CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed in a suit and tie ***dreamin**** he should wear that more often and he is sooo mean right now I hope the authority doesn't go to his head.

update soon Geni
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I think Speed's just using his authority as a barrier against Calleigh, because he knows that if he doesn't tough it up, he'll lose Katie. - So it probably isn't going to his head. It's his defense. ;)

Of course, all interpretations are good. :)

Played The Fool Today


Calleigh: Okay I questioned almost half of the staff members, and they don't remember seeing Don leave with anyone.

Delko: I spoke to one of the construction workers, and it turns out he had a girlfriend.

Speed: Does this girlfriend have a name?

Delko: Cynthia Abbot.

Speed: Track her down.

Calleigh: How?

Speed: You want me to chew your meat for you too? You're a big girl, figure it out.

Calleigh: *frowns*

Delko: ...

Speed: Look, we're not going to fool around. This is a murder investigation so I expect you to do your jobs.

Delko: You don't have to be cruel about it. We're allowed to ask questions.

Speed: *sigh* Please, find out where the girlfriend is.

Delko: Sure. *walks away*

Speed: Thank you.

Calleigh: *glaring*

Speed: ...I was out of line, I'm sorry.

Calleigh: *crosses arms*

Speed: *stares at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *shakes head*

Cell phone rings

Speed: *looks down* Excuse me. *opens phone* Yeah it's Speed. Uh....*looks at Calleigh* Yeah no problem I can pick her up right now...Yeah I'll be there in a few. *closes phone*

Calleigh: Was that Katie?

Speed: Yeah. The landlord called and wanted to check for gas leaks, so she had to let him in. I have to pick up Lori from the dentist.

Calleigh: You need some company?

Speed: Why?

Calleigh: I just thought maybe you'd like someone to go with you.

Speed: Yeah okay come on.

Calleigh: *smirks*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

oh dear .. speed and calliegh in the same vechile how will this end???? *thinks to hard and brain explodes* ah man i am so depressed *is listening to the song played during speeds autopsy* at least speed is alive in this fic *sigh* ..... can't wait for more geni!!!! as always what great updates lol
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*narrows eyes* What are up to Calleigh Duquesne? I want answers woman!...ok seriuosly I have GOT to calm down! lol. I'm freaking out and its weird because RT katie doesn't even know lol. But I do and ....ok i'm not making sense.

Speed: You want me to chew your meat for you too? You're a big girl, figure it out.
But ohhhhhh Speedy boy. IS it wrong that I think that's uncalled for but I loved it at the same time? Teehee. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Uncalled for, but oh so cool. :p

We Cried

Hummer, Lori in the back seat

Lori: I bit the dentist.

Speed: *looks in rear view mirror* Why?

Lori: He's mean.

Speed: Well don't bite him next time.

Lori: *frowns*

Speed: Lori...

Lori: *sigh* Fine.

Calleigh: So where are we going?

Speed: Your place.

Calleigh: What? Why?

Speed: You can stay with Lori until Katie phones me back.

Calleigh: What about Eric?

Speed: He's fine.

Calleigh: You're leaving me alone with your child?

Lori: Hey.

Calleigh: Sorry.

Speed: I can stay for about a half hour, but then I have to get back to PD.

Calleigh: Alright.

Calleigh's house

Lori: *runs around inside*

Speed: Thanks Cal.

Calleigh: It's no problem.

Lori: *runs over* DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!

Speed: What?

Lori: *holds up toy* I found toys!

Speed: That's very nice.

Lori: *runs off*

Calleigh: *sigh* I want one.

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: I mean...Thank you?

Speed: Have you thought about keeping him?

Calleigh: Yeah.

Speed: Would you?

Calleigh: I don't know. I mean, I've always wanted to name something. *laughs*

Speed: You could always buy a cat.

Calleigh: *slaps Speed*

Speed: ...So have you thought of names?

Calleigh: I don't know...I'm pretty sure, Timothy is a popular name these days.

Speed: *smirks*

Calleigh: *smiles*

Speed: I've always hated that name.

Calleigh: *grinning* I know, that's why I picked it.

Speed: *laughs*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*gasp* Oh no! There naming the kid. Once you name something you get attached to it. lol. Ok its not an 'it' its a soon to be human being but still. Timothy? wel if I dont find out I think I will then. lol. Awww Lori bit the dentist...how cute! lol. Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I bite the dentist all the time I have had about five of them tell my parents not to bring me back. The one i couldn't get rid of was the orthadontist tho no matter how much I bit that *enourmous swear heard here*. Anyway cute update geni I really liked it lol and omg the season premier of Crime scene stupid to be continueds....

Can't wait for more geni lol hope you update soon .... *whines* I think i split a rib. *walks away crippled from desk* Not to mention I fell off the chair again.

Teehee again can't wait for more

(wow I ramble)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Fantastic chapters, Geni!! Interesting developments with Calleigh and Speed. I can see that Speed is getting attached to this idea( even if it's only hesitantly). Would love to find out where this goes.

Okay, I am the party girl, even with out the porn and alcohol. I love the movies, and I loved Jurassic park, it tripped me out that they went to see a remake of it though. And I'm glad that you included me on the night out.;)

I absolutely loved JC and Horatio keeping Lori. That was sweet as well as funny. Who would've guessed that the great Horatio Caine would get tripped up by a little girl? She is a Speedle all the way.

Speed. In. A. Tie. Excuse me while I pick up my face off of the floor. I loved his back and forth with Stetler, it just reminded me how much I love snarky men.;)

A side note. I saw a Hummer commerical last night, and instantly I thought about the road trip! ( In the commercial, the guy was going on and on about all the extras on his Hummer, you know, chrome rims, power locks, air, and the such. And then he pauses, and gets in, drives off into the water and the Hummer turns into a submarine! :lol: Do you know how hard I laughed? I instantly thought: Horatio got his hands on some extra money again! :lol: I just thought that I would lose my breath and crack a rib or two after seeing that. I didn't stop laughing for another five minutes)

okay, now that I'm finished being random, Great Job, Geni!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: And again the Hummer franchise steals my ideas! :p

I'm glad y'all liked the chapters. :) I should have more to say later on when this thread finishes, so I'll leave my long-winded rants on how great you guys are for later ;)

Wish I Could Be Like That


Interrogation room

Speed: *walks in, nods*

Delko: *looks down at folder* Cynthia, you were seeing Don Elliot, correct?

Cynthia: Yeah, for about a year.

Delko: We found him dead yesterday.

Cynthia: ...

Delko: When was the last time you saw him?

Cynthia: Um...Yesterday morning.

Delko: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: About what time yesterday morning?

Cynthia: 3 am. He was to get an early start at the zoo before it got too hot out.

Delko: *nods* Did Don have any enemies?

Cynthia: ...He's a construction worker. There's only so many people one guy can piss off.

Delko: Was there anyone in particular that he 'pissed off'?

Cynthia: I know of one guy. Clark Duceppe.

Delko: His employer.

Cynthia: Yeah he was giving him a hard time last week. Cut his pay, extended his hours.

Delko: Why?

Cynthia: Don came to work hungover every now and then, and mister Duceppe didn't like that. He wanted to teach him a lesson.

Speed: Did that include chopping off his head and limbs?

Cynthia: *looks at Speed* No, are you crazy? He may be a bad boss, but he's not a murderer.

Speed: You seem so sure of that.

Cynthia: ...Clark and I were...Friendly.

Speed: Friendly.

Cynthia: I've been seeing him for a month, behind Don's back.

Speed: So you cheated on your boyfr-

Cynthia: Fianceé. We just got engaged last week.

Speed: Fianceé.

Cynthia: Yeah.

Delko: So you cheated on him with his boss, and maybe Clark didn't want to be the middle man anymore.

Cynthia: He would never hurt anyone. And besides, Don cheated on me two months ago with my secretary.

Delko: *smirks*

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *smirk fades* ...Okay so you were getting him back.

Cynthia: Uh YEAH. Cheating men are way worse than cheating women. I was just giving him a taste of what he did to me.

Delko: Maybe you killed him.

Cynthia: I was about to get married, I wasn't going to kill him!

Delko: Maybe he cheated on you again and you found out, so you killed him.

Cynthia: Yeah right he wouldn't be worth it. He might be a cheater, but he didn't deserve to die.

Delko: How admirable.

Cynthia: You ever cheat on your girlfriend? *look at Speed*

Speed: This isn't about me, this is about a murder. Now did you see him get into any altercation with someone at work?

Cynthia: Like I said, Clark treated him badly. Seriously, what is with men and their inability to keep it in their pants?

Speed: If we need anymore information, we'll call you.

Cynthia: Good. Can I go?

Speed: The door's that way.

Cynthia: *stands up, leaves*

Delko: *smirks*

Speed: What.

Delko: I thought you were going to tear her a new one.

Speed: Bring in mister Duceppe, and talk to him.

Delko: Where are you going?

Speed: I'm going to see Alexx. *walks away*

Delko: *nods*

Car Dealership

Salesman: I've never seen something this big before.

Horatio: Well actually the last one we had was bigger.

Salesman: How many people are you lookin' to haul in this thing?

Horatio: I'd say, fifteen, tops.

Salesman: And what's with all the equipment upstairs?

Horatio: It's a lab.

Salesman: For what?

Horatio: It's not important that you know, so I'd like the keys now.

Salesman: *hands over keys* Where are you headed?

Horatio: Well nowhere at the moment.

Salesman: What do you call this thing again?

Horatio: Hummerhome.

Salesman: Maybe you could have had something smaller, like a ...Volvohome.

Horatio: *laughs*

Salesman: What?

Horatio: I wouldn't be caught dead in a volvo. Well actually, you can't be caught dead anywhere. However you can be found dead.

Salesman: ...Okay.

Horatio: Thank you sir. Hey JC!

JC: *from inside, driver's seat* Yeah!

Horatio: Bring 'er outside!

JC: *salutes*

Horatio: *puts on shades, walks away*

Salesman: *mumbles* Stupid Hummer owners think they're on top of the world...

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great update Geni
The part when H and JC kept Lori was really funny!
My sister was just like that with people... copying them or make some trick. But the thing with the lance... fortunately she never do that to me :p

Speed with a tie... He soooooo wants to be like H LOL but he need to by a new pair of shades
A NEW HUMMERHOME!!!!! *jump up and down*
And a new person impressed by the hummerhome
Upadte soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Teehee that last line was the icing on the cake. And oh no it would be like a sin against everything that is holy for H man it be caught...well rather "found" in a volvo. lol.

That whole scene in the interrogation room was just hilarious. I loved how she asked Speed if he ever cheated on his girlfriend. Well girlfriend no, but wife yes. lol. one to many times.
Cynthia: Like I said, Clark treated him badly. Seriously, what is with men and their inability to keep it in their pants?
Hahaha oh man I can't stop laughing and I dont' know why. That line just cracked me up. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

That last comment had me laughing!!! It's kinda true though, I mean , look at the thing, it's a tank ( a cool tank , mind you) one couldn't help but have a superiority complex. The entire scene with the dealer is priceless, and I could see Horatio standing there admiring his new Hummerhome.

Now, the questioning of Cynthia. That hit kinda low for Tim didn't it? It was like she knew that he had the cheater in him, right? Is there some kind of look that they have? I think Tim handled it kinda well, seeming as if he has cheated on Katie. What a cool cucumber. Eric as always, provides the comedy. You gotta love him for that... Good job, Geni!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ah yes, if I had a Hummer I would show it off like I won the lottery. :p (of course you'd have to win the lottery to buy one. :rolleyes:)

And Cynthia can just smell it I guess. :lol:

What We're All About

Autopsy, and hour later

Speed: Hey I got a question.

Alexx: Shoot.

Speed: Did our vic have any other injuries besides the chopped limbs?

Alexx: Well, I did find something else that was chopped, but it wasn't a limb.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Alexx: *lifts sheet*

Speed: *looks down*

Alexx: You guys probably wouldn't have found this out, considering he was found on his belly. I didn't get around to his lower extremeties yesterday. I was backed up five bodies.

Speed: Well there's...No blood around the...Wound.

Alexx: He was already dead. This is looking like a crime of passion.

Speed: Yeah.

Alexx: Anything else you needed?

Speed: No.

Cell phone rings

Speed: *opens phone* Yeah, it's Speed.


Delko: We have a problem.

Half hour later...

Speed: *walks over* Oh, great.

Delko: Found him like this.

Speed: So we're out one suspect.

Delko: Clark Duceppe huh? Looks like he pissed off one too many workers.

Speed: Maybe it wasn't a worker. Take off his pants.

Delko: Are you joking?

Speed: No.

Delko: I'm not allowed to touch the body.

Speed: You're not touching the body, you're touching he pants.

Delko: *frowns* Fine.

Few seconds later

Delko: Whoa.

Speed: Yeah Don Elliot had the same...Wound.

Delko: Excellent. You want me to bring in Cynthia?

Speed: Yeah. Were there any witnesses?

Delko: None who've come forward.

Horatio: *walks over* Speed.

Speed: Hey I thought you took the day off.

Horatio: I got a call out about twenty minutes ago.

Speed: Great, where?

Horatio: Your apartment.

Delko: *looks up*

Speed: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: Let's take a drive.

Speed: *nods*

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