CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Coconut falls out of tree, hits Stetler in the head, and knocks him out.
that is probably the funniest thing to invision. *giggle hystercally* sorry, to anyone who likes Stetler.
JC! Calm Down, I heard you all the way over here in cranston!
Jess: How about...We are not leagally responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Carly: This isn't a school bus, it's a human being you knob.
I don't know what to say, that was really funny! *giggles some more*
Jess: Oh yeah I can see that conversation now. "Oh my God Katie your husband is trying to crack me over the head with a metal pipe. Oh please oh please protect me."
Good one Jess.
Jess: Uh...How would you feel if hypothetically, your hypothetical daughter, got hypothetically sick, from too many hypothetical cookies, and is hypothetically barfing everywhere?
Speed: *turns around, walks back to table* And...Who gave her these 'hypothetical' cookies?
Jess: ...Carly.
Speed: *frowns*
Jess: I did, I'M SORRY! *clings to Speed's arm* SPARE ME, KILL THE AUSTRALIAN!
Must remember to breathe, and stop giggling so much.
JC: Yeah, and that you proposed to her.
Horatio: *chokes on wine*
AH! So I'm not the only one who forgets to breathe! And is that wishful thinking on JC's part?
Horatio: Oh, I have your cell phone. It must have fallen out when we were um...
What were you doing? Knowing JC, it wasn't good. :D Don't hit me please!
I KNEW SOMEONE WAS GOING TO SAY THAT! I JUST KNEW IT!!! *downs another soda* I should stop with the sugar...
Ed: That fed stole my truck!
Delko: It doesn't matter, because you won't be seeing that truck for a long time.
Someone's got his priorities straight.
OMG TREVORS BACK!!!! OMG HE'S ON OUR SIDE...I think...OMG JC AND HORATIO WENT ON A DATE!!! OMG I WANNA GO GET A FACIAL WITH JC AND KATIE! definately need to stop with the sugar and go to bed now. see y'all tomorrow! *waves*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OMG ahhh save me H ahg and everyone else too ... eep bomb in lab not good panic setting in just what needed after bad day work good work geni much happy
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Have fun sleeping Missy. *hugs* :D And I'm happy you liked the recent chapters. :)

Don't worry JC, everything will...Continue shortly. ;)

This Is What I Call Shortly

Ballistics lab

Katie: ...Did you hear that?

Speed: Would you relax? No one's here.

Katie: *buttons shirt* Excuse me. *walks to door*

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Katie: *looks through door* ...Okay maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.

Speed: Yeah, I can see that.

Katie: *walks back* I'm sorry. *sits on counter* Where were we?

Speed: *grabs Katie's shirt* We were busy.

Katie: *smirks* We'll probably get fired for this?

Speed: *leans closer* Oh well, we had a good run.

Katie: *smiles*

Ticking is heard

Speed: *lifts head*

Katie: ...What?

Speed: You hear that?

Katie: Oh now look who's being paranoid.

Speed: ...Don't move.

Katie: Why?

Speed: Take a good look around this room. Is anything different?

Katie: How can I look if I'm not allowed to move?

Speed: I'm not kidding, this is serious.

Katie: *looks around* Uh...*sigh* There's a wire under that desk.

Speed: Okay. We are leaving.

Katie: What about everyone else?

Speed: *grabs Katie's hand* There won't be anyone else if we don't get out.

Katie: *slides off counter*

Speed: Slowly...

Katie: I am going slow.

Speed: *walks to door*

Katie: *grabs Speed's arm*

Speed: *opens door*

Delko: *walking by* Oh hey man, what's u-

Speed: Eric, get everyone out.

Delko: Why?

Speed: There's a bomb in here.

Delko: A bomb? Why did you put a bomb in there?

Speed: I didn't put anything in there. Get everyone out and call Horatio.

Delko: Okay. *runs*

Katie: *grabs Speed*

Speed: What?

Katie: I love you.

Speed: We're going to be fine.

Katie: *nods*

Everyone leaves the building, except Eric, Speed, Katie, Carly, Jess, and JC

Delko: *runs over* Three staff member spotted bombs in three different locations.

Speed: *sigh* Great.

Carly: Wait, when did someone get bombs in here?

Delko: We don't know.

Jess: Shouldn't we leave?

Speed: Yeah. Start heading out, but don't run.

Delko: Why the hell not?

Speed: Eric, don't run.

Delko: Fine.

Carly: Okay I'm slightly spooked.

JC: ...I wish Horatio was here.

Jess: I wish the bomb guys were here.

Katie: *hugging Speed's arm*

Speed: You okay?

Katie: No I'm not okay.

Speed: *looks around*

Delko: Is it just me, or is the ticking getting louder?

JC: *screams*

Carly: What do you mean louder? Like it's going to explode louder?

Speed: Okay we have to move a little faster.

Katie: We're in the basement.

Speed: *opens door* Stairs.

Delko: Come on. *grabs Carly* Move.

Carly: I'm going.

Outside lab, Horatio's Hummer pulls up, he gets out with Calleigh

Horatio: They found the bomb.

Calleigh: What should we do?

Horatio: Call rescue.

Calleigh: Where's everyone else?

Building suddenly explodes, debris flies, people scream, and duck

Five minutes later

Horatio: *takes off shades* ...They're still in there.

Calleigh: *covers mouth*

Inside building

Delko: *lifts head* ...*looks around* SPEED!

Speed: *pushes broken door* Yeah!

Delko: *crawls over* You alright?

Speed: *rubs forehead, looks at hand*

Delko: You okay?

Speed: It's just a scratch. Where's everyone else?

Delko: I don't know. CARLY! JC!

Speed: KATIE!

Delko: JESS!

Jess: Ow, I'm right here. *punches Delko*

Delko: OW.

Speed: KATIE!

Jess: CARLY! JC!

Delko: God I can't see anything. *trips over metal* AH!

Carly: OW. That was my hand you nimrod.

Delko: Are you alright. *pulls Carly up*

Carly: Yeah, I think my hand's broken though.

Delko: My bad.

Speed: ...KATIE!

Delko: JC!

Carly: KATIE!

Jess: JC!

JC: *crawls over* I'm over here guys.

Jess: *runs over* Are you okay?

JC: *covers eye* I'm bleeding.

Jess: Here let me see. *lifts JC's hand* Looks like a head wound.

JC: I've lived through worse.

Speed: KATIE! *walks around* KATIE!

Delko: KATIE!

JC: *looks up* It's starting to rain.

Jess: Great, I'm blown up AND wet.

Fire breaks out in one of the rooms

Carly: *screams*

Jess: Okay...Moving away from the on-fire room.

Speed: KATIE! *looks around* KATIE! *lifts metal beams* KATIE!

Everyone: *watches*

Speed: *looks around* ...KATIE! ...Well what are you guys doing? HELP ME!

Delko: Alright. *opens doors* Katie!

Carly: Katie!

Dust falls everywhere

Coughing is heard

Speed: Katie? *runs* Oh my God, are you okay? *kneels* Katie, answer me.

Katie: *looks up* Ow.

Speed: *throws metal pipe* You okay?

Katie: *sits up* I'm fine.

Speed: *wipes dust off Katie's face* Can you walk?

Katie: Yeah.

Speed: Come on, we have to leave.

Delko: *looks up* How do we get out? The stairs are gone.

Speed: *looks up*

Roof makes creaking noise

Carly: That...Was not a normal sound.

Jess: Are we going to collapse.

Speed: *grabs Katie's hand*

Katie: *stands*

Speed: Eric, what do you think?

Delko: *looks around* I think we have a problem.

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

I'll have more a little later. - I sometimes need sleep too. :lol: :p

But, I promise I will have more tomorrow for all of you, and it'll be exciting, humorous, and perhaps sad. Nah, I kid, I wouldn't do that to you guys. Everything will play out as my twisted mind thinks. - That means, lots of humor, and hopefully no more porn. :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

OMG OMG OMG! that is so cool! :devil:
Boom, Baam!! woaaahh! :lol: :lol: hope there everything will be ok, of course , but COMAN! i loove action! :devil:

oh, school... gotta go! :rolleyes:
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

AH! CLIFFHANGER!...oh my gosh, we all got blown up :eek:...is it wrong that I think that that is so cool? :lol:

but some of the highlights of the recent chapters have been Stetler getting hit in the head with a coconut :lol: and
Jess: ...Carly.
Speed: *frowns*
Jess: I did, I'M SORRY! *clings to Speed's arm* SPARE ME, KILL THE AUSTRALIAN!
TEEHEE!...wait...I mean DON'T KILL ME!...oh wait, he didn't :p

and I want you to know that even though I sometimes (okay, often) forget to review the chapters, I'm always reading and greatly enjoying it :D

Ooo, and I forgot to mention...I was in the car with my brother the other day, and he asked me to hold onto his can of deodorant for him while he was driving, and I looked at it and it was called...AFRICA! I kid you not, that was what it was called :lol: I had to try so hard not to either burst out into giggle fits or scream really loudly :lol:

AHHH! I wanna know what happens! Cliffhangers are bad!...well, they're only bad when it's a season finale of a TV show and they don't show what happens until 6 or 7 months...now THAT'S annoying...*grumbles* Freakin' Ann Donahue...

anyway, please update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Ohhhhh, very nice chapter to come to in the morning! Am I wrong to say this but....Trevors a jerk. You would think considering his undying love for Calleigh he'd treat her a little nicer. And stay away from Speed, Lori, and everyone else you....*clears throat* yeah.

But oh m an you had me there for a second I thought I was a goner! lol. "Nimrod"? Teehee I say that all the time!

Update soon please!

Oh, and I think one big collective TEEHEE is in order for the events..or well...almost events in the ballsitics lab. teehee.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Okay guys, since this thread is almost over, we need a new thread name. I have no ideas currently, so if you guys could think of a few ideas, it would be greatly appreciated. Once that's done, I'll put them in a poll, and we'll vote for the best one.

Even if they're stupid, it doesn't matter! Any suggestion is good. :)

Anyway, back on track...

Thank you for the reviews. And wahoo, cliffhanger! I guess that's just a little something extra for those of us who will have the 'pleasure' of seeing the premier tonight. - But anyway, I'll be back with more chapters soon. :)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

those updates were really great Geni !!
I hope all of you guys will be fine :)
Update soon please
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hey, Geni! I have been spending the last two days and nights gettting caught up , and I have gotten almost done with this thread. It of course has been Hilarious!!!! I couldn't stop laughing, which is what I have come to expect from you. Thanks for keeping me in, I loved my parts!!! Who knew I could be such a party animal!!! Just fantastic, simply fantastic! I will hopefully get through this thread tonight, and be totally caught up! Continue on, Geni!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

ANNI! *tackles Anni* :D :D :D WELCOME BACK!

I'm so glad I kept you in too. :)

I'm very happy that you're catching up, because it just didn't feel the same around here without you. But of course, take your time and don't forget to visit here more often. :D

calleighspeedle, I'm happy you liked the updates!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

ANNI! Welcome back to the RT craziness :D

the only suggestion for a new thread name I have is from a while back which is probably why it'll sound stupid, but it's early in the morning over here...

CSI Miami RT #6: Hummerhome of Possibilities
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

:) Hello Anni, I don't think we've formally met. My name is Jessica, Speed calls me Wyoming. -Sends internet cookie- Please accept this as my peace offering.......hahaha okay that was really gay, but anyway, nice to meet ya! Geni has mentioned you to me once or twice before, and it sounds like you are well loved :D

As for Geni.......AHHHHH Oh no! lol we're stuck in a building that's collapsing? lol that can't be good.....
Jess: Ow, I'm right here. *punches Delko*
Yay! I finally got to punch teh Delko! teehee. Ahhh.......those were some great updates to come back to from my soccer game, and we won too! It's been a good day :)

Thanks for all your hard work Geni! Update soon please!
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