CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Yeah that wasn't very nice of Speed was it? And poor Eric...He has to keep it a secret. :p

:lol: Missy you crack me up.

Busted Up

Delko's House

Katie: *walks downstairs* Hey.

Speed: Hey.

Katie: *smiles* You're finally back.

Speed: Here I am.

Katie: *stops walking* Why do you seem nervous?

Speed: I'm not nervous.

Katie: Did you have a bad day?

Speed: No.

Katie: Well I'm glad you're home. *hugs Speed*

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: *frowns* ...Hey Tim?

Speed: What?

Katie: *lets go* Did you switch colognes?

Speed: ...No.

Katie: Well because you uh...You smells like perfume.

Speed: Really.

Katie: Yeah. *crosses arms*

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: ....Care to explain?

Speed: No.

Katie: No?

Speed: No.

Katie: Mhm.

Speed: *swallows*

Katie: Um...So why do you look like you're about to cry?

Speed: ...I am so sorry.

Katie: I knew it. You know, there are zippers on jeans for a reason.

Speed: I made a mistake. A very big stupid mistake.

Katie: With who?

Speed: Calleigh.

Katie: How surprising. Well I'm sure you both had a lot of fun.

Speed: ....Yeah but I don't think Calleigh's going to quite see it that way.

Katie: What are you talking about?

Speed: She was drunk.

Katie: Okay hold on. You took advantage of her?

Speed: Maybe.


Speed: *lowers head* It was a mistake.

Katie: You bet your ass IT WAS A MISTAKE! You haven't changed.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Katie: Sorry? Oh you're sorry. Okay well then I guess that fixes EVERYTHING. Consider yourself forgiven.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Oh I made him mad. Poor guy, I hope I didn't hurt your little feelings. Because God knows you're much more important than me, and if I make a mistake all hell breaks loose but you CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!

Speed: *slaps Katie*

Katie: *screams, falls*

Speed: *frowning*

Katie: *looks up* ...

Speed: *walks closer*

Katie: *crawls backward*

Speed: *grabs Katie*

Katie: LET GO!

Speed: SHUT UP! *punches Katie*

Katie: *falls, starts to cry* Why are you doing this?

Speed: *throws cell phone*

Katie: *opens phone, dials 911*

Speed: See you around. *leaves*

30 minutes later

Horatio: *walks in* Katie? Katie where are you?

Katie: Over here.

Horatio: *tilts head* Are you okay?

Katie: No.

Horatio: Who did this?

Katie: ...I-I don't know.

Horatio: Where's Speed?

Katie: He was um...Supposed to be on his way home. I don't know where he is.

Horatio: Alright come on, I'll take you outside. Come on.

Katie: *snif* Okay.

OH. MY.GOD *says like Janice* And how ironic is it that I'm watchin whacked with "Axe man" right now and he beats me up. lol. And I covered for him! What am I insane? I mean...i don't really know what to say I'm kinda....suprised...and whoa what an ass. lol. Update soon please!
what is Speed doing...I am sooooo mad at him what does he think he is doing hitting Katie like that and then taking off!!

pleaseeeeeeee update soon!

I'm glad I can still surprise you guys after five threads. :p

Love Undercover

Lab Interview room

Horatio: *sits down* Would you like anything to drink?

Katie: No.

Horatio: *sigh* So. Start from the top.

Katie: I came downstairs. The doorbell rang so I opened it. Some guy just came out of nowhere and hit me in the face. Then I called 911 after he left.

Horatio: Um...We found Speed's cell phone at the scene. How did you get it if he was on his way home?

Katie: ...He left it there this morning.

Horatio: Why didn't you call him?

Katie: I had his cell phone remember?

Horatio: He has a pager.

Katie: Look I don't know where he went okay?

Horatio: Okay, sit tight. *leaves*

Katie: *sigh*

Outside Interview room

Yelina: It just doesn't stop for her does it?

Horatio: Yes but in this case I don't think she's telling the truth.

Yelina: She's not?

Horatio: She had Speed's cell phone and she told me she didn't know where he went.

Yelina: So?

Horatio: Most people say 'I don't know where they are' not 'I don't know where they went'.

Yelina: So he attacked her.

Horatio: He is MIA isn't he?

Yelina: I'll put out an APB.

Horatio: No. I'll take care of it.

Yelina: How many more times is he going to break the law before you punish him?

Horatio: He has a temper, and sometimes it can get the best of him.

Yelina: It's no excuse for beating his wife.

Horatio: *looks up* Well it seems he's not MIA anymore.

Yelina: *frowns* I'll see you later. *walks away*

Horatio: Speed, get in here.

Speed: Why?

Horatio: Your wife was attacked and you want to know why?

Speed: ...

Horatio: Come on.

Interview room

Katie: *looks down at table*

Horatio: Katie? Speed's here.

Katie: *nods*

Speed: *sits down*

Horatio: I'll give you two a minute. *leaves*

Speed: I love you, you know that.

Katie: *snif*

Speed: I...Don't know what happened.

Katie: I am tired of being hurt.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Katie: That doesn't mean anything to you.

Speed: I didn't mean to hurt you.

Katie: *shakes head* No, you didn't mean to hurt me the first time. But once you raised that fist the second time is when all bets were off. I covered for you so you won't go to jail. Horatio probably already knows.

Speed: Yeah. So uh...What now?

Katie: I'm leaving you Tim. I'm going back to California. You can rot here in Miami. *gets up, leaves*

Speed: *covers eyes*

Horatio: *walks in* You and I have a problem.

Speed: Really.

Horatio: The next time you decide to throw a punch, you're going to start with me.

Speed: *nods*

Horatio: Now, get out of my lab.

Speed: *stands* Fine.

Horatio: If you ever lay a hand on someone again, I'll kill you.

Speed: Yeah I got it.

Horatio: *blocks Speed* Do we understand each other?

Speed: Yes sir.

Horatio: Good. Now get out of my sight.

Speed: *nods* I just want you to know that uh...I never meant to hurt her.

Horatio: Duely noted. I just want to know how you're going to explain that to your unborn child.

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: The door's that way.

Speed: *leaves*

Horatio: *places hands on hips*


And don't worry, things will turn up. :p
Pfft. I don't care. Things are gettin good now! Its like...a scene on the show or somethin!

Horatio: The next time you decide to throw a punch, you're going to start with me.

Speed: *nods*

Horatio: Now, get out of my lab.

Speed: *stands* Fine.

Horatio: If you ever lay a hand on someone again, I'll kill you.

Speed: Yeah I got it.

Horatio: *blocks Speed* Do we understand each other?

Speed: Yes sir.

Horatio: Good. Now get out of my sight.

I think that's the first time i've ever said "GO H MAN!" extremly loud. lol.

Speed: *nods* I just want you to know that uh...I never meant to hurt her.

Horatio: Duely noted. I just want to know how you're going to explain that to your unborn child.

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: The door's that way.

Speed: *leaves*

Horatio: *places hands on hips*

Again. I said go H man really loud! lol. Nicely written Geni. Update soon please. Teehee.
Aww poor Katie. You don't deserve him! :lol: :p

-And Jaci I know I had something planned with you and H but it has to wait a teeny bit longer. :)

The Last Thing I Need

Delko's house, midnight

Delko: *walks downstairs* Are you still up?

Speed: *rubs eyes*

Delko: You need to get a life.

Speed: How could I hurt her?

Delko: I don't know. I can't explain anything you do.

Speed: I'm not a bad person.

Delko: I know.

Speed: And now she's in California and I'll never see her again.

Delko: What's she going to do for money?

Speed: I'm mailing her money. The entire paycheck.

Delko: What about you?

Speed: I don't know. I mean...I've really screwed up and everything is just...Down the crapper.

Delko: You shouldn't have hurt her.

Speed: I know and I'm just so frustrated. How could I do that?

Delko: What was going through your mind?

Speed: I was just angry. I wasn't even angry at her. I was angry at the fact that I keep doing this to her and she always takes me back.

Delko: Not this time.

Speed: I just...*starts to cry*

Delko: Ah man it makes me upset when you cry.

Speed: *lays on couch* I keep losing her.

Delko: That sucks.

Speed: She is the best and the worst thing that ever happened to me.

Delko: Oh come on man, remember what you were like before she came along?

Speed: I was nothing before she came along.

Delko: I don't really know what to say man. You brought this upon yourself.

Speed: *crying* I just...Want to hold her and tell her I'm sorry.

Delko: Look...I have work tomorrow. Just try and get some rest. *leaves*

Speed: *closes eyes* God.

Two months later


Calleigh: *smiles* Hey Eric.

Delko: Hey did you send that stuff over to DNA?

Calleigh: Oh are they renovating again?

Delko: Yeah and they wanted the evidence up there.

Calleigh: I'll send it to them this afternoon. So...Is Tim still in Miami?

Delko: He's still in my house. He won't leave, he won't talk, he just sits there on the couch and at night all he does is cry. It's really pathetic.

Calleigh: Did you try talking to him?

Delko: It's like talking to a wall.

Calleigh: Has he called her or anything?

Delko: Like I said, he won't do anything. I think he should at least...Get a haircut or shave or something.

Calleigh: Does he shower?

Delko: Yeah.

Calleigh: Well that's good.

Delko: Can't you talk to him?

Calleigh: We're not exactly on the best of terms right now.

Delko: Come on Cal, you're bubbly, and you're southern and I don't know, maybe he'll respond better to a woman.

Calleigh: Maybe.

Delko: And you know...He needs to move on. She's gone.

Calleigh: What do you mean move on?

Delko: *shrugs*

Calleigh: Oh no, he rejected me.

Delko: Come on, he's been on my couch for almost three months.

Calleigh: Alright I'll go talk to him.

Delko: Thank you.

5 pm, Delko's house

Calleigh: *sits on couch* Hey Tim.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: *smiles* How are you?

Speed: *sigh*

Calleigh: Look, I know you don't want to talk to me but I think it would help if you tried to move on.

Speed: How do you know if it would help?

Calleigh: Well you can't just mope around here forever.

Speed: I won't. When I get enough strength to get off the couch, I'm going to walk over to the counter and put that gun in my mouth and you won't have to worry about me.

Calleigh: Tim don't say that.

Speed: Fine. You want me to move on?

Calleigh: Yes I do.

Speed: Let's go out.

Calleigh: ...What?

Speed: You love me so much, let's be together. Lord knows I've had a crush on you forever.

Calleigh: Really?

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: You won't beat me up?

Speed: Funny.

Calleigh: *smiles* Well I try.

Speed: *sigh* Thanks Calleigh.

Calleigh: I'm always here for you.

Speed: *holds Calleigh's hand* I know.

Calleigh: Come on, you're going to live some life.

Speed: Coming from your mouth, it sounds exciting.

Calleigh: Oh I know.

Speed: *smirks*

Calleigh: See? It's almost a smile. You're halfway there.

No worries bout having to hold it off little longer i can wait, omg i hope speed doesn't stay with calliegh no offense to her. Can't wait for more!
:eek: Speed is such a JERK! Sleeping with Calleigh...beating up Katie again...I'm not even sure I want my knees now :p

And we all got drunk, yay! I love drunk Carly! and drunk Missy and Anni and Calleigh...but it's too bad that katie can't get drunk with us, that would be hilarious!

please update soon
Thanks. :)

And you guys all need to be drunk together. It can be one drunken happy family. :p

And I have it all planned out so don't you worry. ;)


5 months later


Horatio: Hey Speed, do you have the trace results?

Speed: *hands over paper* It's liquid polymer.

Horatio: Interesting. Where was it found?

Speed: The hood of the getaway car. Calleigh's down in the garage processing.

Horatio: Good job. Where's Eric?

Speed: Everglades. He had to sweep the canal before we closed the crime scene. Aren't you part of this case?

Horatio: Actually I'm not. I was called to another case this morning.

Speed: Is it important?

Horatio: All cases are important.

Speed: Yeah but you were called away for it.

Horatio: It's actually not in our jurisdiction.

Speed: Really. State or federal?

Horatio: Federal.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Horatio: It's Louis.

Speed: You found him.

Horatio: We think so.

Speed: We?

Horatio: LA County Sherrif's Department.

Speed: He's in California.

Horatio: Well they're still working on that. They know we have the death penalty so they want to try him here.

Speed: Why not New York?

Horatio: Politics.

Speed: Yeah isn't it always?

Horatio: Mhm. So grab your stuff we're going on a road trip.

Speed: Me?

Horatio: You've earned back my trust.

Speed: Good to know.

Horatio: I know you've been wanting to catch this guy for almost a year so let's get him.

Speed: I'll be right out.

LA, next morning

Horatio: Okay Jody what can you tell me?

Jody: We tracked him down on the Sunset and then we lost contact on this alleyway.

Horatio: What do you mean you lost contact?

Jody: He had some kind of blocking device.

Horatio: So he knows we're on his trail.

Jody: Yeah the Coast Guard chopper spotted his boat about fifty feet before shore so he's definitely here.

Horatio: Excellent. Speed, take a uniform and canvas the area. Warn all the neighbors becase they're going to have company for a while.

Speed: You got it H. *leaves*

Jody: So how's he been?

Horatio: He's fine.

Jody: We could really use him down here.

Horatio: I think he wants to stay in Miami.

Jody: *smiles* Yeah it's California without the glams of Hollywood.

Horatio: Mhm.

Residential Block

Speed: I can't believe H let you come.

Delko: I blend in.

Speed: Don't use that 'I'm a minority' crap again. Maybe H falls for it but I don't.

Delko: H doesn't fall for anything.

Speed: Well the next house we have to check out is...Oh great.

Delko: *laughs* Ouch.

Speed: You do it. I'm waiting in the car.

Delko: Oh come on, maybe she isn't home.

Speed: There's a car in the driveway.

Delko: I didn't know Katie could drive. Hey you think she has a man in there?

Speed: Who cares? Just tell her to be on the lookout for the guy who poisoned her and then be on your merry way.

Delko: You're coming too. Don't you want to show her how much you've improved?

Speed: You mean gotten over her. No, I don't think so.

Delko: Why not?

Speed: Because I'd rather wait in the car.

Delko: Oh come on.

Speed: No.

Delko: Fine, I'll go.

Front steps

Delko: *rings doorbell*

Katie: *opens door* OH MY GOD! Eric hi! *hugs Delko*

Delko: Hey Katie.

Katie: What are you doing here?

Delko: Louis Gravano is back so we're here trying to find him.

Katie: *picks up toys* Sorry it's kind of a mess, I've been cleaning all morning.

Delko: Yeah that pretty much explains it.

Katie: Come on in. Do you want some coffee?

Delko: No I'm okay. Wow you sure do have a lot of baby stuff in here.

Katie: Well that happens when you have a baby Eric.

Delko: So where is the little tyke?

Katie: She's in the kitchen.

Delko: Wow another girl.

Katie: Yeah I guess I'm lucky that way huh?

Delko: So how has life been?

Katie: Really great. I have a good job with an ad agency, and I made a lot of friends here.

Delko: Wow that's really good.

Katie: *smiles* I know. So how are things back in Miami?

Delko: Well it's pretty much the same as it always is. Calleigh found this great guy. I think his name is Lance or something. Well before that she was going out with Speed but they decided to be friends.

Katie: Ah.

Delko: He's actually in the car. I think he's too shy to come up here.

Katie: *laughs* He can come in if he wants.

Delko: I'll phone him. *dials phone* ...Yeah hey you can come on up if you want...Yeah everything's fine...Alright. *closes phone* He'll be right over.

Katie: Good.

Delko: So Horatio's in town too. He's at PD trying to track down Gravano. We're supposed to canvas the area.

Katie: Oh I see. Well it sounds like a great job for my two favorite Miami men.

Delko: *laughs* Yeah.

Speed: *walks in*

Katie: *looks over* Come on in! I don't bite!

Speed: *walks over*

Katie: Oh you look so serious. Lighten up, you're in sunny California.

Delko: Yeah geez.

Speed: Shut up Eric.

Delko: *laughs*

Baby starts to cry

Katie: Oh! Hold on I'll be right back. *runs into kitchen*

Delko: She seems happy.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: *runs over with baby* Sorry she doesn't like to be alone too long.

Speed: *stares at baby*

Delko: Yeah hold on Katie, he'll get up to whole words in no time.

Katie: *laughs*

Baby looks at Speed

Katie: *smiles* Yeah, that's your daddy.

Baby smiles

Katie: *laughs*

Delko: She's so cute. I just want to...Pinch her cheeks.

Katie: That's what everyone says.

Delko: What's her name?

Katie: Well I thought about it long and hard, and I decided that she looked like a Lori.

Speed: What?

Katie: Yeah. Why, is that a problem?

Speed: No, not at all.

Katie: Would you like to hold her?

Speed: Why.

Katie: *laughs* She's a baby not a pirannah. Here. *hands over baby*

Speed: *holds baby*

Katie: I have to finish picking up some stuff, but I'll be right back.

Delko: Lori huh? Wasn't that the name of that girl in that mental facility?

Speed: *looks down* Yeah.

Baby touches Speed's face

Delko: Hey well she likes you, so that's a plus.

Speed: *clears throat* Yeah.

Delko: Oh come on we went over this. When you cry, I cry and then the baby will probably start crying.

Speed: Shh she's asleep.

Delko: Oh good. Don't drop her.

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: I'm just saying.

Katie: *runs over* Whew, I'm sure getting a workout today. Aw now that's sweet. If only I had a camera.

Delko: I have one.

Speed: Don't.

Delko: Fine.

Katie: Come in and stay a while. I have coffee in the pot. Oh, and Tim since you don't drink coffee I've got some water out.

Speed: Thank you.

Delko: *walks around* This place is HUGE.

Katie: Well I tend to have my friends over a lot just to fill it up.

Speed: *sits in chair* Friends huh?

Katie: Yeah I met a few people where I work.

Speed: Where do you work?

Katie: An ad agency. I'm assistant manager.

Speed: That's quite an accomplishment.

Katie: Here, I'll take care. *grabs baby, put her in crib* Any sleep she gets, I'll take.

Delko: What does this button do? *presses button*

Blinds close automatically

Delko: Whoa that is so cool. I have to get this. What does this button do? *presses button*

Sprinklers turn on outside

Katie: Yeah actually don't press that button, I need to get that fixed. So I hear you and Calleigh were an item.

Speed: I wouldn't call us an item. And besides we're just friends.

Katie: Really. She wasn't your cup of tea?

Speed: Yeah I'm laughing a river on the inside.

Katie: *laughs* You know I'm just teasing you.


Katie: Yeah actually I need to put water in that.

Delko: Can I skateboard around in it?

Speed: Eric you're here on official police business. Leave the pool alone.

Delko: Oh right.

Phone rings

Katie: Hang on. *picks up phone* Yeah? Oh hey! Yeah I might be free tonight, why?

Delko: *smirks*

Speed: *drinks water*

Katie: Yeah I was there last week, where were you? Aww she got braces? Ouch.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Delko: Oh cool this countertop is marble.

Katie: *giggles*

Speed: *looks up*

Katie: No you stop it....No YOU stop it!...No YOU...*clears throat* I have to go. No, I'll call you back later. Okay bye. *hangs up phone* Sorry that was James.

Delko: Oooh James?

Katie: Stop it. He's just a friend. Well...Maybe not for long.

Speed: *coughs*

Delko: *lifts brows*

Speed: *cough* Sorry...I seem to have forgotten how to drink basic liquids.

Delko: *shakes head*

Katie: How long are you two going to be in town?

Delko: All week.

Katie: Why don't you guys stay here? I'd love to fill up this house.

Speed: No we're fine. We have a hotel.

Delko: Oh come on, it wouldn't kill us to visit.

Katie: Yeah come on, it'll be fun.

Speed: *frowns* Fine but H isn't going to be happy.

Delko: Oh he won't care.

Baby starts crying

Katie: *sigh* The circle of life I guess. *walks over to crib* Maybe she just wants to see her daddy.

Delko: Man I wish I lived here. Everything is so...Posh.

Katie: *hands baby to Speed* Yeah well I try to run a clean household but with her around, things don't stay clean for long.

Speed: *looks down* I can imagine.

Baby laughs

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: Well do you boys have luggage?

Delko: It's all in the car. I'll go get it.

Katie: Great, I'll make some lunch for you guys.

Speed: You can't cook.

Katie: *smiles* I learned.

Speed: From who, James?

Katie: *laughs* I took a course.

Speed: You sure seem happy here.

Katie: I am happy here.

Speed: Good. I'm happy for you.

Katie: Thanks. So are you working at the lab still?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: That's great. You know, you don't have to keep sending me money.

Speed: Yes I do.

Katie: *nods* ...Well I appreciate it.

Delko: *walks in* Okay I have luggage.

Katie: Just set it down over there.

Delko: WHOA what does this button do? *presses button*

Garage door opens

Delko: Oh that is so cool. I need to get a house like this.

Katie: It's a little bit above your pay grade.

Delko: So has anyone been helping you with little Lori here?

Katie: James comes over every day. But right now he's in Chicago with his sister. It's her birthday.

Delko: Ah.

Speed: You must like him.

Katie: *leans on counter* He's a good friend.

Speed: Sounds like it.

Katie: How come she falls asleep in your arms but she doesn't do that for me?

Speed: Maybe because you're so hyperactive.

Katie: Oh you haven't seen me hyperactive.

Delko: OH COOL! You have one of those vaccum cleaners that go by themselves.

Katie: Yeah actually...I need to fix that.

Speed: I could fix it for you.

Katie: Oh you don't need to.


Katie: Oh yeah. James gave him to me for my birthday. His name is Whiskers.

Speed: Gee, how creative.

Katie: Hey wasn't it your birthday...Two months ago?

Speed: Three.

Katie: Well happy belated birthday.

Speed: Same to you I guess.

Katie: *sigh* It's great to see you again.

Speed: *nods*


Wow what a great update, I really hope things work out between katie and speed, I mean one of our fac couples I tell you! Ahem I feel like a puddle of melted rubber rate now so I think i am done commenting (diabetic with a low blood sugar!) Danger danger...lol anyway can't wait for more geni your a great writer keep up the great work.
Thanks. :)

And I wouldn't want you to pass out on me. *gives out orange juice* Be safe, you hear? ;)

So how's about another update for the night?

Hearing Heaven

Katie's house 5 pm

Katie: So who's hungry!

Delko: ME! *raises hand*

Katie: You're the only one here.

Speed: *walks in* Sorry I'm late, Horatio had a lead.

Katie: Well you're just in time for dinner.

Speed: *sits* So what have you guys been up to?

Katie: I was teaching Eric how to make pasta.

Delko: *shoves food in face* It looks easier than it is.

Katie: So what was this big lead?

Speed: Well apparently the guy went downtown to an underground club to hold a meeting, and a bouncer ended up getting murdered so Horatio and I went over there to investigate and we talked to witnesses who saw him.

Katie: That's wonderful. Well, not for the bouncer.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: *smiles*


Katie: Yeah and oh that reminds me. I sent Lori to the neighbors tonight because I wanted to make sure you guys got a good night sleep, and they really wanted to visit with her.

Speed: You didn't need to do that.

Katie: It's the least I can do.

Delko: Hey now this is a good dinner. I remember about five or six months ago, Speed wouldn't even eat. He was so depressed.

Katie: Really.

Speed: That was a very long time ago.

Delko: All you did was cry for two months.

Speed: *kicks Delko*

Delko: OW.

Katie: You know, I admit moving away by myself was hard. I didn't even know where to start, but I made friends fast and they showed me how to do things.

Speed: It seems like you've done very well.

Katie: Thank you.

Delko: See? Civilized conversations are the way to go.

Speed: Why did we bring you again?

Delko: I'm a minority.

Speed: That wasn't the reason.

Half hour later

Katie: *cleaning dishes* Does Eric always fall asleep when he's done eating?

Speed: He's like a child.

Katie: I can see that.

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: *looking down at plates, smiles* Will you stop staring at me?

Speed: No.

Katie: *laughs* You're making me blush.

Speed: *walks around counter* Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Katie: Oh I don't know, I think it's a bad thing.

Speed: You are a terrible liar.

Katie: Not as bad as you.

Speed: You want to bet the house on it?

Katie: *laughs* Maybe not.

Speed: I'll see you in the morning.

Katie: You're going to bed already? It's only 7:30.

Speed: I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.

Katie: Oh come on. You won't even keep me company until at least nine?

Speed: Why, what's a nine?

Katie: *grabs Speed's hand* Come on, keep me company. *sits on couch*

Speed: *sits* You're way too hyper.

Katie: And that's why it's going to take until at least nine to get me nice and tired.

Speed: I'm sure.

Katie: *leans on Speed's shoulder* Okay don't move, I'm finally comfy.

Speed: I'll try not to.

Katie: *sigh* I didn't think I'd ever see you again.

Speed: I guess some paths are bound to cross no matter how far away.

Katie: Well said.

Speed: I tend to read when I can't sleep.

Katie: *holds Speed's hand* I didn't sleep a lot at first either. But then it got easier to let things go.

Speed: And what about right now?

Katie: Right now I'm too happy to care.

Speed: *wraps arm around Katie* I know.

Katie: You're not wearing your wedding ring.

Speed: It's in a safe place.

Katie: Mine's on a chain around my neck.

Speed: You're afraid someone's going to steal something so expensive?

Katie: I guess it reminds me that Lori still has someone other than me out there.

Speed: She does.

Katie: Yeah. And well...It's also expensive.

Speed: Cute.

Katie: *laughs*

AWWWWWWW another girl? Lori, thats so cute!! :D :D And wow, Katie certainly is hyperactive :lol: and James huh? Katie, you go girl!

and what is it with Eric and his being a minortiy? thats his answer for everything :lol:

please update soon
oh my gosh, i closed my eyes for few hours and look what happened! :eek: guys got drunk, Calleigh with Speed..doing something,Speed and Katie, and so on! Gee, too much information! :D uuu H got mad on Speed, that was cool conversation Geni! :devil:
and Delko in Katies house, such a kid, wondering how old is he actually! lol :lol:

Katie: I guess it reminds me that Lori still has someone other than me out there.

Speed: She does.

Katie: Yeah. And well...It's also expensive.

Speed: Cute.

Katie: *laughs*

Awwwwww! That was so sweet! I am crying my eyeballs out!
Awwww! Those were 3 great update Geni! Teehee. LOri! You named the baby Lori. How cute. There were so many great parts I don't even know where to starts. But oh man Speed was going to put a gun in his mouth. Well, I'm glad he didn't do that. And this James guy seems....nice. lol.

Ok now its off two school....well in another hour lol. Great updates. And as usual I can't wait for more!
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