Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect
And this would make post numero 800 for the RT!
Katie, I'm glad you had five chapters to wake up to.

I suppose that could be a great way to start off the day! And the whole porn thing....Yeah Anni and Delko have been hanging out WAY too much.
Hehe, Stetler having the coconuts fall on his head. *giggles*
I'm Down
Lounge, 6 pm
Lori: *eating cookies*
Carly: Should we have...Not given her so much cookies?
Jess: Relax, no one will know.
Carly: We'll know.
Jess: So? We were eating cookies too.
Carly: *rolls eyes*
Lori: *puts down cookie* ...
Carly: What's the matter?
Lori: Sick.
Carly: *sigh* See what you did Jess? You made her sick.
Jess: It was her fault.
Lori: *lays on couch*
Carly: Great, what are we supposed to tell Katie?
Jess: How about...We are not leagally responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Carly: This isn't a school bus, it's a human being you knob.
Jess: Well sorry.
Carly: Are you okay Lori?
Lori: *holds stomach*
Carly: *frowns at Jess*
Jess: You could have stopped her.
Carly: You're going to have to go tell Speed.
Jess: Why? Why can't you do it?
Carly: I'd rather not be shot.
Jess: Oh thanks, so make me go tell him.
Carly: Relax, he's probably so busy with evidence he won't even care that much. Plus kids get sick all the time.
Jess: He's scary when he's mad.
Carly: He's not going to kill you.
Jess: He's going to come after me with a metal pipe and bash me over the head.
Carly: So run and tell Katie.
Jess: Oh yeah I can see that conversation now. "Oh my God Katie your husband is trying to crack me over the head with a metal pipe. Oh please oh please protect me."
Carly: There you go.
Jess: ...That was sarcasm.
Carly: *pushes Jess* Go tell him.
Jess: Don't push me.
Lori pukes on the floor
Jess: *screams* IT'S THE EXORCIST!
Carly: *grabs Jess* Go tell him.
Jess: Why can't I tell Katie?
Carly: Just go! *pushes Jess*
Trace lab, five minutes later
Jess: *peaks in the door*
Speed: *writing things down*
Jess: *hides behind door*
Speed: *grabs pipette*
Jess: *peeks in, clears throat*
Speed: *looks up*
Jess: *knocks on door frame* You busy?
Speed: *looks down at table* Yeah.
Jess: Oh sorry, I'll come back tomorrow. *walks away*
Speed: Wait! Get back here Wyoming, I don't bite.
Jess: *walks back in* I have a name. So what are you workin' on?
Speed: What do you need?
Jess: Nothing.
Speed: Obviously you need something.
Jess: Maybe I have needs.
Speed: * stands up, opens GCMS* Nice try.
Jess: Uh...How would you feel if hypothetically, your hypothetical daughter, got hypothetically sick, from too many hypothetical cookies, and is hypothetically barfing everywhere?
Speed: *turns around, walks back to table* And...Who gave her these 'hypothetical' cookies?
Jess: ...Carly.
Speed: *frowns*
Jess: I did, I'M SORRY! *clings to Speed's arm* SPARE ME, KILL THE AUSTRALIAN!
Speed: Excuse me.
Jess: *lets go*
Speed: *takes off lab coat*
Jess: Did I ever tell you how hot you looked in those?
Speed: *takes off latex gloves*
Jess: You're going to crack me over the head with a metal pipe aren't you?
Speed: Let's take a walk.
Jess: ...Why?
Speed: Come on.
Jess: Great, you're going to take me out to the Glades and murder me.
Speed: Move.
Jess: Fine.
Lounge, five minutes later
Carly: *looks up* You're...Back...
Jess: *runs, hides behind Carly*
Speed: *looks down at Lori* I don't care who gave her the junk, just get a mop before Horatio finds out.
Jess: You're not going to kill us?
Speed: Personally, I'd be more worried about Katie.
Carly: Really?
Speed: Have you seen her freak out?
Carly: Okay okay okay...So what do we do?
Speed: I'll take care of the kid, you take care of the mess.
Jess: *salutes*
Speed: *sits on couch* Lori?
Lori: *looks up at Speed*
Speed: *strokes Lori's head* You okay?
Lori: *closes eyes*
Speed: Okay. Jess, there's a blanket in Horatio's office. Go and get it.
Jess: Me, go into H's office?
Speed: He's not here.
Jess: Fine but if I get in trouble for breaking and entering, it's your fault.
Carly: Here, I found a garbage can.
Speed: Thanks.
Carly: So what do we do now?
Speed: Just keep an eye on her, she'll be fine.
Carly: Are you kidding me? I don't know what to do. What if she dies?
Speed: *stands* Will you calm down?
Carly: *sigh* I'm sorry. So what about Katie?
Speed: I'll tell her.
Carly: What if she kills you?
Speed: If she kills me, you girls are on your own. *winks*
Carly: HA.
Speed: I have to get back to work. *leaves*
Jess: *runs in* I GOT IT!
Carly: What, you want a medal now?
Jess: If you had one, sure.