CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


Come Sail Away

Apartment, 10 pm

Katie: Hey, you're back. I just put Lori to bed, and I'm cooking us some dinner. You hungry?

Speed: Not really.

Katie: ...Bad day at the office?

Speed: Or lacktherof.

Katie: *smiles* It was a joke.

Speed: I know.

Katie: You need a beer? *opens fridge*

Speed: No.

Katie: *closes fridge* Alright then.

Speed: Sorry, I'm just tired.

Katie: Well you did just pull a double, not to mention you were blown up.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: You feeling okay?

Speed: I'm fine.

Katie: *walks over* You sure?

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: You seem concerned about something.

Speed: I'm not.

Katie: Boy you sure are a man of many words tonight huh?

Speed: Sorry.

Katie: *wraps arms around Speed* That's okay.

Speed: *weak smirk*

Katie: *stares at Speed*

Speed: *strokes Katie's face*

Katie: *stares*

Speed: *leans closer*

Cell phone rings

Katie: *staring at Speed*

Speed: *staring back*

Cell phone continues to ring

Katie: Y-You'd better answer that.

Speed: *looks down* Yeah. *opens phone* Yeah it's Speed.

Katie: *backs up*

Speed: Yeah? That was logged about a half hour ago. Yeah...Eric you have eyes in your head for a reason.

Katie: *smiles*

Speed: Yeah I'll take care of it tomorrow. *closes phone*

Katie: If you want to go into work, you can.

Speed: I don't want to go into work.

Katie: You're on call.

Speed: Not tonight.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I can't stop saying "hee hee hee"

Katie: You're on call.

Speed: Not tonight.

But seriously we always get interupted by his dang cell phone. Who ever invented those should...I don't really know where I was going with that. And whoa i'm cooking dinner at 10...i'm really not good at the house wife thing am I? lol. Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Calleigh's pregnant?!, and it's a boy awwwwwwwww. I hope Katie doesn't find out that the baby's Speed's...if she does there will be hell to pay!

great update Geni :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I hope Katie doesn't find out either, in all honesty. :lol:

Changes, Chances

Police Department, 10 am

Horatio: *hands on hips* Okay team, for now the lab is being re-built, and the feds want to take over since we threw around Trevor's name.

JC: Does that mean we get to go back on the road?

Horatio: No, it means we get to log all the evidence that survived the explosion, and clean up the Humma. It's a disaster.

JC: ...That's not fun.

Horatio: JC, you'll be joining me.

JC: ...Why?

Horatio: So you don't have to clean.


Delko: Just watch, he'll make you clean his Hummer instead.

Horatio: *throws keys at Eric* Looks like someone's volunteered. Get to it.

Delko: *looks down at keys* ...Ah man. *leaves*

Horatio: Where's Speed?

Calleigh: He never came into work this morning.

Horatio: Why not?

Calleigh: He gave me a call, and said he couldn't make it.

Horatio: Okay. Call him, and tell him to get down here.

Calleigh: What if he doesn't answer his phone?

Horatio: Leave a message.

Calleigh: What if he doesn't check his messages?

Horatio: *frowns*

Calleigh: ...I'll go call him. *leaves*

JC: So what now?

Horatio: Now, we go buy me a new pair of shades.

JC: *smiles* Excellent. I can't wait to see how many shades of black there are.

Horatio: There are probably more than you could ever imagine.

Apartment, 30 minutes later.

Calleigh: *knocks on door*

Few seconds later

Speed: *opens door* ...What are you doing here?

Calleigh: *smiles* You wouldn't let in the mother of your child?

Speed: *frowns* The mother of my child is already in here.

Calleigh: Oh yeah.

Speed: Keep it down.

Calleigh: Sorry. Horatio wants you at work.

Speed: Tell him I don't swing that way.

Calleigh: *rolls eyes* You know what I mean. *covers eyes*

Speed: What are you doing?

Calleigh: You're not wearing a shirt.

Speed: *grabs Calleigh's hand* Grow up.

Calleigh: *grins*

Speed: *closes door halfway*

Calleigh: *grin fades*

Speed: I'll be at work in about a half hour.

Calleigh: Good because we have a case.

Speed: We do?

Calleigh: Mhm, Horatio assigned us a case.

Speed: What case?

Calleigh: A decomposing body was found in the glades. He's missing a head.

Speed: Then how do you know it was a guy?

Calleigh: *smiles* He was naked. Anni will be with us too.

Speed: Great. I can see the professionalism smash through the roof now.

Calleigh: Oh come on Tim, she's a nice girl.

Speed: I know that. Why are you even on the case? I mean, you can get all kinds of infections in an environment like that.

Calleigh: *smiles* Aw, you're worried about me. How sweet.

Speed: *frowns* ...I hope you fall into a lake. *slams door*

Calleigh: *laughs*

Sunglass Hut

JC: How about these?

Horatio: No, they're too suqare.

JC: ..You know the hip language?

Horatio: No, they're in the shape of squares.

JC: Alright then, how about these?

Horatio: No I don't like those.

JC: Why not?

Horatio: The little plastic things leave indents on my nose.

JC: These won't.

Horatio: How do you know?

JC: You take take them on and off so much, they won't have time to indent your face.

Horatio: ...Pick another pair.

JC: Okay how about these?

Horatio: They're not even clean.

JC: So? Clean them when we get back.

Horatio: I can't buy these.

JC: Why?

Horatio: It's like buying a used car. You can't buy already dirty shades and expect them to last.

JC: ...*lifts brow*

Horatio: Okay how about this pair?

JC: I don't think so.

Horatio: Why?

JC: They're pink.

Horatio: So, Speed has pink shades.

JC: Yeah but he can pull it off.

Horatio: I can pull it off. *puts on pink shades* See?

JC: *screams*

Horatio: What?

JC: Oh...Uh...Nothing...Just...Here. *takes off shades* Don't wear those ever again.

Horatio: *sigh*

JC: Okay, these ones are good.

Horatio: No, forget it. They have a brand name on them. Horatio Caine does not sell out.

JC: Horatio Caine has a budjet.

Horatio: No he doesn't.

JC: *rolls eyes*

Horatio: Pick something else.

JC: Fine. *picks up shades* These?

Horatio: Too small.

JC: These?

Horatio: Too big.

JC: These?

Horatio: Too bright.

JC: These?

Horatio: Too dark.

JC: How can sunglasses be too dark?

Horatio: That depends on your perspective.

JC: How about these?

Horatio: ...Too thin.

JC: These?

Horatio: Too thick.

JC: These?

Horatio: Too...Miami Vice.

JC: ...Same city Horatio.

Horatio: Yes but I happen to be a hundred years ahead of the times.

JC: Miami Vice didn't air a hundred years ago.

Horatio: But if you compare the color schemes, it seems that way.

JC: What?

Horatio: Miami Vice had normal, everyday colors. And now, we're tasting the rainbow.

JC: *shakes head* Okay we're not on a Skittles commercial, we're at the sunglasses hut so pick something.

Horatio: Okay how about these?

JC: ...

Horatio: What?

JC: Elton John wears those.

Horatio: Yes, but they would make me look like a movie star.

JC: No, they would make you look like 'Ginger' from Gilligan's Island.

Horatio: *throws shades*

JC: Okay how about these?

Horatio: No.

JC: Why? They're normal, they're cheap, and they're dark.

Horatio: Exactly. I don't want something normal and cheap. I want something that will iconize me.

JC: ...Iconize you?

Horatio: Yes. Make me recognizable for years to come, based on the shades. I'll be immortalized within the shades. Someday, they'll be in a museum of arts and history. The little white piece of paper on top of the display case will read "Horatio Caine's sunglasses".

JC: ...*blank stare*

Horatio: Well okay, how about these?

JC: No.

Horatio: Why?

JC: Those are reading glasses. You can't have the 'reading glasses of justice'.

Horatio: Can I have the night and day contacts of justice?

JC: That's just stupid.

Horatio: *picks up shades* ...I think I'm in love.

JC: *grins* Really?

Horatio: Look at these! 19.99$.

JC: *grin fades* Oh.

Horatio: Aren't they beautiful?

JC: They're exactly the same as your old ones.

Horatio: I *puts on shades* Know.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*sqeal* I love it so much I love being with him and helping him picks sunnies lol ... i was invisioning myself with him while reading lol. Just ya no pick EVER AGAIN!!!!! *sigh* I have the color pink .... all I wear is black lightest color I will wear is grey lol
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I liked this chapter Horatio getting new sunglasses and Calleigh seeing Speed without a shirt on **faints** you certainly know how to get a girl's attention :eek:

great writing Geni update soon please. :D

Calleigh: Sorry. Horatio wants you at work.

Speed: Tell him I don't swing that way.

Calleigh: *rolls eyes* You know what I mean. *covers eyes*

Speed: What are you doing?

Calleigh: You're not wearing a shirt.

Speed: *grabs Calleigh's hand* Grow up.

Calleigh: *grins*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Oh man Geni i'm laughing so hard i'm doing my weasel laugh again. Teehee. That whole sunglasses thinger was just hilarious.

Horatio: Yes. Make me recognizable for years to come, based on the shades. I'll be immortalized within the shades. Someday, they'll be in a museum of arts and history. The little white piece of paper on top of the display case will read "Horatio Caine's sunglasses".
I believe I had a blank expression the whole time while I read that and then I busted out laughing.

JC: Those are reading glasses. You can't have the 'reading glasses of justice'.
Uh...Ratio CandyCane does thank you very much. Teehee. I remember the CSI: Pensicola days.

Calleigh: *smiles* You wouldn't let in the mother of your child?

Speed: *frowns* The mother of my child is already in here.
Uh...hate to get all territoral but Heck yes I am! And Speed wasn't wearing a shirt...push aside the chest hair factor and you've earned youself some brownie points. Teehee. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed: *frowns* ...I hope you fall into a lake. *slams door*
Hahahahaha that made me giggle. Oh man, even the thought of Speed not wearing a shirt........makes me think of........two.........colors.........................GENI! hahahaha BLACK AND WHITE!

(Please excuse that last outburst as Wyoming is sick and not in her right mind :p)

Great work Geni, Update soon please! :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

speedmonkey2 said
push aside the chest hair factor and you've earned youself some brownie points.

Oh that's a matter of opinion. :devil: ;)

And ah yes, Ratio CandyCane. He was such a nerd with his reading glasses of justice. :lol:



Anni: *jumping up and down* I finally get a scene! I finally get a scene!

Calleigh: *laughs*

Speed: She's had too much coffee.

Calleigh: Oh darn, I thought you were going to show up without a shirt on.

Speed: Yeah because that's what all the 'cool' CSIs are doing these days.

Anni: *jumping up and down* I GET A SCENE! *points to random patrol cop* HE DID IT! *insane laughter*

Calleigh: *sigh* Well, not only is his head gone, but his hands and feet are gone too.


Speed: ...Maybe it was to avoid identification.

Calleigh: We don't have dental records or prints. It's going to be tough piecing together this puzzle.

Speed: Well we can still run the DNA and hope we find something.

Anni: *jumping up and down*

Speed: ...Is she okay?

Calleigh: Her first 'real' crime scene without everyone else.

Anni: AND SPEED'S HERE AND HE ALMOST TALKED TO ME! *falls into a puddle* Oh man, it's like I wet my pants. Well, technically I did.

Speed: *walks over* Finished?

Anni: ...Yes sir.

Speed: *grabs Anni's hand* Come on.

Anni: *screams*

Speed: *lets go* What?

Anni: You touched me! *jumps up and down*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Anni: Do it again.

Speed: Process the scene and you'll get a kiss.


Speed: No.

Anni: ...You play a twisted game. *grabs camera*

Speed: *writing notes*

Calleigh: There's an awful lot of blood around the neck area.

Speed: So he was alive when his head was chopped off.

Calleigh: Maybe it was an axe murderer in the glades.

Speed: Yeah right. Like the Hook Man?

Calleigh: There are strange copycats these days.


Speed: What.

Anni: Maybe a gator snapped off his head.

Calleigh: No jagged wounds.

Anni: ...A professional gator?

Speed: It's not a gator.

Anni: Fine, bust my bubble Speedle.

Speed: Sorry.

Anni: OH! OH! Hey Speed?

Speed: What.

Anni: Let's pretend this is Africa.

Speed: Let's not.

Anni: Oh you know you want to. *winks*

Speed: *frowns* If you don't start snapping pictures, I'm going to start snapping necks.

Anni: ...*lifts camera*

Calleigh: *smirks*

Anni: I need more film. *walks away*

Calleigh: ...She likes you.

Speed: It's just a crush.

Calleigh: That's what Katie had too.

Speed: Will you stop setting me up with everyone I know? It's bad enough I knocked you up.

Calleigh: ...Knocked me up? We were in love.

Speed: So that's what they're calling it these days.

Calleigh: *frowns*

Speed: I'm sorry.

Calleigh: It's okay. I'd hate me too.

Speed: I don't hate you.

Calleigh: Well you don't love me.

Speed: You can't just stop loving someone.

Calleigh: ...Alright I'm confused. Does that mean you st-

Speed: No.

Calleigh: But y-

Speed: Drop it.

Anni: I FOUND FILM! It was in the box with the film.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Calleigh: *smiles* Hey I got a question.

Anni: Fire away.

Calleigh: What would you say to a guy who was married, and got someone else pregnant?

Anni: Oh I like this. Is this a test?

Calleigh: Yeah.

Anni: Well does he love them both?

Calleigh: Yes.

Speed: No.

Calleigh: *frowns* Yes.

Speed: *frowns* No.

Anni: So he's undecided then.

Speed: Oh he knows.

Anni: ..Okay so he doesn't love one.

Calleigh: He's just denying his feelings.

Speed: There are no feeling to deny.

Calleigh: Oh yes there are.

Speed: No there aren't.

Calleigh: Maybe he doesn't want to see it.

Speed: Maybe it's because there's nothing to see.

Calleigh: So why was he so concerned before?

Speed: He wasn't concerned. He told her to fall into a lake remember?

Calleigh: *narrows eyes* Oh she remembers.

Anni: ...Are we still talking about the same thing?

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

If Calleigh and Speed aren't careful their little secret is gonna get out!! and how cute is it that Anni has a crush on Speed.

update soon Geni
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*shakes head* I don't think there talking about the same thing anymore Anni. lol.

And awww wasn't Anni all like a...kid all hyper on Candy. lol.

Speed: Process the scene and you'll get a kiss.


Speed: No.
Teehee, what a tricky tricky game.

Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

CATFIGHT! teehee. I love how you did that Geni, how they used it in third person in order to keep it a "secret" from Anni. And awwwwwwwwwwww Anni got her first crime scene! Yayyy! I'm intrested to see how all of this will turn out! :) Update soon please!

*Scurries off to go back to the tv before CSI NY comes back on.....*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Yes, a tricky game indeed.

Savouring The Moments We Had


Anni: Ah man the coffee wore off. This sucks.

Speed: It's probably better for us.

Anni: Really?

Speed: Yeah.

Calleigh: *kneels* Well there's no gunshot wounds in the body, and no casings anywhere. Looks like he was just dumped here.

Speed: Maybe the blow to the head was the cause of death.

Calleigh: Alexx should be able to tell us that.

Anni: Okay so what now?

Speed: Keep walking around.

Anni: Okay. *walks away*

Speed: Alright I'm sorry about before.

Calleigh: *smiles* It's okay.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: Besides, I understand. You're with Katie, so I shouldn't even be bothering you.

Speed: It's no bother.

Calleigh: What if I decide to keep him?

Speed: That's your decision.

Calleigh: Well you should have some say in it.

Speed: Legally I don't. As far as we're concerned, I don't know about the kid.

Calleigh: I've seen how you are with Lori. I mean, would you die for my child?

Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Anni: *walks up* Okay guys, I didn't find anything but grass and mud. And the mud is slippery so sorry if the Hummer seats are full of mud when we get back.

Speed: Nice job.

Anni: Why thank you.

Speed: Okay we'll get what we have back to...PD, and we'll see what Alexx can tell us.

Anni: Great.

Calleigh: *stands* Sounds like a plan.

Speed: Oh and Cal?

Calleigh: Yeah?

Speed: In a heartbeat. *winks*

Calleigh: ...

Anni: *walks away*

Speed: *walks away*

Calleigh: *smiles*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww Speedy would save Calleigh's baby as well as Lori! *sniff* That's so cute. *Gasp* Lori would have like a step brother!...Ok not a step brother because Speed and Calleigh aren't married...so like a half brother and...*gasp* I have no idea what I'm talking about! lol. Seriously after a certain hour I should just stop talking.

Poor Anni's going to get mud on the hummer seats....better not let H man find out. lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed: Alright I'm sorry about before.

Calleigh: *smiles* It's okay.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: Besides, I understand. You're with Katie, so I shouldn't even be bothering you.

Speed: It's no bother.

Calleigh: What if I decide to keep him?

Speed: That's your decision.

Calleigh: Well you should have some say in it.

Speed: Legally I don't. As far as we're concerned, I don't know about the kid.

Calleigh: I've seen how you are with Lori. I mean, would you die for my child?

Speed: *looks at Calleigh*

Anni: *walks up* Okay guys, I didn't find anything but grass and mud. And the mud is slippery so sorry if the Hummer seats are full of mud when we get back.

Speed: Nice job.

Anni: Why thank you.

Speed: Okay we'll get what we have back to...PD, and we'll see what Alexx can tell us.

Anni: Great.

Calleigh: *stands* Sounds like a plan.

Speed: Oh and Cal?

Calleigh: Yeah?

Speed: In a heartbeat. *winks*

Calleigh: ...

Anni: *walks away*

Speed: *walks away*

Calleigh: *smiles*

This is a really sweet chapter Geni and with Calleigh not being sure if Speed would die for their child as well as little Lori and he reasures her with a wink as if to say he'll be there for her no matter what.

I'm not sure where you are going with this story right now but it is enjoyable to read.
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