^ :lol: Thanks Missy.
And thanks
You know, I should have waited to post that other chapter like I said I would...I promise I'll be slower. :lol:
And yeah it's not a party without drunk Katie! *shakes fist*
Workin' Man
Delko: No guys! Put down the microscope!
Carly: Look, I made a hat. *puts microscope on head*
Anni: *giggling hysterically*
Missy: *on one of the tables* ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT! GENTLY DOWN THE STREAM!
Delko: No! Get off of there! Carly, get that off your head! Anni stop climbing there!
Carly: *microscops falls off head* Whoa! Guys we're being attacked by the Nazis!
Anni: *screaming*
Carly: Quick! Protect yourself with these goggles!
Anni: *sticks goggles on head* Whoa, the world just went orange! This is so cool! Hey Delko you look like a tomato.
Delko: Take those off. *sigh* Where's Speed? NO! CARLY PUT THAT DOWN! PUT THAT DOWN!
Carly: I'M A LIZARD! *licks walls*
Delko: *rubs eyes* This isn't fair. Why couldn't I get drunk and be stupid?
Anni: If the Nazi's attack the lab, do we get hazard pay?
Carly: *giggling* The walls are melting.
Delko: DON'T F-
Missy: *falls off* WHOA! The ground just ATE ME!
Delko: *runs over* Are you alright?
Missy: I think I broke that thinking thing.
Delko: Your brain?
Missy: Yeah.
Delko: You look fine.
Missy: Why thank you.
Delko: *smiles*
Missy: *giggles*
Carly: *making gun sounds* DIE!
Anni: AH! YOU GOT ME! MAN DOWN! *falls down* Whoa, haha I hit my head.
Carly: I'M OUT OF BULLETS! *throws microscope*
Horatio: *standing in doorway* ...What is going on in here?
Delko: *looks up* ...Oh lord.
Horatio: *frowns* Eric...
Delko: *runs over* Uh, we were just...Comforting Calleigh.
Horatio: *looks around* What happened to the ballistics lab?
Delko: ...Nazis?
Horatio: I left for two hours and everything went to h-
Delko: Hell?
Horatio: In so many words.
Delko: Well we kind of...Got carried away.
Horatio: You're going to spend the next week cleaning up in here.
Delko: Dangit.
Horatio: Where's Speed and Calleigh?
Speed: *runs over* Right here.
Horatio: Where were you?
Speed: ...Gun vault.
Calleigh: *runs over* Hey the red-head's here! ...And he doesn't look happy.
Horatio: No he doesn't. Where were you?
Calleigh: ...Gun vault.
Horatio: I see.
Delko: *looks at Speed*
Speed: *stares at Eric*
Delko: *lifts brows*
Speed: *shrugs*
Delko: *shakes head*
Speed: *rolls eyes*
Horatio: Clean this up. *leaves*
Delko: Tell me you didn't d-
Speed: *frowns*
Calleigh: *giggles*
Anni: Is it my turn next?
Missy: Let's pass around Eric for a while.
Delko: No. You guys clean this up and I don't care if you're too drunk to walk. Just do it.
Carly: You sound like a Nike commercial.
Delko: *leaves*
Speed: Oh great. *leaves*
Calleigh: Do we still have chocolate?
Carly: *passes over box*
Speed: Eric! Eric stop.
Delko: I can't believe you did that man. What were you thinking?
Speed: I wasn't.
Delko: Well I hope you enjoyed it. Because when Katie's done with you, you'll be living out the rest of your life like a priest.
Speed: Katie doesn't have to know.
Delko: Here we go again.
Speed: Look, Calleigh won't remember it, everyone else won't remember anything and you and I are the only ones who will know. So we don't have to tell Katie.
Delko: Why?
Speed: Come on man, you're my best friend.
Delko: Oh I am? I'm suddenly your best friend when you need something.
Speed: You know how this looks.
Delko: Yeah and it's looking pretty bad.
Speed: Don't tell her.
Delko: I have to man, I'm not going to keep it from her.
Speed: Come on...I mean, we're both guys here right?
Delko: Okay...Not once have I ever heard you speak like that.
Speed: *nods* I know.
Delko: Do you love her?
Speed: Calleigh?
Delko: Yeah.
Speed: No.
Delko: Then what the hell are you doing?
Speed: I don't know.
Delko: That's not an answer.
Speed: Please don't tell her.
Delko: Alright fine. I won't say anything. But if this comes back to bite me in the butt, it's your fault.
Speed: Agreed.
Delko: *shakes head* I have work to do. *walks away*
Speed: Yeah see you later.
Cell phone rings
Speed: Oh great. *opens phone* Yeah it's Speed.
Katie: Hey I thought you were on your way home.
Speed: I got...Side-tracked.
Katie: Doing what?
Speed: Uh...I had to help Eric out on a case.
Katie: Oh cool. What case?
Speed: Just your good old everyday homicide.
Katie: Did you have fun?
Speed: Oh yeah lots of fun.
Katie: So are you on your way back yet?
Speed: Yeah in a few minutes.
Katie: Alright.
Speed: Bye. *closes phone* Great.