CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Awwww poor Calleigh's all giggly and weird around Speed. That whole "Does she want my autogprah" line cracked me up. And I kinda feel bad for Delko because he kinda caught in the middle of it. And I don't think I really want to know whats in his closet. lol. Update soon please.
Hahahaha that was great update geni really made me laugh god i have to work today I don't want to lol. Anyway loved the update and can't wait for more *runs in circles*
:lol: Aww bless her heart she's so cute. :p

And aww work sucks, but hey you'll get to come home to Talkcsi so YAY.

And it's a love triangle! Except Delko's not in love with anyone, and no one's in love with him. Well, except Missy but there's still time for that.

Highway To You


Delko: Hey man I gotta go, I was supposed to meet Yelina about that sniper case five minutes ago.

Speed: Yeah see you later.

Delko: *leaves*

Speed: *walks to gun vault* ...Cal?

Calleigh: *closes gun vault* Don't come in here. I have...Guns.

Speed: Yeah that's why it's called a gun vault.

Calleigh: I'm...Cleaning all the guns. You wouldn't be interested in that. *walks further in*

Speed: Calleigh, come back here.

Calleigh: I'm busy.

Speed: I want to talk to you.

Calleigh: So talk.

Speed: Are you okay?

Calleigh: *turns around* I'm fine, why?

Speed: You seem...Different than usual.

Calleigh: Different? Well in some cultures, different can be good right? *falls over box* AH! *stands* I'm fine, don't worry about me.

Speed: *smirks*

Calleigh: *knocks guns over, trips on box* AH!

Speed: *opens gun vault* Are you okay? *grabs Calleigh's hand*

Calleigh: *looks up* ...*sigh*

Speed: You knocked the guns over.

Calleigh: What's a gun? What? Oh...*stands* I'll get those cleaned up.

Speed: Well at least let me help you.

Calleigh: NO! *pushes Speed out of gun vault* No, you don't need to help. I have it all under control. *trips on box* Ugh seriously, why does this box keep attacking me? *picks up box*

Speed: Are you sure you don't need any help.

Calleigh: I'm fine. Now is there something I can help you with? Did you want me to clean your gun?

Speed: ...You want to clean my gun for me?

Calleigh: *giggling* Whew, that's funny! Ha ha.

Speed: Are you on some medication or something?

Calleigh: They have medication for this? *shakes head* I mean, no I'm fine.

Speed: You seem a little...Flushed.

Calleigh: Oh it's very hot in here. With all these guns...And...Boxes. Are you hot? I mean is it hot?

Speed: *blinks*

Calleigh: Well I should probably get out of this gun vault before I pass out. *pulls on door* Whew, lookie here, someone's locked it.

Speed: You locked it.

Calleigh: Well maybe it's for the better.

Speed: You want to be locked in here forever?

Calleigh: Not forever, just...Until the heat dies down.

Speed: This lab is air conditioned.

Calleigh: *tugs on lock* Why won't you OPEN!

Speed: It needs a key.

Calleigh: I don't have a key.

Speed: You dropped it on the floor when you tripped on that box.

Calleigh: *picks up key* LOOK! A KEY! I found it.

Speed: Good.

Calleigh: *laughs nervously* That thing just doesn't want to get in there.

Speed: Maybe you should slow down and breathe.

Calleigh: *sigh* I am slowed down. I am the slowest slow person in the south.

Speed: If you say so.

Calleigh: *opens lock* There. *opens gun vault*

Speed: *stares at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *looks up* ...Um...*laughs* Well I...Um...Have to g- *trips on door* AH!

Speed: *catches Calleigh* Maybe you should watch where you're walking.

Calleigh: ...Well I guess my legs are just all...Shaky and woohoo for some reason. It must be the heat.

Speed: Must be.

Delko: *walks in* Man you should have seen how mad Yelina looked when I walked in th-...

Speed: *lets go of Calleigh*

Calleigh: *smirks*

Delko: *smiles*

Speed: She fell.

Calleigh: I fell.

Delko: You fell?

Calleigh: I fell. Those darn...Door things. *walks away*

Delko: *nods*

Speed: Don't.

Delko: Hey I'm not saying anything.

Speed: She tripped, what was I supposed to do, let her fall on her face?

Delko: Oh no we wouldn't want that.

Speed: Funny.

Delko: All I'm saying is be careful man. You shouldn't mess with a Duquesne.

Speed: I think she's the one who's having trouble keeping her head on her shoulders.

Delko: Oh man she's going to be so depressed when you leave again.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: I don't see why you're so surprised.

Speed: What are you talking about?

Delko: Well...Why do you think so many women apply to be transfered to Trace?

Speed: It's a shame none of them want to be transfered to Underwater Recovery.

Delko: *laughs*

Speed: Yeah laugh it up. *leaves*

Delko: ...Hey...Wait okay no I didn't understand, what was the question? *walks away*

Haha, aww poor Delko didn't get it. lol. But oh man there are simply to many parts of that chapter to say it was mt favorite. I'd just be posting the whole thing over again. lol. I did however love this part though..

Calleigh: I fell. Those darn...Door things. *walks away*

Delko: *nods*

Speed: Don't.

Delko: Hey I'm not saying anything.

Speed: She tripped, what was I supposed to do, let her fall on her face?

Delko: Oh no we wouldn't want that.

Speed: Funny.

Geni, you crack me up. You've brightend up my day further. Update soon please!
:lol: Oh man don't laugh too much, you'll sprain something. :p

Should I Leave You My Key

Atrium 2 hours later

Speed: Hey you paged me?

Calleigh: You still have a pager?

Speed: Yeah. What's up?

Calleigh: I think we need to talk.

Speed: Uh oh, are you breaking up with me?

Calleigh: *smiles* Stop that.

Speed: Sorry.

Calleigh: Um...*sits* Well...

Speed: *sits* What?

Calleigh: You know how I missed you right?

Speed: Yeah Eric told me everything.

Calleigh: *sigh* I told him not to tell you anything.

Speed: Well we all know Eric.

Calleigh: Well the reason that I've been acting all weird is because...Well I thought it was because you came back and I was happy but...

Speed: You can tell me.

Calleigh: *looks down* Well...I think I kind of...Sort of...Love you.

Speed: Oh...Kay.

Calleigh: I know how it sounds, but I don't know what to do. I have been thinking about this for weeks and everytime I think about it, I just feel like jumping out of my own skin and I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't do my job, I mean...You're all I think about.

Speed: ....Whoa.

Calleigh: I know, and you're married and you're going to have a baby and you've got this whole life out there for you and it just makes me want to scream because I can't do anything about it.

Speed: ...I thought this was just a...Thing you'd get over.

Calleigh: So did I but it's so much more and that's what scares me.

Speed: Didn't you feel like this around Hagen?

Calleigh: *laughs* Not even close.

Speed: Um...Okay look if I wasn't married right now, I'd be going all Tom Cruise on you, but this is a completely different situation.

Calleigh: I know.

Speed: The fact is, I've moved on with my life, and I don't feel that way about you anymore. I don't want to give you any hope because this would never work.

Calleigh: *nods* I understand. I'm sorry.

Speed: No, I'm sorry. I can't return your feelings, and I probably never will. I uh...I have to leave. I'm sorry. *stands, walks away*

Calleigh: *looking down at floor* ...Okay.

Trace Lab

Delko: Hey did you meet Calleigh?

Speed: Yeah I did.

Delko: Did she tell you everything?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: What did you tell her?

Speed: I told her the truth.

Delko: She must be feeling like crap.

Speed: I know.

Delko: Man, she probably won't even want to look at you.

Speed: I get it Eric.

Delko: Are you going to tell Katie?

Speed: What? Why would I tell her? She'd just get all suspicious and watch me like a hawk all day.

Delko: Does she have anything to worry about?

Speed: *looks down at table* I don't know.

Delko: *frowns* You're kidding me.

Speed: Look, it's complicated.

Delko: You're married.

Speed: Yeah okay I know. Don't you think that thought crossed my mind?

Delko: Obviously not.

Speed: I'm not going to do anything.

Delko: Yeah that's what you said last time.

Speed: Okay well for starters, my vows actually mean something to me so you can forget about me doing that again.

Delko: What about Calleigh?

Speed: What about her?

Delko: She was a wreck before, imagine her now.

Speed: She knew it wouldn't work. She told me that.

Delko: Yeah but she's not going to just flip a switch and stop loving you.

Calleigh: *walks in* Eric, I need that trace I collected from the gun.

Delko: Yeah the results are right there.

Calleigh: *picks up paper* It's gun cleaning oil.

Delko: Yeah and it's the cheap stuff.

Calleigh: Do we have a brand?

Delko: Not yet, I'm still narrowing it down.

Calleigh: I'll check in later. *leaves*

Delko: Whoa, she must be mad. She didn't even look at you.

Speed: *frowns* She wasn't mad, she was crying.

Delko: That's even worse.

Speed: Yeah I'm aware of that.

Delko: So...Go comfort her or something.

Speed: Were you not part of this conversation? I just rejected her. She's not going to want comfort from me. You do it.

Delko: Crying women make me nervous.

Speed: So?

Delko: *sigh* Fine. But we get to insult you and throw darts at a picture of you.

Speed: Do whatever you want.

Delko: I will. *leaves*

Speed: *sigh* This whole situation feels like a bad country song. *leaves*

Teehee like a bad country song. Oh speedy. That made me giggle lol. Aww I still can't help but feel sorry for Calleigh. But its not my fault she said have said something sooner. Before the whole Aisle Five ordeal. lol. Update soon please.
A yes, a very bad country song...

Delko: *sigh* Fine. But we get to insult you and throw darts at a picture of you.
Speed: Do whatever you want.
Delko: I will. *leaves*

No offence Katie, but that sounds like a lot of fun. Hey Geni! Great updates, you really rock at the whole story line thing and I'm gonna be all late and say AWWW that was so cute that speed saved katie's life and all that jazz. Come back soon, please!
Thanks for reviewing! And...I'm going to just...Update now. :lol:

Like A Hurricane

Gun vault

Calleigh: *sitting on floor*

Delko: *walks in* Hey.

Calleigh: *throws gun*

Delko: Whoa.

Calleigh: I hate men.

Delko: Well I'm not too fond of them either. *sits on floor*

Calleigh: *wipes eyes* You don't have to be here Eric, I'm a big girl.

Delko: Yeah but I don't like to see you upset.

Calleigh: *smiles* That's so sweet.

Delko: So what are you going to do now?

Calleigh: Throw guns.

Delko: You might hurt someone.

Calleigh: Do we have any chocolate?

Delko: ...I could run out and get some for you.

Calleigh: No, if you leave then I'll have to sit here by myself.

Delko: I'll get Missy and Carly and Anni to get you some.

Calleigh: And then can they come in here and hang out?

Delko: Sure.

25 minutes later


Calleigh: You're not allowed to have alcohol in the lab.

Anni: Who's going to know?

Delko: So Calleigh, here's your chocolate.

Carly: I bought it! I bought it!

Calleigh: Aww that's so nice. Thank you.

Missy: BA! *attacks Delko*

Delko: AH!

Missy: I haven't seen you in days! *hugs Delko*

Delko: Oof. *falls on floor*

Calleigh: You guys are such good friends.

Carly: Well we try.

Anni: Yeah you don't need...Who are you after?

Calleigh: Tim.

Anni: You don't need Tim to have a good time. Alcohol is your friend.

Calleigh: *laughs*

2 hours later


Carly: I'M DRUNK!

Anni: Whoa the floor has speckles in it. I wonder where the speckles came from. Do the guns poop?


Anni: I didn't know that.

Carly: I'm an Australian Bill Nye.

Speed: *walks in* ...What are you guys doing? Horatio's going to be back soon.


Speed: Eric?

Delko: Don't worry, I'm the designated sane person. *walks over*

Speed: Guys can you give Calleigh and I a minute?

Anni: Fine, but I'm next. *pinches Speed's butt*

Speed: ...Please don't do that.

Anni: Alright lov-er. *walks away*

Everyone leaves

Speed: *sits down* Hey Cal.

Calleigh: *drinks beer* You want some?

Speed: No. I'm fine.

Calleigh: *strokes Speed's chest* You know, we never really got to say goodbye. I mean, since you're all...Married and stuff.

Speed: Maybe this isn't a good time.

Calleigh: No baby it's a perfect time. You see, I can't hold back my feelings anymore. They're just escaping with every beer can.

Speed: Unfortunately.

Calleigh: *pokes Speed* At least I'm not beating you up.

Speed: I doubt you could.

Calleigh: You doubt a Duqu....What was my last name again?

Speed: Duquesne.

Calleigh: Aw it sounds so....Hot when you say it.

Speed: I'm sure it does.

Calleigh: Can't you just pretend not to be married for a few minutes?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: Aw come on. *kisses Speed's cheek*

Speed: *stands* Calleigh this isn't the best course of action for you.

Calleigh: *stands* Then why did you come here?

Speed: I came here to say I'm sorry.

Calleigh: Apology accepted. *pushes Speed into wall*

Speed: *wide-eyed* Uh...You know I don't love you.

Calleigh: Really.

Speed: Yeah really.

Calleigh: You know, technically this won't count because I'm drunk. You have an excuse.

Speed: What are you t-

Calleigh: *kisses Speed*


oh my I feel so so sorry for Calleigh right now, she is in love with Speed and he rejected her (crying) It is nice to see that Speed is loyal to Katie now...but it's also sad to see Calleigh unhappy.

great update Geni ! :D can't wait for the next one.
Now there's the talleigh action i've been waiting for! Oh snap! i forgot Speed's married...*clears throat* anyway...Anni...pinching Speed's butt was hilarious! And its not far everyone got drunk expect Katie. And Katie is awesome when she's drunk!
Calleigh's kissed Speed!! oh oh i smell trouble here I hope things don't get screwed up between Katie and Speed *fingers crossed* but hey Calleigh's doing what all us Speed fans want to do...kiss him cause he is so hot!!!!.

Anyway another fab update Geni :D
Missy: BA! *attacks Delko*
Delko: AH!
Missy: I haven't seen you in days! *hugs Delko*
Delko: Oof. *falls on floor*

Ack! you are mine! Carly, pass the booze! *laughs hystarically* I swear I haven't been drinking...today.

Delko: Don't worry, I'm the designated sane person. *walks over*
Yes, but sanity is so over rated! Keep up the great work Geni!
^ :lol: Thanks Missy.

And thanks calleighspeedle. :D You know, I should have waited to post that other chapter like I said I would...I promise I'll be slower. :lol:

And yeah it's not a party without drunk Katie! *shakes fist*

Workin' Man


Delko: No guys! Put down the microscope!

Carly: Look, I made a hat. *puts microscope on head*

Anni: *giggling hysterically*

Missy: *on one of the tables* ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT! GENTLY DOWN THE STREAM!

Delko: No! Get off of there! Carly, get that off your head! Anni stop climbing there!

Carly: *microscops falls off head* Whoa! Guys we're being attacked by the Nazis!

Anni: *screaming*


Carly: Quick! Protect yourself with these goggles!

Anni: *sticks goggles on head* Whoa, the world just went orange! This is so cool! Hey Delko you look like a tomato.

Delko: Take those off. *sigh* Where's Speed? NO! CARLY PUT THAT DOWN! PUT THAT DOWN!

Carly: I'M A LIZARD! *licks walls*

Delko: *rubs eyes* This isn't fair. Why couldn't I get drunk and be stupid?

Anni: If the Nazi's attack the lab, do we get hazard pay?

Carly: *giggling* The walls are melting.



Delko: DON'T F-

Missy: *falls off* WHOA! The ground just ATE ME!

Delko: *runs over* Are you alright?

Missy: I think I broke that thinking thing.

Delko: Your brain?

Missy: Yeah.

Delko: You look fine.

Missy: Why thank you.

Delko: *smiles*

Missy: *giggles*

Carly: *making gun sounds* DIE!

Anni: AH! YOU GOT ME! MAN DOWN! *falls down* Whoa, haha I hit my head.

Carly: I'M OUT OF BULLETS! *throws microscope*

Horatio: *standing in doorway* ...What is going on in here?

Delko: *looks up* ...Oh lord.

Horatio: *frowns* Eric...

Delko: *runs over* Uh, we were just...Comforting Calleigh.

Horatio: *looks around* What happened to the ballistics lab?

Delko: ...Nazis?

Horatio: I left for two hours and everything went to h-

Delko: Hell?

Horatio: In so many words.

Delko: Well we kind of...Got carried away.

Horatio: You're going to spend the next week cleaning up in here.

Delko: Dangit.

Horatio: Where's Speed and Calleigh?

Speed: *runs over* Right here.

Horatio: Where were you?

Speed: ...Gun vault.

Calleigh: *runs over* Hey the red-head's here! ...And he doesn't look happy.

Horatio: No he doesn't. Where were you?

Calleigh: ...Gun vault.

Horatio: I see.

Delko: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *stares at Eric*

Delko: *lifts brows*

Speed: *shrugs*

Delko: *shakes head*

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Horatio: Clean this up. *leaves*

Delko: Tell me you didn't d-

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: *giggles*


Anni: Is it my turn next?

Missy: Let's pass around Eric for a while.

Delko: No. You guys clean this up and I don't care if you're too drunk to walk. Just do it.

Carly: You sound like a Nike commercial.

Delko: *leaves*

Speed: Oh great. *leaves*

Calleigh: Do we still have chocolate?

Carly: *passes over box*


Speed: Eric! Eric stop.

Delko: I can't believe you did that man. What were you thinking?

Speed: I wasn't.

Delko: Well I hope you enjoyed it. Because when Katie's done with you, you'll be living out the rest of your life like a priest.

Speed: Katie doesn't have to know.

Delko: Here we go again.

Speed: Look, Calleigh won't remember it, everyone else won't remember anything and you and I are the only ones who will know. So we don't have to tell Katie.

Delko: Why?

Speed: Come on man, you're my best friend.

Delko: Oh I am? I'm suddenly your best friend when you need something.

Speed: You know how this looks.

Delko: Yeah and it's looking pretty bad.

Speed: Don't tell her.

Delko: I have to man, I'm not going to keep it from her.

Speed: Come on...I mean, we're both guys here right?

Delko: Okay...Not once have I ever heard you speak like that.

Speed: *nods* I know.

Delko: Do you love her?

Speed: Calleigh?

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: No.

Delko: Then what the hell are you doing?

Speed: I don't know.

Delko: That's not an answer.

Speed: Please don't tell her.

Delko: Alright fine. I won't say anything. But if this comes back to bite me in the butt, it's your fault.

Speed: Agreed.

Delko: *shakes head* I have work to do. *walks away*

Speed: Yeah see you later.

Cell phone rings

Speed: Oh great. *opens phone* Yeah it's Speed.

Katie: Hey I thought you were on your way home.

Speed: I got...Side-tracked.

Katie: Doing what?

Speed: Uh...I had to help Eric out on a case.

Katie: Oh cool. What case?

Speed: Just your good old everyday homicide.

Katie: Did you have fun?

Speed: Oh yeah lots of fun.

Katie: So are you on your way back yet?

Speed: Yeah in a few minutes.

Katie: Alright.

Speed: Bye. *closes phone* Great.

haha whoa, Speed's an ass! I would think Delko would talk like that. Not Speed. And you know this whole new life thinger is really working out! lol. You know it erks me because he makes a big deal when I cheated that one time! But ohhh nooooooo he can do it with Calleigh a billion times, and Anni and and and...and.....yeah! lol. Anyways that's a very interesting update and Missy...seriously licking the walls was that really necassary? lol. Update soon please.
Delko: DON'T F-
Missy: *falls off* WHOA! The ground just ATE ME!
Delko: *runs over* Are you alright?
Missy: I think I broke that thinking thing.
Delko: Your brain?
Missy: Yeah.
Delko: You look fine.
Missy: Why thank you.
Delko: *smiles*
Missy: *giggles*

YES!!! That is what I've been waiting for!! You are my hero Geni!
The Nazis are attacking, quick break out the...I have no idea.
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