CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great updates too bad you were offline when i got home from sobeys lol, anyway can't wait for more tty tomorrow i guess lol


okay now that that is done with again can't wait for more of your awsome rib splitting falling off chair rolling on the floor updates lol
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Okay, I just got through reading all the updates from today, and I was laughing so hard, I cried, then fell off my chair.....

I'm sure glad that they all made it out alive, and the thing about Calleigh sad because of her guns was so funny... And good lord,... CALLEIGH'S PREGNANT???? Let the massacre begin if Katie finds out.

The ENTIRE thing with JC and Horatio was simply hiliarious!!! And I mean, soda through the nose hilairious.:lol: I couldn't stop laughing if I tried. I could see them having this converstation and throwing glasses everywhere. Poor sunglass hut guy... He probably was looking on helplessly.

Anni will be with us too.

hahahah, and the chicken enters... Sweet! I got my first scene, although it seems I had waaaaaaaaay too many cups of coffee.


My randomness reigns supreme!!!!

Anni: AND SPEED'S HERE AND HE ALMOST TALKED TO ME! *falls into a puddle* Oh man, it's like I wet my pants. Well, technically I did.

Speed: *walks over* Finished?

Anni: ...Yes sir.

Speed: *grabs Anni's hand* Come on.

Anni: *screams*

Speed: *lets go* What?

Anni: You touched me! *jumps up and down*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Anni: Do it again.

Speed: Process the scene and you'll get a kiss.


Speed: No.

Anni: ...You play a twisted game. *grabs camera*

HAHAHA, I almost stroked out when I read that. Lord, imagine what I would do if he really kissed me. I haven't read what happened when he made out with me, so I'm pretty much in the dark here :lol:

Now the entire conversation with the three of us, is so choice, it's like one of those old time comedy routines, like Abbot and Costello's whose on first ( I just realized that no one probably knows who those geezers are ,...sorry) but it was sure as heck funny.

Anni: Ah man the coffee wore off. This sucks.

Speed: It's probably better for us.

Anni: Really?

Speed: Yeah.

I just love moments between Speed and I , kind of gives you a perspective of things... well maybe a stalker, stalkee perspective, but hey, at least it's a perspective. :p

Anni: *walks up* Okay guys, I didn't find anything but grass and mud. And the mud is slippery so sorry if the Hummer seats are full of mud when we get back.

Speed: Nice job.

Anni: Why thank you.

again, perspective :lol:

Geni, you have out done yourself in this bundle of chapters. So very soda through the nose worthy comedy. I absoultely loved it!! Can't wait to see what's next!!!

Ps, sorry about the long post, I wanted to make sure I got everything.

Pss ( but of course , I would love to get the second thread, that was rather awesome of you to ask ;) On ward!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

How about CSI: Miami RT#6: Drove Hard, Put Away Wet

I know...kinda weird oh well I tried. The actual saying is "rode hard, put away wet" Apparently the saying has to do about horses.

Good updates Geni. Nice action there with the lab bomb. And yes, you are getting better writing this. Lots and lots of practice has been paying off for you. It will be interesting to see how Horatio reacts when JC and crew finally find their way out of there.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Well, as they say, practice makes perfect. Even though this is not nearly perfect, I've been at it a while. :p

Anni, I don't mind the long posts at all! The more writing the merrier! :D I always love to see what people thought of the chapters, even if it's some bad news as well. :)

Alright, now I promised carole a storyline, so I'll get on that in the near future. Also, LtKitty, it's just a matter of time before you're added!

Um...Am I forgetting anything? Oh yeah! Thank you so much for the reviews, they're fab to read first thing in the morning. They make me so much more encouraged to write when I get home. - And the new thread name suggestions are awesome!

Anyway, I'll have more chapters soon!

EDIT: Well here, they are. :)

He Can't Speak...


Alexx: *smiles* Hey.

Calleigh: Hey, you prepped him already?

Alexx: Mhm, anything you needed to know?

Calleigh: *smiles* Well cause of death might be a good start.

Alexx: *points to body*

Anni: *runs in* I'M LATE!

Calleigh: *looks up*

Anni: Sorry I'm late. I got lost.

Calleigh: How did you get lost?

Anni: Actually the soda machine was calling out to me.

Alexx: *laughs* Cause of death was the blow to neck, severing the head. Death was instantaneous.

Calleigh: We found him naked.

Alexx: Maybe his date had a little surprise for him.

Anni: What a nice surprise. "Hey honey let's shack up, oh and by the way SLICE!"

Calleigh: Have any idea what the murder weapon might be?

Alexx: The wound isn't jagged, it's smooth. So you're looking for a long and sharp blade.

Anni: Like an axe?

Alexx: Possibly.

Calleigh: Thanks Alexx.

Anni: Oh crap, I had to go fill Horatio in on everything. I'll see you ladies later. *runs*

Calleigh: Bye.

Alexx: *smirks*

Calleigh: ...What?

Alexx: You seem to be glowing today.

Calleigh: *stares at Alexx*

Alexx: You didn't think I'd notice?

Calleigh: *sigh*

Alexx: Don't worry, your secret is safe with me baby.

Calleigh: Thank you.

Alexx: So, boy or girl?

Calleigh: *smiles* Boy.

Alexx: *smiles* Congratulations.

Calleigh: *grinning*

Alexx: So you tell Speed yet?

Calleigh: *wide-eyed* No, why would I tell him?

Alexx: *looks down at corpse* I see how he looks at you.

Calleigh: *blinks*

Alexx: Don't worry, I won't say anything.

Calleigh: How would y-

Alexx: *looks up* Baby I know everything.

Calleigh: *smirks*

Alexx: *smiles*

Calleigh: He knows.

Alexx: *nods*

Calleigh: I just...I really could use his help right now.

Alexx: *takes off gloves, walks around table* Everything will turn out okay.

Calleigh: *nods*

Alexx: Come here. *hugs Calleigh*

Calleigh: *sigh* Thanks Alexx.

Alexx: No problem sugar. *lets go* Now, you get back to the investigation.

Calleigh: I will. *leaves*


Calleigh: *walks over* Hey.

Speed: *looks up* Hey. We were just looking through missing persons.

Anni: Man there's a lot of people in here.

Calleigh: *dry tone* Great. *sits down*

Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Anni: Almost ninety percent of them are female. This doesn't help.

Speed: Well actually it does. You've narrowed down the field.

Anni: THAT'S RIGHT! *raises fists*

Speed: Keep your fists on the keyboard, not in the air.

Calleigh: *rubs eyes* Okay, Alexx said we're looking for a long smooth blade as a murder weapon. So look through all the profiles, and see where each of them work.

Anni: Like if one of them is a carptenter or something.

Calleigh: Yeah.

Anni: *typing*

Calleigh: *leans on cubicle* Is anyone running the DNA?

Speed: Yeah a private lab. Are you alright?

Calleigh: Hm? I'm fine.

Speed: *nods*

Anni: HA. Don Elliot went missing three days ago, he works at the Miami Wildlife zoo this month constructing the new Rainforest exibit. He has a scar on his right arm.

Speed: Did our vic have a scar?

Calleigh: Yes he did as a matter of fact.

Speed: Well then we have our guy.

Calleigh: We should question the zoo staff.

Speed: Good idea.

Anni: What about me?

Speed: Go find Horatio and let him know.

Anni: Alright. *walks away*

Calleigh: *sigh*

Speed: You sure you're okay?

Calleigh: Yeah. *wipes eyes*

Speed: Then why are you crying?

Calleigh: *sniff* It's nothing. *walks away*

Speed: ...Alright.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed is more concerned about Calleigh than he is letting on. I think Calleigh is feeling really alone too especially with little Lori involved because Speed goes home to his daughter every night and he wont be able to do that with their child. Calleigh needs some support from Speed right now but obviously he can't do that without Katie getting suspicious....what a mess they're both in.

thanks for the update looking forward to the next one.

cheers Geni :cool:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

What a mess indeed, meanwhile, I'm well on my way to cracking the case... YAY me..poor Calleigh and Speed, .... but YAY me!!!!

Great update, Geni!

ps, isn't it cool how Alexx is all knowing, or maybe she is such a great observer? SHE should be a CSI :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I agree I thought it was amazing how Alexx just knew Calleigh was pregnant and that the baby is Speeds. Alexx is just like the big momma she takes care of everyone.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Teehee. Awww Alexx knows all. She's like....I don't know the word I'm looking for. lol. But I liked that scene with Calleigh and Alexx so cute.

Anni: THAT'S RIGHT! *raises fists*

Speed: Keep your fists on the keyboard, not in the air.
Teehee. Poor Anni can't keep her fists down. lol.

Awww Calleigh's crying. *sniff*...no wait I shouldn't be feeling bad for her. Homewrecker!...ok well not really but if you want to get technical....*looks around suspicously* Anyways update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

calleighspeedle, I agree with you. He wants to support Calleigh, but he knows he can't for various reasons. - Well I should know, I wrote it. :lol:

And it does seem that Alexx knows all. She's just the momma takin' care of everyone. ;)

Anni, you ARE on your way to cracking the case! *throws confetti*

:lol: Katie! You crack me up.

All The Words...

Miami Wildlife Zoo

Calleigh: Excuse me sir, are you missing a worker?

Guy: Why?

Speed: *lifts badge*

Guy: ....Don hasn't shown up to work in three days.

Calleigh: Do you have a picture of him?

Guy: Sure, we photograph all our employees. *goes through drawers* ...Here you go. *hands over picture*

Speed: Place it on the table.

Guy: *puts down picture*

Calleigh: And what did Don's job entail?

Guy: He was here building the new Rainforest exibit. We had a grant from the government.

Speed: When exactly was the last time he was here?

Guy: Last thursday, he left at ten pm.

Calleigh: Did he leave with anyone?

Guy: Not that I know of.

Speed: We're going to need to talk to all of your staff.

Guy: No can do. My employees expect privacy.

Speed: It's a zoo.

Guy: A federal zoo.

Speed: Fine, we'll come back with a warrant.

Guy: I'm sorry but that won't be possible. A judge isn't going to sign off on anything without physical evidence.

Speed: You sure seem to know a lot about the law, Mister...

Guy: Duceppe.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Duceppe: *sigh* I'm from Canada, arrest me.

Calleigh: Mister Duceppe, we'll be in contact. Thank you.

Duceppe: Yeah you're welcome.


Speed: *shakes head*

Calleigh: You think he's hiding something?

Speed: They're always hiding something.

Calleigh: Maybe it's just the company policy.

Speed: It's a zoo.

Calleigh: *smirks* Yeah I know, you keep saying that.

Speed: *stops walking*

Calleigh: What?

Speed: Is that the tiger pen?

Calleigh: Yeah.

Speed: I wonder what they're having for lunch. *walks over to cage*

Calleigh: You can't touch anything.

Speed: *looks into pen*

Kid: *screams*

Woman: What's the matter?


Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *nods* Looks like we won't need a warrant.


Horatio: Okay check that file.

JC: *types* I can't find it.

Horatio: Alright, well j- *looks up*

Stetler is talking to Yelina

Horatio: Keep looking. *walks away*

JC: ...Alright.

Stetler: *looks over* Horatio, we were just talking about you.

Horatio: Really.

Yelina: Um...I have something I have to get finished. *walks away*

Stetler: So, JC right?

Horatio: Don't start this Rick or I'll finish it.

Stetler: Ouch. Don't tell me the almighty Horatio Caine has fallen in love. *laughs*

Horatio: That's none of your business.

Stetler: You sleeping with her?

Horatio: ...I'm going to give you five seconds to walk away.

Stetler: You know, not only is this frown upon, it's also against policy.

Horatio: I know what the policy is Rick, no need to throw the book at me.

Stetler: I told you I'd get to the bottom of this.

Horatio: You know, someday you'll end up digging yourself a grave. *walks away*

Stetler: *frowns*

Two hours and a warrant later...

Anni: YAY! A HEAD!

Speed: Process the scene, I'll be over here.

Anni: *salutes*

Few feet away

Calleigh: She's doing alright.

Speed: You know, I'm going to let Carly take over.

Calleigh: You're kicking me off the case?

Speed: I'm actually kicking me off the case.

Calleigh: Why? You're not emotionally involved.

Speed: ...Yeah, I am. *walks away*

Calleigh: ...

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*gasp* Damn you Tim Speedle! You can't get emotionally invovled...that leads to...to...OTHER THINGS Lol. And whoa I suddenly got hyper for a second there. lol.

....Hmmm...the lion is eating Don's head. That can NOT be good. lol.


Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *nods* Looks like we won't need a warrant.
HEHEHE. That made me giggle. I'm not really sure why maybe its because it sounds like something we'd see on the show *shrugs*

And Glad I could crack you up Geni. I aim to please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I loved the part when JC and H went to the sunglasses store or something like that LOL. I just picture Horatio with Elton John's glasses or the pink one or maybe the reading glasses of justice :p
I'm happy that everyone get out of the building!!
And Calleigh is pregnante!!! If Katie discover it... Our Speedy boy is going to have a baaaaaaaad time!!
Stetler is back!! Go H-man you can get ride of him! And what's Yelina is doing?? Did she give Horatio up? I want to know miss Geni LOL
Anyway great update Geni and update soon please :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed is right to take himself off of the case as I think it could lead to other things happening between him and Calleigh.

Pretty soon everyone at CSI will discover that there is something going on between Calleigh and Speed I mean if Alexx can figure it out so will the others.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

i guess it is circle of life ... Speed, Katie, Calleigh...Speed, Katie, Calleigh...my head turns around :p
and for giving a spice for desert..Calleigh is pregnant :D
oo ouu :eek: stupid idea in my mind :eek: what if it is...
to be continued! ;)

update soon Geni! :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*sings* The circle of life! [/singing]

*runs downstairs to get a soda, whilst writing a chapter*

Looks Like Another Day

Crime scene

Carly: *walks up* I got a call that you guys wanted me here?

Calleigh: Yeah.

Anni: YAY CARLY! You're a CSI right?

Carly: Yes.

Anni: Dang, I'm the only newbie. This sucks monkey balls.

Calleigh: Charming.

Anni: Okay well, the picture here matches most of the dead...Face.

Calleigh: We've got confirmation of the victim then.

Carly: So someone threw the vic's head in the tiger pit, and dumped the body in the glades.

Calleigh: I'm betting the hands and feet were already fed to the tigers.

Anni: Should we pump their stomachs or something?

Calleigh: No, we already have confirmation on who our guy is.

Anni: Well way to bust my bubble again Duquesne.

PD, halls, 2 hours later

Delko: Hey man, I haven't seen you all day.

Speed: I was at a scene.

Delko: Why aren't you there now?

Speed: I sent Carly there.

Delko: You had a fight with someone?

Speed: No.

Delko: So why take yourself off the case?

Speed: It doesn't matter Eric.

Delko: Alright sorry I asked.

Speed: *sigh* Okay. I'm kind of having a problem.

Delko: With who?

Speed: Calleigh.

Delko: Uh oh, what happened?

Speed: You'll find out in about seven months.

Delko: Whoa.

Speed: No one else knows.

Delko: Does Calleigh know?

Speed: *frowns* No Eric, Calleigh doesn't know she's pregnant. I found out from the Wubba monster.

Delko: Man that thing knows everything.

Speed: *punches Eric*

Delko: OW.

Speed: Of course she knows.

Delko: So tell Katie.

Speed: Uh...Did you not just hear what happened in this converstion? I can't tell her.

Delko: Why?

Speed: Because she'll murder me.

Delko: Does H know?

Speed: Eric, NO ONE knows.

Delko: I know.

Speed: Yeah and I'm starting to think that was a big mist-KATIE!

Katie: *stops walking* ...Hey.

Speed: What are you doing here?

Katie: I work here.

Speed: Uh...Why?

Katie: It was either that or sit outside all day.

Delko: Well I'll leave you two alone. *leaves*

Speed: So what are you up to?

Katie: I was just talking to Alexx.

Speed: Great.

Katie: She said I could find you over here.

Speed: Well here I am.

Katie: Mhm. I just wanted to know when you were going to tell me.

Speed: ...Tell you what?

Katie: That you were over here.

Speed: Oh, I was actually just at a scene and then I came back.

Katie: Uh...Huh.

Speed: Did you need anything?

Katie: No.

Speed: Okay.

Calleigh: *walks up* Hey.

Katie: Hey.

Speed: *looks down at floor*

Calleigh: I just wanted to let you know that we sent the evidence over to the private lab.

Speed: That's good.

Katie: Hey Cal, you look great today.

Calleigh: *smiles* Why thank you. I actually felt kind of bloated today.

Speed: *rubs eyes*

Katie: Well don't worry about it.

Speed: Well ladies this has been a wonderful yet awkward conversation, so I'll be on my way. *walks away*

Katie: What's his problem?

Calleigh: I don't know. Maybe he feels bloated too.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Katie: What's his problem?

Calleigh: I don't know. Maybe he feels bloated too.
Hahaha, yeah right. lol. I don't think Speed feels bloated....well atleast maybe not the way you do. lol.

Anni: Should we pump their stomachs or something?

Calleigh: No, we already have confirmation on who our guy is.

Anni: Well way to bust my bubble again Duquesne.
Teehee, Anni cracks me up.

And poor Delko he just doesn't get the whole concept of the Wubba Monster does he...and well he just doesn't understand the concept of anything does he? lol. Update soon please.
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