CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Welcome back Trevor.

Shot From Afar

Lounge, 7 pm

Katie: *runs in* WHERE IS SHE!

Carly: ...She's on the couch.

Katie: Oh thank GOD. *sits on couch*

Jess: Are you sure you don't need our h-

Katie: *growls*

Jess: ...*steps back*

Speed: *walks in*


Speed: *stops walking*

Carly: *hides behind Speed*

Jess: *hides behind Carly*

Katie: *hugs Lori* Oh she's probably feeling like a garbage truck.

Carly: Garbage truck?

Katie: *points* YOU! YOU DID THIS!

Speed: Now, Kaite, it's not their fault.

Katie: *stands*

Speed: *backs up*

Katie: *grabs a pen, draws a line across the floor* Whoever crosses this line, will die.

Speed: Even me?

Katie: No. *grabs Speed* Get over here.


Speed: Sorry.


Katie: *pushes Speed onto couch* He's mine.

Speed: I am?

Carly/Jess: HE IS?

Katie: *grabs mop* Don't move any closer or it's mister mop in your face.

Carly/Jess: *runs out of room*

Katie: *sigh* There. *sits on couch*

Speed: I didn't realize you owned me.

Katie: *grabs Lori* You should have realized that the second we got married. *hugs Lori*

Speed: You want me to take her home?

Katie: Uh, no I'll do it thank you very much.

Speed: Yeah and you call me overprotective.

Katie: *stands* I'll take her home.

Speed: What about me?

Katie: You can walk.

Speed: Funny.

Katie: While you were investigating and stuff, me and the girls pooled our money and bought you a motorcycle.

Speed: *stands* If you're kidding, I'll murder you.

Katie: Come see it, it's out front.

Front of building

Katie: You like it?

Speed: ...

Katie: What? What's wrong?

Speed: It's...It's...It's mine.

Katie: Are you crying?

Speed: No.

Katie: *rolls eyes*

Speed: You are the best wife EVER.

Katie: I know.


Katie: That's good right?

Speed: A black Ducati is always good.

Katie: HA. I win. Now you have to sleep with me.

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: ...

Speed: You play a tricky game.

Katie: Did it work?

Speed: *winks*

Katie: What does that mean?

Speed: *grabs helmet* It means I'll see you later.

Katie: You're leaving?

Speed: *gets on bike* You can drive yourself home, remember?

Speed rides off in motorcycle

Katie: ...Pfft men and their toys. *walks to Hummer*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks. Great updates Geni, I'm looking foward to when I make an appearance again.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Teehee, awww we all got Timmy another Ducati.
Katie: HA. I win. Now you have to sleep with me.

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: ...

Speed: You play a tricky game.

Katie: Did it work?

Speed: *winks*

Katie: What does that mean?
Uh...hello earth to RT Katie! I think everyone knows what that wink means. Geez i'm such a blonde lol.

Katie: *pushes Speed onto couch* He's mine.

Speed: I am?

Carly/Jess: HE IS?
Teehee, that made me giggle. He's not a piece of property you can just claim...sure it would be nice. But still. lol.
Katie: Are you crying?

Speed: No.

Katie: *rolls eyes*
Awww Speedy cries like ALL THE TIME! But that's ok. I love it when he cries. Great update Geni!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Great Update geni... *indistinct sqealing and rambling is herd* anyway can't wait for more let YOUR OWN IDEAS FLOW NOT OTHERS hope your headache is better and can't wait fore more!!!!!!!! (wow I can't spell lol)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


Be Near, We Are All Hiding

Trace Lab, Next day

Horatio: Okay tell me about this other case. You found a dead woman in Ed Peters' garage?

Speed: Yeah, she appeared to be one of the girls in the box of pornography.

Horatio: Have you identified her?

Speed: Prints came back to a Britney Hamilton.

Horatio: You contact her family?

Speed: Not yet.

Horatio: Okay. Eric, tell me about the truck.

Delko: I found a bullet hole on the interior of the Jeep. It's from a .22

Horatio: So the same bullet that went through the kid, went into the jeep.

Speed: Trajectory puts the gun outside of the car when it was shot.

Horatio: I'm going to go have another little talk with Mister Peters. *leaves*

Delko: ...So Speed, I see you got a new Ducati.

Speed: *doing paperwork* Yeah.

Delko: The girls bought it.

Speed: I know.

Delko: You like it?

Speed: Yeah.

Delko: ...You give Katie a little reward? *winks*

Speed: *looks up*

Delko: *smiles*

Speed: *continues paperwork*

Delko: Well?

Speed: It's none of your business.

Delko: Well you don't seem very happy so I'm guessing you didn't get any.

Speed: *frowns* Not the time Eric.

Delko: She wasn't in the mood?

Speed: Drop it.

Delko: You weren't in the mood?

Speed: *lifts head* Seriously, drop it.

Delko: Sorry.

Speed: *writing things down*

Delko: ...Come on, tell me. You might feel better.

Speed: Eric, nothing's wrong. I just feel I don't need to tell you everything.

Delko: Ah so you two rocked the kazbah.

Speed: *smirks*

Delko: HA!

Speed: Eric, this is why you're supposed to drop it.

Delko: Did the neighbors call the cops?

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Too far?

Katie: *walks in* Hey Horatio assigned me that garage woman case. Do you have the file for it?

Speed: Yeah. *hands over file*

Delko: *smirks*

Katie: ...What?

Delko: Nothing.

Katie: *sigh* Anyway, I'll see you boys later. Bye Speed. *winks, leaves*

Delko/Speed: *blank stare*

Delko: I really hope there wasn't a double meaning in that.

Speed: I think it's best not to think too hard on it.

Delko: Yeah.

Interview room

Horatio: You lied to us.

Ed: What do you mean?

Horatio: You said your car was stolen.

Ed: It was.

Horatio: Actually it wasn't. We only found your prints inside the vehcile. But, what's interesting is we did find a bullet hole in the jeep.

Ed: So?

Horatio: It was in the driver's side door panel.

Ed: I don't know how it got there.

Horatio: We also found the boy's blood on the carpet, which means he was leaning over the floor, not the seat.

Ed: What does that mean?

Horatio: It means he was shot before you started driving. And that could have only happened when the shooter was standing outside the open passenger side door.

Ed: ...Alright the kid was in my vehicle but I didn't shoot him.

Horatio: You're right. You didn't shoot him, but someone else did and I want to know who.

Ed: I don't know his name. He was some fed.

Horatio: Some fed.

Ed: Yeah he followed me to the garage.

Horatio: We found a dead girl in your garage.

Ed: Yeah he shot her.

Horatio: The fed?

Ed: Yeah.

Horatio: Why was she there?

Ed: ...

Horatio: Edward..

Ed: ...Her and her boyfriend were over at my place...Making a video.

Horatio: What kind of video?

Ed: Oh come on.

Horatio: So you were making under-age porn in your house, the fed found out and...Shot them?

Ed: Yeah.

Horatio: Well you see, the 9 mil we found in your house, isn't registered to you.

Ed: So?

Horatio: So the .22 was.

Ed: I want a lawyer.

Horatio: *smirks* Of course you do.


JC: Horatio!

Horatio: *turns around* Yes.

JC: Katie wanted me to help her with the dead garage woman case, is that alright?

Horatio: Sure.

JC: Great, thanks.

Horatio: Oh, I have your cell phone. It must have fallen out when we were um...

JC: *grabs phone* Yeah.

Stetler: *walks over* Horatio.

Horatio: *looks up* Rick. Hi.

JC: I'll uh...Be with Katie. *runs off*

Stetler: She's pretty.

Horatio: I don't have time for this Rick.

Stetler: Alright, I understand. Just watch your step around here.

Horatio: Good advice. You should take it.

Stetler: Are you threatening me?

Horatio: *puts on shades* I have to get back to work. *leaves*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Katie: *points* YOU! YOU DID THIS!

Speed: Now, Kaite, it's not their fault.

Aww, look Speed is protecting us from the wrath of Katie, and whoa, where did all the girls get the money for a Ducati?! hahahaha Yeah Speed, you're welcome lol ah whoa.....Speed, and speed.....I just drew the connection.......okay I had way too much sweetened iced tea.......and had waaaaaaay too much fun bowling......I think I need to go lay down :p And Katie, I love it when you're agressive........well, you know what I mean lol

Katie: HA. I win. Now you have to sleep with me.

Speed: *looks at Katie*
hahahaha Katie, always looking for ways to make her hubby happy teehee. Okay, now I really have to go because I'm way too hyper :lol:

edit: wow, I missed an update lol

Stetler.....poopie on him lol

hahaha rocked the kazbah HA I doubled over on that one, too funny.....ohhhhhh JC and H! WOOT! wonder what you guys were doing..... :devil: (see? I'm way too hyper) *strips and runs around the RT* hahaha :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*mummbles* Threaten him H man! Threaten him!!!

But awwww I saw a little The Best Defense in there. Only it was HOratio and JC and not Calleigh and Hagen and Stetler interrupted instead of well Calleigh's dad and...you get the point.

And I guess all guys are the same. They tell eachother everything don't they? But I will have to give Speed some props he didn't say anything at first. Well if you want to get techincal he didn't really say anything at all but still. Boys will be boys.

Speed: *smirks*

Delko: HA!

Speed: Eric, this is why you're supposed to drop it.

Delko: Did the neighbors call the cops?
HA! Speed is the cops! Take that lol. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:devil: :devil:

How Many Roads Did I Travel

CSI Garage

Katie: *looks over car*

JC: *opens kit*

Katie: ...So you and H huh?

JC: Yeah.

Katie: Sounds fun.

JC: Yeah we had a nice dinner last night...Then he drove me to his place.

Katie: *looks up*

JC: He stayed in the Humma.

Katie: Ah.

JC: But hey you and Speed...Are a good couple. I mean, he's pretty studly.

Katie: *smiles*

JC: Oh what's that smile for?

Katie: Nothing.

JC: Pfft.

Katie: *giggles*


Katie: *smiling* Can we just look through this car now?

JC: *laughs*

5 minutes later

Katie: *starts laughing*

JC: What?

Katie: ...What? Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention to the car.

JC: *shakes head*

Katie: *smirks*

JC: ..What were you thinkin' about?

Katie: *smiles* Nothing.

JC: Yeah right. OH! We should go get a facial.

Katie: We should.

JC: How about tonight?

Katie: My schedule is free.

JC: And then we can talk about Horatio and Speed.

Katie: ...Well preferably in seperate conversations.

JC: *laughs*

Speed: *walks in* Hey girls.

JC: Hey.

Katie: *smirks*

Speed: I need to borrow Katie for a second.

Katie: SURE! *stands up, bumps head on roof* OW!

Speed: ...You okay?

Katie: *holding head* Haha, yeah.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Katie: *rubs head*

JC: You're crazy.


Speed: Are you sure you didn't smash your head too hard?

Katie: No way. That's not the hardest I've been smashed into something latel....*clears throat*

JC: *starts laughing*

Speed: ...

Katie: I mean...Haha....Ahem....

Speed: *clears throat*

Katie: Uh...Haha.

JC: *covers mouth*

Speed: You know what? I'll uh...Get Eric to help me. *leaves*

Katie/JC: *burst out laughing*


Katie: I don't think his face has ever been THAT red!

Katie/JC highfive

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

*laughs hysterically, sighs* You gotta love girl talk...seriously I can't stop laughing. Leave it to me to hit my head on the roof of the car. Teehee.
JC: And then we can talk about Horatio and Speed.

Katie: ...Well preferably in seperate conversations.
Oh, please let it be in seperate conversations. lol.

Katie: No way. That's not the hardest I've been smashed into something latel....*clears throat*
Hahahahahaah, Oh I don't even think I want to know. Even though I get the idea. lol.

*sighs* So true!

...Seriously girl talk is like...awesome! And yay! We finally get those facials lol! Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Heck yes omg me and katie haha we are quite the pair eh katie lol.... hope your head doesn't hurt to much and haha we finally get out facial lol heck yes *high fives katie* and don't worry i am hyper too i am a diabetic that just finished a two liter root beer .... although real beer would be good but last time i got drunk i saw three puters then passed out lol.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Those facials are so long overdue. ;)

Til The Day I Return

Layout room

Delko: So why am I helping you?

Speed: Katie got too giddy.

Delko: I see you made her happy.

Speed: *sigh* These are the pictures from the bomb scene.

Delko: Oh cool. So how are we going to find Calleigh with these?

Speed: Someone shot at the chopper with a .22, right after they shot the kid from the Jeep. That means the guy who was doing the shooting, followed Ed Peters.

Delko: H said a fed met Peters at his house.

Speed: Yeah and I'm thinking it was Trevor.

Delko: Why?

Speed: He would have identified himself as a fed. He also owns a 9 mil.

Delko: I thought he had desert eagles.

Speed: Pay attention.

Delko: Okay.

Speed: I think Peters shot the kid, while Trevor was trying to get him and his girlfriend out of there.

Delko: And then...Peters shot the chopper?

Speed: No, I think Trevor shot at the chopper.

Delko: Why?

Speed: Because only Peter's prints were on the 9 mil, which means it wasn't used. The .22 was the only gun used, and for Trevor to have shot the kid, and the chopper, he would have had to follow Peters. Why would he do that if he wanted to get away?

Delko: He knew Calleigh was in the helicopter.

Speed: Exactly.

Delko: So he's the good guy.

Speed: Yeah that explains why he was at my apartment.

Delko: He was trying to get your help?

Speed: I don't know, but he managed to find us, and it definitely sent a message. He wants us to know he's here.

Delko: Great, how do we find him?

Speed: Talk to Peters.

Delko: *nods*

Interrogation room

Delko: You shot the boy and his girlfriend.

Ed: No I didn't.

Delko: Where's the .22?

Ed: I don't have it. The fed took it.

Delko: We found blood on the outside of the vehcile.

Ed: So?

Delko: So it matches you. You want to give me the details now?

Ed: ...*sigh*


Ed: Alright, *holds out .22* I don't care if you don't want to do it, you had better so I can make my money.

Brent: Come on man, no one needs to get hurt!

Trevor: *walks over* What's going on?

Britney: He's trying to kill us?

Trevor: *gets out . 9 mil* Let them go. I'm FBI.

Ed: Get out of here! *smacks Trevor*

Trevor: *punches Ed*

[blood gets onto the jeep]

Trevor: Come on, get in.

Brent: *gets into jeep*

Britney: *runs*

Ed: *shoots gun*

Britney: AH!

Brent: *leans over console* Brit!

Ed: *shoots gun*

Brent: AH!

Trevor: *backs out of driveway* I'll get you help.

[Trevor and Brent drive off]


Ed: And that's what happened.

Delko: Well you just copped to two murders.

Ed: That fed stole my truck!

Delko: It doesn't matter, because you won't be seeing that truck for a long time.

Ed: *frowns*


Delko: We got him.

Horatio: Okay, *places hands on hips* I want to know why Trevor was shooting at that helicopter.

Delko: Calleigh was in it.

Horatio: And where's Trevor now, do you suppose?

Delko: After Ramirez.

Horatio: Okay, take a uniform down to the bomb scene, and take a look around.

Delko: Will do. *leaves*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hmmm *rubs chin* Very Interesting. Well what happend is not how I saw it. lol. BUt hey you can't always be right. Was Trevor really after Speed's help? Because that just sounds very odd to me for some reason. lol.

Speed: Katie got too giddy.

Delko: I see you made her happy.
Uh...well judging by the last chapter I'd say so. lol. Teehee. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


To Feel You Near...


Katie: HEY!

Speed: *stops walking*

Katie: I need to talk to you.

Speed: Go ahead.

Katie: I'm sorry what I said before..You know, in front of JC.

Speed: It's fine.

Katie: I embarrassed you, it's not fine.

Speed: What?

Katie: Well, you looked embarrassed.

Speed: I wasn't.

Katie: Oh.

Speed: Can you not talk about our lovelife with other people?

Katie: Sure.

Speed: Thank you.

Katie: ...*smiles*

Speed: Stop thinking about it.

Katie: *clears throat* Sorry. Oh that reminds me, is Lori with the sitter?

Speed: ...Why would that remind you of Lori?

Katie: No reason.

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: Seriously.

Speed: Yes, she's with the sitter.

Katie: Good. *kisses Speed* See you later. *runs off*

Speed: *looks around* Alright then. *walks away*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Teehee. Short but sweet Geni!

Katie: I embarrassed you, it's not fine.

Speed: What?

Katie: Well, you looked embarrassed.

Speed: I wasn't.

Awwww its ok Speedy boy. It helps to admit to your feelings. Teehee. Like I said, short but sweet but sometimes that all you need. Update soon please!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


Open Up Your Eyes

Outside lab

JC: *walks up* Hey.

Horatio: *shifts positions*

JC: You called?

Horatio: I have to head out to a location in a bad part of town.

JC: ...You're going to find Ramirez.

Horatio: That's the idea.

JC: I don't understand. Why call me here?

Horatio: *lowers head* It's dangerous, and I don't want you to worry.

JC: Why would I worry?

Horatio: *takes off shades* I just wanted you to know...I'll come back.

JC: ...

Horatio: Okay?

JC: *nods*

Horatio: I'll be back.

JC: Yeah.

Horatio: *smirks*

JC: ...Be careful.

Horatio: Always. *puts on shades*

JC: *sigh*

Horatio: *walks away*

JC: *watches*

Bad part of town, drug dealers, murderers, that kind of thing...

Horatio: *gets out of Hummer*

Trevor: Caine.

Horatio: You're supposed to be in Brazil, Trevor.

Trevor: Ramirez is my case.

Horatio: I take it you're still with the FBI.

Trevor: They asked me to track him, and he came here.

Horatio: Where's my CSI?

Trevor: *laughs* Calleigh? She's safe.

Horatio: Is she. So you won't have a problem if I see her then.

Trevor: That won't be possible at this time.

Horatio: Where are you holding her?

Trevor: Someplace safe.

Horatio: Where's Ramirez?

Trevor: We lost our visual on him once the chopper went down.

Horatio: *smiles* The FBI does not lose a visual on a suspect. You've erased any trace of him.

Trevor: It was necessary to protect our witness.

Horatio: Your witness being Calleigh.

Trevor: He told her intelligence that we need.

Horatio: So Ramirez isn't the threat.

Trevor: Brazil's in enough trouble as it is. We don't need you and your CSIs flying over there to stirr up more dirt.

Horatio: The only dirt here is standing right in front of me.

Trevor: Don't flatter yourself.

Horatio: If Ramirez isn't the big fish, give me something to get him with.

Trevor: I said we'll take it from here.

Horatio: You're forgetting one thing. I'm not leaving without Calleigh.

Trevor: I didn't forget. *snaps*

Calleigh is escorted out of a building, by two armed men

Horatio: *tilts head* You okay?

Calleigh: I'm fine.

Horatio: They didn't hurt you?

Calleigh: No.

Trevor: As you can see, she's unharmed.

Horatio: Yes, under initial observation.

Trevor: I'm not Speedle.

Horatio: No one said you were. Speaking of which, what were you doing under his daugher's window?

Trevor: He gets in my way again, we all know what will happen.

Horatio: So his daughter in exchange for your...Freedom from us.

Trevor: It's not always about him.

Horatio: No, it's about his family this time.

Trevor: *laughs* Katie? Yeah she's a real dish. I hear she almost didn't make it.

Horatio: *looks at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *looks down at ground*

Horatio: What do you want?

Trevor: I want you to stay out of my affairs. And maybe...Speedle won't be having so many with Calleigh.

Horatio: You didn't come here to catch Ramirez.

Trevor: The paperwork says I did. That doesn't necessarily mean I won't do a few jobs on the side to satisfy my own vendettas.

Horatio: A true double agent huh?

Trevor: I'm not against the FBI. I just don't tell them everything.

Horatio: You want to hurt anyone in my team, family included, and you'll have to get through me first.

Trevor: *laughs* Yeah I heard about JC. It's too bad she doesn't know about the bomb in the lab.

Calleigh: *looks at Trevor* You said you wouldn't hurt anyone.

Trevor: Relax, no one important will die.

Horatio: You set a bomb in my lab.

Trevor: I didn't, Ramirez did and besides it's not really my problem. I hope JC can run.

Horatio: *frowns* You better hope you can too.

Trevor: Is that supposed to scare me? I'm beyond your petty threats.

Horatio: *nods* You hurt JC, and I'll have a bullet with your name on it.

Trevor: I'm looking forward to it. *hands Calleigh over* It's been a pleasure. *walks away*

Horatio: You alright?

Calleigh: I'm fine. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told him anything.

Horatio: It's okay. Come on, let's get back.

Calleigh: If I had known he'd want to hurt Lori....

Horatio: Everything's going to be fine. You did fine.

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