Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
:lol: Well everyone knows how misleading I can be with my spoilers.

- However, there was some truth to the 'Speed lovin'' part.
Never Alone, Burning Bright
Blown up crime lab
Katie: Okay so how do we get out of here?
Speed: Uh...I don't know.
Delko: You don't KNOW? You're supposed to be the brains of this operation.
Speed: What operation?
Carly: I like playing Operation!
JC: Not that operation.
Jess: I want to play Operation.
Speed: *sigh* Okay..*looks around* Looks like the stairs are stable enough.
Delko: ...You think that's stable?
Speed: Sorry Sherlock, I didn't know stairs were your specialty.
Delko: How do you think I built the Hummerlab?
Katie: I'm lost.
Speed: We were broken up back then.
Katie: ...Oh yeah.
Delko: *puts foot on stairs*
Stairs crumble, everyone flinches
Carly: ...Smooth move ex-lax.
Delko: I'm not the one who wanted to take the stairs.
Speed: Okay, let's just try the elevator.
Katie: Are you stupid? The elevators are down.
Speed: We can climb up the elevator shaft to a different floor.
Delko: How are you even sure there are any floors left?
Speed: Do you see the roof?
Delko: Some of it, yeah.
Speed: That means there are floors above us.
Jess: Okay I can't act weak.
Carly: Why not?
Jess: In situations like these, the weaker person dies first.
Carly: No they don't.
Jess: Us yes they do.
Carly: Give me an example.
Jess: Titanic.
Carly: That doesn't count Jess.
Jess: Why not?
Carly: EVERYONE dies in that movie.
Jess: ..Not the people in the boats.
Carly: *rolls eyes*
Speed: *opens elevator door* Okay...
Katie: ...It's dark in there.
Speed: I know. *grabs flashlight*
Katie: Whoa you had a flashlight?
Speed: I'm a CSI.
Katie: 'Nuf said.
Delko: Alright Katie, go ahead.
Katie: What? Why me?
Delko: You're the smallest.
Katie: I am not.
Delko: You're the shortest.
Katie: I am not.
Delko: ...You're closest to the door.
Speed: *frowns* She is not climbing up.
Delko: Oh so you'll let one of us die but not your precious wife.
Speed: ....Katie get up there.
Katie: What? *slaps Speed* Way to defend me
Speed: Come on, nothing bad will happen.
Katie: And if it does?
Speed: If you fall, you won't go far.
Katie: Why?
Speed: We're in the basement.
Katie: I don't like you Tim Speedle.
Speed: Well I like you Katie...Speedle.
Katie: *giggles*
Speed: Yeah yeah, get up there.
Katie: Fine. *grabs onto ledge, looks down* HOLY CRAP! I'M TOO HIGH!
Carly: ..You're five feet in the air.
Katie: That's too high.
Everyone: *stares at Katie*
Katie: Fine. *climbs*
Speed: *looks in* You see any open doors?
Katie: Yeah the one below me where your big fat head is sticking out of.
Speed: Funny.
Katie: *looks around* I see...Um...Rope and wires.
Speed: Yeah that's part of the elevator.
Katie: ....Where's the elevator now?
Delko: It's going to fall on you.
Katie: *screams* ERIC! STOP IT!
Delko: Haha.
Speed: Keep climbing. *punches Eric*
Delko: OW.
Katie: *climbs* ...It's awful dark up here.
Speed: Yeah it's supposed to be that way.
Katie: Yeah thanks Matlock, I couldn't figure it out.
Sparks fly
Katie: *screams*
Delko: Are you okay?
Katie: The spark BIT ME!
Delko: Sparks don't bite.
Katie: Shut up. *climbs*
JC: You see any ledges?
Katie: Um...Well yeah there are ledges everywhere, you want to be a little more specific?
JC: Ones that lead to a door.
Katie: *feels around* Hmm....Yeah I think I might feel one.
Speed: Is the door hot?
Katie: Not as hot as you.
Speed: *lifts brow* Okay that was a serious question.
Katie: *feels door* No, it's not hot.
Speed: Good, it means it's not on fire.
Katie: Great, so what do you want me to do?
Speed: Try to open the door.
Katie: Yeah okay, I'll open the door with both hands, and magically float on this ladder.
Speed: Try with one hand.
Katie: Easier said than done bub.
Speed: You want some help?
Katie: No way. I don't want you leaning over me and crushing me to open a door. No way Jose.
Elevator creaks and shakes
Katie: *grabs bars* Okay...What was that sound?
Speed: Uh...*looks up*
Delko: *swallows*
Katie: Tim...
Speed: The elevator just slid a few inches downward.
Katie: Like the big box that'll crush me?
Speed: In so many words, yes.
Speed: Calm down, and try to open the door.
Katie: I AM CALM!
Speed: Okay why don't you be a little
more calm.
Katie: *grabs door with one hand* Ugh, it's heavy.
Delko: Yeah that's because it's a door.
Katie: *rolls eyes*
Elevator creeks, chords snap
Katie: *screams*
Speed: Uh...Uh....Hold on. *climbs on ladder*
Speed: I'm helping you.
Katie: I don't need help.
Speed: Look, you can hold onto the bars for dear life, forever, or you can let me help you and we can get out of here.
Katie: ...Well if you put it like that.
Speed: *climbs up to Katie* Okay, lean forward.
Katie: ...Why?
Speed: Because this ladder isn't big enough for the both of us.
Katie: *sigh* Fine.
Speed: *leans over Katie* Okay, grab the door.
Katie: I am.
Speed: Pull it.
Kate: *pulls*
Speed: *pulls*
Elevator chords keep snapping
Speed: Yeah, keep yelling. It helps the door and my ears.
Katie: Sorry.
Speed: *hand slips* AH! *grabs Katie*
Katie: ...*looks down*
Speed: *smirks*
Delko: *looks up* I hate to be a nuisance, but could we can the gooey moment and open the door?
Speed: *grabs door* Okay pull.
Katie: *pulls on door* Hey it's opening! That's right!
Speed: *pulls door* Keep going.
Katie: *pulls door*
Door opens
Katie: Well that worked.
Speed: Okay climb up and get into the room.
Katie: *climbs ladder*
Speed: *looks up*
Elevator swings, as chords snap
Katie: *climbs into room* Okay, give me your hand.
Speed: *looks down* Eric, don't go yet. I think the elevator's going to fall. Things are going to fly so get away from the door.
Delko: Okay. Come on girls.
Carly: I'm not a girl I'm a wo-man.
Delko: Yeah sure you are.
Katie: Speed, grab my hand.
Elevator falls a few inches, stops by a chord
Speed: *grabs bars*
Katie: Tim, get up here.
Speed: *climbs ladder*
Elevator creaks
Speed: *grabs Katie's hand*
Elevator starts to fall
Katie: TIM!
Speed: *jumps up*
Elevator smashes into floor
Speed: ....Okay that was close.
Katie: *slaps Speed*
Speed: Ow.
Katie: Okay Eric come on up!
Down below
Delko: Yeah yeah yeah!
Up above
Katie: *looks around* Okay so what next?
Speed: We find a way out of here.
Katie: Yeah I got that. But how?
Speed: I don't know, we'll brainstorm it once everyone else gets up here.
Katie: *smirks*
Speed: What?
Katie: Nothing.
Speed: *looks around* Come on, let's find an exit.