CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspects

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Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks guys! :D

And I actually wasn't listening to that song when I was writing the chapter, but I am now. :p

My Pretty One


Katie: You wouldn't hurt her right?

Speed: I don't know what you mean. I'm very gentle with her.

Katie: *frowns*

Knock on door

Katie: *walks away*

Speed: *grabs Katie*

Katie: What has gotten into you?

Speed: Let me answer it.

Katie: *looks at door* ...*sigh* Fine.

Speed: Thank you babe. *walks to door*

Katie: *lifts brow*

Speed: *opens door*

Horatio: *takes off shades* Everything okay over here?

Speed: Everything's fine.

Horatio: *steps in door* May I come in?

Speed: Sure.

Horatio: *walks in* Katie, everything alright?

Katie: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *crosses arms*

Katie: Uh...No, no everything's fine.

Horatio: Are you sure?

Katie: Mhm.

Horatio: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: Alright. If you have any problems, call me.

Katie: I will.

Horatio: Okay. Speed?

Speed: *lifts brows*

Horatio: ...Take it easy.

Speed: Sure.

Horatio: *nods* Good. I'll see you two tomorrow. *leaves*

Speed: *closes door* I thought you would have said something.

Katie: Like what? You haven't done anything wrong.

Speed: I know.

Katie: You want to tell me what got into you?

Speed: I uh...*clears throat* I...Had a couple of drinks.

Katie: How many?

Speed: ...Four.

Katie: Um...Why?

Speed: *sigh* I don't know. It was stupid.

Katie: You're drunk.

Speed: No.

Katie: Yeah, you are.

Speed: So what, you want me to walk a line, and touch my nose?

Katie: I want you to tell me what posessed your idiot mind to drink.

Speed: Things between us have been a little...Rough lately.

Katie: Yeah? And you think getting drunk at 5 o'clock at night is appropriate, considering we have a child?

Speed: *shakes head* No.

Katie: *puts down Lori* Yeah whatever you say.

Speed: You're not happy and no matter what I do, nothing is ever good enough for you.

Katie: So you think coming home hammered is really going to solve the problem. Why thank you Tim, what a nice present. I'm even HAPPIER now.

Speed: I'm not hammered.

Katie: No you just threatened to hurt me and my child because...You're screwed up.

Speed: Uh, your child? You're not the one who picked her up from the sitter's.




Speed: SHE'S FINE!


Speed: NO!



Lori: *crying*

Katie/Speed: *look at Lori*

Lori: *hides behind chair*

Katie: *sigh* Way to go.

Speed: Yeah I was the only one yelling Katie.

Katie: Shut up. *picks up Lori* Come here you.

Lori: *hugs Katie*

Speed: *frowns*

Katie: *sigh* ...Okay how are we going to fix this?

Speed: I don't know.

Lori: *looks at Speed* ...*sniff* Meany.

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Katie: Just...Don't do it again.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: *kisses Speed* ...I'll go make dinner.

Speed: Yeah.

Katie: *walks away*

Speed: *sigh*
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Hahaha I swear I love Tatie. We fight for like a whole two seconds. lol. Speed....drivnig drunk? You would think he would have more common sense then that. Especially with Lori in the car.

Lori: *looks at Speed* ...*sniff* Meany.
Ok, I laughed, and said awww at the same time when I read that. Poor Speed probably thinks his daughter hates him. And poor Lori, she's not getting a very good image of her father yet. Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect


I Can Know Your Love

Apartment, 9 pm, Lori's room

Katie: *sits on bed* Alright, time to sleep.

Lori: *pulls off covers* No.

Katie: *puts covers back on* Yes.

Lori: *pulls covers off* No.

Katie: *sigh* Come on, you need sleep.

Lori: *shakes head*

Katie: I let you stay up long enough. It's time for sleep.

Lori: *throws pillow on floor* No!

Katie: *grabs pillow* You can't stay up all night.

Lori: *crosses arms*

Speed: *standing in doorway* Having trouble?

Katie: No.

Speed: *walks in* Well no wonder. She's just like her mother.

Katie: Funny.

Speed: I'll take care of it.

Katie: *stands* What makes you think she'll listen to you?

Speed: She hasn't listened to you either.

Katie: *rolls eyes*

Speed: Go.

Katie: Fine. *leaves*

Speed: *sits on bed*

Katie: *stands in doorway, peeks in*

Speed: *covers Lori*

Lori: *yanks covers off*

Speed: You're going to stay up forever?

Lori: *nods*

Speed: Alright, but you're going to have to be punished by the tickle monster.

Lori: NO! *giggles*

Katie: *smiles*

Lori: *laughing* NO DADDY!

Speed: *covers Lori* You going to sleep now?

Lori: *lays down* Uh huh. *giggles*

Speed: Good. *kisses Lori's cheek*

Lori: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *blinks*

Lori: Night daddy.

Speed: *sits up* Goodnight.

Lori: *closes eyes*

Speed: *stands, walks to door*

Katie: *claps*

Speed: *closes door* You're welcome.

Katie: *wraps arms around Speed* You're not going to sleep on the couch are you?

Speed: Why?

Katie: Well I was kind of hoping you wouldn't leave me all alone tonight.

Speed: *smirks* Why would I do that?

Katie: Oh I don't know. Maybe you think I'm mad at you.

Speed: You don't seem mad.

Katie: *smiles* I can be very misleading.

Speed: Yeah sure you can.

Katie: *sigh* Fine, don't believe me. *walks away*

Speed: *shakes head*

Inside Lori's room, the window opens slowly....

Lori: *opens eyes*

Wind blows inside room

Lori: *sits up, looks at window*

Speed/Katie's room

Katie: Oh cool we have a tv in here. *flips channels*

Speed: Are you going to do that all night?

Katie: Well until I find something good to watch.

Speed: There's never anything good to watch.

Katie: Sure there is.

Speed: Name one thing.

Katie: Movies.

Speed: That's not a channel.

Katie: Yes it is. It's a movie channel.

Screams are heard

Speed: *looks at door*

Katie: *gets out of bed*

Speed: *grabs gun*

Lori's room

Speed: *runs in*

Lori: *stops screaming*

Katie: *runs in* What's going on?

Lori: *points to window*

Speed: *runs to window* There's no one here.

Katie: Lori, who did you see?

Lori: *pulls blanket over face*

Katie: ...Who did you see?

Lori: *whispers* The monster.

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Katie: Did it come in here?

Lori: *shakes head*

Speed: *closes window* Well the 'monster' left prints, so I'll dust them.

Katie: Good idea.

Lori: *hugs Katie*

Katie: Aw, it's okay.

Lori: *hides face*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

shit Happens Lori, keep screaming, they will hear you and stop ! :D
and... there comes the God, *knock-knock* *white, bright light* *singing* 'isss everrrything oook heeerrre? ' ... good, because it's not my workday :lol:

LOL! :D anyway, great updates! ;) i just feel like that----> :lol: yeah, yeah that fu-- nutty cake! :lol:

^^ CUT IT OUT! ^^
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

We just can't catch a break can we? lol. But awww I love how Lori refered to the person as a "monster" so cute. lol.

Katie: Well I was kind of hoping you wouldn't leave me all alone tonight.

Speed: *smirks* Why would I do that?

Katie: Oh I don't know. Maybe you think I'm mad at you.

Speed: You don't seem mad.

Katie: *smiles* I can be very misleading.

Speed: Yeah sure you can.
Teehee, awwww that was really cute and i don't nkow why.

Speed: Alright, but you're going to have to be punished by the tickle monster.

Lori: NO! *giggles*

Katie: *smiles*

Lori: *laughing* NO DADDY!
Aww Tim and Lori are so cute.

But hmm...I wonder who the "Monster" was. Update soon please.
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Monster? of course Wubba! ... gosh it's so wierd...Speed daddy, .. Dad. Daddy. Papa.. Grandpa.. ups too far! :lol:

off topic:*thinking* what is that fu-- song? title: sunset, but i feel like i am in Korea :D
don't listen in me, here is too hot so there is problems with my body temp :lol:
Keep up a good work!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Grandpa? Whoa I wouldn't go that far yet. :lol:

Hold Me Now...

Miami Lab, 10 am

Layout room

Horatio: *looks up from table*

Speed: *walks in* Sorry I'm late. Lori needed to use the little girl's room.

Lori: *waves shyly*

Horatio: Couldn't find a sitter?

Speed: Actually, we would rather she not stay with strangers today.

Horatio: We, meaning you and Katie.

Speed: Yeah.

Horatio: Is everything alright between you two?

Speed: Can Lori stay here today?

Horatio: Sure. As long as she doesn't get in the way.

Speed: She won't. What are you working on?

Horatio: The case. It turns out the same man who owned the vehicle in Yelina's case, lived in Coconut Grove.

Speed: So we're all on the same case.

Horatio: It looks that way.

Speed: Have you tracked down the guy?

Horatio: We're still looking.

Lori: *points to table*

Speed: *sits Lori on table*

Lori: *eats cookies*

Horatio: Come take a look at this.

Speed: *walks over* It looks like a piece of metal.

Horatio: That's because it is a piece of metal.

Speed: Okay, from what?

Horatio: It's part of a helicopter blade.

Speed: ...Helicopter. Didn't Ramirez' copter take off after the explosion?

Horatio: Mhm.

Speed: So someone shot it down?

Horatio: That would explain the bullet hole here.

Speed: Someone knew Ramirez was flying overhead, shot the chopper....You think it was the same guy who shot the fifteen year old kid?

Horatio: Same caliber bullet was used.

Lori: *grabs pen*

Speed: Alright so we're looking for the same guy.

Horatio: It appears so.

Speed: Carly found blood in the truck. The DNA matches the fifteen year old victim.

Lori: *starts clicking the pen*

Horatio: *looks at Lori* Okay so run the bullets through IBIS.

Speed: Will do.

Lori: *looks through microscope*

Horatio: *smirks*

Speed: *walks over, grabs Lori*

Lori: *cross-eyed*

Speed: Come on, you get to hang out in the lounge for a while.

Lori: *eats cookie*

Speed: Is it alright if I leave?

Horatio: Go ahead.

Speed: Thanks. *leaves*

Horatio: *looks down at table*

Stetler: *walks in, looks back* Cute kid.

Horatio: Aren't they all.

Stetler: This case has taken up the entire lab.

Horatio: Yes, when it involves a missing officer, things tend to prioritize around here.

Stetler: You don't get paid to investigate one case at a time.

Horatio: Talk to the Union Rep.

Stetler: She was murdered last year. Tallahasee is investigating the case, because you can't be bothered.

Horatio: When I have the budget Rick...

Stetler: You have the budjet.

Horatio: So you take care of the money now too? Wow Rick you're a one-man band.

Stetler: Assign cases. *leaves*


Speed: *sits Lori down* Can you girls watch her?

Jess: *watching tv* Uh huh.

Carly: *eating popcorn* Mhm.

Speed: *turns off tv*

Jess: HEY!

Carly: We were watching that!

Speed: Can you pay attention?

Carly: Fine.

Speed: I need you girls to take care of her.

Carly: Why?

Speed: Because I said so.

Carly: That's a dumb answer.

Speed: I'll pay you.

Carly: My going rate is three hundred dollars for the first hour, and six hundred for every additional hour.

Speed: *frowns*

Carly: Fine, fifty bucks.

Speed: Deal.

Jess: Can I have money too?

Speed: Yes, you can both have money. Just make sure she's safe.

Jess: Where's Katie?

Speed: She's in Ballistics testing some guns.

Jess: Ah man, I want to do that.

Speed: This is your job today.

Jess: Fine but if she breaks anything, its your fault.

Speed: Just don't kill her.

Carly: *salutes*

Speed: *leaves*

Carly: Hey Lori want some more cookies?

Lori: *smiles* Yup.


Speed: *knocks on window*

Katie: *puts down gun* Come on in.

Speed: *walks in, wraps arms around Katie* Hey.

Katie: *smiles* Hey.

Speed: *kisses Katie on the cheek* Having fun?

Katie: Well I am now.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: Did you need anything?

Speed: Just you.

Katie: How charming. Except I need to get this finished.

Speed: You have plenty of time for that.

Katie: H will kill me.

Speed: Nah, he'll just put on his shades and stare into nothing.

Katie: *laughs*

Speed: *kisses Katie's neck*

Katie: Tim, not here.

Speed: *lifts head*

Katie: *turns around* I need to get this done.

Speed: *sigh* Alright.

Katie: But hold that thought.

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: *smiles*

Speed: I have something for you.

Katie: Really.

Speed: *holds out bag*

Katie: Bullets. Wonderful.

Speed: H wants them processed.

Katie: I'll get right on it.

Speed: Good. Don't accidentally shoot yourself.

Katie: *slaps Speed, laughs* Yeah right. Get out.

Speed: See you later. *leaves*

Katie: *shakes head*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Speed: Yeah. Garbage is what you're usually listening to in the lab while you work. Rubble, is the crime scene that you so eagerly volunteered to help me with.
That sounds like Something Speed would say...it also sounds like something that would be said to Greg in Vegas!
Delko: *laughs* I'll take my chances with Missy.
I'll take that!!! :D I loved that, and the alligator, people do keep the stragest pets... :D :D
Katie: *sigh* I should have married Eric.
ACK! No! you can't have him! *clings*
Carly: My going rate is three hundred dollars for the first hour, and six hundred for every additional hour.
Aww... you love her too much to charge that much money.
Speed: Nah, he'll just put on his shades and stare into nothing.
*bursts into fit of giggles*
That was so great! Loved it lots!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Thanks! *hugs for everyone*

I'll have more a little later. :)

EDIT: I'd consider this to be later. :p

Ready Fuels

Interrogation room

Delko: *puts down folder*

Ed: That's my truck. Someone stole it.

Delko: Well we found it for you. It's in our garage.

Ed: Good, when can I have it back?

Delko: It's evidence in an ongoing investigation, so we're keeping it for a little while.

Ed: My truck was involved in a crime?

Delko: Do you own a gun?

Ed: It's Miami. Everyone owns a gun.

Delko: Did you lose it?

Ed: No.

Delko: Good. We're going to need a key for your house.

Ed: Don't you need a warrant for stuff like that?

Delko: Yeah if you want your house locked up with evidence tape for ten years.

Ed: ...Fine. *places key on table*

Delko: Thanks for your help.


Carly: Hey Looooorrrrrrriiiiiii.....*jumps up from behind couch* BOO!

Lori: *giggles*

Jess: *grabs Lori* WEEEEEEEEE!

Lori: *laughing*

Jess: *puts down Lori*

Lori: *turns around, smiles*

Jess: *grabs watergun* I'm gonna getcha!

Carly: Don't get me wet.

Lori: *points watergun at Jess*

Jess: Pfft, you won't get me. *runs*

Lori: HEE! *runs, spraying water*


Jess: My bad.

Lori: *hides behind couch*

Jess: *stops running* Hmm...Now where did she go?

Carly: *smirks*

Jess: Uh oh, I think I might have lost her.

Lori: *covers mouth, giggles*

Jess: *gasp* Did she dissapear? *walks around couch*

Lori: *runs around couch, peeks over*

Jess: Ooooh she's GONE!

Lori: Teehee.

Jess: Uh oh, I heard a noise.

Lori: *covers mouth*

Jess: ...Is she behind....HERE? *looks around*

Lori: *crawls around front of couch*

Carly: *shakes head*

Jess: Now where did she go. I'm going to have to put an APB out on her. *runs around couch* THERE YOU A-

Lori: *sprays Jess from behind*

Jess: AH! *falls down*

Lori: *laughing*

Jess: *rubs butt* Ow that hurt.

Carly: Wow a two year old outsmarted you. Now that's low.

Jess: Shut up.

Carly: Give me some love!

Lori: *lifts hand*

Lori/Carly high-five

Carly: HA.

Jess: You guys are out to get me. I swear.

AV Lab

Speed: Hey Tyler.

Tyler: Hey.

Speed: Can you run these prints for me?

Tyler: Sure, what case?

Speed: Uh...It's kind of a secret.

Tyler: Does Lieutenant Caine know about it?

Speed: Sure.

Tyler: Great, I'll run them right away.

Speed: Page me with the results.

Tyler: No problem.

Speed: Thanks man. *leaves*


Delko: Hey, you want to come with me to search Ed Peters' house?

Speed: For what?

Delko: A gun.

Speed: What did he say about his truck?

Delko: He said it was stolen.

Speed: Does he know about the fifteen year old kid?

Delko: Nah.

Speed: Okay, well *looks up*

Katie walking down the hall

Speed: I'll uh...Catch up with you later.

Delko: Sure. *walks away*

Speed: Hey you.

Katie: *smiles* Hey.

Speed: I gave Tyler the prints I got from Lori's window.

Katie: Great.

Speed: *nods*

Katie: *stares at Speed*

Speed: *moves hair from Katie's face*

Katie: *blushes*

Speed: *smirks*

Horatio: *walks over* Hey Speed, did you order some prints to be processed?

Speed: *clears throat* Yeah, I gave some to Tyler.

Horatio: Why?

Speed: Uh...Someone tried to break into our apartment last night.

Horatio: Did you see who it was?

Speed: No.

Horatio: Okay. In the future, let me know about it before you have the lab run tests.

Speed: No problem.

Horatio: *nods* You busy?

Speed: I was about to meet Eric at our suspect's house to check for a gun.

Horatio: Okay.

Speed: See you guys later. *winks*

Katie: *smirks*

Speed: *leaves*

Horatio: So are you two alright?

Katie: Me and Tim?

Horatio: Yeah.

Katie: We're fine.

Horatio: You didn't sound fine last night.

Katie: It was...Just a misunderstanding.

Horatio: Many misunderstandings can lead to murder.

Katie: He'd never hurt me.

Horatio: Maybe not intentionally.

Katie: Look, I appreciate your concern but we're fine.

Horatio: Has he ever hurt Lori?

Katie: As far as I know, he's been an exceptional father.

Horatio: As far as you know?

Katie: I'm not with him all the time.

Horatio: Alright, that's fair.

Katie: *smiles* Don't worry about us.

Horatio: *nods* Okay. You run those bullets through IBIS?

Katie: Yeah. The gun isn't in the system.

Horatio: Okay thank you.

Katie: *leaves*

Horatio: Ma'am.

Yelina: Got an ID on the fifteen year old kid. Brent Matthews didn't show up to school yesterday, his parents called the police department.

Horatio: Any connection to Peters?

Yelina: None so far.

Horatio: So what was he doing in that car?

Yelina: Maybe he knew the person who stole the vehicle. Assuming Peters is telling the truth.

Horatio: My guys are out looking for his gun now.

Yelina: ...I hear Stetler has been talking to you.

Horatio: So that's what IAB is calling it these days.

Yelina: Are you involved with someone in the lab?

Horatio: *looks down at cell phone* She's actually not in the lab.

Yelina: Horatio...

Horatio: You know how bad this looks, and I know how bad this looks so I'm not going to assist IAB in any way. They'll have to go hunting for themselves.

Yelina: And what if I tell them?

Horatio: That's your decision.

Yelina: I've never really liked talking to IAB.

Horatio: *smirks*

Yelina: I'll see you later.

Horatio: Likewise.

Yelina: *leaves*

Horatio: *puts on shades*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

TEEHEE! AWWW Lori is so adorable! Those were some awesome chapters...so lets see how much I can remember from the chapters I read a few minutes ago:

Me go out with Eric? whats going on in that RT mind of yours Geni?

*gasp* Who is the monster? hmmmmm *thinks*

and AWWWW me and Jess babysitting little Lori...and Lori managed to outsmart Jess :lol:...awww

and YAY! The return of Ricky the Racoon and Stringbean? well, you certainly know how to make my day :D

please update soon
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Jess: Where's Katie?

Speed: She's in Ballistics testing some guns.

Jess: Ah man, I want to do that.
Geni how did you know I want to work in ballistics? lol I'm even considering taking physics in high school to jump start it, even though it's the hardest class for sciences..............*sigh*

Awwww! Lori! haha I WANT ONE! lol hahaha I don't care, she can outsmart me all she wants, she'll still be the cutest little thing! And Carly..........just wait..........you'll be next :lol: Just kiddin, love ya <3

OMG Geni, you had me worried there for a while when Horatio came to check up on them, I thought Speed was going to do something he would regret later, but he didn't :D. Awesome updates, you're my hero.......and the greatest French tutor ever! lol btw........that sentence meant that "he tried to balance his pleasures during his revisions" ........she translated it right away and I was like. 0.0

Update soon! :D........please (I don't like to forget my manners :p)
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

"he tried to balance his pleasures during his revisions"

Whoa, that sentence sounds risqué. Okay that would be the dirty part of my mind talking. :p But anywho, I'm glad I could help somewhat, even though that sentence boggled my mind. :lol:

And Carly with Delko...For some reason they just strike me as a good couple. - No disrespect to Missy. There is so much time for anything to happen, and I don't like to dissapoint. ;)

As for Speed and his...Creeperness (if that's even a word), we probably haven't seen the last of it...But it probably won't be directed at Katie anymore.

I'm Alive But I'm Alone

Ed Peters' House

Delko: So you think this guys owns a gun?

Speed: It's Miami. Everyone owns a gun.

Delko: Ha, yeah. *opens drawers*

Speed: *opens closet*

Delko: This guy certainly likes to live in his own filth.

Speed: He just moved here from the bomb damage. Let the guy settle in a little.

Delko: You're defending him?

Speed: No, his lawyer gets to do that.

Delko: *nods*

Speed: *grabs shoebox*

Delko: You find something?

Speed: Yeah. *opens box* ...

Delko: What?

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *looks at box, laughs* Porn?

Speed: Not your average porn.

Delko: They look...Real.

Speed: What kind of crazy-ass porn do you watch?

Delko: No, it looks like real girls posing. Not magazines.

Speed: *looks down at box, picks up picture*

Delko: *tilts head*

Speed: *looks closer*

Delko: *smirks* You want to put that full screen at the lab?

Speed: *frowns* No, she has bruises all over her face.

Delko: Which face?

Speed: ...Eric.

Delko: Yeah, I get it.

Speed: She doesn't look any older than...Fifteen, sixteen maybe.

Delko: Our vic wasn't much older than fifteen.

Speed: Maybe we have some more victims in this box.

Delko: Yeah.

Speed: *looks around closet*

Delko: ...Do you and Katie ever watch porn?

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: Together?

Speed: Stay out of my marriage.

Delko: I'm just sayin'. It would spice things up.

Speed: We are not having this conversation.

Delko: Why not?

Speed: Because it's inappropriate.

Delko: That's my middle name.

Speed: I've noticed.

Delko: Come on, do you?

Speed: No.

Delko: Why not?

Speed: *kneels down* Hey check it out.

Delko: *shines flashlight* Is that a gun?

Speed: *picks up gun* 9 mil.

Delko: Our vic was shot with a .22

Speed: Then this isn't our gun.

Delko: And he isn't our suspect. I guess he was telling the truth.

Speed: Well not necessarily.

Delko: Why?

Speed: Is it normal for a guy to have a shoebox full of pictures of naked under-aged girls in them?

Delko: No.

Speed: So we can still hold him.

Delko: It's not like we can track down every girl in those photographs.

Speed: It's still against the law.

Delko: Alright fine so we hold him for 48 hours. Then what?

Speed: Then we figure out why his vehicle was used in a murder.

Delko: *nods*

Speed: *looks through closet*

Delko: *shines light around room* You love her right?

Speed: Who?

Delko: Katie.

Speed: Wow you are just full of dumb questions today.

Delko: So do you still love Calleigh?

Speed: No.

Delko: That was a quick answer.

Speed: Yeah that tends to happen when I already know what to say.

Delko: I bet Calleigh would watch porn with you.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: What?

Speed: You and Anni would make a perfect pair.

Delko: Ha ha funny. Ah man Speed, did you blow a honker in here because it smells like a sewer.

Speed: I'm not even going to pretend you just said that to me.

Delko: It reeks in here.

Speed: *stands, looks around* Smells like blood.

Delko: Oh, my bad.

Speed: *walks around*

Delko: *follows*

Speed: It's coming from the garage.

Delko: So go in.

Speed: You go in.

Delko: You smelled it.

Speed: No you smelled it. I identified it.

Delko: All the more reason why you should go in.

Speed: *opens door*

Delko: Whoa, someone let her rip.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Delko: Hey is that a person?

Speed: *walks over*

Delko: Naked dead woman in this guy's garage.

Speed: Yeah I think that means you can hold him a little longer now.

Delko: She looks like one of those girls in the pictures.

Speed: *shines light* Yeah.

Delko: What's she doing out here?

Speed: I don't know Sherlock, figure it out.

Delko: It's your job too.

Speed: *sigh* Call Horatio.

Delko: Don't tell me what to do.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: Fine..*gets out phone*

Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Delko: Ha ha funny. Ah man Speed, did you blow a honker in here because it smells like a sewer.
HAHA I laughed so hard at that and I don't know why.......haha too much chocolate at the Olive Garden. We had a chocolate gelato and a mousse cake, that was really really sweet so I'm on a bit of a sugar high haha.

Poor Speed has to play 20 questions with Eric haha and whoa.......I just drew the connection between Anni and Delko haha I'm a little slow, sorry lol. Great update Geni, I'm off to bed, hopefully I won't wake up at 1:30pm again 0.0 I slept 13 hours yesterday.......
G'night Geni!
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Okay wow comes home to five updates love it.... hahaha Yelina doesn't want to tell IAB bout me and H lol
Re: CSI:Miami: RT #5- In God We Trust-All Others Are Suspect

Glad you liked the five updates. :D

Take Me To A Place

Miami Lab, Ballistics, 3 pm

Delko: Hey we have a gun.

Speed: And you have a gun lab.

Katie: *smiles* It's a ballistics lab. *grabs gun* Thank you boys.

Delko: No problem.

Katie: *checks gun out*

Delko: Have you been in here all day?

Katie: Pretty much. I had to file paperwork.

Delko: Sounds fun.

Katie: Oh it was oodles.

Delko: Do you watch porn?

Katie: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Why did you look at me?

Katie: Because Eric asked and you're still standing here.

Speed: I didn't tell him anything.

Katie: Eric, no one here watches porn except for maybe Anni.

Delko: Yeah but don't you think it would spice your love life up?

Katie: No. It would be wierd.

Speed: See? Eric has proved he's always wrong.

Katie: *laughs*

Outside lab

JC: Is there a reason you called me here?

Horatio: *takes off shades, looks at ground* I needed to see you.

JC: Well if you needed to see me so bad, why aren't you looking at me?

Horatio: *looks at JC*

JC: *sigh* I think my heart just stopped. That's a good thing right?

Horatio: *smirks*

JC: So what did you need to see me about?

Horatio: How was your day?

JC: ...Fine. I slept, got up and ate, and then slept some more.

Horatio: Good. That's good.

JC: ...There is a point to this conversation right?

Horatio: *holds JC's hand* You're amazing.

JC: Ha...Haha...

Horatio: You want to go grab some dinner?

JC: I would love to.

Horatio: *smiles* Excellent.

JC: *smiles*

Stetler: *from behind a tree* Hmmm...That's devious...

Coconut falls out of tree, hits Stetler in the head, and knocks him out

Ballistics lab

Katie: *writing things down*

Delko: Well I have to head out, I've got some things to take care of.

Speed: See you later.

Delko: Yeah you too. *leaves*

Speed: *walks over*

Katie: *smiles*

Speed: *sits down*

Katie: You're staring at me.

Speed: I know.

Katie: *looks up at Speed*

Speed: You're beautiful.

Katie: *smirks* Stop it.

Speed: It's true.

Katie: Okay what do you want and how much is it going to cost?

Speed: I want your happiness.

Katie: Hmm...I don't think you have enough in your account for that.

Speed: Funny.

Katie: I am happy.

Speed: *sigh*

Katie: ...What?

Speed: *hugs Katie*

Katie: Uh...Okay. *hugs Speed*

Speed: I love you.

Katie: ...You're not going to die are you?

Speed: *lets go* No.

Katie: Okay good.

Speed: See you later. *leaves*

Katie: ...I don't understand that man.

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