And you guys all need to be drunk together. It can be one drunken happy family.
And I have it all planned out so don't you worry.
5 months later
Horatio: Hey Speed, do you have the trace results?
Speed: *hands over paper* It's liquid polymer.
Horatio: Interesting. Where was it found?
Speed: The hood of the getaway car. Calleigh's down in the garage processing.
Horatio: Good job. Where's Eric?
Speed: Everglades. He had to sweep the canal before we closed the crime scene. Aren't you part of this case?
Horatio: Actually I'm not. I was called to another case this morning.
Speed: Is it important?
Horatio: All cases are important.
Speed: Yeah but you were called away for it.
Horatio: It's actually not in our jurisdiction.
Speed: Really. State or federal?
Horatio: Federal.
Speed: *lifts brow*
Horatio: It's Louis.
Speed: You found him.
Horatio: We think so.
Speed: We?
Horatio: LA County Sherrif's Department.
Speed: He's in California.
Horatio: Well they're still working on that. They know we have the death penalty so they want to try him here.
Speed: Why not New York?
Horatio: Politics.
Speed: Yeah isn't it always?
Horatio: Mhm. So grab your stuff we're going on a road trip.
Speed: Me?
Horatio: You've earned back my trust.
Speed: Good to know.
Horatio: I know you've been wanting to catch this guy for almost a year so let's get him.
Speed: I'll be right out.
LA, next morning
Horatio: Okay Jody what can you tell me?
Jody: We tracked him down on the Sunset and then we lost contact on this alleyway.
Horatio: What do you mean you lost contact?
Jody: He had some kind of blocking device.
Horatio: So he knows we're on his trail.
Jody: Yeah the Coast Guard chopper spotted his boat about fifty feet before shore so he's definitely here.
Horatio: Excellent. Speed, take a uniform and canvas the area. Warn all the neighbors becase they're going to have company for a while.
Speed: You got it H. *leaves*
Jody: So how's he been?
Horatio: He's fine.
Jody: We could really use him down here.
Horatio: I think he wants to stay in Miami.
Jody: *smiles* Yeah it's California without the glams of Hollywood.
Horatio: Mhm.
Residential Block
Speed: I can't believe H let you come.
Delko: I blend in.
Speed: Don't use that 'I'm a minority' crap again. Maybe H falls for it but I don't.
Delko: H doesn't fall for anything.
Speed: Well the next house we have to check out is...Oh great.
Delko: *laughs* Ouch.
Speed: You do it. I'm waiting in the car.
Delko: Oh come on, maybe she isn't home.
Speed: There's a car in the driveway.
Delko: I didn't know Katie could drive. Hey you think she has a man in there?
Speed: Who cares? Just tell her to be on the lookout for the guy who poisoned her and then be on your merry way.
Delko: You're coming too. Don't you want to show her how much you've improved?
Speed: You mean gotten over her. No, I don't think so.
Delko: Why not?
Speed: Because I'd rather wait in the car.
Delko: Oh come on.
Speed: No.
Delko: Fine, I'll go.
Front steps
Delko: *rings doorbell*
Katie: *opens door* OH MY GOD! Eric hi! *hugs Delko*
Delko: Hey Katie.
Katie: What are you doing here?
Delko: Louis Gravano is back so we're here trying to find him.
Katie: *picks up toys* Sorry it's kind of a mess, I've been cleaning all morning.
Delko: Yeah that pretty much explains it.
Katie: Come on in. Do you want some coffee?
Delko: No I'm okay. Wow you sure do have a lot of baby stuff in here.
Katie: Well that happens when you have a baby Eric.
Delko: So where is the little tyke?
Katie: She's in the kitchen.
Delko: Wow another girl.
Katie: Yeah I guess I'm lucky that way huh?
Delko: So how has life been?
Katie: Really great. I have a good job with an ad agency, and I made a lot of friends here.
Delko: Wow that's really good.
Katie: *smiles* I know. So how are things back in Miami?
Delko: Well it's pretty much the same as it always is. Calleigh found this great guy. I think his name is Lance or something. Well before that she was going out with Speed but they decided to be friends.
Katie: Ah.
Delko: He's actually in the car. I think he's too shy to come up here.
Katie: *laughs* He can come in if he wants.
Delko: I'll phone him. *dials phone* ...Yeah hey you can come on up if you want...Yeah everything's fine...Alright. *closes phone* He'll be right over.
Katie: Good.
Delko: So Horatio's in town too. He's at PD trying to track down Gravano. We're supposed to canvas the area.
Katie: Oh I see. Well it sounds like a great job for my two favorite Miami men.
Delko: *laughs* Yeah.
Speed: *walks in*
Katie: *looks over* Come on in! I don't bite!
Speed: *walks over*
Katie: Oh you look so serious. Lighten up, you're in sunny California.
Delko: Yeah geez.
Speed: Shut up Eric.
Delko: *laughs*
Baby starts to cry
Katie: Oh! Hold on I'll be right back. *runs into kitchen*
Delko: She seems happy.
Speed: Yeah.
Katie: *runs over with baby* Sorry she doesn't like to be alone too long.
Speed: *stares at baby*
Delko: Yeah hold on Katie, he'll get up to whole words in no time.
Katie: *laughs*
Baby looks at Speed
Katie: *smiles* Yeah, that's your daddy.
Baby smiles
Katie: *laughs*
Delko: She's so cute. I just want to...Pinch her cheeks.
Katie: That's what everyone says.
Delko: What's her name?
Katie: Well I thought about it long and hard, and I decided that she looked like a Lori.
Speed: What?
Katie: Yeah. Why, is that a problem?
Speed: No, not at all.
Katie: Would you like to hold her?
Speed: Why.
Katie: *laughs* She's a baby not a pirannah. Here. *hands over baby*
Speed: *holds baby*
Katie: I have to finish picking up some stuff, but I'll be right back.
Delko: Lori huh? Wasn't that the name of that girl in that mental facility?
Speed: *looks down* Yeah.
Baby touches Speed's face
Delko: Hey well she likes you, so that's a plus.
Speed: *clears throat* Yeah.
Delko: Oh come on we went over this. When you cry, I cry and then the baby will probably start crying.
Speed: Shh she's asleep.
Delko: Oh good. Don't drop her.
Speed: *looks at Eric*
Delko: I'm just saying.
Katie: *runs over* Whew, I'm sure getting a workout today. Aw now that's sweet. If only I had a camera.
Delko: I have one.
Speed: Don't.
Delko: Fine.
Katie: Come in and stay a while. I have coffee in the pot. Oh, and Tim since you don't drink coffee I've got some water out.
Speed: Thank you.
Delko: *walks around* This place is HUGE.
Katie: Well I tend to have my friends over a lot just to fill it up.
Speed: *sits in chair* Friends huh?
Katie: Yeah I met a few people where I work.
Speed: Where do you work?
Katie: An ad agency. I'm assistant manager.
Speed: That's quite an accomplishment.
Katie: Here, I'll take care. *grabs baby, put her in crib* Any sleep she gets, I'll take.
Delko: What does this button do? *presses button*
Blinds close automatically
Delko: Whoa that is so cool. I have to get this. What does this button do? *presses button*
Sprinklers turn on outside
Katie: Yeah actually don't press that button, I need to get that fixed. So I hear you and Calleigh were an item.
Speed: I wouldn't call us an item. And besides we're just friends.
Katie: Really. She wasn't your cup of tea?
Speed: Yeah I'm laughing a river on the inside.
Katie: *laughs* You know I'm just teasing you.
Katie: Yeah actually I need to put water in that.
Delko: Can I skateboard around in it?
Speed: Eric you're here on official police business. Leave the pool alone.
Delko: Oh right.
Phone rings
Katie: Hang on. *picks up phone* Yeah? Oh hey! Yeah I might be free tonight, why?
Delko: *smirks*
Speed: *drinks water*
Katie: Yeah I was there last week, where were you? Aww she got braces? Ouch.
Speed: *rolls eyes*
Delko: Oh cool this countertop is marble.
Katie: *giggles*
Speed: *looks up*
Katie: No you stop it....No YOU stop it!...No YOU...*clears throat* I have to go. No, I'll call you back later. Okay bye. *hangs up phone* Sorry that was James.
Delko: Oooh James?
Katie: Stop it. He's just a friend. Well...Maybe not for long.
Speed: *coughs*
Delko: *lifts brows*
Speed: *cough* Sorry...I seem to have forgotten how to drink basic liquids.
Delko: *shakes head*
Katie: How long are you two going to be in town?
Delko: All week.
Katie: Why don't you guys stay here? I'd love to fill up this house.
Speed: No we're fine. We have a hotel.
Delko: Oh come on, it wouldn't kill us to visit.
Katie: Yeah come on, it'll be fun.
Speed: *frowns* Fine but H isn't going to be happy.
Delko: Oh he won't care.
Baby starts crying
Katie: *sigh* The circle of life I guess. *walks over to crib* Maybe she just wants to see her daddy.
Delko: Man I wish I lived here. Everything is so...Posh.
Katie: *hands baby to Speed* Yeah well I try to run a clean household but with her around, things don't stay clean for long.
Speed: *looks down* I can imagine.
Baby laughs
Speed: *smirks*
Katie: Well do you boys have luggage?
Delko: It's all in the car. I'll go get it.
Katie: Great, I'll make some lunch for you guys.
Speed: You can't cook.
Katie: *smiles* I learned.
Speed: From who,
Katie: *laughs* I took a course.
Speed: You sure seem happy here.
Katie: I am happy here.
Speed: Good. I'm happy for you.
Katie: Thanks. So are you working at the lab still?
Speed: Yeah.
Katie: That's great. You know, you don't have to keep sending me money.
Speed: Yes I do.
Katie: *nods* ...Well I appreciate it.
Delko: *walks in* Okay I have luggage.
Katie: Just set it down over there.
Delko: WHOA what does this button do? *presses button*
Garage door opens
Delko: Oh that is so cool. I need to get a house like this.
Katie: It's a little bit above your pay grade.
Delko: So has anyone been helping you with little Lori here?
Katie: James comes over every day. But right now he's in Chicago with his sister. It's her birthday.
Delko: Ah.
Speed: You must like him.
Katie: *leans on counter* He's a good friend.
Speed: Sounds like it.
Katie: How come she falls asleep in your arms but she doesn't do that for me?
Speed: Maybe because you're so hyperactive.
Katie: Oh you haven't seen me hyperactive.
Delko: OH COOL! You have one of those vaccum cleaners that go by themselves.
Katie: Yeah actually...I need to fix that.
Speed: I could fix it for you.
Katie: Oh you don't need to.
Katie: Oh yeah. James gave him to me for my birthday. His name is Whiskers.
Speed: Gee, how creative.
Katie: Hey wasn't it your birthday...Two months ago?
Speed: Three.
Katie: Well happy belated birthday.
Speed: Same to you I guess.
Katie: *sigh* It's great to see you again.
Speed: *nods*