off.

Katie: Why?

Speed: *looks at watch* They have to pick up the new Hummerhome.

Katie: Oh sounds fun. Again, why are you in charge?

Speed: I'm the senior CSI.

Katie: Ah. Well have fun mister senior CSI. *kisses Speed*

Speed: *pushes Katie against wall*

Katie: *giggles* Okay you have to go to work.

Speed: I got time.

Katie: I wouldn't want to ruin your pretty tie.

Cell phone rings

Speed: *sigh* Damnit.

Katie: *walks to counter* Sorry Tim, looks like being the boss ain't without it's 'perks'.

Speed: *opens phone* Yeah it's Speed.


Delko: Are you ever getting here? I'm restless.

Speed: What do you want?

Delko: My assignment.

Speed: Sit in a chair, and don't move.

Delko: Really?

Speed: That's an order.


Delko: *looks down at phone*


Katie: Wow you sure laid down the law.

Speed: Like you said, being boss ain't without it's perks.

Katie: You goin' to work now?

Speed: I probably should before the police department blows up too.

Katie: *laughs*

Speed: See you later. *leaves*

Katie: You too.


Delko: Hey you're finally here.

Speed: *walks over*

Delko: Well hey look at you, mister 'I'm in charge so I wear a tie'.

Speed: It was either that or shave.

Delko: It couldn't hurt.

Speed: Funny.

Calleigh: *walks over* Hey boys.

Delko: Hey.

Calleigh: So where are we off to?

Speed: You both have to interview all the staff at the zoo.

Delko: Why can't you?

Speed: I'm the boss.

Delko: Pfft.

Speed: You're suspended.

Delko: You can't do that.

Calleigh: *smirks* I think he just did.

Delko: ...I'll be good.

Speed: Excellent. Get to the zoo.

Delko: Fine. *walks away*

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: What?

Calleigh: The tie looks good.

Speed: Compliments won't help you get on my good side.

Calleigh: *grinning* Do I need to get on your good side?

Speed: Get to the zoo.

Calleigh: You're just hard to impress today.

Speed: Is it a crime that I'm professional?

Calleigh: *grabs Speed's tie* It should be. *bats eyes*

Speed: *backs up*

Calleigh: *stares at Speed*

Speed: *holds out keys* Get there before I write you up.

Calleigh: ...*takes keys* I'm sorry.

Speed: It's okay.

Calleigh: ...I don't mean to sound whiney or anything, but...For the past few days, it's been really hard for me being alone in an empty house.

Speed: *stares at Calleigh*

Calleigh: I just...I could use a friend right now.

Speed: *nods* Get to the zoo. Now.

Calleigh: Okay. *leaves*

Stetler: *walks up* Oh ouch. You sure know how to be boss huh?

Speed: What do you want?

Stetler: Nothin'. I'm just observing.

Speed: Well go observe over there.

Stetler: How would you feel if this became permanent?

Speed: What, the boss thing, or you leaving me alone?

Stetler: How about a promotion to Captain.

Speed: Shove it up your ass.

Stetler: You know, maybe IAB would be the place for you.

Speed: Wow, I can be paid to be a jerk. A dream come true.

Stetler: Spare me the sarcasm Speedle. Do you want it or not?

Speed: I never really liked suits. *walks away*

Stetler: *frowns*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hahaha great udpate geni and loved the videos lol anyway can't wiat for more and i think i should rescue the cat in his crate before he knocks it off the bed again whilst inside.....

Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Calleigh: I just...I could use a friend right now.
Oh, yeah friend my butt! Ughers, it was all good Speed was all...shovin me into a wall and then bam Calleigh just had to go and bat her little green eyes didn't she. *sighs*...Ok now I can't stop laughing for some reason. lol.

Katie: Yeah. *turns around* HOLY SH-...Izzle.

"Shizzle?" oh I think we all know what I really wanted to say. lol.

Speed: *pushes Katie against wall*

Katie: *giggles* Okay you have to go to work.

Speed: I got time.

Katie: I wouldn't want to ruin your pretty tie.

Cell phone rings

Speed: *sigh* Damnit.
That's what I'm sayin! Seriuosly that dang phone!

Stetler: How about a promotion to Captain.

Speed: Shove it up your ass.

Stetler: You know, maybe IAB would be the place for you.

Speed: Wow, I can be paid to be a jerk. A dream come true.
God, I love Speed's sarcasm. Its sooo...sooo...awesomly awesome. lol. Update soon please!
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