CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Nice updates, I always wondered what it'd be like if Calleigh got smashed in the lab. Interesting outcome, meaning I find it funny that Calleigh couldn't remember her name.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Katie had a baby girl awwwwwww!, It's nice to see Speed and Katie getting along again but for how long? :confused:

3 great updates and I am looking forward to more Geni :D

Keep it up!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks for the great feedback!

It's nice to hear from you Trevor :) I'm glad you found hammered Calleigh amusing. :p

Carly you crack me up! ...But this James guy does sound kind of...Nice doesn't he? :lol:

LtKitty, that Horatio part is one of my favorites. :devil: (Even as I've said before, I'm not fond of mean Horatio) But there comes a time and a place for mean kickass Horatio and that was the time. :D

And Katie isn't it great to wake up to three updates? Oh my stars I've been busy. :eek: I guess that's where slight insomnia and obsessive compulsive disorder gets you. :rolleyes: ...But other than that I seem pretty normal right? I've only been at this story for a year. :lol:

You Are Out There Breathing

Police Department

Delko: So...Did you sleep well?

Speed: *looking through files* Yeah.

Delko: Where did you sleep?

Speed: In my bed.

Delko: Your bed.

Speed: In a seperate room if that's what you're asking.

Delko: Well I just thought that maybe you and Katie and sparked something.

Speed: Sparks lead to explosions.

Delko: So you're not going to re-kindle the relationship?

Speed: There's no relationship Eric.

Delko: Yeah but there's something there right?

Speed: *hands paper to Eric* Read that and find a lead.

Delko: What is it?

Speed: Witness statements.

Delko: *looks down at paper* We know this isn't going to lead us to him.

Speed: It's still something.

Delko: So this is your way of saying 'no there's nothing there'?

Speed: No. This is my way of saying do your job or go back to Miami.

Delko: I see.

Horatio: *walks over* Gentlemen, do we have anything?

Delko: We're still looking.

Speed: I might have something. *hands picture to Horatio*

Horatio: *looks down* He was at the club.

Speed: The statement says his name is Peter Juarez.

Horatio: But we know it isn't right?

Speed: That's Juan Valdez.

Horatio: So Valdez and Gravano meet at the club downtown, only to get into an argument over something and a bouncer ends up meeting his fate.

Delko: Maybe he was trying to break up the fight and got caught in the middle.

Horatio: That seems to be the story around the club.

Speed: Did anyone see where they both took off?

Horatio: As soon as bullets started flying, everyone hit the floor.

Speed: Great. So we have nothing.

Horatio: We know they're both in California and that they were meeting. We also know that since they had an argument, they have a reason to give each other up.

Delko: Great, so let's find Valdez. He seems to be the weeker link right?

Horatio: Let's do that. *walks away*

Delko: *smirks*

Speed: ...What?

Delko: Nothing.

Speed: You made a face.

Delko: I didn't make a face.....Your daughter's cute.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Delko: What? She is.

Speed: Babies are cute so that their parents don't kill them before they become adults.

Delko: How do you know?

Speed: It's a guess.

Delko: Do you think she's cute?

Speed: Keep working Eric.

Delko: I want to know.

Speed: You want to know a lot of things.

Delko: That's why I became a CSI.

Speed: No that's why you're irritating.

Delko: Hey OH! I found something.

Speed: What?

Delko: This witness statement says the guy saw them running out the back door. I think it's because it was the closest door.

Speed: ...Gee thanks for that fine forensic explanation.

Delko: It's worth looking into right?

Speed: What are you hoping to find?

Delko: I don't know...Treads, DNA...

Speed: ..DNA. What are you going to do with DNA?

Delko: I don't know.

Speed: This is why you're a level one.

Delko: Alright Horatio tell me what I should do.

Speed: Keep looking through the statements.

Delko: *flips through page* Whoa...Whoa hold on I have something.

Speed: What?

Delko: *picks up paper* James Phelps.

Speed: So?

Delko: He works at an ad agency downtown.

Speed: ...I thought he was supposed to be in Chicago.

Delko: I guess you're not the only one who lies to Katie.

Speed: *grabs paper* Apparently he called 911 after the bouncer took one to the head.

Delko: So we should go talk to him. I wonder what else he's lying about.

Speed: Yeah, come on.

Ad Agency

Speed: *walks in*

Delko: Wow, how are we going to start this?

Speed: Alright which one of you is James!

Back of the room

James: *stands up* I am!

Delko: Do you have to do that every time?

Speed: It works. *walks over* Yeah, are you James Phelps?

James: Yeah, what's this about officers?

Speed: I'm Tim Speedle, this is Eric Delko. We need to know where you were yesterday.

James: Speedle? Are you related to Katie?

Speed: What are you talking about?

James: She has the same last name as you champ.

Speed: Good for her. Where were you yesterday?

James: I was downtown at a club.

Delko: Did you call 911 from that club?

James: Yeah the bouncer was killed by this mob-looking guy.

Delko: Do you know what happened?

James: Yeah the one guy was arguing with the latino-looking guy. They were yelling about something in spanish, and then the one guy pulls out a gun. Everyone around them freaked, I even hit the floor.

Speed: About what time was that?

James: Maybe...Four thirty.

Speed: Well a little bird told me that you were in Chicago yesterday.

James: Yeah I was on the plane yesterday coming back. I didn't get back until three.

Delko: What were you doing at the club?

James: Having fun like everyone else. Look, am I in some sort of trouble?

Speed: What's your relationship with Katie?

Delko: *looks at Speed*

James: Uh...We're really good friends, why?

Speed: Really good friends.

James: Yeah, what's this about? Is she in trouble?

Speed: Are you sleeping with her?

Delko: *clears throat*

James: *frowns* No. Really, what is this about?

Speed: It's about murder.

James: How does my relationship with Katie make this about murder?

Speed: That depends how you answer the questions.

James: *smiles* Wait...Are you her ex-husband?

Speed: I didn't say that.

James: But you are right? What are you, stalking her now?

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Whoa, okay guys just chill for a second. Hey Tim can I speak to you outside?

Speed: Sure.


Delko: What are you doing?

Speed: I'm asking questions.

Delko: No you're harrassing the witness.

Speed: He had something to do with it, I know it.

Delko: Maybe he did, maybe he didn't but you can't just throw around questions like that.

Speed: If he's working with Gravano, he might have been told to befriend Katie. We know that he was after her before, maybe he's after her again.

Delko: And maybe this guy is innocent. We run with the evidence, not half-assed theories.

Speed: I know.

Delko: What has gotten into you?

Speed: Nothing, I'm fine.

Delko: *sigh* Let's just get back in there, and get some answers okay?

Speed: Okay.

Delko: Are you okay?

Speed: I'm fine.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed is getting over protective about Katie? i think there is a little jealousy there...and he still never answered Delko about his daughter being cute? We all know babies are cute but is it possible that when he looks at the baby it reminds him of what he has done to Katie and the life that he is missing with them?

great update Geni as always :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

That is a strong possibility calleighspeedle, you're very perceptive. :D And thanks! :)

For Hating You I Blame Myself, Seeing You It Kills Me Now

Ad Agency

Delko: So, did you know these two guys?

James: No I hadn't seen them before. But like I said, I had just gotten back from Chicago so there's no way I would have been able to meet them.

Speed: How long were you in Chicago?

James: A few days.

Speed: Did Katie ever mention anything to you about a man named Louis Gravano?

James: No, why?

Speed: We think he might be here to hurt her.

James: She never mentioned anyone. Oh man...What if he hurts her baby? I'll never forgive myself.

Delko: Why?

James: Well I've been the only father figure in her life, and I'm all she's ever known.

Speed: *frowns*

James: I feel kind of responsible for her, you know?

Speed: How often are you over there?

James: Every day. And plus I kind of felt sorry for Katie. I mean, she was in an abusive relationship and she came to California with nothing.

Speed: That's what she told you.

James: Yeah. She obviously loved the guy but...Where was he when Lori was born, you know?

Speed: Yeah I get it. I'm going to need all of your client records.

James: Do you have a warrant?

Speed: We'll come back with one. *leaves*

James: What's his problem?

Delko: You don't even want to know. And uh, FYI, Katie's still married to her husband. They didn't divorce.

James: Ah.

Delko: Yeah see you later. *leaves*


Delko: Hey man are you okay?

Speed: Let's get that warrant and then check out the club. I want to see if they had security cameras outside.

Delko: ...Speed?

Speed: Yeah?

Delko: What that guy said in there, I'm sorry man.

Speed: Let's just solve the case. *gets in car*

Delko: ...Alright.

Police Department

Horatio: Status.

Speed: We might have a suspect.

Delko: His name is James Phelps, he was at the club yesterday when the shooting went down.

Horatio: Yes I recently checked into his history.

Speed: Really.

Horatio: He used to live in New York. As it turns out, he came to California to start a new life.

Speed: New life from what?

Horatio: Drugs and women.

Speed: What a standup citizen.

Horatio: He is now. No priors, nothing to tie him to the mob. It seems he's reformed.

Delko: We're trying to get a warrant for his client records. I think there's something he's not telling us.

Horatio: Okay let's work on that. Speed, did you get the club surveillance?

Speed: It's at the lab now.

Horatio: Excellent.

Ad Agency

Katie: *walks in* Hey James, sorry I was late. I had to leave the baby with a sitter.

James: Not a problem. I've had the strangest day.

Katie: Really? Why?

James: Two cops came in here asking about some guy named Louis.

Katie: ...I see.

James: Yeah, and one of them has the same last name as you. Are you two related?

Katie: No. What else did they want?

James: They were asking me about my relationship with you.

Katie: What did you tell them?

James: I said we were just friends.

Katie: Anything else?

James: They wanted my client records.

Katie: Did you give it to them?

James: No, they're going to need a warrant.

Katie: *sits in chair* You shouldn't have done that.

James: Why? It's the law.

Katie: Now they probably suspect you have something to do with this whole thing.

James: They can suspect all they want, but I'm telling you I didnt do anything wrong.

Katie: ...What did you tell them about Lori?

James: I told them that I'm like a father to her.

Katie: ...*sigh* Okay.

James: Why, is that bad?

Katie: No, no of course not.

James: What?

Katie: If you had anything to do with this, you have to tell me.

James: With what?

Katie: Louis Gravano.

James: I don't even know who he is.

Katie: Are you sure you've never met him before?

James: Positive. What's wrong?

Katie: Can I see your client list?

James: You don't trust me.

Katie: I do trust you, but I just need to make sure.

James: Alright. *walks to desk*

Katie: Thank you.

James: *hands over papers*

Katie: *flips through pages*

James: Happy?

Katie: Yeah. I'm sorry.

James: I would never want to hurt you or Lori. You know that.

Katie: I know.

James: I have some work to finish, so I'll be right over here.

Katie: Okay.

Katie's house, 7 pm

Katie: *runs in* I am so sorry I'm late. I had to pick up Lori from the sitter.

Delko: It's okay. Did you work late?

Katie: Yeah. *frowns* Tim I need to talk to you.

Speed: Go ahead.

Katie: You spoke to James today.

Speed: Yeah, about that I-

Katie: I think you're right. There's something wrong with this picture.

Speed: ...Say again?

Katie: I got a chance to look at his client records today. Juan Valdez was on that list.

Delko: So he was lying.

Speed: How did you get his client records?

Katie: I asked him. And I'm sorry about what he said to you, he told me everything.

Speed: Are you sure Valdez' name was on that list?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: Good. I'll tell Horatio tomorrow.

Katie: Did you want any dinner?

Speed: No. I'm just going to...Take a walk. *leaves*

Katie: What's wrong with him?

Delko: I don't know.

Katie: Is he mad at me?

Delko: Probably not, but I can never tell.

Katie: *leaves*

Delko: Um...Okay so should I just take care of he baby then!


Katie: Tim!

Speed: *stops walking* What?

Katie: I'm sorry about what James said. And I'm sorry if I made you look like a bad father.

Speed: You know what? He's right. I wasn't there and she doesn't deserve someone like me.

Katie: Tim that's not true.

Speed: Look, I could care less what James thinks about me. What matters is what you think about me, and now I know.

Katie: Okay you screwed up and I was angry at you and I said some things that I shouldn't have said. But there is no way in hell that I think you're a bad father.

Speed: ....I wish I shared your confidence. *walks away*

Katie: *angry sigh*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Looks like Katie and Speed have things to talk about. Speed thinks he is a bad father for not being there when Lori was born...maybe if he treated Katie better then she wouldn't have had to move away. I do hope thing with start to work out for them, it is very clear the still have strong feelings for one another I hope they get back together *fingers crossed*

smashing update Geni looking forward to the next update. :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Aww poor Speedy thinks he's a bad father. Well techincally...he is. But not...at the same time. lol. I come home from school with 2 updates! heck yes! lol. But hmm...Gravano wasn't on James' list but Valdez was. That's still bad. lol. I just hope that maniac stays away. Its not my fault I married a guy who's father was a mobster. lol. Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Okay never ever listen to 'Where'd You Go' by Fort Minor if you're going to read these chapters. It makes life that much more depressing. *cries* :lol:

And you're both right, but calleighspeedle, even more so. (Sorry Katie. :p) It's pretty clear that they both have feelings for each other. (Tries not to give anything away) We just don't know if they'll ever make up, or if things have become too complicated. Only time can tell. ;)

I Don't Understand Why You Have To Always Be Gone

Down The Street...And Of Course It's Raining

Katie: Where are you going?

Speed: I don't know.

Katie: You don't know?

Speed: I just...Want to get away from you.

Katie: Why? What's so bad about me!

Speed: *turns around* I've been trying to forget you for almost a year!

Katie: And what do you think I've been doing? I've been sitting alone in an empty house!

Speed: YOU LEFT!

Katie: YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME A CHOICE! You want to know why I left you? I was afraid of you. I WAS AFRAID OF YOU!

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: I finally got over you and I was doing something with my life. And now you're back and I don't know what to do. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!

Speed: I DON'T KNOW!


Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: GET OUT OF MY LIFE! *runs back up to the house, slams door*

Speed: *looks up at house* Okay. *walks away*


Katie: *walks into kitchen* Hey Eric, sorry I was gone so long.

Delko: You need a tissue or something?

Katie: No.

Delko: All I heard was screaming out there, are you guys okay?

Katie: No we're not okay.

Delko: Oh...I'm sorry.

Katie: I told him I hate him.

Delko: What did he say?

Katie: Nothing.

Delko: Do you hate him?

Katie: Of course not. *sigh* I'm so stupid.

Delko: *hugs Katie* You're not stupid. If anyone's stupid, it's me.

Katie: *laughs*

Delko: See? Now there's the Katie I know.

Katie: Thanks Eric.

Delko: No problem. Now you get dried, and I'll make sure everything in here is clean and taken care of.

Katie: You don't have to.

Delko: What are friends for?

Katie: *smirks* Thank you.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

What is Calleighspeedle more right at then I am? I'm so confuzzled. lol.

But awww I don't hate Timmy. I just...yeah who am I kidding I don't hate him. I mean its Tim Speedle for crying out loud you'd have to have like...you'd...I dunno you'd just have to be crazy to hate him.

And yeah listening to Where'd You Go does NOT help while reading the updates.

Speed: *turns around* I've been trying to forget you for almost a year!

Katie: And what do you think I've been doing? I've been sitting alone in an empty house!

Speed: YOU LEFT!

Katie: YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME A CHOICE! You want to know why I left you? I was afraid of you. I WAS AFRAID OF YOU!

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. That was my favorite part for some reason. And HA I win I got a hug from Delko.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Aww yeah that was my favorite part too. *snif* Poor guys...And Speed just kind of left. :lol: At least he listened. :p

Tired Of Sittin' And Hatin' And Making These Excuses

Underground club

Speed: *walks to counter* Hey.

Bartender: You lookin' for someone?

Speed: Louis Gravano.

Bartender: You a cop?

Speed: Of course not. Are you a cop?

Bartender: *laughs* Yeah right if I was a cop, I wouldn't be here making tip money.

Speed: Is Louis here?

Bartender: Who wants to know?

Speed: A friend.

Bartender: Louis doesn't have many friends.

Speed: That's nice. I want to talk to him.

Bartender: Why?

Speed: It's none of your business, so either get him or deal with me.

Bartender: Alright hold on. *leaves behind door*

Speed: *looks around*

Bartender: *walks out* He'll see you now.

Speed: I wouldn't expect anything less. *walks into room*

Bartender: *closes door*

Louis: *smiles* Tim. How good of you to drop by.

Speed: I want to know why you're here.

Louis: I'm here rolling smokes. You want one?

Speed: No. Why are you in California? You got away.

Louis: I miss the sun.

Speed: Yeah sure you do. *sits down*

Louis: Have you come here to turn me in?

Speed: No, you'll get caught eventually. I want to know what that argument was about.

Louis: What argument?

Speed: You murdered a bouncer over it. It must have been quite a fight.

Louis: Valdez and I don't exactly see eye-to-eye on everything.

Speed: Are you going to hurt Katie again?

Louis: Are you worried that I will?

Speed: We don't exactly see eye-to-eye anymore either.

Louis: I hear you have a little baby girl now. It's too bad that your happy family isn't exactly happy.

Speed: Who told you?

Louis: I think you've met James before. *points to back room*

Speed: *stands, looks through window*

James is seen in a chair, tied and gagged

Speed: Did he spit on your shoe or something?

Louis: The poor guy has a soul. He didn't want to do a hit so now he's paying the price.

Speed: He doesn't want to kill Katie.

Louis: We were having trouble in that department.

Speed: You need a new hitman?

Louis: *laughs* ...Is that an offer?

Speed: *shrugs*

Louis: You'd kill your own wife.

Speed: That depends on the price.

Louis: Twenty grand.

Speed: Not enough.

Louis: Thirty?

Speed: No.

Louis: Fifty.

Speed: It's going to cost you a lot more than that.

Louis: Two million.

Speed: You don't have two million.

Louis: *puts out cigar* How much do you think I have?

Speed: How many people have you killed?

Louis: *laughs* Enough to buy the state of California.

Speed: How do I know you haven't already bought it?

Louis: Because I like to keep my assets close. Ten million, my best offer.

Speed: No deal.

Louis: Oh come on Timmy boy, it's not even slightly tempting?

Speed: Maybe.

Louis: So why do you want to kill her again?

Speed: The same reason you kill people. You're angry at them.

Louis: Did you two have a lovers quarrel?

Speed: Something like that.

Louis: So what happens to your little girl?

Speed: If you double it, I'll take her out.

Louis: Twenty million?

Speed: Now that's a price.

Louis: You're crazy.

Speed: Tell me where Valdez is hiding and you'll only have to pay half.

Louis: Why do you want to know where he is?

Speed: It's personal.

Louis: You want to kill him too.

Speed: Your words, not mine.

Louis: Alright boy, you've made yourself a deal. Valdez is downtown near Sunset in a small apartment. Number 30.

Speed: Thanks.

Louis: I'll give you five million up front, and the rest after I see the crime scene photos.

Speed: You got it.

Louis: *grabs briefcase* Here you go.

Speed: Open it.

Louis: *opens briefcase*

Speed: How much is there exactly?

Louis: Five million dollars, not a dollar less. Oh and don't shoot the baby. I want to see a nice corpse.

Speed: Oh you'll see a nice corpse.

Louis: Good.

Speed: I'll be seeing you soon.

Louis: Hope so.

Speed: *leaves*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

What...I...when I said get out of life I didn't mean kill me! And Lori! What did she ever do to you? What Touch your face Speed man? Oh yeah that's right she laughed at you!

Man I choked on my twizzler when I read that. SO not cool. lol. Geni this is getting really good I can't wait for more.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Katie you crack me up.

And before, the reason why calleighspeedle is more 'correct' than you is because she pretty much had it right on so...That's pretty much it. :p

It's Been Forever That You've Been Gone. Please Come Back Home

Horatio's hotel room

Speed: *knocks on door*

Horatio: *opens door* Speed, what are you doing here this early in the morning?

Speed: Nice PJs.

Horatio: Is there something you needed?

Speed: *pulls out tape recorder* You wanted to get Gravano right?

Horatio: You saw him?

Speed: Saw and had a little conversation. I got enough out of him to convict him.

Horatio: Where is he?

Speed: An underground club downtown.

Horatio: What about Valdez?

Speed: I got his address.

Horatio: Well...Good job.

Speed: Now, I'd like to go back to Miami if that's alright with you.

Horatio: Well we're not going to be leaving for a few days. So go get some rest and we'll get Louis tomorrow.

Speed: Okay.

Horatio: Good job.

Speed: Thanks.

Horatio: *closes door*

Speed: *nods* Now I've got you, you son of a bitch. *walks away*

Katie's house

Katie: She's asleep already?

Delko: Yeah it's crazy. Does she ever sleep this well?

Katie: No. Well, last week she had a cold so maybe she's getting over it.

Delko: Speaking of getting over things...Are you and Speed ever going to...

Katie: I don't know if I ever want to see him again.

Delko: Does that mean I have to go back to Miami and have him crying all night on my couch?

Katie: Maybe you should just kick him out.

Delko: He's my friend.

Katie: Yeah.

Delko: Look, do you want him to be there for Lori so at least she knows she has a father, or are you going to erase him from your lives completely?

Katie: I haven't decided yet.

Delko: One of you has to take the finger off the trigger.

Katie: ...I know.

Delko: So who's going to be first?

Katie: What if he just leaves again?

Delko: I guess you'll have to take that risk.

Katie: Gee thanks Horatio.

Delko: *laughs*

Katie: So how exactly am I going to even talk to him if he left?

Delko: Oh yeah, I uh...Called him.

Katie: *smiles* Eric you are the best friend in the world.

Delko: Oh I know. I'll be downstairs playing pool. *leaves*

Katie: Yeah don't scratch the surface because I don't want to replace that again.

Knock on the door is heard

Katie: *walks to door, opens it* ...Hey.

Speed: *sigh* Hey.

Katie: Come on in.

Speed: Thanks.

Katie: So Eric called you huh?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: Um...I...I-

Speed: *kisses Katie*

Katie: *closes eyes*

Few...Seconds later I'm guessing

Katie: *backs up* ...Ahem...Um...Whew...*clears throat* Th-that sure explains a lot.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Katie: Oh no don't be sorry. Heck you can do that whenever you want. *coughs* Well, there was something I was supposed to tell you and I completely forgot.

Speed: *hugs Katie*

Katie: *sigh* Man you don't even need words to communicate. This is great. I married a mute.

Speed: *whispers* I love you.

Katie: ....Are your legs feeling wobbly? My legs are all wobbly.

Speed: *lets go*

Katie: *sits down* Okay I know there was supposed to be something I was going to say but now it has completely...Um...Okay I just forgot what I was going to say.

Speed: *sits down* I'm sorry for everything.

Katie: I know.

Speed: I don't expect you to take me back or anything so I just wanted to tell you that I love you.

Katie: *stares at Speed* ...Haha..Ha...*sigh* Wow.

Speed: Maybe I should come back in the morning when you learn the alphabet.

Katie: NO! No, don't leave.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: *exhales* Alright here goes nothin'. I'm sorry I yelled at you, and I don't hate you, I love you except I was mad and you were yelling at me and that kind of scares me so I yell back and when I yell back it makes my head think I'm mad, so I got mad and I have to take my hand off the trigger and not kill you with my hate so I don't want you to leave and I hope you don't get mad at me again because then I'll probably start cryi-

Speed: *puts finger to Katie's lips* I get it.

Katie: Good.

Speed: So what now?

Katie: Um now you get your stuff and move back in.

Speed: We're not going to talk about this?

Katie: What's to talk about? I love you, you love me, we're a happy family.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: ...I was watching Barney today.

Speed: I think we're going to need some more time.

Katie: Are you kidding me? Are you...Seriously kidding me?

Speed: Why are you freaking out?

Katie: I'm not freaking out.

Speed: Yes you are.

Katie: No I-

Speed: *covers Katie's mouth* Okay...No more fights.

Katie: *nods*

Speed: *lets go*

Katie: So did you catch Louis yet?

Speed: We will in the morning. I tricked him into thinking I was going to murder you.

Katie: *laughs* Funny.

Speed: I'm serious.

Katie: ...Y-...TIM! *slaps Speed*

Speed: I wasn't actually going to murder you.


Speed: *smirks*

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Stop slapping me. That's abuse.

Katie: *narrows eyes*

Speed: *sigh* Fine.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Ow.

Katie: *laughs*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh, I don't care that she was right and I was wrong. I just didn't know what she was right and I was wrong about...and whoa I think I just confuzzled myself even more. lol.

But awwwwwwww! he's not going to kill me. That makes me feel loads better. lol. And I kept slapping him...well that's one way to releave anger I guess. lol. I loved Delko's reference to the whole "One of you has to let go of the trigger." thinger. That was cute.

Katie: What's to talk about? I love you, you love me, we're a happy family.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: ...I was watching Barney today.

That cracked me up to no end. lol. Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Katie: Um now you get your stuff and move back in.

Speed: We're not going to talk about this?

Katie: What's to talk about? I love you, you love me, we're a happy family.

Speed: *lifts brow*

After all that Katie and Speed have been through they have made up...that's love for ya!, just maybe some time apart for them is exactly what they've both needed to realise their feelings for each other. If it wasn't for Eric calling Speed over to the house they would probably just have drifted even further apart and little Lori would never have the chance to know her daddy.

Great update Geni you are a gem keep the updates coming :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*blushes* Aww calleighspeedle, you don't have to say that. :D ...Teehee I'm a gem...*flails*

And you are right once again. My stars you sure know this story inside and out. :p :lol: *sigh* My work here is done. :p

Nah, I'm kidding. :lol:

And it's good that they didn't grow further apart I suppose, and afterall they are married so...It's not like I could keep them apart very long. :D I guess the moral of the story is 'Honesty is the best policy' ...Well that and 'Don't beat your wife into oblivion'. :p

I Get Along, But The Days Always Feel So Long

3 am, Katie's bedroom

Noise is heard

Katie: *sits up* ...*looks around* ....Tim..

Speed: I heard it.

Katie: It was the window. Check the bassonette.

Speed: *gets out of bed*

Katie: Please tell me she's still there.

Speed: *looks down* ...Maybe I should stop angering the mob.

Katie: *jumps out of bed* Oh no. How did they get in here?

Speed: Did you leave the window open?

Katie: Oh do NOT blame this on me.

Speed: I'm not blaming you.

Katie: I swear to God if he touches her I'LL KILL HIM.

Speed: There's a note. *grabs paper*

Katie: What does it say?

Speed: It says...I called your bluff.

Katie: Bluff? What bluff?

Speed: He knows we're onto him.

Katie: So he took our CHILD? What do you say to someone that stupid?

Speed: I'll go talk to him.

Katie: Oh..Okay yeah you go talk to him and I'll stay here waiting for another note that says 'ps, your husband is stupid and got himself killed'.

Speed: I'm not going to get killed.

Katie: I'm coming with you.

Speed: No you're not. You're staying here and you're calling Horatio.

Katie: Don't tell me what to do.

Speed: Arguing isn't going to get her back any faster.

Katie: I know but it's just...It's one thing after another in this family. I'll kick his ass.

Speed: No, you won't.

Katie: Okay I know you haven't really known the kid very long or anything but I have a little thing called PATERNAL INSTINCT so excuse me if I freak out a little.

Phone rings

Speed: Oh great, a phone call. I wonder who it is. *picks up phone* What.

Louis: You have a very pretty girl.

Speed: *sigh* Okay what do you want?

Louis: You lied to me.

Speed: I didn't lie, I'm just...Procrastinating.

Louis: Yes I can see that. Sleeping with your estranged wife is quite the procrastination.

Speed: Do you have people outside our window or something?

Louis: How else did you expect me to take the child?

Speed: If I have to play one of your stupid games again I'm going to be very pissed when I find you.

Louis: We're both men, so let's talk.

Speed: About what?

Louis: A payment.

Speed: What kind of payment?

Louis: You. I'll return your daughter if you come down here.

Speed: And then what?

Louis: And then you die.

Speed: ...Okay I'll send Eric.

Louis: *laughs* That's very funny. I want you to come here with your wife. After you're dead, I'll return the baby.

Speed: Okay...I seem to be slightly confused. Why do I have to die again?

Louis: You betrayed me.

Speed: Ouch, harsh punishment. And why is Katie coming?

Louis: She's going to pull the trigger.

Speed: Uh...Excuse me?

Louis: It's either that or say goodbye to Lori.

Speed: Okay I'll be there.

Louis: Good.


Katie: So?

Speed: ...Uh...We have to go.

Katie: Where?

Speed: To get Lori. But don't worry because you'll both be fine.

Katie: What about you?

Speed: You kind of have to shoot me in the head.

Katie: ...But you won't live.

Speed: That's kind of the idea.

Katie: ...I don't think so.

Speed: You have to.

Katie: I-I don't think I can do this again.

Speed: Yes you can.

Katie: *hugs Speed* Okay.

Speed: Okay.

Underground club

Louis: Well hello to my favorite couple. Come here, and stay a while.

Door closes, locks

Louis: Anyone want a smoke?

Katie: *frowns* DIE!

Speed: *grabs Katie*

Louis: Ooh she's still feisty. I like that.


Louis: She's over here in the bassonette.

Katie: Oh yeah I carry those around in my pocket ALL the time.

Louis: Tim, sit in this chair.

Speed: *sits*

Katie: Wow you're more loyal to him than you are to me.

Speed: What?

Katie: Sorry I make jokes when I'm nervous.

Louis: No need to be nervous my dear. You're going to leave here with your daughter. Not a scratch on both of you.

Katie: Uh yeah I seem to have a problem with the whole 'killing my husband' thing.

Louis: Don't worry, it gets easier the more you do it.

Katie: I'd rather not do it at all.

Louis: Too bad. *gives gun to Katie* Do it or your daughter dies.

Katie: Wow, give me some more choices why dontcha.

Louis: Do it.

Katie: What are you, a cheerleader? Give me a few minutes.

Louis: You have three minutes, if you don't pull that trigger, Lori here dies.

Katie: Yeah you keep saying that. *points gun to Speed's head*

Speed: *looks up*

Katie: ...You know he should have called me when I was mad at you. It would have been much easier.

Speed: Really...Not...Funny.

Katie: ...You have a plan right?

Speed: None as far as I know.

Katie: So you're going to let me kill you?

Speed: If you both live, then yeah.

Katie: What if he decides to kill us after?

Speed: Yeah and what if Santa is real? Just pull the trigger.

Katie: How ironic.

Speed: What?

Katie: I'm the one that keeps telling you to not get shot and now I have to shoot you.

Speed: I think you can debate the irony later.

Louis: Two minutes.

Katie: Okay okay. Geez. Hey look on the bright side, it won't hurt.

Speed: *clears throat* Yeah.

Katie: Oh come on, can't I just wound him?

Louis: No.

Katie: Dangit. Hey Tim?

Speed: ...Yeah.

Katie: This might be a bad time to bring it up but...I think our relationship needs some more work.

Speed: If by any chance I survive a shot point blank to the head, I will never mention Africa again.

Katie: Yeah right like that would ever work out.

Speed: Yeah you're right.

Katie: Are you scared?

Speed: No.

Katie: You're a terrible liar.

Louis: One minute.

Katie: *cocks gun*

Speed: *closes eyes*

Katie: You think I'll go to jail for this?

Speed: Not helping.

Katie: I'm just thinking ahead.

Louis: Thirty seconds.

Speed: *sigh*

Katie: You don't think I could miss from here do you?

Speed: I guess your finger's back on the trigger huh?

Katie: Yeah wrong type of trigger.

Louis: Ten seconds.


Louis: Fine, five seconds.

Speed: Great, you shortened my life by five seconds.

Katie: I'm sorry.

Speed: Don't worry about it.

Louis: Three seconds.




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