CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*Insane laughter* Those sure were some good times. I'm going to quote some of my favorite parts.

Speed: Yeah I have hundreds in my pocket at all times. Heaven forbid I'd want something shot in the heart at my leisure.

Katie: Okay Tim, smaller words.

Speed: *sigh* Me no have big dumb silver bullets. Me normal.

Katie: Well...You could use proper english.
Teehee, Tim was all talking like a cave man. HEHE.

Katie: OH MY GOD!

Speed: What? What?

Katie: ...*sigh* It was a squirrel.

Speed: You got scared because you saw a squirrel?

Katie: It had big teeth.

Speed: *rolls eyes*


Speed: It's a leaf.

Katie: You know, this swamp isn't so pretty at night.
Seriously, leave it to me to think it was a squirrel, seriously I'm not...well was the sharpest crayon in a box. I can't help it I'm the only blonde in the family!

Katie: *kneels down in mud* Are you okay? OH MY GOD HE'S DEAD!

Speed: Oh my God he's not!
Teehee, I love Speed. He cracks me up!

Katie: I don't know how to wash a man.

Speed: It's the same as washing a woman. Just don't touch anything you don't have on your own body.
Teehee. That was so hilarious. "I don't know how to wash a man" Seriouly *points to self* Not the sharpest crayon in the box!

I just wanted to say that I loved being in the RT Geni! It always made me feel better after a stressful day or just whenever. I loved the Tatieness (well how could I not lol) I loved how I wasn't exactly the sharpest or the quickest person. And let's not all forget about drunk Katie. She's was the awesomenesso!

Even though RT Katie is gone I assure you that I will keep reading this RT! Its to awesome to miss out on! And I can't wait to see what you have in store for future chapters. No matter what you write I always find myself being drawn in. Whether its Horatio trying on sunnies, re making the Titanic, trying to get Speed to wear leather pants and a pink shirt, or Eric's bear sniffles getting put down a septic tank the RT is always hilarious and it will always keep me coming back!

Once again, I just wanted to say that I was very honored to be in this story. And I loved every minute of it.

Final Note:

1. Long live Mustard and Aisle Five

and um....

2. The Teeheeing Machine


3. Drunk Katie!

Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: You know, there is probably no way I can bring you back into the RT is there? :lol:

But yes, I've got lots up my sleeve, so don't worry. I mean, you can't lose when there's Talleighness, Aneedleness (We're going to have to work on that), Um...Dressing up Horatio like a drag queen....There was probably more. *scratches head*

But yeah, if anyone has a huge problem with Katie being written out, just PM me or say it here because...I don't know why I did that. :lol: (Okay I do, but that's because I have plans) ...DAMNIT KATIE! *starts crying*

I'm very conflicted. :p

I'll Stick Around

Calleigh's house

Calleigh: *opens door* Hey.

Speed: Hey.

Calleigh: Come on in.

Speed: *walks in*

Lori: *walks in, wipes eyes*

Calleigh: Aw, you tell her?

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: Come here Lori.

Lori: *walks over, teddy bear in hand*

Calleigh: *hugs Lori*

Lori: *starts to cry*

Calleigh: Awww. *hugs tighter*

Lori: *hugs Calleigh*

Calleigh: *looks up*

Speed: *sigh*

Calleigh: *lets go*

Lori: *sniffs*

Calleigh: *smiles* Hey you know what I have for you?

Lori: *shakes head*

Calleigh: I have a room upstairs for you and Sniffles to sleep in.

Lori: Really?

Calleigh: Mhm, wanna come see?

Lori: *nods*

Calleigh: Alright come on. *grabs Lori's hand*


Calleigh: *opens door* See?

Lori: *nods*

Calleigh: *walks in* What do you think?

Lori: *looks around*

Calleigh: Look what I have! *pulls out a pony plushie*

Lori: *smiles* A PONY!

Calleigh: That's right!

Lori: *grabs Pony, hugs it*

Calleigh: You like it?

Lori: *nods*

Calleigh: Good. You want something to eat?

Lori: Like what?

Calleigh: Whatever you want.

Lori: Ice cream.

Calleigh: For dinner?

Lori: *nods*

Calleigh: *laughs* I think we can arrange that.

Lori: *giggles*

Calleigh: You want to play in your room for a while?

Lori: *nods*

Calleigh: Okay, your dad and I will be downstairs.

Lori: *jumps on bed*

Calleigh: *leaves*


Calleigh: She likes the room.

Speed: Thanks Cal.

Calleigh: It's not a problem.

Speed: *sigh* I don't know what I'm going to do.

Calleigh: I'm sure things will turn up.

Speed: Alexx keeps thinking we're going to hook up.

Calleigh: *smirks* She thinks a lot of things. And you'll have to move on someday.

Speed: *nods* Well as long as Eric doesn't make me go clubbing, I'll be fine.

Calleigh: *laughs*

Lori: *runs down the stairs* DADDY!

Speed: What?


Speed: Whoa, calm down.

Lori: HEE!

Speed: Um...So I take it you like the room.

Lori: *nods*

Speed: Well I'm going to call Uncle Horatio and he's going to take you out for ice cream okay?

Lori: YAY! *runs upstairs*

Calleigh: Simple pleasures I guess.

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: So what do you want to do when Horatio picks up Lori?

Speed: Well I'd like to just relax.

Calleigh: Oh come on. That is not the Tim Speedle I know. You old geezer.

Speed: If you wanted James Bond, you picked the wrong guy.

Calleigh: *laughs*

Speed: *grabs cell phone* I hope Horatio's up for ice cream.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

You know, there is probably no way I can bring you back into the RT is there?
Nope, don't think so. lol.

...DAMNIT KATIE! *starts crying*
Awww *huggles Geni*

*sniff* Poor Lori. I can't imagine how that conversation between her and Speed went. She's so little she probably doesn't fully understand.

But her sadness didn't last for very long, atleast the sadness thats right there on the surface. You gotta love kids though you give them ice cream and toys and there happy as can be. I wish I could still be happy with ice cream and toys *sighs* Oh what it was like to be a kid.

Calleigh: So what do you want to do when Horatio picks up Lori?

Speed: Well I'd like to just relax.

Calleigh: Oh come on. That is not the Tim Speedle I know. You old geezer.
Well what do you want him to do? He just lost his wife what is he supposed to do stand on his head and spit out quarters?

Speed: Alexx keeps thinking we're going to hook up.
Is it wrong that I'm perfectly ok with this? *sighs* The talleigh goodness just gets to my brain and I can't help it!

Great update Geni! Can't wait for more!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

It must have been heartbreaking for Speed when he had to tell little Lori that her mommy is dead.

Calleigh is being very motherly towards Lori, It's nice for little Lori to have a mommy like figure to look up to because it is gonna be tough on her and her daddy Speed.

Right now I don't think Speed should rush into anything as far as a relationship goes he needs time to grieve and spend some time with his daughter.I think he is holding back his grief right now for the sake of Lori he is trying to be strong for her but I don't think it will last the tears will be flowing soon. :(

brill update Geni very touching.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*tears rolling down eyes* dam you geni WHY WHY!!!!!! *sniffles* and poor little lori.... i i i i just can't stop crying. *falls on floor in tears*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*hugs JC*

And calleighspeedle, once again you are correct. :)


Ice Cream place, 7 pm

Horatio: Is that good ice cream?

Lori: *nods*

Horatio: Good. Now, Lori I wanted to talk to you about something.

Lori: *looks at Horatio*

Horatio: Did your dad already talk to you about your mom?

Lori: *nods* He said she died.

Horatio: That's right. And you know, I'm really sorry about that.

Lori: Everyone keeps saying sorry.

Horatio: Well, it's important that you know your mother meant a lot to us.

Lori: Why?

Horatio: Well...She was a very good person, and your father loved her very much.

Lori: *nods* Why did she die?

Horatio: Someone hurt her.

Lori: Who?

Horatio: We're still trying to find out.

Lori: And she's never coming back.

Horatio: ...I'm afraid not.

Lori: *nods*

Horatio: You know, when I'm sad...I try to think of something that made me happy. What makes you happy?

Lori: ...Cheez-its.

Horatio: *smiles* What else?

Lori: Um...Watching cartoons with Carly and Jess.

Horatio: Good.

Lori: *smiles*

Calleigh's house

Calleigh: *sits on couch* Anything on tv?

Speed: Not really.

Calleigh: You want a beer?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Want anything to eat?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Anything to drink?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: ...Tim wears women's underwear...

Speed: Cal, I'm listening I just don't really feel like talking right now.

Calleigh: I'm just trying to cheer you up.

Speed: Well good luck. It might take a while.

Calleigh: Want me to call Eric? We can all hang out for a while.

Speed: *shakes head* No thanks.

Calleigh: *holds Speed's hand* You sure?

Speed: *takes hand away* Yeah.

Calleigh: Alright well...I'll be in bed. See you later. *stands, goes upstairs*

Speed: *flips channel*

An hour later, Lori comes back, Horatio leaves

Lori: *sits on couch*

Speed: You're supposed to be in bed.

Lori: I'm not tired.

Speed: Yes you are.

Lori: *lays head on Speed* I don't want to sleep.

Speed: *wraps arm around Lori* Me neither.

Lori: *sniff* I miss mommy.

Speed: It's okay.

Lori: *hugs Speed* I love you daddy.

Speed: *stares at tv*

PD, next day, Interview room

Horatio: *lays down pictures* Okay folks, here we go. Walk me through it.

Delko: *points* Front door has Katie's prints on the inside.


Doorbell rings, hand reaches for door, it opens


Delko: No forced entry.

Calleigh: *points* Shoe prints coming in from the front door to the living room.


Person's feet are shown, walking across wood floor onto carpet, dirt seeps into carpet.


Speed: An altercation ensues, furniture gets knocked over. Blood spatter hits the wall.


Katie is pushed backwards over couch, she stands, killer walks over, punches Katie, blood flies onto the wall


Delko: She had scratches and epithelials, so it means she physically got into with the killer.


Katie kicks and scratches the killer, he holds his face, she bites his arm.


Calleigh: He pulls out a gun, but she kicks it out of his hands. We found it under the couch.

Horatio: Then he grabs the only weapon available, which is a kitchen knife. He stabs her as she runs, and then goes for the kill.


Killer grabs the knife off the counter, Katie backs up. The killer walks forward, slashes the knife, as it pierces her clothes. She gets out her phone, running to the door. The killer grabs her by the hair, slices her throat. She falls, he drops the knife and leaves.


Horatio: And she calls 911. Based on the tape we have...


Katie: *opens phone, dials*

Dispatcher: 911 emergency service, how may I direct your call?

Katie: P-please...Help...

Dispatcher: What's your emergency?

Katie: *coughs* He...Was j-just...Here...

Dispatcher: Who was there?

Katie: T...T-tr....*coughs* Please..Help me.

Dispatcher: What's your address? I need your location.

Katie: I...D-don't..Know...*coughing*

Dispatcher: Miss? Miss can you here me?

Katie: H-Help...Me...


Horatio: *turns off voice recorder*

Delko: *looks down at table*

Calleigh: *crosses arms*

Speed: *sigh*

Horatio: Alright. She identifies someone, but we can't quite hear who.

Calleigh: *shakes head* She tried to say it.

Delko: Kind of hard to speak when you're choking on your own blood.

Speed: *rubs eyes* Someone knew where we lived. They called Katie, to deliberately send her home.

Calleigh: Exactly, so it's someone she knew.

Horatio: Someone we all knew.

Calleigh: Wait a minute. Horatio, do you remember when you found me? Trevor said that he wanted to hurt Speed, but that it wasn't always about him.

Horatio: Yes, he made quite a threat.

Speed: Wait, that guy threatened my family?

Horatio: He did.

Speed: Why didn't you stop him? You could have thrown him in jail and he was on the streets? H, he was at my apartment.

Horatio: Now Speed hold on, we can't get ahead of ourselves. We run with the evidence.

Speed: You want evidence. It's right there. She tried to say who did this, and it sounded to me like she was trying to say Trevor.

Horatio: Unfortunately, it's inconclusive.

Speed: So he's going to walk.

Horatio: For now.

Speed: *frowns* You know this son of a bitch did it.

Horatio: Right now, we trust the evidence.

Speed: *shakes head*

Calleigh: I'll see who the gun was registered to.

Delko: I'll print every inch of that knife.

Horatio: Okay, get to it.

Calleigh/Eric leave

Horatio: You going to be okay?

Speed: *nods* Yeah. I'll be fine.

Horatio: I don't want to take you off this case, but if I have to-

Speed: You won't have to.

Horatio: Okay. Get the 911 call to the QD lab here. I want to enhance the audio.

Speed: You got it. *grabs recorder, leaves*

Horatio: *puts on shades*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh...I really had some catching up to do. Darn school work keeps me too busy. I am rather speechless. To kill off a main charactor is gutsy in my opinion. Nice work but sad that Katie is gone. Was enjoying her and Speeds relationship. Now everyone will need time to greive Katie. *Holds a few moments of silence..picture of Katie, Speed and Lori comes onto the screen*

Time to go get the bad guy. You go Geni. I bet you are having a lot of fun with this.

*Holds up a glass of red wine for a toast*
Here's to Katie...always remember, never forget, we loved you...

*Fixes to send of log off. I gotta work on my own story young Horatio meets his future wife. I only allow one day a week for it and its Friday.*

Take care everyone. We will get though this.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

We will get through it, and we'll do it together. ;)

It's probably a good thing our dear real Katie isn't dead. :p

And as for killing off a main character, I normally don't like to do that so if someone wants to be killed off, tough teddies. It ain't happenin' anytime soon. :lol: And if I do, rest assured, you'll know about it so it's not going to be a big surprise.

*hugs Katie, and ties her to the RT thread* HA. Now you're stuck here. Not that you were going to leave but...Still.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OMG Katie is dead... I'm SO sad! I think I'm gonna cry :(
And poor Lori and poor Speedy boy
Great update Geni
Update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Geni you crack me up! Thank you oh so very much for tieing me to the thread. Now I can't leave *snaps* Dang it! lol. I'm kidding I love it here!

Horatio: You know, when I'm sad...I try to think of something that made me happy. What makes you happy?

Lori: ...Cheez-its.
Teehee, I trained her so well. hehe.

Calleigh: *holds Speed's hand* You sure?

Speed: *takes hand away* Yeah.

Ohhhhh buuurrrn! THE WEDDINGS OFF! Teehee I haven't shouted that in a while. Ok, so I did it last night just not in the RT. lol.

Lori: *lays head on Speed* I don't want to sleep.

Speed: *wraps arm around Lori* Me neither.

Lori: *sniff* I miss mommy.

Speed: It's okay.

Lori: *hugs Speed* I love you daddy.

Speed: *stares at tv*
*sniff* Awww that was so sad. But Speed didn't say it back. Poor guy. I real Katie just want to hug 'em.

Ohhhh! I love that Flashback idea there Geni. Very nice. That 911 tape was sad. And whats up with this...

Katie: T...T-tr....*coughs* Please..Help me.
If its Trevor I swear to god I will come back from the dead and kick his butt!...ok not really because I don't write the RT but you know what I mean. lol. But ohhhhh I can't wait to see what Speed does to him if it really is Trevor. And seriously I always new Trevor hated Speed but is killing me really the answer? Yeah, ok sure killing me hurts Speed and all that lovey dovy stuff but come on! lol.

No, seriously this storyline is very well written and I can't wait to see how it finishes! Keep up the great work Geni!

I have an RT thread name idea! Its not great but here goes nothing

CSI: Miami RT #6 Its The Stuff of Life
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

CATCH THE BAD GUY! lol And dno't forget to set up a funeral for dear Katie! hahaha Well, actually I would imagine that she's still in the mourge now, but .........you know what I mean hahaha. Man.......no more drunk Katie. I back up Katie in what she said, this storyline is very well written. I love waking up to you updates Geni, keep up the good work!!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect *DELETED*

Post deleted by speed_cochrane
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

'Cept the only problem is that you can't figure out how to put up the poll lol

Edit: Alright, you just told me you figured it out, so exnay that above statement. :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Alright, sorry for the deleted post above. It was just full of swears, and pornography. And I realized a graphic makeout scene between Speed and Anni wouldn't fly. :p

All joking aside, I figured out the poll thing again. :lol: I keep forgetting how to do this. But anyway, since I remember, let's get that poll started.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

yay! Poll Time! I had about 3 favorites and I couldn't choose so I just clsoed my eyes where ever the mouse was was the one I voted for lol.
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