CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Can't wait for more geni gosh i want my stupid hunk of junk puter to work so i ain't on my moms *sigh*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

My name is Jessica, Speed calls me Wyoming
Take it as a compliment Jess, like Danny calling Lindsay 'Montana' on CSI:NY. OHMYGODTHEBUILDINGCOLLAPSEDANDYOURALLSTUCKINSIDEANDIFYOUDON'TGETOUTSOONI'MGOINGTOCRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*takes really deep breath* let me say that again slower and with spaces, oh my god teh building collapsed and your all stuck inside and if you don't get out soon i'm going to cry!!! I'll be back tomorrow to see if you all get safely out! But in two minutes I'm to be wisked off to bed by the powers of authority. miss you all! Welcome back Anni, you were sorrily missed!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*squeals* Anni Anni Anni! *tackles* Welcome back!

Hmm...thread name...thread name...I can't really think of anything right now but if i come up with something I'll let you know Geni.

*coughs* Missy your post is stretching the screen *cough*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*gets up off of the floor* I'm so glad to be back!!! And Jessica, it's nice to meet you as well, and I gladly take the cookie ;)

As for a new thread name, I thought about it all day, and all I could come up with was: One question, Are We There Yet? .... Sorry if it's lame, I haven't been in awhile.

What I can say ( because I simply forgot to do it earlier) is how awesome the story is. The fights, the barbs, the drama,... all of it... I have to say, When Speed and Delko dressed up Horatio, I automatically thought about David in Hudson Hawk and proceeded to laugh until I Cried.

What has gotten me though, is Speed's temper. Such a quick temper, not something I remember... oh wait, he did try to kill Katie when she was first kidnapped. I stand corrected. One thing that I absoultely love ( okay, not the one thing, but it's pretty darn close) How much of a partyer I am! I only wish I could I be that way for real...well with the exception of getting slammed, but it seems fun :lol:

Okay, I won't take up too much space, only to say, Keep it coming , Geni!!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Carly, that's a brilliant idea for a thread name. I'll add it to the list. Anni, the thread name you suggested is top-notch as well! I'll definitely add that to the list. :)

Also, I'm glad you loved the chapters, and the bit about Horatio getting his makeover, seemed to be one of the favorites around here. :D - No doubt something like that might happen again. And, Speed's temper. It's actually only really been introduced predominately in this thread, and the fourth RT thread. It's a storyline that's actually on-going, and will be dealt with in the future. :)

And yes you are such a partyer! You keep this thread alive with porn and lots of alcohol. :lol:

Katie, I'm sure you'll think of a really great thread name! And if not, oh well there are plenty of crazed brains here who have lots of imagination. ;)

So, I'll keep the updates coming tomorrow, and in light of the premier action, I'll keep the next few updates a little slower and less...Action-based. There's always some room for humour, and some light romance. (Okay that's VERY light romance)

And as Katie stated before, Missy, you're going to need to edit that post. :lol: - Just as a common courtesy for those of us who have slower connections, and screens that stretch things halfway to the moon. ;)

I'll have more tomorrow!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Okay, if you can believe this, I have finished getting up to date. And I must say, the quality of your writing is awesome! You have managed to keep me at the edge of my seat, and laughing... A lot of laughing!

The bomb scene is scary, I sure hope everyone gets out alright. How cool is it that JC and Horatio are hooking up!!! I've grown quite fond of their pairing, and well, Speed and Katie... Their relationship is always full of surprises, and fights, and make ups, and well... fights. But all this entails for a good story!

One side note, I think it's time for me to get to know a little program that has tweleve steps.:lol: I mean, I love the random outbursts of alcohol and porn ,but I would love to be a contributing factor. Not that I even presume to tell you how to write ( I would never do that) just send me to rehab or something like that ;) and I will come out sober, and well, still the happy go lucky girl that I am! And of course, with the flame for Speed eternally burning.

I totally love everything! I've spent the better part of three days getting back into it , and I've loved every minute of it! I can't wait to see what happens next!!!


ps thanks for your consideration on the name of the next thread!!!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

That must have taken you some time! But I'm very glad you're all caught up. :D

And I personally believe the quality of my writing has improved dramatically since the first installment. Not that I was completely idiotic before I started writing it, it's just that I started writing it before I even came to TalkCSI. - The first chapter was done about a month before I even joined here, and I wasn't used to message boards. Whoa, here I go again with the excuses.

And Anni, I've actually been planning a storyline for you, which should appear sometime in the sixth thread. It will also involve Speed, and...No alcohol. ;) (Yeah I can hear the complaints now. "Oh no Speed's gonna cheat again!" Hey Anni deserves some Speed lovin'. And, I of course can be misleading so don't panic right away.)

I'll have some more chapters up soon, I promise. :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Awww man, that is AWESOME! What a wonderful way to return! But as you said, the spoilers could be misleading, so I will hold my water. But that is so choice... Yay for me ( maybe :lol:)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:lol: Well everyone knows how misleading I can be with my spoilers. :p - However, there was some truth to the 'Speed lovin'' part. ;)

Never Alone, Burning Bright

Blown up crime lab

Katie: Okay so how do we get out of here?

Speed: Uh...I don't know.

Delko: You don't KNOW? You're supposed to be the brains of this operation.

Speed: What operation?

Carly: I like playing Operation!

JC: Not that operation.

Jess: I want to play Operation.

Speed: *sigh* Okay..*looks around* Looks like the stairs are stable enough.

Delko: ...You think that's stable?

Speed: Sorry Sherlock, I didn't know stairs were your specialty.

Delko: How do you think I built the Hummerlab?

Katie: I'm lost.

Speed: We were broken up back then.

Katie: ...Oh yeah.

Delko: *puts foot on stairs*

Stairs crumble, everyone flinches

Carly: ...Smooth move ex-lax.

Delko: I'm not the one who wanted to take the stairs.

Speed: Okay, let's just try the elevator.

Katie: Are you stupid? The elevators are down.

Speed: We can climb up the elevator shaft to a different floor.

Delko: How are you even sure there are any floors left?

Speed: Do you see the roof?

Delko: Some of it, yeah.

Speed: That means there are floors above us.

Jess: Okay I can't act weak.

Carly: Why not?

Jess: In situations like these, the weaker person dies first.

Carly: No they don't.

Jess: Us yes they do.

Carly: Give me an example.

Jess: Titanic.

Carly: That doesn't count Jess.

Jess: Why not?

Carly: EVERYONE dies in that movie.

Jess: ..Not the people in the boats.

Carly: *rolls eyes*

Speed: *opens elevator door* Okay...

Katie: ...It's dark in there.

Speed: I know. *grabs flashlight*

Katie: Whoa you had a flashlight?

Speed: I'm a CSI.

Katie: 'Nuf said.

Delko: Alright Katie, go ahead.

Katie: What? Why me?

Delko: You're the smallest.

Katie: I am not.

Delko: You're the shortest.

Katie: I am not.

Delko: ...You're closest to the door.

Speed: *frowns* She is not climbing up.

Delko: Oh so you'll let one of us die but not your precious wife.

Speed: ....Katie get up there.

Katie: What? *slaps Speed* Way to defend me husband.

Speed: Come on, nothing bad will happen.

Katie: And if it does?

Speed: If you fall, you won't go far.

Katie: Why?

Speed: We're in the basement.

Katie: I don't like you Tim Speedle.

Speed: Well I like you Katie...Speedle.

Katie: *giggles*

Speed: Yeah yeah, get up there.

Katie: Fine. *grabs onto ledge, looks down* HOLY CRAP! I'M TOO HIGH!

Carly: ..You're five feet in the air.

Katie: That's too high.

Everyone: *stares at Katie*

Katie: Fine. *climbs*

Speed: *looks in* You see any open doors?

Katie: Yeah the one below me where your big fat head is sticking out of.

Speed: Funny.

Katie: *looks around* I see...Um...Rope and wires.

Speed: Yeah that's part of the elevator.

Katie: ....Where's the elevator now?

Delko: It's going to fall on you.

Katie: *screams* ERIC! STOP IT!

Delko: Haha.

Speed: Keep climbing. *punches Eric*

Delko: OW.

Katie: *climbs* ...It's awful dark up here.

Speed: Yeah it's supposed to be that way.

Katie: Yeah thanks Matlock, I couldn't figure it out.

Sparks fly

Katie: *screams*

Delko: Are you okay?

Katie: The spark BIT ME!

Delko: Sparks don't bite.

Katie: Shut up. *climbs*

JC: You see any ledges?

Katie: Um...Well yeah there are ledges everywhere, you want to be a little more specific?

JC: Ones that lead to a door.

Katie: *feels around* Hmm....Yeah I think I might feel one.

Speed: Is the door hot?

Katie: Not as hot as you.

Speed: *lifts brow* Okay that was a serious question.

Katie: *feels door* No, it's not hot.

Speed: Good, it means it's not on fire.

Katie: Great, so what do you want me to do?

Speed: Try to open the door.

Katie: Yeah okay, I'll open the door with both hands, and magically float on this ladder.

Speed: Try with one hand.

Katie: Easier said than done bub.

Speed: You want some help?

Katie: No way. I don't want you leaning over me and crushing me to open a door. No way Jose.

Elevator creaks and shakes

Katie: *grabs bars* Okay...What was that sound?

Speed: Uh...*looks up*

Delko: *swallows*

Katie: Tim...

Speed: The elevator just slid a few inches downward.

Katie: Like the big box that'll crush me?

Speed: In so many words, yes.


Speed: Calm down, and try to open the door.

Katie: I AM CALM!

Speed: Okay why don't you be a little more calm.

Katie: *grabs door with one hand* Ugh, it's heavy.

Delko: Yeah that's because it's a door.

Katie: *rolls eyes*

Elevator creeks, chords snap

Katie: *screams*

Speed: Uh...Uh....Hold on. *climbs on ladder*


Speed: I'm helping you.

Katie: I don't need help.

Speed: Look, you can hold onto the bars for dear life, forever, or you can let me help you and we can get out of here.

Katie: ...Well if you put it like that.

Speed: *climbs up to Katie* Okay, lean forward.

Katie: ...Why?

Speed: Because this ladder isn't big enough for the both of us.

Katie: *sigh* Fine.

Speed: *leans over Katie* Okay, grab the door.

Katie: I am.

Speed: Pull it.

Kate: *pulls*

Speed: *pulls*

Elevator chords keep snapping


Speed: Yeah, keep yelling. It helps the door and my ears.

Katie: Sorry.

Speed: *hand slips* AH! *grabs Katie*

Katie: ...*looks down*

Speed: *smirks*

Delko: *looks up* I hate to be a nuisance, but could we can the gooey moment and open the door?

Speed: *grabs door* Okay pull.

Katie: *pulls on door* Hey it's opening! That's right!

Speed: *pulls door* Keep going.

Katie: *pulls door*

Door opens

Katie: Well that worked.

Speed: Okay climb up and get into the room.

Katie: *climbs ladder*

Speed: *looks up*

Elevator swings, as chords snap

Katie: *climbs into room* Okay, give me your hand.

Speed: *looks down* Eric, don't go yet. I think the elevator's going to fall. Things are going to fly so get away from the door.

Delko: Okay. Come on girls.

Carly: I'm not a girl I'm a wo-man.

Delko: Yeah sure you are.

Katie: Speed, grab my hand.

Elevator falls a few inches, stops by a chord

Speed: *grabs bars*

Katie: Tim, get up here.

Speed: *climbs ladder*

Elevator creaks

Speed: *grabs Katie's hand*

Elevator starts to fall

Katie: TIM!

Speed: *jumps up*

Elevator smashes into floor

Speed: ....Okay that was close.

Katie: *slaps Speed*

Speed: Ow.

Katie: Okay Eric come on up!

Down below

Delko: Yeah yeah yeah!

Up above

Katie: *looks around* Okay so what next?

Speed: We find a way out of here.

Katie: Yeah I got that. But how?

Speed: I don't know, we'll brainstorm it once everyone else gets up here.

Katie: *smirks*

Speed: What?

Katie: Nothing.

Speed: *looks around* Come on, let's find an exit.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

wow!!!! that chapter was intense I hope they make it out of there. :eek:

great update Geni you sure know how to keep the tension up in a story! :)

keep it up :D
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Teehee. Matlock...Sherlock...Teehee. Whoa I am super tired so my post probably won't make since.

Teehee I loved it how Delko used every reason possible for me to go in the elevator until finally I was the closest to the door. lol. You seriously had be there for a second with all the cords snapping and stuff. For a split second I thought Timmy boy was going to get hurt.

And YAY! Anni gets some Speed lovin!...I'm not sure why i'm yaying that because techincally in the RT I'm married to him but Anni's only wanted this for like forever. lol. But whatever you decide to do will be fantablous!

Anywhosie's update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Anni's only wanted this for like forever. lol.

You got that right :D... Thanks for being understandable, Mrs. Speedle ;)... Geni, the update was simply excellent. I loved how when in the face of danger, there is still time to trade barbs. That is classic for me. Loved every moment of it. I also loved how they nominated Katie to be the one to go up first. That had me laughing so hard, I almost fell out of my chair. ( you know its hard for me to stay in this chair when I read the RT). Loved it Geni! Update at your convience! *coughnowratherthanlatercough* ;) just joking.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Well I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself falling out of your chair now. :lol: ;)

And Katie's right, you've been waiting what...Five threads? :lol: - Unless you caught the part in one of the threads where Speed went crazy and you guys made out in the back room...



Crime Lab

Delko: *crawls around room* Okay that was the highest ladder I've ever climbed.

Speed: It was twelve feet high.

Delko: ...Vertigo.

Carly: Okay so what now?

Speed: Now we find a way out.

Katie: I hate to be the buzz kill of this whole 'lets rescue ourselves' thing, but...If the building collapses, what are we supposed to do?

Speed: It won't collapse.

Katie: Why? Just because you say so?

Speed: Look, this place was made to be structurally safe.

Katie: YEAH! Minus the bomb.

Delko: Okay guys, let's stop fighting and start searching for a way out.

Carly: Can't we just go through a window?

Jess: Yeah if you see one, point it out.

Carly: Shut up.

Speed: *sits* Maybe we should just rest for a while. It's getting dark out, and we won't be able to go anywhere if we can't see.

Delko: Agreed. *sits down*

Katie: *sits*

Half hour later

Delko: I'm bored.

Carly: *wipes dust from pants* Good for you.

Jess: *laying on floor* I didn't realize how much paint melted off the walls until I could see them peeling.

JC: That much paint can be toxic.

Delko: Yeah, even without the bombs and fires.

Katie: ...You think Lori's okay?

Speed: I'm sure she's fine.

Katie: What if we don't make it out?

Speed: I wouldn't worry about it.

Katie: Yeah I know you wouldn't.

Speed: *wraps arm around Katie* We'll be fine.

Katie: I hope so.

Delko: So do you suppose there's a rescue team somewhere, or are they all just...Standing out there?

JC: Maybe they're setting up a command post.

Jess: At least they're warm.

Delko: And dry.

Carly: And they have food.

Katie: ...And bathrooms.

Speed: What I would give to be in the Hummerhome right now.

Delko: Yeah, air conditioning, heating, beds, food, ...GCMS...

Carly: Wheels.

JC: ...Wheels?

Carly: Wheels are good.

JC: Yeah okay.

Delko: Man I wonder if this place is haunted.

Speed: ...Yeah the spirits of the undead us Eric.

Delko: You never know. One of us could die.

Speed: No one is going to die.

Delko: You don't know that for sure.

Speed: Yes I do.

Delko: How?

Speed: Well first of all, shut up.

Delko: Nice try.

Katie: Y'all aren't going to make me crawl up another elevator shaft right?

Speed: No.

Katie: Good.

Carly: *sigh* It's freezing in here.

JC: Yeah too bad blankets don't fly out of explosions.

Carly: *leans against Eric*

Delko: *looks at Carly*

Carly: Oh come on, be a man and keep me warm.

Delko: Um...Okay.

Jess: Please let something catch on fire so I can keep warm.

Katie: I'm going to take a walk. *gets up, walks away*

Speed: *looks up*

Delko: *lifts brow*

Speed: ...Be right back. *gets up, walks away*

Jess: Wow did you know those lights that blink are almost in sequence with the other blinking lights?

JC: Stop looking at the lights.

Further down the hall

Speed: Something wrong?

Katie: *keeps walking* No.

Speed: *follows* Did I say something wrong back there?

Katie: *turns around* When is this going to end?

Speed: ...I don't know what you mean?

Katie: Tim this can't keep happening, we have a family.

Speed: Well sorry next time I'll tell the terrorists to miss us and go after some lonely miserable single people with no hope for the future.

Katie: *rubs forehead* You know what I mean.

Speed: Look, we moved to California and things only worked out for a few weeks. We moved back to Miami, and things just keep coming up. We can't help it.

Katie: We can if you quit your job.

Speed: I'm not going to quit my job.

Katie: You did before.

Speed: Yeah that was when I thought we were going to be happy in California.

Katie: And now? We're not happy?

Speed: I'm happy. I'm a very happy person.

Katie: I'm not happy.

Speed: You're never happy.

Katie: Okay we have to stop thinking about ourselves. We have a daughter.

Speed: I know.

Katie: I think when this is all over, we should think about moving somewhere safe, away from here.

Speed: Away from Miami?

Katie: No. Just, somewhere...I think we've run our course.

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: And I don't want to push you into something you don't want to d-

Speed: *puts up a hand*

Katie: ...

Speed: Where is this coming from?

Katie: I think we need to focus on Lori, and not... *looks around* This.

Speed: You don't work. If I quit my job, where are we going to get the money to have this happy all-American family?

Katie: You can get a job somewhere else.

Speed: No. No, I can't. Look, it's not that I don't want to do this, but can we at least talk it over?

Katie: We are right now.

Speed: No, you're talking. *shakes head* Do you have any idea what you're saying? I'm sorry but no matter how much you want it, we can't be a normal family. We can't change who our friends are, and we can't change that there are bad people out there everywhere we turn.

Katie: I know, b-

Speed: No, you don't know. *laughs* God Katie, you have no idea.

Katie: You're just scared of change.

Speed: No. I'm just saying, no matter what we do to change things, we'll end up right back where we started again.

Katie: *looks down at floor* Then I don't want to be in this position anymore.

Speed: Well guess what princess, you are in this position. Just because things get tough, doesn't mean you should bail on everything.

Katie: You mean bail on you.

Speed: Yeah. You know what? If you can't commit, don't get married. *walks away*

Katie: *frowns*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Omg... what just happened? I can understand Katie, I mean, they have been through it all. But to a point, Speed is right as well. When you are married, you can't just bail when the going gets tough ( alright, so they are constantly getting targeted for death, that is a biggie), but if they stick together, it works out,....... usually.

That being said, let the break up commence so I can get the lovin :lol:... It may be short lived, but I will make the best of it (that is if I don't pass out, and of course if the story flows that way) I leave it to your capable hands, Geni.

ps I love it when he calls her princess. It reminds me of Wannabe when he called Delgado princess. :lol:

Wait, Speed made out with me.. WHERE IS THIS THREAD????
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ohhhhh, for a second there I thought Speedy was going to say the 'D' word. I was like "Noooo not so early in the morning" lol.

I agree with Anni, I can see my side of thing but I can also see Speed's side of things. When a bomb hits the lab and we start a fight, we shouldn't be doing that, we should be working together not fighting. Gee, I have a bad since of timing. lol.

Anywhosie, great update, like always.
JC: Maybe they're setting up a command post.

Jess: At least they're warm.

Delko: And dry.

Carly: And they have food.

Katie: ...And bathrooms.
Leave it to me to mention the bathroom. lol. And i'm not sure why I find that so funny. But I do. lol. Update soon please!
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